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Woman: I can't get over the way you treated me at the dinner party the other day. Man: I w

as irritated at something else. I said I was sorry. Do we have to go through all that again? Question: What happened to the woman the other day?

A.She was hurt by the man.

B.She lost her temper.

C.She couldn't get him over.

D.She didn't like the dinner party.

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更多“Woman: I can't get over the wa…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Brian, can I talk to. you? I need you to get that data to me by 11 o'clock tom

M: I thought you didn't need it until five. I have a conference call at 9:30 that I can't cancel.

W: Well, my dinner meeting with the clients was rescheduled to a lunch meeting at noon, and I need time to review everything before I go. I've asked Jason to give you a hand.

M: OK, I'll try to keep my call short, and I might stay a bit late tonight.

What is the woman scheduled to do the next day?

A.A lunch meeting.

B.A dinner meeting.

C.A conference call.

D.A planning session.

听力原文:Man: I guess I should leave for the airport soon. My plane takes off at three-thi
rty, and I'm supposed to be there at least an hour ahead of time.

Woman: You'd better get going, then. It's almost one o'clock. If you leave now, the subway should get you there in plenty of time.

Man: Yes, but I don't think I want to go on the subway with all my luggage. I'll take a taxi instead. It'll cost more, but I think it's better.

Woman: You're right. It'll be much easier for you that way. You'll be back Sunday morning, right? I can pick you up at the airport then if you want me to.

What time does the man's plane leave?





听力原文:W Chandler, did you speak to the people in shipping about my delivery? I need to
show a client the samples tomorrow.

M Yes. They said that it will arrive tomorrow afternoon.

W I'm afraid that'll be too late. I'm meeting with our client at 10 o'clock tomorrow to discuss products that she might be interested in carrying in her store. Could you call shipping again and ask them if they can get it any sooner?

M Sure, I'll call them right away. I'll talk to a supervisor to make sure they send it as fast as possible.

What is the woman's problem?

A.She didn't make an arrangement for delivery.

B.She didn't receive her package.

C.She will be late for the meeting.

D.She can't contact the supervisor.

听力原文:M Do you mind staying late to help me finish analyzing these sales figures?W Actu

听力原文:M Do you mind staying late to help me finish analyzing these sales figures?

W Actually, I'm pretty tired. Why don't we just come in and do it early tomorrow, say, at 6 o'clock?

M OK, as long as you can get here at that hour.

W Great. I'll pick up some coffee and donuts on my way in.

What does the man want to do?

A.Take the woman out to eat

B.Go outside to have a break

C.Prepare for a presentation

D.Stay at the office and continue working

听力原文:Man: Good afternoon. It is time for Face to Face. This week, Sonia Kay talks to J
im O'Brien.

Woman: Jim O'Brien heads the UK division of American PC company Hacker. Mr O'Brien, thank you very much for sparing us a few minutes of your busy schedule.

Man: Hello. It's a pleasure. And please call me Jim.

Woman: Well, Jim, can we start by going through a typical day for you?

Man: I usually get up at around 5am. I drive in from my house to the office in London. I get very frustrated sitting in traffic jams so I leave early to beat the rush. I enjoy driving in, it's nice to get away on my own.

Woman: That's certainly an early start!

Man: Yes, well, at 6.30am, I get into the office. I use the time to get through my post and do the things that are difficult to do during the normal working day because of people wanting to see me. Between the hours of 8 and 9 1 take care of any European business which needs doing.

Woman: What a schedule! Do you find it exhausting?

Man: Exhausting, no. But, unfortunately most of my time is spent in meetings now, which doesn't really suit my type of personality. I much prefer the hands-on approach - I would rather be out chatting to people than sitting in the boardroom preparing policies and strategies - but that is a luxury I can't afford.

Woman: Could you tell us how you started with Hacker?

Man: I got into Hacker almost by accident. I was chief executive of a meat trading firm called FMC Harris, which was subject to a hostile take-over. At 9am one morning my boss was fired, and by 9.10am I was ont too. I spent eight weeks with no job, a wife and children to support, and a house to pay for. Then I was approached by Hacker to set up a UK branch for them. I was reluctant at first, but after a trip to Hacker's headquarters in the US to discuss it, I was chasing them!

Woman: It's a big company. Who do you actually work with on a daily basis?

Man: The rest of the management team arrives at around 9am. I work closely with a team of six, including my PA, Alice Lang. She is an integral part of the management system. I was lucky to find her, as it's almost impossible to find the right person for the job. The ideal employee is someone who is willing to work hard and someone who can adapt to the way we work.

Woman: Uh-huh. Right, so let's get you up to lunch-time. After your early start, you must be ready for lunch quite early, too.

Man: Yes, though the actual time varies from day to day. I try to avoid business lunches because I still have the afternoon ahead to contend with. I don't enjoy lengthy meals. So I usually just have a sandwich in the office with Alice.

Woman: And are there any changes planned for the future?

Man: People ask me if I get frustrated or bored, but the job changes constantly. This year we are moving away from wholesale office sales and more into high street retail sales of home computers. This is new ground for Hacker and presents me with a fresh set of challenges.

Woman: Jim, we hear a lot about people working long hours these days. When do you finish work?

Man: I am not the sort of person who enjoys working late. I try to get home by 7. I won't work late at the office sitting behind the desk because I can do something like that equally well at home. But there's no way to avoid entertaining and meeting people in the evening, so two or three nights a week I stay in town. I try to keep work and the weekend totally divorced. The week's devoted to Hacker, but the weekend is devoted to myself and my family.

Woman: Jim, thank you very much. It's been most interesting, and I'm sure our listeners have learnt a lot.

Man: Thank you. I've enjoyed it. And if you need any new computers for your offices ...

Woman: ... we know who to call!

•You will hear a radio presenter interviewing a businessman called Jim O'Brien.

•For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

•After you have l

A.he enjoys driving his car fast.

B.he wants to avoid the heaviest traffic.

C.he lives a long way from his office.

听力原文:M: That wasn't a bad meal. W: It was very good. It's very nice of you, Dan. Now,

听力原文:M: That wasn't a bad meal.

W: It was very good. It's very nice of you, Dan. Now, I really must go home.

M: Oh, it's only 10 o'clock.

W: No, really. I must be off. My uncle will come to see me tomorrow. I must get ready.

M: Well, look, Jenny. What about Sunday? Would you like to go out with me on Sunday? We can go to the cinema.

W: Sunday? That's the 20th. Let me see. Sunday, the 20th of June. Well, all right. See you then.

Where does the conversation take place?

A.At the woman's home.

B.At the man's home.

C.At a shop.

听力原文:M: Did you get everything you need for making the cake?W: I couldn't, but don't w

听力原文:M: Did you get everything you need for making the cake?

W: I couldn't, but don't worry, I got one from a shop.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.The woman bought a cake.

B.The woman baked a cake.

C.The woman forgot about the cake.

D.The woman will buy a cake.

听力原文:M: I did not get financial aid. I don't think I can take any courses this semeste

W: I would advise you to approach the bank. They have plenty of loans for students.

Q: What can we learn from this conversation?


A.The man doesn't want to take any more courses.

B.The bank needs some new employees.

C.The woman suggests that the man get a loan from a bank.

D.The man does not know how to get financial aids.

Why can't the woman get the book from the library?A.It wasn't published recently.B.It is i

Why can't the woman get the book from the library?

A.It wasn't published recently.

B.It is in great demand.

C.It was sold out already.

D.It isn't owned by the library.

听力原文:Seven. Where are the man and the woman talking?Woman: It's a bit crowded isn't it

听力原文:Seven. Where are the man and the woman talking?

Woman: It's a bit crowded isn't it ... worse than a football match! Can you see well enough from here?

Man: It doesn't matter — as long as I can hear and get down the important points of what he says, it's OK.

Woman: I'm going to the library after this. I want to get this report finished so that I can go to the cinema.

Where are the man and the woman talking?

听力原文:Seven. Where are the man and the woman talkin




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