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Job or money? Would you quit your job if you didn’t need the money?In a 1990 poll by t

Job or money?

Would you quit your job if you didn’t need the money?In a 1990 poll by the Gallop Organization,many people said quitting work was an imprtant reason to be rich.Yet researchers find that work is one of life’s chief satisfactions for people.

Consider W.Berry Fowler.In 1979,Fowler started a tutoring company that became so successful he was able to sell out and retire in 1978一a multimillionaire at 40. He bought a 50-foot cabin cruiser(可住宿的游艇)and a house in Hawaii,and busied himself vacationing.

But after five years of perpetual vacation,nower began to miss the challenges of work.So in 1992,he bought a fitness chain for children and now spends 75 hours a week immersed in balance sheets and staff meetings.“My best days on the golf course weren’t half as much fun as a good day at the office.”he says.

A job,studies show,is more than a paycheck.Doing something Well can increase confidence and self—worth.When sociologist H.Ray Kaplan surveyed 139 lottery(彩票)millionaires,he discovered 60 percent continued working at least a year after they’d won.

If jobs are so important,wouldn’t salary size be a gauge(标准尺)of job satisfaction?Americans think so.A survey conducted last year by Roper Starch Worldwide,Inc.,found that almost 70 percent of the respondents said they would be happier if their families had twice as much household income.Yet studies show that job satisfaction comes less from how much people earn than from the challenge of their jobs and the control they are able to exert.work that doesn’t engage a person will never seem rewarding,no matter how lucative(有理可图的)it becomes.

第 8 题 The Gallop poll shows many people want to be rich in order not to work.



C.Not mentioned

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更多“Job or money? Would you quit y…”相关的问题
If the government guaranteed that anyone wishing a job would be provided one, the likely r
esult would be______.

A.massive layoffs

B.an increase in the money supply

C.an increase in inflationary expectations

D.the development of a barter system

All of the following are possible effects living longer might have on working life EXC

A) Communication between employers and employees would be more difficult.

B) More money would be used by employees in payment of their employees.

C) The job market Would be more competitive.

D) It would be more difficult for young people to be promoted to top positions.

A.She might get a good job later.B.She could stay at a hotel at a discount.C.She might

A.She might get a good job later.

B.She could stay at a hotel at a discount.

C.She might be able to get course credits for her work.

D.It would give her a chance to make a lot of money immediately.

A.She might get a good job later.B.She could stay at a hotel at a discount.

A.She might get a good job later.

B.She could stay at a hotel at a discount.

C.It would give her a chance to make a lot of money immediately.

D.She might be able to get course credits for her work.

All of the following are possible effects living longer might have on working lif

A.Coumnmication between employers and employees would be more difficult.

B.More money would be used by employees in payment of their employees.

C.The job market would be more competitive.

D.It would be more difficult for young people to be promoted to top positions.

听力原文:W: You've had a part-time job, haven't you?M: Yes, I have.W: Could you earn a lot

听力原文:W: You've had a part-time job, haven't you?

M: Yes, I have.

W: Could you earn a lot of money?

M: No, only a little.

W: Would you like to work this summer to make some extra money?

M: I think so.

What is the man going to do this summer?

A.Working to earn extra money.

B.Working for the coming exams.

C.He won't earn a little money.

听力原文:W: I certainly would like to buy the brown suit I saw in the department store, bu
t I don't have enough money.

M: Well, if you would budget your money more carefully, you would be able to buy it.

Q: How does the man feel about the woman?


A.She should be. careful about her money.

B.She should buy the brown suit.

C.She should find another job to make more money.

D.She shouldn't buy the brown suit.

听力原文:M: Hi, Wendy. What are you doing for summer break?W: (7/8) I would like to Italy

听力原文:M: Hi, Wendy. What are you doing for summer break?

W: (7/8) I would like to Italy and work at a restaurant in Florence. My uncle owns a restaurant and he will offer me a job for the summer.

M: That would be a wonderful summer.

W: Yes, I really want to go. The problem is my father had a heart attack three weeks ago. He is out of the hospital now, but he cannot do much around the house. So I need to help my mother. It is such a dilemma.

M: Yes, I could see that would be a very difficult decision...

W: What about you, Steven? What are your plans for the summer?

M: Well, I have a dilemma, too. I would love to go to Nepal and volunteer with a NGO that could require me to instruct local residents in engineering skills. However, If I do get accepted, I won't be making any money and I need money to return to university for my final year in September.

W: I can see your problem. Can't you borrow money from financial aid for your final year?

M: Probably, but I hate to start off with a lot of debt. Engineering fees are rising by 10 percent next year.

W: No, but if you have the opportunity to take an interesting job in Nepal, and be of service, I think that would be wonderful.

M: You are probably right. I appreciate your advice.

What is the main topic of the conversation?

A.How to have fun in summer.

B.How to make money during summer break.

C.How to keep the family business during summer break.

D.Tentative plans for summer break.

听力原文:My father was a very soft-spoken man, however, he had some very definite ideas ab

听力原文: My father was a very soft-spoken man, however, he had some very definite ideas about money and work. He believed that work was good for the soul and, besides, money could come in very handy. Papa also felt that the best way to get a job was to already have one.

As a teenager, I remember my father being delighted when my brother landed a job working for a major hamburger chain. My brother wasn't very happy about the job but desperately wanted the money necessary to buy his own ear. Although the position was as unglamorous as they come, my father felt that it was a good beginning. He believed that if you had a job, it would show other employers that you are worth hiring.

Even to this day, I never resign a position until I am offered another one. Papa's wise counsel has helped me to be gainfully employed ever since I graduated from college. Although papa died a few years ago,' his wisdom will be passed on to generation upon generation.


A.He was indifferent to his job.

B.He was happy about his job.

C.He was unhappy about his job.

D.He was satisfied with his job.

听力原文:M: Hi, Wendy. What are you doing for summer break?W: I would like to Italy and wo

听力原文:M: Hi, Wendy. What are you doing for summer break?

W: I would like to Italy and work at a restaurant in Florence. My uncle owns a restaurant and he will offer me a job for the summer.

M: That would be a wonderful summer.

W: Yes, I really want to go. The problem is my father had a heart attack three weeks ago. He is out of the hospital now, but he cannot do much around the house. So I need to help my mother. It is such a dilemma.

M: Yes, I could see that would be a very difficult decision...

W: What about you, Steven? What are your plans for the summer?

M: Well, I have a dilemma, too. I would love to go to Nepal and volunteer with a NGO that could require me to instruct local residents in engineering skills. However, If I do get accepted, I won't be making any money and I need money to return to university for my final year in September.

W: I can see your problem. Can't you borrow money from financial aid for your final year?

M: Probably, but I hate to start off with a lot of debt. Engineering fees are rising by 10 percent next year.

W: No, but if you have the opportunity to take an interesting job in Nepal, and be of service, I think that would be wonderful.

M: You are probably right. I appreciate your advice.

What is the main topic of the conversation?

A.How to have fun in summer.

B.How to make money during summer break.

C.How to keep the family business during summer break.

D.Tentative plans for summer break.

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