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Empathy—the ability to appreciate that a stranger struggling with a suitcase not only find

s his situation(1)_____ but also needs help which, (2)_____ you are not incapable yourself, you can and do(3)______—is key to Simon Baron-Cohens thesis in "Zero Degrees of Empathy". He reckons that only those who can empathise with their fellow man and who(4)_____ act in a considerate way can hope to be without malice. Cruelty(5)_____ failing to empathise with others,(6)_____ through being inconsiderate or through wilfully ignoring their pain. Some people lack empathy(7)______, others switch it off when they are tired, stressed or(8)______—telling a child not to bother you because you are working,(9)_____—and experience regret for their harsh words when their empathy(10)_____. Those whose minds(11)_____ consider their fellow traveller are not bad but(12)______, Mr. Baron-Cohen argues. For some, there is a genetic (13)_____ for why crucial parts of their brains seem disengaged while other people suffer. For others, activity in those brain areas has been subdued by some awful(14)_____ in childhood. The author champions his own parents for instilling in him(15)_____ he calls an "internal pot of gold"—a measure of self-reliance and self-confidence which he thinks is(16)_____ for developing empathy. Children learn to consider the thoughts of other people(17)_____ the minds of those who (18)_____ them are safe places to enter. A child whose mother wishes he(19)_____ exist will not want to carefully consider the thought, and will fail to develop empathy(20)_____.






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According to Peter Salovey, Yale psychologist and author of the term EQ, IQ gets you hired
and EQ gets you promoted.

Salovey tells of a simple test. Some four-year-old kids were invited into a room and were given the following instruction: " You can have this marshmallow right now; or if you wait, you can have two marshmallows when I get back. " Then, the researcher left. Some kids grabbed for the treat as soon as the researcher was out the door, while others waited for the researcher to return. By the time the kids reached high school, significant differences appeared between the two groups. The kids who held out for two marshmallows were better adjusted, more popular, more adventurous, more confident, and more dependable than kids in the quick gratification group. The latter group was also more likely to be lonely, more easily frustrated, more stubborn, more likely to buckle under stress, and more likely to shy away from challenges. When both groups took scholastic aptitude tests, the "hold out group" walloped the "quick gratification group" by 210 points (the test scores range from a minimum of 200 points to a maximum of 800, with an average for all students of 500 points).

Researchers have been discussing whether it' s possible to raise a person' s IQ. Geneticists say No, while social scientists say Yes. But while brain power researchers continue the debate, social science researchers have concluded that it's possible to improve a person' s EQ, and in particular, a person' s "people skills, " such as empathy, graciousness, and the ability to "read" a social situation.

According to the social scientists, there is little doubt that people without sufficient EQ will have a hard time surviving in life. EQ is perhaps best observed in people described as either pessimists or optimists. Optimistic people have high EQ and treat obstacles as minor, while the pessimistic people have low-EQ and personalizes all setbacks. In social research circles, EQ denotes one' s ability to survive, and it' s here that there may be an overlap between EQ, IQ, genetics and environment. As to that, I am reminded of the words of Darwin, "The biggest, the smartest, and the strongest are not the survivors. Rather, the survivors are the most adaptable. " Those of us who survive and thrive in this complex world are not only the most adaptable, but also the most optimistic and the most likely to have a high EQ.

EQ gets you promoted, not because________.

A.a person with high EQ is better adjusted

B.a person with high EQ is more stubborn

C.a person with high EQ is more confident

D.A person with high EQ is more popular

" ...education(like medical school])can actually wring the empathy out of students"(Para.

" ...education(like medical school])can actually wring the empathy out of students"(Para. 2)probably means that

A.college students possess less EQ than their predecessors.

B.college students are trained to be blessed with much empathy.

C.college students are forced to show empathy for others.

D.college students need to show more empathy for others.

The author believes thatA.empathy doesn"t affect college students" performance.B.empathy c

The author believes that

A.empathy doesn"t affect college students" performance.

B.empathy contributes to the development of logic and reason.

C.a doctor must be a person with great empathy and skills.

D.a doctor"s empathy is more effective than medication.






When requesting, offering, or recommending things, you should().

A.show the listener that you value and respect them

B.soften what you say so as not to sound too direct or forceful

C.be genuine, apologize and show empathy

D.A and B only






The sentence "positive emotion feelings enhance empathy and altruism" (line 1, paragraph 3

The sentence "positive emotion feelings enhance empathy and altruism" (line 1, paragraph 3) most probably means

A.positive emotion feelings are sought after by everyone.

B.positive emotion feelings make people likely to show sympathy and be unselfish.

C.positive emotion feelings improve one's health greatly.

D.positive emotion feelings happiness and luck to one's lives.

Which of the following statements is not what investors, employees and customers focus on?

A.Do the company still treat them with respect and empathy in the tough times aswell as the good times?

B.Can they still get the same salary in the tough times as well as the good times?

C.Are the basic strategies and the basic ways of operating changing?

The author wants to argue in the passageA.that being kind and being smart are not mutually

The author wants to argue in the passage

A.that being kind and being smart are not mutually exclusive.

B.whether Harvard"s "freshman pledge" should be adopted or not.

C.that empathy has become the new scapegoat of academic decline.

D.when the debate over Harvard"s "freshman pledge" will be ended.

?Read the article below about successful e-mail negotiation.?Choose the best sentence from

?Read the article below about successful e-mail negotiation.

?Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.

?For each gap 9-14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.

?Do not use any letter more than once.

Successful E-mail Negotiation

Given that you are involved in a negotiation that must proceed via information technology, how can you best achieve your goals? The following prescriptions are important. Most people overestimate the ability of other people to make sense out of what they mean. People have a hard enough time deciphering our messages in face-to-face interactions; accuracy decreases dramatically in e-mail exchanges. Many people assume that longer means clearer. It does not. People have a slant attention span and often dislike long e-mail messages, or perhaps even stop reading them if they began to fall off of the screen. Must people are capable of only retaining seven, plus-or-minus two, ideas in their head at any one 6rae. As a general rule of thumb, most e- mail messages should fit on a single screen. Screen loading, or the tendency to write very long message can lead to annoyance on the part of the recipient, especially if be or she is busy. Negotiations are more productive when the parties exchange a greater number of shorter e-mails, rather than fewer, but longer e-malls. (9) This also builds reciprocity in exchange.

The asynchronous nature of e-mail provides people with the dubious luxury of not having to immediately receive of respond to e-mail messages. However, the sender of e-mail messages often expects a timely response. Not responding to e-mail may be perceived as rejection and disinterest. Further, newer forms of software allow senders to ascertain whether the recipient has read their e-mail. Failure to provide a timely response to e-mall is akin to giving the "silent treatment" to someone. (10) .

Meta-communication is communication about communication. This boils down to people talking about how they should communicate. (11) In any electronic communication, it is important to let team members know how often you check your e-mail, whether you or someone else reads and responds to your e-mail, and whether you forward your e-mail to others.

Flaming refers to the insults, criticisms, and character assassinations that people hurl over e-mail. Flaming remarks make fun of grammar, include labeling and accusations, character attack, backhanded compliments, and blunt statements. (12) . In contrast, face-to-face groups have mechanisms and norms, such as conformity pressure, that largely prevent flaming. People react to each other with less politeness, empathy or inhibition if they cannot sense the other's social presence. (13) .

There is more uncertainty, doubt, and ambiguity in electronic mail exchanges. (14) .As a consequence, people become frustrated and seek to control the exchange by issuing threats, e.g. "I am not going to read my e-mail again". Along lines, do nut chastise or deliver negative feedback via e-mail; face-to-face or telephone communication is more appropriate.

A Such and other negative interpersonal behaviors often stem from feelings of isolation.

B This stems from the asynchronous nature of communication.

C Increasing the rate of e-mail exchange prevents misunderstanding because misperceptions can be quickly rectified.

D This will result in the failure of communication.

E Suspicion and hostility increase as the communication between parties diminishes.

F Negotiators are much more likely to issue threats when communicating via information technology.

G Most people overestimate the ability of other people to make sense out of what they mean.

H This

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