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Why have retired people been coming to spend their last days in Florida?A.They can afford

Why have retired people been coming to spend their last days in Florida?

A.They can afford to do so on their pensions.

B.They are provided with a decent sum of pensions.

C.The food there is good for their health.

D.They can earn some extra money there.

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更多“Why have retired people been c…”相关的问题
Why do the words in the Primer all cluster together?A.To show the madness the black peo

Why do the words in the Primer all cluster together?

A.To show the madness the black people have to face

B.To indicate Pecola’s gradual descending into madness

C.To indicate the alienation of Pecola

D.To indicate the hardship that the black community has to face

What is the purpose of Professor McKays report?A.To look into the mental health of old peo

What is the purpose of Professor McKays report?

A.To look into the mental health of old people.

B.To explain why people have negative views on old age.

C.To help correct some false beliefs about old age.

D.To identify the various problems of old age.

Why may it happen in the future that people working in Europe will have to pay much higher

A.Because more and more children will be given birth.

B.Because they will earn more money.

C.Because they will have higher living standards.

D.Because the number of retired people will become even larger.

In Paragraph 3, the phrase "this need" refers toA.the need to prolong the lives of old peo

In Paragraph 3, the phrase "this need" refers to

A.the need to prolong the lives of old people.

B.the need to enrich the life of the retired people.

C.the need to build profit-making nursing homes.

D.the need to take care of a sick and weak person.

听力原文:When you take a walk in any of the cities in the West, you often see a lot of peo

听力原文: When you take a walk in any of the cities in the West, you often see a lot of people walking dogs. It is still true that dog is the most use fill and faithful animal in the world, but the reasons why people keep a dog have changed. In the old days people used to train dogs to protect themselves against attacks by other beasts. And later they came to realize that a dog was not only useful for protection but willing to obey his master. For example, when people used dogs for hunting, the dogs would not eat what was caught without permission. But now people in the city need not protect themselves against attacks of animals. Why do they keep dogs, then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery. But the most important reason is for companionship. For a child, a dog is his best friend when he was no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when they have no children. For old couples, a dog is also their child when their real children have grown up. So the main reason why people keep dogs has changed from protection to friendship.


A.For protection against other animals.

B.For protection against other dogs.

C.Just for fun.

D.For the purpose of guarding the house.

Customer Service Centre Manager Wanted It's no use providing excellent services if the peo

Customer Service Centre Manager Wanted

It's no use providing excellent services if the people they're designed for don't know about them, or aren't sure how to (29) them. That's why we're opening a Customer Service Centre in July which will provide a model for (30) more units of this type. The Centre will be on a busy high street so that everyone can see it.

(31) the manager, you'll be the driving force behind this new venture. To work (32) this exciting new post, you should have at least two years' management experience in customer services. Your ability to think (33) and your knowledge of local businesses will (34) you to plan and run the operations of the Centre to the highest standards and (35) budget.

(36) your strong leadership skills, you'll ensure a happy and open environment (37) all your people can develop, and the service (38) is always improving.

You will need to communicate well, (39) with those working in the Centre and external contacts, and you will be required to (40) excellent presentation and negotiation skills.





According to the writer, why are CVs and application forms so important?A.Interviewing peo

According to the writer, why are CVs and application forms so important?

A.Interviewing people is an expensive process.

B.They indicate whether applicants really want the job.

C.They indicate whether applicants are efficient or not.

D.Employing the wrong people can be disastrous.

听力原文:W: Dr. Eric, you were a political journalist in America and I was told that you'v
e chosen to live here, a mountain village like this in the Himalayan Community. Could you tell me why you came to India and settled down here?

M: Yes, certainly. I came to India a year ago to have a better understanding of the country. After I arrived, I had to find a place where I could live and write. After some months I settled down happily in this village because it is a little cooler.

W: Is the experience in this country so important to you that you came all the way from the United States?

M: Well, that's also the question that the villagers ask me. Why do I isolate myself from the outside world in this remote village, like a retired old man? I am no longer working as a political journalist because my ideas have changed. I've come to believe that what is happening in the Third World is more important than anything else. I want to understand how three quarters of the world's people live, and how their future might affect the rest of the world.

W: I must say I find your view on this issue very convincing. I'm sure when you go back to your own country you'll find your stay here very rewarding.

When did Dr. Eric arrive in India?

A.Several weeks ago.

B.Several months ago.

C.A year ago.

D.Two years ago.

Why do they need for you to tell them how many are coming?A.They need to know how many peo

Why do they need for you to tell them how many are coming?

A.They need to know how many people to invite.

B.They need to know how much food to prepare.

C.They need to know how many children are to be honored.

D.They need to know who are coming.

The author mentions about Charlie Chaplin's early films because______.A.they can amuse peo

The author mentions about Charlie Chaplin's early films because______.

A.they can amuse people

B.human beings are different from animals

C.they show that certain comic stereotypes have a universal appeal

D.they show that people have the same ability to laugh

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