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—Customer: We have ordered for almost one hour. Why is it so hard to get our dishes ready in your restaurant?—Waiter:________________.

A.I’ m really sorry about that.

B.I don’ t think it’ s hard.

C.You’ ll get it next time.

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更多“—Customer: We have ordered for…”相关的问题
听力原文:F: Good morning, Customer Relations, Jennifer Miller speaking. How can I help you

M: Yes, I am calling about the computer I bought from you last month. There are some problems with it now. The disk drive does not work properly. Last Sunday, it failed to work from time to time. I called your Service Department last week and they had it repaired. But today, it stopped working completely. What's worse, it damaged one of my favorite disks. I just have no idea what to do with it.

F: OK. I think I need some information before we find out what the problem is. What model do you have?

M: It's Dimension 4600.

F: Can I have you name and telephone number please?

M: Sure, it's Arnold Philip, that's A -R -N -O -L -D. My number is 517 -637 -9876.

F: OK. And do you still keep the invoice?

M: Yeah, I do.

F: What's the reference number?

M: 3-2-4-1-N.

F: And the date of purchase?

M: 27th of May.

F: And how much did you pay for that?

M: It was $620 originally, but it was on sale then. So I got it at $570.

F: OK. What we are going to do now is to transfer you to the Service Department and see if they can have a second look at it.

M: I don't think I have time for that. I have an appointment.

F: Then would you like them to call you back?

M: OK. How about late tonight?

F: No problem. I'll do that for you.

M: Thanks.

F: You are welcome.

?Look at the notes below.

?Some information is missing.

?You will hear a man complaining.

?For each question 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers or letters.

?You will hear the conversation twice.

Customer Relations

Customer's Complaints

ITEM COMPLAINED: (9) _____________________ drive

MODEL: (10) Dimension ________________

TIME OF PURCHASE: (11) ______________________ May

PRICE: (12) $________________________

REFERENCE NUMBER: (13) __________________________

CUSTOMER'S NAME: (14) ___________________ Philip

CONTACT NUMBER: (15) 517 ______________________


We can learn from the passage that the goal of the customer relations department is ______

A.to respond to customer inquiries and complaints

B.to keep old customers and attract new ones

C.to solve problems that customers have

D.to analyze the quality of the product or service


Customer: I’m looking for a new living room set.

Salesman : We have a lot of very nice sets. What style do you have in mind?

Customer :___________. What I need is something comfortable.

A.I really don’t know

B.It's really not necessary

C.I really don't bother

D.It really makes no sense

听力原文:Hello, everyone and thank you for meeting with me on such short notice. I have be

听力原文: Hello, everyone and thank you for meeting with me on such short notice. I have been observing and reviewing all of our store policies over the last couple of weeks and have decided to make some changes in the way we do business around here. Until now when customers called in with questions or problems we just simply dealt with the problem as best we could at the time. From now on, I want a log of all customer complaints and inquiries being made. I want everything catalogued so we can keep track of which products are the most successful with customers. I am going to use this to adjust what products we are carrying in the store. This way we offer products that customers will like, and it will ensure higher levels of customer satisfaction.

What is the purpose of the meeting?

A.To discuss how to handle customers

B.To discuss changes in products

C.To announce changes in customer service policy

D.To inform. everyone about the schedule changes

&8226;Look at the statements below and at the five extracts on the opposite page from the
annual reports of five mobile phone companies.

&8226;Which company (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement (1-8) refer to?

&8226;For each statement (1-8), mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


Our management team is dedicated to delivering operational excellence and improved profitability. In the coming year, we will focus our marketing on professional young adults, who represent the high value segment of the market and who - according to independent research - are most likely to adopt our more advanced mobile data products. Customer retention is central to our strategy, and we have been successful in reversing the customer loss of recent years by loyalty and upgrade schemes. A restructuring programme, resulting from changing marketing conditions, has seen our workforce scaled down to 6,100 people.


As the only network operator in the country, our marketing is aimed at expanding the size of the market. In the business sector, we have targeted small and medium-sized businesses by offering standardised services, and large customers by offering tailored telecommunications solutions. We have been at the fore- front of introducing new telecommunications technology and services and have recently distributed 150 of our most advanced handsets to customers to assess the likely demand for advanced data services. Last year, the industry recognised our achievement when we won a national award for technological progress.


A new management team has driven our improved performance here. It is committed to bringing the business into profitability within three years after reaching break-even point in the next financial year. We are focused on delivering rising levels of customer service and an improvement in the quality and utilisation of our network. Good progress has been made on all these fronts. The cost of acquiring new subscribers has been reduced and new tariffs have been introduced to encourage greater use of the phone in the late evening.


We have continued to expand our network in a cost-efficient manner and have consolidated our retail section by combining our four wholly-owned retail businesses into a single operating unit. We expect this to enhance our operational effectiveness and the consistency of our service. Our ambition is to give customers the best retail experience possible. We were, therefore, delighted earlier this year when we won a major European award for customer service. This was particularly pleasing to us as we have always given high priority to customer satisfaction and operational excellence.


Here, we are focused on continuously realising cost efficiencies as well as improving the level of customer satisfaction and retention. We have already taken effective measures to reduce customer loss and to strengthen our delivery of customer service. The quality of our network has improved significantly over the past year and an increase in the utilisation of our network is now a priority. The operation of our customer service centre has been outsourced to a call centre specialist and this has led to a substantial increase in the level of service.

This company is still making a financial loss.

From: info@summersun.com To: Lisa Liu (lisa.liu@softworks.com)Subject: Summer Sun Cotton O

From: info@summersun.com

To: Lisa Liu (lisa.liu@softworks.com)

Subject: Summer Sun Cotton Originals

Date: March 12, 2:28 p.m.

Introducing Summer Sun Cotton Originals

Summer Sun Cotton Originals clothing line is designed for active people who want the look their best with comfort. Cotton Originals are made in Europe with 100% organic cotton.

The Cotton Originals line includes garments for everyday wear including shorts, skirts, pants, and of course, T-shirts. We also have specials for every season including jackets, leggings, and even swimsuits.

To shop for Cotton Originals online, please visit our Web site at www.summersun.com. Don't forget, if you apply to the Summer Sun Credit Card, you'll save an additional 10 percent off all your purchases.

Please add us to your address book to ensure proper delivery of our Internet specials.

To unsubscribe to our mailing service, please click here.

What is the purpose of this e-mail?

A.To thank a customer

B.To announce a store sale

C.To announce a new clothing line

D.To inform. customers of a new Web site

听力原文:Sorry to say, Mr. Smith, we don't accept travelers' check or cash. So you'll have
to get a money order to pay for your insurance.


A.The customer must pay cash for his insurance.

B.The customer must pay for his insurance by credit card.

C.The customer must get a money order to pay for his insurance.

D.Tile customer must get a traveler's check to pay for his insurance.

听力原文:Man: I especially like the session on customer needs. We look at how to identify
customer needs with things like product research and market analysis. There was also quite a bit on promotional techniques and we looked at different preaches there and we talked about stressing value for money. I thought all the trainers were very good. Everything was presented clearly and we always had time for questions and discussion.

?You will hear five short recordings. Each speaker is reporting on a training course they have attended.

?For each recording, decide what training course each speaker has attended.

?Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

?Do not use any letter more than once.

?After you have listened once, replay the recordinqs.

A.financial planning

B.stress management

C.marketing strategies

D.negotiation skills

E.time management

F.computer skills

G.presentation skills


Read the letter form. a customer, Ding. Dear Sir, We have received the recorders. But we
found that one recorder was damaged. It was broken on the way to our company . We would be grateful if you could replace the machine. Yours faithfully, Ding Forest Write a reply to Ding: apologizing to the customer. explaining the reason of the mistake. saying how the problem is being solved. Write 60-80 words on your Answer Sheet. Dear Mr. Forest,

听力原文:W: We have several kinds of accounts, Mr. Brown. The best interest rate is for th
e customer club account, but you must maintain a monthly balance or $ 300.

M: That will be fine.

Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?


A.At a bookstore.

B.At a bank.

C.At a club.

D.At a grocery store.

听力原文:Yes, not a bad trip, this time. And of course if we do decide to work together, t
hen I won't have to come out nearly so often in the future. He seems to have the right background, and attitude, and some great contacts, so I'd be happy to have him as our man there. His office address is in a good part of town, and I think he'd be very likely to build up our customer base.


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