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Countless people are born with(生来就具有某种特点)the susceptibility to inherit a genetic

Countless people are born with(生来就具有某种特点)the susceptibility to inherit a genetic disease. But scientific progress, especially the art of interfering with(干涉,阻碍) the genetic makeup of the human body, has helped doctors prevent more and more inherited disorders in the last decade.

Dr. Thomas Caskey of the Baylor University College of medicine in Houston, Texas, is a pioneer in molecular biology(分子生物学). Through the techniques of genetic engineering(基因工程), he transfers genes from one organism to another. Caskey uses a certain type of virus, called a retrovirus(逆转录病毒), as the vehicle for the gene transfer. He first cripples the virus by removing the portion it needs to reproduce itself. The crippled virus becomes harmless while still being able to deliver a cargo to its destination.

The cargo in Caskey's experiment is the human A-D-A gene, taken from bone marrow. A-D-A stands for(代表) adenosine deaminase(腺苷脱氨酶), an important component of the human immune system. A defect in the A-D-A gene leads to immune deficiency, rendering(致使) the body defenseless against infections. Caskey's purpose was to see if the human A-D-A gene could repair the defective immune system of a mouse.

In the experiment the mouse was given a dose of radiation heavy enough to destroy its immune system. The animal next was injected with the crippled virus carrying the human A-D-A gene. According to Caskey, "the mouse will die within 10 to 14 days unless a successful transfer of bone marrow cells takes place. So we lethally irradiate and subsequently rescue the mouse by bone marrow transplantation(骨髓移植)with the cells that have been infected with the virus." The mouse now carries the human gene that salvaged its immune system.

Bone marrow transplantation has an established place in contemporary medical practice. Employed to restore the immune system of certain cancer patients and of people who have been exposed to radiation, bone marrow transplantation works only if there is a good match between donor and recipient.

The procedure would be much easier if bone marrow were like blood. People with type O blood are universal donors(万能供体). Their blood may be transfused to those who have different blood types. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a universal bone-marrow type. Researchers may have found a way, however, to overcome this problem. The solution, if it works, would be to implant the patient with his own, perfectly matching(型配), bone marrow.

The idea, as Caskey explains it, is to "correct the patient's disease with his own ceils, but those cells have added to them a normally functioning gene. "In other words, surgeons would take defective bone-marrow cells from the patient and put them into a laboratory dish where the cells would be exposed to a crippled virus carrying a healthy AD-A gene from a donor. The A-D-A gene would repair the defective cells and then the cells would be reinjected into the patient. Thus, in Caskey words, "the patient would be transplanted by his own ceils containing the added normal gene."

The technique sounds deceptively(靠不住地) simple. In reality, though(可是,不过, 然而), it is complex. A number of laboratories have tested various intermediate steps of the process, but, according to Caskey, "no single laboratory has put together the entire technology successfully, and highly reproducibly, to proceed with a gene transfer at-tempt in man."

For some time now, the U.S. National Institute of Health has been taking a close look at(仔细,研究) the effectiveness and safety of the procedure, as well as the ethical questions it raises. There doesn't seem to be much concern about the ethics of gene transfer into a human being to correct a genetic defect.

Dr. W. French Anderson of N. I. H. wrote recently that "claims that new organs, designed personalities, master races, or Frankenstein(佛兰肯思泰因,一个创造怪物而自己被它毁灭的医学研究者,英国女

A.save lives

B.transfer genes

C.correct a genetic defect

D.create a new organ

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更多“Countless people are born with…”相关的问题
听力原文:People always seem to be looking for ways to get rich quickly. So when gold was d

听力原文: People always seem to be looking for ways to get rich quickly. So when gold was discovered in California in the mid 1800's, hundreds and hundreds of people rushed in, hoping to get a part of the wealth. Today, gold in California continues to have as much of an appeal as it did over one hundred years ago. Modem prospectors in the form. of mining corporations have headed back to the same area to use new techniques for locating the gold that old time prospectors left behind. These modern prospectors, however, do not have some of the problems the old timers had. Anxious to seek a fast fortune, many of those early prospectors arrived before law and order were established. And they took full advantage of this situation by cheating and robbing each other. But not every one looking for gold in those days was greedy. Some people were generous and helpful. One such person was William Waldo. He established a relief committee that collected money and supplies to help save the lives of countless people who were caught in the mountains by early snowstorms before they even reached California.


A.Better land.

B.Quick wealth.

C.Modem equipment.

D.Stricter laws.

听力原文:M: Hi, Sue.W: Hello, Jill, how are you?M: I'm fine. Did you watch the TV special

听力原文:M: Hi, Sue.

W: Hello, Jill, how are you?

M: I'm fine. Did you watch the TV special about barnacles last night?

W: No, I missed it. What did you learn about them?

M: They glue themselves to rocks in the ocean, shortly after birth. They also stay in the same place forever.

W: Right, have you ever tried removing one of these things? It would be easier to chip the rock away than to get the barnacles off.

M: Exactly, and that's why scientists are trying to figure out what the barnacles glue is made of. It's considered one of the strongest adhesives in nature.

W: And it would have the advantage of being able to work on wet surfaces too.

M: Precisely, and because it's natural protein, it probably wouldn't be harmful to people like so many synthetic glues in use today.

W: Think of all the ways in which doctors and dentists could use such a glue to mend broken bones and fasten false teeth.

M: There could be countless uses. Scientists hope to learn soon exactly how the glue is made, so that people can make use of it.

W: That's good news for the general public. I hope it won't take long for the new glue to be put into use.


A.The reproductive cycle of barnacles.

B.A new source of protein.

C.Types of sea animals.

D.The adhesive quality of barnacles.

听力原文: W: Mr. Glieberman, do you see any change in the high rate of broken marriages? M

听力原文: W: Mr. Glieberman, do you see any change in the high rate of broken marriages?

M: The divorce rate is beginning to level off and probably will begin to drop in the next year or two, though not significantly. The tight economy has made it more difficult for troubled couples to handle all the costs associated with setting up separate households. Also, I believe there's a comeback of thought—after the turbulent '60s and '70s—that the family does have value. In the midst of change and family disintegration, people seem to have a greater desire now to create stability in their lives.

W: What is the divorce rate now?

M: About 1 in 3 marriages ends in divorce, a ratio far higher than it was 20 years ago when the philosophy was "We'll tough it out no matter what. Society demands that, for appearances' sake, we stay together."

Divorce no longer carries much disgrace. There's no way, for example, that Ronald Reagan, a divorced man, could have been elected President in 1960. And there are countless other divorced politicians who years ago would have been voted out of office if they had even considered a divorce, let alone gotten one.

The same was true in the corporate structure, where divorced people rarely moved up the executive ladder. Now corporations welcome a divorced man, because they can shift him around the country without worrying about relocating his family or making certain that they are happy.

Which word best describes the lawyers' prediction of the change in divorce rate?





听力原文:W: Mr. Glieberman, do you see any change in the high rate of broken marriages?M:

听力原文:W: Mr. Glieberman, do you see any change in the high rate of broken marriages?

M: The divorce rate is beginning to level off and probably will begin to drop in the next year or two, though not significantly.

W: Why is it so?

M: The tightened economy has made it more difficult for troubled couples to handle all the costs associated with setting up separate households.

W: Is there any other reason?

M:Yes. I believe there is a comeback of thought after the turbulent 60s and 70s that the family does have value. In the midst of change and family disintegration, people seem to have a greater desire now to create stability in their lives.

W: What is the divorce rate now?

M: About one in three marriages ends in divorce, a ratio far higher than it was twenty years ago when the philosophy was "we will tough it out no matter what". Society demands that for appearance's sake we stay together. Divorce no longer carries much disgrace.

W: Could you give us an example?

M: Yes. There is no way, for example, that Ronald Reagan, a divorced man, could have been elected president in 1960. And there are countless other divorced politicians who, years ago, would have been voted out of office if they had even considered a divorce, let alone gotten one. The same was true in the corporate structure where divorced people rarely moved up the executive ladder. Now corporations welcome a divorced man.

W: Why?

M: Because they can shift him around the country without worrying about relocating his family or making certain that they are happy.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. Which word best describes Mr. Glieberman's prediction of the change in the divorce rate?

20. What do people nowadays desire to do concerning their marriage?

21. Why did some people choose not to divorce 20 years ago?

22. What do we know about a divorced man in a company years ago from the conversation?






听力原文:London—even its very name suggests history and might. Its opportunities for enter

听力原文: London—even its very name suggests history and might. Its opportunities for entertainment by day and night go on and on and on. It's a city that excites visitors from all over the world. There are many different types of people doing many different types of things such as workers, business people, tourists, students, beggars, and queens. The city is so large that visitors will need to make use of the tube or London underground. A ride on a red double-decker bus is also possible and helps a visitor to know the city. The area of London is 1,572 square kilometers with a population of about 7.2 million people. The main geographical feature of the city is the river Thames, which flows through central London, dividing it into northern and southern halves. The central area and the most important sights, theatres and restaurants are on the north bank of the river. South London includes a mess of poor, dirty suburbs, such as Brixton, which have people from many different cultures.

London is a year-round tourist centre; places are open during the winter. The best chance of good weather is, of course, at the height of summer in July and August, but there's certainly no guarantee of sun even in those months plus it's when you can expect the biggest crowds and highest prices.

There are countless festivals and events in London. The first one each year is the New Year's Eve fireworks and street party in Trafalgar Square, followed by the New Year's Day Parade. In early May serious racers take part in the London Marathon. The Queen's Birthday Parade is held in June; Wimbledon, the famous tennis match, also runs for two weeks in the same month. In short, interesting festivals happen all year for tourists to enjoy.


A.London is not a popular place to visit.

B.London is the largest city in the world.

C.London is famous for its universities.

D.London has many different types of people.

回答下列各题 KenyaWildlife Safari from£995 DAY lLONDON/NAIROBI Daylightflight to Nairobi.O
n arrival,check in at the Holiday Inn Mayfair Court. DAY 24SAMBURU AND TREETOPS Set offon safari,driving north,to the west of Mount Kenya and across the equator(赤道).2nightsat Samburu Lodge,including afternoon andmorning game drives.Continue southto the Ab erdare Mountains and the world famous Treetops,where we arrive in time for tea on the rooftop platform,where you Can watch the animals come down to the waterhole. DAY 5LAKE NAIVASHA Continuefrom Thomason’S Falls to Lake Nakuru.As well as the interesting bird life,it is here that youwill have the best chance of seeing the black rhino(犀牛).Overnight at the LakeHotel,Naivasha. DAY 6-8MASAI MARA After arestful morning in this lovely lakeside settin9,we drive to the Masai Mara game area for a 3 night-stay at KeekerokLodge.The vast plains of theMara reach the Tanzanian border where they join the famous Serengeti,covering an area of over 6,000 square miles.The Mara ishome to countless thousands of animals.Head out for morning and afternoon game drives. DAY 9MASA MARA/NAIROBL/LONDON Returnto Nairobi for your overnight flight back to London. This text is written mainly for people interested in__________.

A.travelinglong distance

B.spending nights outdoors

C.watchinganimals in the wild

D.seeing different kinds of plants

Kenya Wildlife Safari from £995DAY 1 LONDON/NAIROBIDaylight flight to Nairobi. On arrival,

Kenya Wildlife Safari from £995


Daylight flight to Nairobi. On arrival, check in at the Holiday Inn Mayfair Court.


Set off on safari, driving north, to the west of Mount Kenya and across the equator (赤道). 2 nights at Samburu Lodge, including afternoon and morning game drives. Continue south to the Aberdare Mountains and the world famous Treetops, where we arrive in time for tea on the rooftop platform, where you can watch the animals come down to the waterhole.


Continue from Thomason's Falls to Lake Nakuru. As well as the interesting bird life, it is here that you will have the best chance of seeing the black rhino (犀牛). Overnight at the Lake Hotel, Naivasha.


After a restful morning in this lovely lakeside setting, we drive to the Masai Mara game area for a 3 night-stay at Keekerok Lodge. The vast plains of the Mara reach the Tanzanian border where they join the famous Serengeti, covering an area of over 6,000 square miles. The Mara is home to countless thousands of animals. Head out for morning and afternoon game drives.


Return to Nairobi for your overnight flight back to London.

This text is written mainly for people interested in_____.

A.traveling long distance

B.spending nights outdoors

C.watching animals in the wild

D.seeing different kinds of plants

Text 5Kenya Wddlife Safari from £ 995DAY l LONDON/NAIROBIDaylight flight to Nairobi. On ar

Text 5

Kenya Wddlife Safari from £ 995


Daylight flight to Nairobi. On arrival, check in at the Holiday Inn Mayfair Court.


Set off on safari, driving north, to the west of Mount Kenya and across the equator (赤道) .

2 nights at Samburu Lodge, including afternoon and morning game drives. Continue south to the Aberdare Mountains and the world famous Treetops, where we amve in time for tea on the rooftop platform, where you can watch the animals come down to the waterhole.


Continue from Thomason's Falls to Lake Nakuru. As well as the interesting bird life , it is here that you will have the best chance of seeing the black thino (犀牛) . Overnight at the Lake Hotel,Naivasha.


After a restful moming in this lovely lakeside setting, we drive to the Masai Mara game area

for a 3 night-stay at Keekerok Lodge. The vast plains of the Mara reach the Tanzanian border

where they join the famous Serenget , covering an area of over 6,000 square miles. The Mara is home to countless thousands of animals. Head out for morning and afternoon game drives.


Return to Nairobi for your ovemight flight back to London.

72. This text is written mainly for people interested in________ .

[A] traveling long distance

[B] spending nights outdoors

[C] watching animals in the wild

[D] seeing different kinds of plants

Edgar Snow was a reporter and a journalist. He was a doer, a seeker of facts. His mature y
ears were spent in communicating to people -- he was an opener of minds, a bright pair of eyes on what went on about him. Fortunately, he went to many places, knew many people, saw many things; thus he communicated from depth and involvement. Suspicious of dogma, he stated in his autobiography: "What interested me was chiefly people, all kinds, of people, and what they thought and said and how they lived -- rather than officials, and what they said in their interviews and handouts about what 'the people' thought and said." In writing about people and the event which shaped or misshaped their lives, his point of view was essentially honest and searching-- founded on his own inquiry and resting on a body of truth perceived with vision and with compassion. His valued friend and editor, Mary Heathcote, stated to Edgar Snow, "True professionalism meant telling the truth as one saw it, with as many of the reasons for its existence as one could find out and as much empathy as possible for the people experiencing it..."

That he is remembered mostly through Red Star Over China is understandable. The accounts in that book were of international importance and the experience for the author in getting those accounts was perhaps the most significant one in his life. Though it is typical of him, after the acclaim the book received, he commented, "I simply wrote down what I was told by the extraordinary young men and women with whom it was my privilege to live at age thirty, and from whom I learned a great deal." That "great deal" spread from the pages of Red Star to alter the thinking of countless people -- including many citizens of China who were led by it to action that drastically affected their own lives and the course of their country's future. An awesome realization of personal responsibility also came about at this point for the young journalist, one he was cognizant of the rest of his life -- the discovery, as he heard of friends and students killed in a war they had been moved to join largely because of his reports, that his writing had taken on the nature of political action and that he, as a writer, had to be personally answerable for all he wrote.

There were other texts which broke through ignorance and prejudice in similar ways: Far Eastern Front, Living China, Battle for Asia, People on Our Side, Journey To the Beginning, to name some of the eleven books he produced, as well as many pages of engaged reporting -- of floods and famines, of wars declared and undeclared, of human dilemmas and indignities, of unsung heroes and unheralded sacrifices -- a life's study of the impact of people and events from many lands known at first hand.

Edgar represents what is best in American journalism -- as did his compatriots Agnes Smedley and Jack Belden. They dedicated to action, to communication that would help lessen the need, help correct the injustices. A main objective of theirs, because they were there and they saw, because they were internationalists with concern for human welfare, values and dignity, was to contribute to an understanding of China and the crippling burdens she bore -- in a world dominated by arrogance, greed, and ignorance.

According to the article, the writings of Edgar Snow were based on ______.

A.facts of life

B.his own peep-hole view

C.the officials' taste

D.his prejudiced imagination

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