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??The American Heart Association recommended widely using the self-contained heart??A.Rig

??The American Heart Association recommended widely using the self-contained heart??



C.Not mentioned

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更多“??The American Heart Associati…”相关的问题
The American Heart Association recommended widely using the self-contained heart.A. Right

The American Heart Association recommended widely using the self-contained heart.

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Not mentioned

According to the American Heart Association, we should first help the victim of a heart at
tack with the mouth-to-mouth, and then call 911 for help.




A.He suffered from heart faiinre and (tied.B.He won three awards alter his death

A.He suffered from heart faiinre and (tied.

B.He won three awards alter his death.

C.His plays were writ-ten based on his own life.

D.He was a victim of the American system.

It can be inferred from the text that work.A.was at its peak in the middle part of the 20t

It can be inferred from the text that work.

A.was at its peak in the middle part of the 20th century

B.is the heart of American society

C.has always been a nirvana

D.is not a great place to seek meaning

It can be inferred from the text that work ______.A.was at its peak in the middle part of

It can be inferred from the text that work ______.

A.was at its peak in the middle part of the 20th century

B.is the heart of American society

C.has always been a nirvana

D.is not a great place to seek meaning

听力原文:Many American women believe breast cancer is the biggest threat to their health.

听力原文: Many American women believe breast cancer is the biggest threat to their health. But more than ten times as many women die of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. (30) The American Heart Association has new guidelines to help prevent heart attacks. For example, the guidelines urge women not to use hormone replacement therapy as a way to protect the heart. The guidelines also urge women to know their risk of heart attack or heart disease. They suggest that a woman talk to her doctor about this beginning as young as the age of twenty.

(31) The heart association Web site has information that can help people measure their level of risk. Users answer some questions. They enter their age and whether or not they smoke etc. A total score below ten percent is considered low risk. This means that a woman has less than a ten percent chance of a heart attack in the next ten years. The next level of ten to twenty percent is considered intermediate risk. More than twenty percent is high risk. (32) The heart association says those at high risk should ask their doctor for medicine. Women are also urged to ask for treatment if their blood pressure is one-hundred-forty over ninety or higher. The guidelines say women at intermediate or high risk should consider taking an aspirin each day. Aspirin may reduce the risk of a heart attack.


A.It has invented a new medicine.

B.It has provided a new guideline of prevention.

C.It has arranged the treatment for the women.

D.It distributed the medicines among women.

听力原文:Drivers worldwide have praised Toyota for making what they consider low maintenan
ce; high mileage vehicles. That formula is working in North America where the automaker is now thinking of building an eighth assembly plant, a move that could help ward off political pressure. But there has been growing criticism in the US over Toyota's rising imports. One American politician from the heart of the American auto industry in Detroit says the Japanese carmaker benefits unfairly from state-run pension systems and a government that dabbles in the currency markets.

What's true about Toyota according to the passage?

A.Toyota has won worldwide praise for its low maintenance and high mileage vehicles.

B.Toyota is going to build an eighth assembly plan in South America.

C.Toyota's expansion will not cause political pressure.

D.According to an American politician from Washington, Toyota benefit from state-run pension systems, which is unfair.

听力原文:In recent years, many Americans of both sexes and various ages have become increa

听力原文: In recent years, many Americans of both sexes and various ages have become increasingly interested in improving their bodies. (29) They have become more devoted to physical fitness. Many persons have a strong desire to be more physically fit.

By nature, Americans are enthusiastic, and energetic about bobbies or pastimes. And now many of them apply this enthusiasm, optimism, and energy to

running. (30) As a result, there are more running clubs to join and numerous books and magazines to read about running.

The desire for American people to be physically fit could probably be explained by a "passion" for good health. The high rate of heart attacks in the 1960s has caused an increase of interest in improving the health condition of human body. Middle-aged men especially suffer from heart attacks. Thus, they are one group strongly interested in taking more physical exercise. (31) In fact, many doctors often encourage their patients to become more physically active, especially those who have inactive jobs. It is quite interesting to note that the rate of heart attacks began to decrease between 1972 and 1974 and it is still decreasing now.

It seems that physical fitness has now become a new "love" of Americans. But will it last very long? Nobody knows. Only time will tell—or until another "new passion" comes along and takes its place.

29. Why are Americans so interested in physical exercise?

30.What happens when American people apply great enthusiasm in running?

31.What kinds of patients are especially encouraged to take part in physical exercise?


A.Because of their hobbies and pastimes.

B.Because of their enthusiasm for sports.

C.Because of their fear of heart attacks.

D.Because of their strong desire for good health.

听力原文:Laughing at life is one of the best ways of guaranteeing it does not end prematur

听力原文: Laughing at life is one of the best ways of guaranteeing it does not end prematurely, scientists said yesterday. Researchers found that people who often laugh out loud and see the funny side of difficult situations are far less likely to have a heart attack than humorless individuals.

The study looked at the humor responses of 150 patients who had either suffered heart attacks or undergone treatment for blocked arteries. They were compared with the responses of an identical number of age-matched healthy people who had no history of heart problems. There was some variation in the results, but, overall, it was found that the heart patients were 40% less likely than their healthy counterparts to laugh in a variety of common situations.

Michael Miller, director of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, who led the research, said: "The old saying that laughter is the best medicine appears to be true when it comes to protecting your heart."

The findings suggested that making oneself laugh when angry might offset the harmful effect of stress on arteries. The team's findings were presented yesterday at the American Heart Association's annual scientific meeting in New Orleans.


A.150 healthy people.

B.150 unhealthy people.

C.300 patients.

D.300 people.

回答题: Chest Compressions: Most Important of CPRCardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR,


Chest Compressions: Most Important of CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped. The condition is called cardiac arrest. The heart stops pumping blood. The person stops breathing. Without lifesaving measures, the brain starts to die within four to six minutes. CPR combines breathing into the victim&39;s mouth and repeated presses on the chest.__________(46).

However, a new Japanese study questions the usefulness of mouth-to-mouth breathing. Thestudy was published in the British medical magazine, The Lancet. Doctors in Tokyo led the research. It examined more than four thousand people who had suffered cardiac arrest. In all the cases, witnesses saw the event happen.

More than one thousand of the victims received some kind of medical assistance from witnesses. Seven hundred and twelve received CPR. Four hundred and thirty-nine received chest presses only.__________(47)The researchers say any kind of CPR improved chances of the patient&39;s survival. But, they said those people treated with only chest presses suffered less brain damage.

Twenty-two percent survived with good brain ability.__________(48).

The American Heart Association changed its guidelines for CPR chest presses in 2005.

__________ (49) Gordon Ewy is a heart doctor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson. He wrote a report that appeared with the study. Doctor Ewy thinks the CPR guidelines should be changed again. He said the heart association should remove rescue breaths from the guidelines. He argues that more witnesses to cardiac arrests would provide treatment if rescue breaths are not a part of CPR. He says this would save lives __________ (50).

Cardiac arrest kills more than 300,000 people in the United States every year. The American Heart Association says about ninety-five percent of victims die before they get to a medical center.

(46)__________ 查看材料

A.So far, we have not known exactty yet whether mouth-to-mouth breathing is really useless in CPR

B.Only ten percent of the victims treated with traditional CPR survived with good brain ability

C.CPR keeps blood and oxygen flowing to the heart and brain

D.His studies show that many people do not want to perform. mouth-to-mouth breathing on a stranger for fear of getting a disease

E.It said people should increase the number of chest presses from fifteen to thirty for every two breaths given

F.No mouth-to-mouth rescue breaths were given to them

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