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听力原文: One of Britain's most prestigious awards for artwork has gone to a sculptor who

is noted for pouring concrete into old houses. Rachel Whiteread was awarded the Turner Prize for the best artistic work over the past year. But as VOA's Gill Butler reports from London, Ms. Whiteread also won the first K Prize for the worst artistic work over the past year.

"In tradition-minded Britain the Turner Prize is often controversial and no more so than this year. In addition to Ms. Rachel Whiteread's casts of the interiors of old houses due for demolition, the judges also considered a work that consisted of a room filled with seven metric tons of rice lit by pink neon lights. Even that would have trouble equaling one of the entries in last year's Turner Prize competition--it was a display of 37 fish inside glass cases."

In awarding Ms. Whiteread the Turner Prize, Lord Polumbo, Chairman of the British Arts Council spoke of the ridicule nontradltional artists face.:" The artist exploring the new is liable to derision and hostility. The new is always shocking, but there is nothing new about that."

The newspapers here have had a lot of fun with the Turner Prize. The conservative Daily Mail headlined "Disaster in Plaster". The very serious Independent had a front page story headlined" Turner Prize won by worst artist". The Times approach was similar "Turner's best equals the worst". What both were referring to is the fact that in addition to a $ 30,000 Turner Prize for the year's best work, Rachel Whiteread won $ 60,000 from something called the K Foundation for, in its view, producing the worst art of the past twelve months. The K Foundation was started by a millionaire rock-and-roll group. A Foundation spokesman said the idea was to point out what he called the hypocrisy of all these awards".

As far as Ms. Whiteread was concerned, the most distressing event of the evening wasn't the spoof a- ward as worst artist; it was the fact that her major work, a concrete casting called "house", is to be demolished at the order of the local governing council in East London at the end of this month.

Rachel Whiteread is______.

A.a traditional artist

B.a sculptor

C.an interior decorator

D.a house designer

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更多“听力原文: One of Britain's most pr…”相关的问题
听力原文:Man:I was always fascinated by the musical theatre, from the very word go. My aun

听力原文:Man: I was always fascinated by the musical theatre, from the very word go. My aunt was an actress, not a particularly successful one, but I thought her world was unbelievably glamorous. And she used to take me to London to see some of the American musicals which were on in Great Britain some time after they were on in New York, and so I got to see a lot of things at a very early age. It just grabbed me, it was one of those things

You hear a writer of musicals talking on the radio. What is he trying to explain?

A.why his aunt's career was net very successful

B.the difference between American and British musicals

C.his reasons for becoming a writer of musicals

听力原文:Most summer school courses in Britain last for two to four weeks. During that tim

听力原文: Most summer school courses in Britain last for two to four weeks. During that time the students live either with a British family, or at the school, or in a hotel. They have about 15 hours of lessons every Monday to Friday--usually in the morning. Each school has a lot of different courses. Some are for beginners and others are for intermediate or advanced students. The lessons are time the classes are small and the teachers are all from English-speaking countries.

But summer school students don't just speak English in the classroom. They are in Britain, so they speak and read and hear it outside too. That's why they learn so quickly and why a summer school course is really a holiday. Only one third of each course is taught in the classroom. The rest takes place during a busy afternoon and evening timetable of visits, sports and games. These activities help everyone to make new friends, have fun and improve their English.


A.Courses in British history.

B.Language courses.

C.Courses in sports.

D.Teacher training courses.

听力原文:In Britain, just after the main television news programs, audience figures rise.

听力原文: In Britain, just after the main television news programs, audience figures rise. It' s weather forecast time. The BBC broadcasts 44 live forecasts a day, 443 hours of weather a year, using forecasters from the Meteorological Office. The Office makes predictions about the weather seven days in advance. These are based on observations from the ground, from satellites and from radar. The observations are stored in a computer that can do up to 4,000 million calculations a second.

In Britain the weather is news. The BBC forecasters are professional meteorologists, but they do not have an easy job. They are the only presenters on television who do not use a script, and they cannot see the map that they are describing. Viewers are often critical, especially of female presenters. One woman left her job after rude letters and press reports about her clothes.

The British talk about weather more than almost any other subjects, so it is a surprise to discover that 70 percent of television viewers cannot remember what they saw on the weather forecasts. "What happens is that people like watching and hearing the forecasts, but they probably only take real notice when they need to--when they' re going on holiday or wondering what the weather will be like for the tennis at Wimbledon," says one forecaster. "Or, of course, when we make mistakes!"



B.Four hundred and thirty-three.


D.Four thousand million.

听力原文:In order to man w in Britain, both the man and the woman must be over sixteen. An

听力原文: In order to man w in Britain, both the man and the woman must be over sixteen. Anyone under eighteen must obtain parental consent. People can get married either in a registry office or in a church. On three Sundays before the wedding a public announcement of the forthcoming manage has to be made in church, and announcement has to be put up on a board at the church or the registry office.

In a registry office ceremony there must be two witnesses. On some occasions, especially when people have married secretly, two passers-by in the street have suddenly found themselves asked to witness a marriage! Although the number of registry office marriages is increasing, most people still prefer a church wedding. The bride, in white, is at tended by bridesmaids, and led by a proud father up to the church altar, where the bridegroom is waiting, nervously, attended by his best man.

And it seems sensible to wait. One quarter of all marriages between people under twenty-one end in divorce. In Britain in 1972, there were 124,248 divorces," Look before you leap" would be good advice to people thinking of get ting married.


A.Under 18.

B.Under 16.

C.Over 19.

D.Under 1

听力原文:The basic flag of the United States is one of the world's oldest national flags.

听力原文: The basic flag of the United States is one of the world's oldest national flags. Only the basic flags of Austria, Denmark, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland are older.

The first official flag of the United States was created by Congress on June 14,1777. It consisted of 13 alternate red and white stripes and 13 white stars in a field of blue, representing the 13 colonies that had declared their independence in 1776. Congress adopted a new flag of 15 stars and 15 stripes in 1795, to give representation to the two new states admitted into the Union, Vermont and Kentucky.

By 1817, there were 20 states in the Union, and it became apparent that adding one stripe for each new state would destroy the shape of the flag. As a result, in 1818, congress restored the design of 13 stripes and provided that each state was to be represented by one star. In 1912 President William H. Taft made the first official provision for the arrangement of the stars. He ordered that there be six even rows of eight stars each. Previously, the arrangement of the stars had been left to the flag-maker's fancy.

The evolution of the Stars and Stripes reflects the growth of the United States. After the admission of Hawaii into the Union in 1959, the flag was officially changed for the 26th time since its creation.


A.New Zealand.




听力原文:In order to marry in Britain, both the man and the woman must be over sixteen. An

听力原文: In order to marry in Britain, both the man and the woman must be over sixteen. Anyone under eighteen must obtain parental consent. People can get married either in a registry office or m a church. On three Sundays before the wedding a public announcement of the forthcoming marriage has to be made in church, and announcement has to be put up on a board at the church or the registry office.

In a registry office ceremony there must be two witnesses. On some occasions, especially when people have married secretly, two passers-by in the street have suddenly found themselves asked to witness a marriage! Although the number of registry office marriages is increasing, most people still prefer a church wedding. The bride, in white, is attended by bridesmaids, and led by a proud father up to the church altar, where the bridegroom is waiting, nervously, attended by his best man.

And it seems sensible to wait. One quarter of all marriages between people under twenty-one end in divorce. In Britain in 1972, there were 124,248 divorces, "Look before you leap"(三思而行) would be good advice to people thinking of getting married.


A.Under 18.

B. Under 16.

C. Over 19.

D. Under 17.

听力原文:In Britain, if you are found guilty of a crime, you can be sent to prison or be f

听力原文: In Britain, if you are found guilty of a crime, you can be sent to prison or be fined or be ordered to do community work such as tidying public places and helping the old. You may also be sent to special centers when you learn special skills like cooking, writing and car maintenance. About 5 percent of the present population are women. Many prisons were built over one hundred years ago. But the government will have built 11 new prisons by next year. There are two sorts of prisons. The open sort and the closed sort. In the closed sort, prisoners are given very little freedom. They spend three to ten hours outside their cells when they exercise, eat, study, learn skills, watch TV and talk to other prisoners. All prisoners are expected to work. Most of them are paid for what they do, whether it is doing maintenance or cooking and cleaning. Prisoners in open prisons are locked up at night, but for the rest of the time, they are free within the prison grounds. They can exercise, have visitors, or study. And some are allowed out of the ground to study or to do community work.

Which of the following is NOT a way to punish the one who commits a crime?

A.To be sent to a prison.

B.To be tortured physically.

C.To be ordered to do community work.

D.To be fined.

听力原文:Thank you for calling the Britain information service. If you'd like information
about train times, please press 1. If you' d like to book a ticket, please press 2. If you want information about special offers and discounts, please press 3. If you want information about planned engineering works and timetable changes, please press 4. If you wish to make a complaint, please press 5 or stay on the line and a customer service advisor will be with you shortly. Calls may be recorded for training purposes.

Where might one hear this message?

A.An engineering company

B.A telephone company

C.A railway company

D.A cinema

听力原文:The word "university" comes from the Latin word "universitas", meaning "the whole

听力原文: The word "university" comes from the Latin word "universitas", meaning "the whole". Later, in Latin legal language, "universitas" meant a society or corporation. In the Middle Ages, the word meant "an association of teachers and scholars". The origins of universities can be traced back to the 12th to 14th centuries. In the early 12th century, long before universities were organized in the modern sense, students gathered together for higher studies at certain centers of learning. The earliest centers in the Europe were at Bolonia in Italy, founded in 1088. Other early centers were set up in France, the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany from 1150 to 1386. The first universities in Britain were Oxford and Cambridge. They were established in 1185 and 1209 respectively. The famous London University was founded in 1836. This was followed by the foundation of several universities such as Manchester and Birmingham, which developed from provincial colleges. It was in the 1960's that the largest expansion of higher education took place in Britain. This expansion took 3 basic forms: existing universities were enlarged, new universities were developed from existing colleges and completely new universities were set up. In Britain, finance for universities comes from three source: the first, and file largest source, is grants from the government, the second source is fees paid by students and the third one is private donations. All the British universities except one receive some government funding. The exception is Buckingham, which is Britain's only independent university.


A.A business corporation.

B.The universe as a whole.

C.A society of legal professionals.

D.An association of teachers and scholars.

听力原文:Visitors to Britain may find the best place to approach local culture is in a tra

听力原文: Visitors to Britain may find the best place to approach local culture is in a traditional pub. The mysterious rituals of British pubs must be taken into consideration.

Most pubs have no waiters. You have to go to the bar to buy drinks. This may sound inconvenient, but there is a hidden purpose. Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve. Standing at the bar for service allows you to chat with others waiting to be served. The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which conversation with strangers is considered entirely appropriate and really quite normal behavior.

"If you haven't been to a pub, you haven't been to Britain." This tip can be found in a booklet, Passport to the Pub: The Tourists' Guide to Pub Etiquette, a customers' code of conduct for those wanting to sample "a central part of British life and culture". The trouble is that if you do not follow the local rules, the experience may fall flat. For example, if you are in a big group, it is best if only one or two people go to buy the drinks. Nothing irritates the regular customers and the bar staff more than a gang of strangers blocking all access to the bar while they chat and hesitate about what to order.



B.Art museum.

C.Buckingham Palace.

D.Local pubs.

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