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In its short history, the art of motion pictures has frequently undergone change that seem

ed fundamental, ______ the introduction of sound.

A.such as which resulting from

B.such as that what results from

C.such as that resulting from

D.such as which results from

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更多“In its short history, the art …”相关的问题
Hurricanes (龙卷风) 1. Did you know that before 1950, hurricanes had no names? They were s

Hurricanes (龙卷风)

1. Did you know that before 1950, hurricanes had no names? They were simply given numbers. The first names Were simply Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc. But in 1953, female names were given because of the unpredictability (不可预知) factor of the storms. In 1979, realizing the sexist (性别歧视的) nature of such names, the lists were expanded to include both men and women.

2. Hurricanes and typhoons (台风) are the same things. If they form. in the Atlantic, we call these strong storms hurricanes, from the West Indian word hurricane, meaning "big wind." And if they are Pacific storms, they are called typhoons from the Chinese taifun, meaning "great wind." To be classified as a hurricane, the storm must have maximum winds of at least 75 mph. These storms are big, many hundreds of miles in diameter.

3. Hurricanes get their power from water vapor as it gives out its stored-up energy. All water vapor gives out heat as it condenses (凝结) from a gaseous state to a liquid state over fixed points on the equator (MIA). To make a hurricane, you must have extremely wet, warm air, the kind of air that can only be found in tropical regions.

4. Scientists have determined that the heat given out in the process of water condensation can be as high as 95 billion kilowatts per hour. In just one day alone, the storm can produce more energy than many industrialized nations need in an entire year! The problem is that we don&39;t know how to make such great energy work for us.

5. Predicting the path of a hurricane is one of the most difficult tasks for forecasters. It moves at a typical speed of 15 mph. But not always. Some storms may race along at twice this speed, then suddenly stop and remain in the same location in the ocean for several days. It can be maddening (发疯的) if you live in a coastal area that may be hit.

6. The biggest advance in early detection is continuous Watch from weather satellites. With these, we can see the storms form. and track them. fully, from birth to death. While they can still kill people and destroy property, hurricanes will never surprise any nation again.

Paragraph 1 ______

A A Short History of Naming HurricanesB Harnessing the Hurricane EnergyC Difficulty in Forecasting the Course of a HurricaneD Huge Energy Stored in a HurricaneE Forecasting a Hurricane Through Satellite WatchingF Different Names for the Same Things

Paragraph 2 ______

A A Short History of Naming HurricanesB Harnessing the Hurricane EnergyC Difficulty in Forecasting the Course of a HurricaneD Huge Energy Stored in a HurricaneE Forecasting a Hurricane Through Satellite WatchingF Different Names for the Same Things

Paragraph 4 ______

A A Short History of Naming HurricanesB Harnessing the Hurricane EnergyC Difficulty in Forecasting the Course of a HurricaneD Huge Energy Stored in a HurricaneE Forecasting a Hurricane Through Satellite WatchingF Different Names for the Same Things

Paragraph 5 ______

A A Short History of Naming HurricanesB Harnessing the Hurricane EnergyC Difficulty in Forecasting the Course of a HurricaneD Huge Energy Stored in a HurricaneE Forecasting a Hurricane Through Satellite WatchingF Different Names for the Same Things

Both male and female names are used for hurricanes in consideration of ______.

A the timely (及时的) discoveryB convenienceC sex equalityD its connection with humansE the huge powerF its uncertainly

Using weather satellites can ensure ______ of hurricanes.

A the timely (及时的) discoveryB convenienceC sex equalityD its connection with humansE the huge powerF its uncertainly

Energy specialists may be interested in ______ of hurricanes.

A the timely (及时的) discoveryB convenienceC sex equalityD its connection with humansE the huge powerF its uncertainly

Scientists cannot accurately predict the course of a hurricane due to ______.

A the timely (及时的) discoveryB convenienceC sex equalityD its connection with humansE the huge powerF its uncertainly


听力原文:London—even its very name suggests history and might. Its opportunities for enter

听力原文: London—even its very name suggests history and might. Its opportunities for entertainment by day and night go on and on and on. It's a city that excites visitors from all over the world. There are many different types of people doing many different types of things such as workers, business people, tourists, students, beggars, and queens. The city is so large that visitors will need to make use of the tube or London underground. A ride on a red double-decker bus is also possible and helps a visitor to know the city. The area of London is 1,572 square kilometers with a population of about 7.2 million people. The main geographical feature of the city is the river Thames, which flows through central London, dividing it into northern and southern halves. The central area and the most important sights, theatres and restaurants are on the north bank of the river. South London includes a mess of poor, dirty suburbs, such as Brixton, which have people from many different cultures.

London is a year-round tourist centre; places are open during the winter. The best chance of good weather is, of course, at the height of summer in July and August, but there's certainly no guarantee of sun even in those months plus it's when you can expect the biggest crowds and highest prices.

There are countless festivals and events in London. The first one each year is the New Year's Eve fireworks and street party in Trafalgar Square, followed by the New Year's Day Parade. In early May serious racers take part in the London Marathon. The Queen's Birthday Parade is held in June; Wimbledon, the famous tennis match, also runs for two weeks in the same month. In short, interesting festivals happen all year for tourists to enjoy.


A.London is not a popular place to visit.

B.London is the largest city in the world.

C.London is famous for its universities.

D.London has many different types of people.

Man is the only【B1】that laughs. Why is this true? What makes us respond as we do to pleasu
rable experiences? What is the history of this "happy convulsion", as someone once【B2】it, and just what is its function?

We are not short【B3】theories to explain the mystery; For centuries, biologists, psychologists, and medical men have been seeking a definitive explanation of laughter. One writer put【B4】the theory that its function is to frighten others or to humiliate them. Another took the opposite【B5】that we laugh in order not to cry. A psychologist offered the explanation that laughter functions【B6】a remedy to painful experiences, and that it serves to protect a person【B7】what the psychologist called "the many minor pains to which man is exposed". In the seventeenth century a writer set【B8】the theory that we laugh when we compare ourselves with others and find ourselves superior to others; in effect, we laugh at the【B9】of others.

Almost every theory has been concerned【B10】either the structure or the function of laughter,【B11】relatively few have been devoted【B12】the question of its origin. I propose to offer a theory which, so far as I am concerned, has not previously been set forth.【B13】only those animals capable of speech are capable of laughter; and that therefore man, being the only animal that【B14】, is the only animal that can laugh.

Those of us who have【B15】chimpanzees closely feel quite confident that chimpanzees occasionally【B16】behavior. that looks very much like a primitive human laughter. This【B17】, however, has been observed only in a humanlike way; whether or not it is laughter is doubtful; but the【B18】fact that under any condition an ape is capable of【B19】behavior. is no more than passing interest—for【B20】only indicates that early man had the basic laughter.






Throughout most of its history, ______ was a major problem that plagued Ireland.A.emigrati

Throughout most of its history, ______ was a major problem that plagued Ireland.


B.population distribution

C.ethic conflict

D.birth control

In this June, the American Museum of Natural History will introduce 1. ______ its first M
aster of Arts in teaching program, which students with a 2.______ background, if not a career, in science can spend 15 months learning to become earth science teachers. Fare is free, thanks to the New York State Board of Regents, and 3.______ students will receive $30,000 stipends and health benefits. The goal is to produce 50 new science teachers over two years for New York States middle and high schools, which has long coped with a critical 4.______ short of math and science instructors. 5.______ As with nearly some attractive offer, there is a catch: Graduates must 6.______ commit to spending four years teaching in a high-needs public school, and may be assigned anywhere in the New York State. 7.______ The open house, which drew about 90 peoples, gave the museum an 8.______ opportunity to pitch the program — which also meant selling the museum- as-classroom concept. Staff members gave the prospective applicants a private tour of the museum. Rosamond Kinzler, the senior director of science education at the museum, leads the prospective applicants through the gem and minerals 9. ______ collection, casually testing their knowledge of rock formation and plate tectonics. The curriculum that the graduate students will study (and that they will eventually be teaching) focuses slightly on planets and their orbits, water 10.______ and weather, and basic geology. New Yorks physical environment — including Central Park, across the street from the museum — will also play an important role in the courses, several instructors said.

This area is attractive to visitors because of its combination of history, art and natural

In spite of its large economy and history of huge deficits and political instability, Ital
y is still welcomed by Germans to become a member of EMU.




Its the people and their history of habitation(习俗)______turn a city from a collection of

Its the people and their history of habitation(习俗)______turn a city from a collection of streets and buildings into a community.





The past, with its crimes, its follies, and its tragedies, flashes away. A) short sentence B) peri

The past, with its crimes, its follies, and its tragedies, flashes away.

A) short sentence B) periodic sentence

C) loose sentence D) balanced sentence

Mr. MacGregor may agree thatA.Egypt is an African country with long history.B.writing hist

Mr. MacGregor may agree that

A.Egypt is an African country with long history.

B.writing history is better than making things.

C.Africans once ruled over the Nile for long.

D.Africa seemed to have no history of its own.

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