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根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。 Margaret Sanger and Birth Control Margaret Sanger,an A

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Margaret Sanger and Birth Control

Margaret Sanger,an American nurse,was the first to start the modern birth control movement in the United States.In 1912 she__________(1)publishing information about women’s reproductive(生殖的)concerns through a rticles and books.In l914 Sanger was charged__________(2)violation of。the Comstock Law,which federal legislation had passed in l873 forbidding the mailing of sexy material__________ (3)information about birth control and contraceptive(避孕的)devices.Though she was put in jail for these activities,Sanger__________ (4)to publish and spread information about birth control.She and her sister Ethel Byrne openedthe first of several birth control clinics in America 0n 0ctober 16,1916,in Brooklyn,New York.

The Comstock Law was rewritten by Congress in 1936 to__________ (5)birth control information and devices.Many states had laws forbidding distribution or use of contraceptive devices but the constitutionality(合宪性)of these laws was increasingly__________(6).1n 1965,the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates ruledthat marriedpeople have the right to practice birth control without government intervention.In 1972,the court__________ (7)that unmarriedpeople have the same right.

Today there are more birth control options__________(8),but overpopulation and unwantedpregnancies remain worldwide__________ (9).Having more children than one can support may lead__________ (10)poverty, illness,and high death rates for babies,children,and women.

The problem of teenage pregnancy is__________ (11) worse in the UnitedStates__________ (12)in almost any other developedcountry.Studies show that birth rates for women under 20 are higher in the UnitedStates than in 29 0ther__________ (13)countries.

A detailedstudy suggestedthat the problem of teenage pregnancy in the UntiedStates may be __________ (14)to less sex education in schools and Lower availability(可获性)of contraceptive services and supplies to young people.This study__________ (15)the view of people in the UnitedStates who argue that sex education or making contraceptive supplies available to school-age children promotes sexual activity.

第 51 题



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根据下列文章,回答 51~55 题。 第 51 题 Why was Kohoutek referred to as“the comet of t

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根据下列文章,回答 51~55 题。 第 51 题 Why was Kohoutek referre

第 51 题 Why was Kohoutek referred to as“the comet of the century”?

根据下列文章,回答 51~55 题。 第 51 题 Why was Kohoutek referre

根据下列文章,回答 51~55 题。 第 51 题 The main idea of this passage is to

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根据下列文章,回答 51~55 题。 第 51 题 The main idea of this pa

根据下列文章,回答 51~55 题。 第 51 题 The main idea of this pa

第 51 题 The main idea of this passage is to

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根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。 The American Parnily In the American family the husban

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The American Parnily

In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision making. When the children are ____________ (1) enough, they take part as well. Foreigners are often surprised by the permissiveness (宽容) of American parents. ]he old rule that "children should be seen and not heard" is rarely ___________ (2), and children are often allowed to do ___________ (3) they wish without strict control of their parents. The father seldom expects his children to listen to him ___________ (4) question, and children are encouraged to be ___________ (5) at an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom ___________ (6) far. Others think that a strong father image would not ___________ (7) the American values of equality and independence. Because Americans emphasize the importance of independence, young people are expected to ___________ (8) their parental families by the time they haw ___________ (9) their late teens or early twenties. Indeed, not to do so is often regarded as a (10), a kind of weak dependence.

This pattern of independence often results in serious ___________ (11) for the aging parents of a small family. The average American is expected to live ___________ (12) the age of 70. The job-retirement age is ___________ (13) 65. The children have left home, married, and ___________ (14) their own households. At least 20 percent of all people over 65 do not have enough retirement incomes ____________ (15) the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic. They feel useless and lonely with neither an occupation nor a close family group.

第 51 题





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根据下列文章,回答 51~55 题。 第 51 题 The limited time and space which man occupies

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根据下列文章,回答 51~55 题。 第 51 题 The limited time and spa

第 51 题 The limited time and space which man occupies suggest, according to the paragraph,

根据下列文章,回答 51~55 题。 第 51 题 The limited time and spa

根据下列文章,请回答 51~55 题。 第 51 题 This passage could be entitled_____

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根据下列文章,请回答 51~55 题。 第 51 题 This passage could be e

第 51 题 This passage could be entitled_____

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根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。 Preferences Vary on Circumstancesof Dying Amongtermina

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Preferences Vary on Circumstancesof Dying

Amongterminally(晚期)ill people,attitudes differ on what they think constitutes a__________(1)orbad death,the results of a new study suggest.

Dr.ElizabethK.Vig of the University of Washington in Seattle and colleagues interviewed 26men with_________(2)heart disease or cancer.The men were asked to describe goodand bad deaths,and they also answered_______________(3)about their preferencesfor dying.

“In this small study.Terminally ill mendescribed good and bad deaths _________(4)。”Vig said.“They did not hold thesame views about such Issues ________ (5)the presence of others at the very endof life or preferred location of death.

Manyof the men considered________(6)in their sleep to be a good death.The reasonswere varied and included not_________(7)that death was imminent(即将发生的),and thatdeath would be painless.For close to half of the men,a prolonged(拖延的)death was___________(8)abad death.Some of the men associated a prolonged death with prolonged pain,_______(9)others thought a prolonged death would be difficult for their families.

Mostmen said that their_________(10)were very important to them,but this did not mean that they wanted relatives close atthe_________(11)of death."Valuii‘19 family did not als0___________(12)wantingfamily present at the very end of life。”Vig said.

“In fact,some expressed concerns_________(13)burdening loved ones,”Vig said.For instance.some men were worriedabout the emotional or_________(14)impact on their family members,according tothe Washington researcher.Some were worried _______(15)their need for carewould be a burden on their families,she said.

第 51 题





根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。 A Special Clock Every Living thing has what scientists

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A Special Clock

Every Living thing has what scientists call A biologiCal clock that controls behavior.The biologiCal clock___________(1)plants when to form. flowers and when the flowers should open.It tells insects when to __________ (2)the protective cocoon(防护卵袋)and.fly away,and it tells animals and.human beings when to eat sleep and wake.

Events outside the plant and.animal___________ (3) the actions of some biologiCal clocks.Scientists recently found,for example that A tiny animal changes the color of its fur because of the___________l4)of hours of daylight.In the short__________ (5)of winter, its fur becomes white。The’ fur becomes gray brown in__________(6)in the longer hours of daylight in summer.

Inner signals control other_______ (7)clocks.German scientists found.that some kind.of internal clock seems to order birds to begin their long migration_______ (8)twiCe each year.Birds _______(9) from flying become restless when it is time for the trip,___________(1O)they become calm again when the time of the flight has ended.

Scientists say they are beginning to Learn whiCh _______ (11)of the brain contain biologiCal clocks.An AmeriCan researcher, Martin Moorhead.said.A small group of cells near the front of the brain_______ (12)to control the timing of some of our actions.These_______ (13)tell A person when to wake,when to_______ (14)and.whel7ito seek food.Scientists say there probably are other biologiCal clock cells that_______ (15)other body activities.

第 51 题





根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。 Computers Before the widespread use of computers, mana

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Before the widespread use of computers, managers could not __________ (1) full use of large amounts of valuable information about a company's activities. The information either__________ (2) managers too late or was too expensive to be used. Today, managers are facing a wide__________ (3) of data processing and information instruments. Managers can draw on computer-based information systems to control__________ (4) in every area of their company. On any kinds of performance measures, the information provided by these systems helps managers compare standards__________ (5) actual results, find problems, and take proper action __________ (6) it is too late to make changes.

The __________ (7) of computerized (电脑化) information systems has sharply changed management control in many companies. Even a neighborhood shopkeeper

may now use computers to (8) sales, billing, and other activities.

Now, there are about 24 million microcomputers in (9) in the United States -- one for every 10 citizens. It is (11)that by 1996, 61 percent of American managers will be using some sort of electronic workstation. In order for managers to be sure that the computer-based information they are receiving is__________ (11), they need to understand how computers work. However, in most (12) they do not need to learn how to program computers. Rather, managers should understand how computerized information systems work; how they are__________ (13); their limitations and costs; and the manner in which information systems may be used.__________ (14) an understanding is not difficult to achieve.

One research found that business firms were more successful in teaching__________ (15) information about computers to business graduates than they were in teaching business subjects to computer science graduates.

第 51 题





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