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根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。 If you are worried about things and are under a lot of str

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。

If you are worried about things and are under a lot of stress at work or school, then you are probably not sleeping well. Worry can keep you awake, tossing and _______26in bed until the early hours of the morning when you eventually_______27asleep. When you wake up, you don' t feel_______28, but tired and worn out and_______29to face a new day.

Dr. Henry Winkle, in a recent newspaper article_______30Stress and Sleep, _______31that stress and lack of sleep are directly_______32. Dr. Winkle says, "the more we worry, the33we sleep, the more we are unable to deal with_______34If we can find a way to get a good night' s sleep," he_______35,"we can often find the36to deal with what's worrying us. "

So, what is a good night' s sleep? Research shows that the amount of sleep which people need in order to keep healthy_______37a lot. Seven hours is about the average amount, _______38strangely enough, sleeping longer often gives you a headache_______39of making you feel more refreshed.

Dr. Winkle believes that preparing for sleeping is important. People who work late should try to give themselves a short_______40and do something restful before going to bed. This could be watching TV or listening to music. Doing some exercise_______41 in the day should help yon to feel physically as well as______________42tired. A bedtime drink can also help, but coffee or tea should be avoided as they contain caffeine (咖啡因) and will keep you ________________43"When you put the light _______44," Dr. Winkle says, "concentrate on relaxing your muscles. Working slowly up from your feet, and you'll be asleep_______45 you know it. "

第 1 题





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根据下列文章,请回答 46~50 题。 A.wireless microphone is attached to the dog’s collar

根据下列文章,请回答 46~50 题。

根据下列文章,请回答 46~50 题。 A.wireless microphone is attac

A.wireless microphone is attached to the dog’s collar, which sends information to the gadget held by the owner.

B.Nobody really knows how a dog feels

C.It was followed by" I' m stronger than you" as the dog growled (嗥叫) and sniffed (嗅) at the visitor

D.More customers are expected when the English version is launched this summer

E.Now, the Japanese girl thinks she knows

F.Each one of these emotions is then linked to a phrase like” Let’s play”,” Look at me", or "Spend more time with me"

第 46 题 请选择(1)处最佳答案。

根据下列文章,回答 41~45 题。 第 41 题 The statement "In my fridgeless fifties childh

根据下列文章,回答 41~45 题。

根据下列文章,回答 41~45 题。 第 41 题 The statement "In my fri

第 41 题 The statement "In my fridgeless fifties childhood,I was fed well and healthily." Suggests that

根据下列文章,回答 41~45 题。 第 41 题 The statement "In my fri

根据下列文章,请回答1~20题。 Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。

Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A,B ,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Computers are now being pushed into schools. We know that multimedia will make __________21 easy and fun. Children will happily learn from _________ 22 characters while taught by expertly _________ 23 software. Who needs teachers when you've got _________24 education? These expensive toys are difficult to use in the classrooms and _________ 25 extensive teacher training. Sure, kids love video games_________ 26 think of your own experience: can you _________27 even one educational filmstrip of many years ago? I'll _________ 28 you remember the two or three great teachers who made a _________ 29 in your life.

Then there's cyberbusiness. We're promised _________ 30 catalog shopping - just point and click for great deals. We'll order airline tickets ________ 31 the network, book restaurants and negotiate sales________32 Stores will become obsolete. So how come my local mall does more ________ 33 ia an after0noon than the entire Internet ________ 34 in a month? Even if there were a trustworthy way to ________ 35 money over the Interact, the network is ________ 36 a most essential ingredient of trade and commerce:salespeople.

What's absent from this electronic wonderland? People contact. Computers and networks________ 37 us from one another. A network chat line is a limp ________38 for meeting friends over coffee. No interactive multimedia display comes ________ ________39 to the excitement of a ________ 40 concert. This virtual reality where frustration is legion and -- in the holy names of Education and Progress -- important aspects of human interactions are relentlessly devalued.

第 1 题





根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。 A special lab at the University of Chicago is busy only __

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。

A special lab at the University of Chicago is busy only _____26It is a dream_____27where researchers are at work _____ 28 dreamers. Their findings have concluded that_____29dreams from three to seven times each night, _____30in ordinary life a person may_____31none or only one of his dreams.

While the _____32sleep, special machines_____ 33their brain waves and eye movements as well as the body movements that_____34the end of a dream. Surprisingly, all subjects_____35soundly._____ 36say that a person usually fidgets(烦躁) before a dream. _____37the dream has started, his body relaxes and his eyes_____38 more active, as if the curtain_____39on a show. When the machine _____ 40that the dream is over, a buzzer wakes the _____ 41. He sits up, records his dream, and goes back to sleep--perhaps to_____ 42some more.

Researchers have found that if the dreamer, is_____43immediately after his dream,he can usually recall the entire dream. If he is allowed to sleep even _____ 44his _____ 45of the dream will have .faded. That' s why most people have many dreams at night, but forget most of them in the morning.

第 1 题

A.at noon

B.in the morning

C.at night

D.in spring

根据下列文章,请回答 46~50 题。 第 46 题 请选择(1)处最佳答案。

根据下列文章,请回答 46~50 题。

根据下列文章,请回答 46~50 题。 第 46 题 请选择(1)处最佳答案。根据下列文章,请回答

根据下列文章,请回答 46~50 题。 第 46 题 请选择(1)处最佳答案。根据下列文章,请回答

第 46 题 请选择(1)处最佳答案。

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。 第 36 题 The word"stable"(paragraph 1) means

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。 第 36 题 The word"stable"(paragr

第 36 题 The word "stable" (paragraph 1) means

根据下列文章,请回答 36~40 题。 第 36 题 The word"stable"(paragr

根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。 第 51 题 请选择(1)处最佳答案。

根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。

根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。 第 51 题 请选择(1)处最佳答案。根据下列文章,请回答

第 51 题 请选择(1)处最佳答案。

根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。 第 51 题 请选择(1)处最佳答案。根据下列文章,请回答

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。 TextGenerations of Americans have been brought____26to bel

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。


Generations of Americans have been brought____26to believe that a good breakfast is important for health. Eating breakfast at the____27of the day, we have all been28,is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car ____ 29starting a trip.

But for many people the thought of food first in the morning is by ____ ____30pleasures. So ____ 31 all the efforts, they still take no ____ 32. Between 1978 and 1983, the latest years for which figures are ____ 33, the number of people who didn' t have breakfast increased ____ 3433 percent--from8.8 million to 11.7 million____35the Chinese hased Market Research Corporation of America.

For those who feel pain of____ 36about not having breakfast, ____37, there is some good news. Several studies in the last few years ____ 38that, for adults especially, there may be nothing ____ 39with omitting breakfast. "Going ____ 40breakfast does not affect ____41. "Said Arnold E. Bendoer, former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London,____42does giving people breakfast improve performance.

___43evidence relating breakfast to better health or___44 performances is surprisingly inadequate, and most of the recent work involves children, not___45"The literature," says one researcher, Dr. Ernesto Pollitt at the University of Texas, "is poor. "

第 1 题





根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。 TextWhat kinds of people often give drugs to their childre

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。


What kinds of people often give drugs to their children? Where in the world do people take drug before going to work? The answers are simple--ordinary people, just about______26

And the drag_____27question is caffeine. Scientists estimate that over 70% of the world' s population takes caffeine daily._____ 28drink it in tea and coffee. Children drink in tin Coca Cola and _____ 29soft drinks. It is also found in chocolate. _____30 , most people in the most places at any time are under the _____ 31of the drug.

There have been many scientific investigations_____32the exact effects of caffeine, Most people agree that it _____ 33the nervous system and helps the body make efficient use of energy. This is why many people_____34Asia drink tea with food and why westerners often end their meals _____ 35 a cup of coffee.

Because the effect of caffeine is so _____ 36, there have been _____ 37attempts to stop people using it. A U. S. religious group which_____38the use of caffeine is generally regarded as eccentric(反常的).But because nearly everybody takes it, the total effect of caffeine _____ 39people is huge. Caffeine is the drug that changed the world.

Both tea and coffee were introduced to the West around 300 years ago. The effect of these new drinks was felt _____ 40. In New York, coffee houses were_____ 41with people making plans, _____42business and doing deals. And the deals done in the coffee houses were partly responsible _____ 43a rapid increase in American trade. History was moving_____ 44 that direction anyway. But the arrival of coffee_____45everything up.

第 1 题





根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。 Text 1 Parents now have a popular belief that Schools ar

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。

Text 1

Parents now have a popular belief that Schools are no longer interested in spelling. No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill. There are,however, greatly different ideas about how to teach it or how much priority (优先)it must be given over general language development and writing ability. The problem is that how to encourage a child to express himself freely and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling.

If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teacher's interest,clearly a bright child will be likely to" play safe". He will be prone to write only words within his spelling range, choosing to avoid adventurous language. That's why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.

I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience:"This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible(难以辨认的)." It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupil's technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted to read the essay, which included some beautiful expressions of the child's deep feelings. The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors,but if his priorities had centred on the child's ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more motivation (动力) to seek improvement.

第 21 题 Teachers are different in their opinions about________

A.the difficulties in teaching spelling.

B.the role of spelling in general language development.

C.the complexities of the basic writing skills.

D.the necessity of teaching spelling.

根据下列文章,请回答 23~30 题。 Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis 1 When I was di

根据下列文章,请回答 23~30 题。

Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis

1 When I was diagnosed with breast cancer nearly a year ago.I found myself at a loss for words at first.Over time,however,I developed some pointers(点子),which I hope will help others.

2 During the first few weeks of emotional” aftershocks”(余悸)from the diagnosis,I found myself unable to utter the word” cancel’.Still。1 wanted to share the news with my relatives and friends who already knew that I’d had a biopsy(活检)and were anxiously awaiting my telephone call.I did the best l could。which is all anyone can do in this situation.When I called them,I said,“What we feared has happened.”They immediately knew what I meant.

3 Nearly a year after my diagnosis.I find myself more comfortable telling people “I was diagnosed with cancer” instead of saying have cancer.”0n some deep level.I don’t want t0“own”this illness。Choose language that suits you when you share your news.And keep in mind that there is no one “right” way of doing this.

4 Most people.after hearing your announcement,will be Curious about the next step。They may wonder if you will be undergoing radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy(化疗).They may wonder where and when you will have surgery.Answer their questions as best you can.but keep in mind that” I don’t know right now”or“I’m still in too much shock to think about that”are good answers.

5 Wait until the initial wave of strong emotions has passed before telling the children in your life.Don’t overwhelm(使不知所措)very young children with too much information.Assure them that,even if you will be in the hospital for a while。they will see you every day and they will be cared for.Older, children may already fear the word “cancer”,SO be prepared to reassure them.Emphasize the positive steps that doctors will be taking to treat your illness.

第 23 题 23 Paragraphs 2______________

A.Break the news as calmly as possible to children

B.Break the news at your own pace

C.Share the good news with your friends

D.Choose language that suits you

E.Follow your doctor’S advice

F.Be prepared for people’S curiosity

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