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听力原文:W: Let's try to find our seat near the stage.M: Listen! We'll be lucky if we can

听力原文:W: Let's try to find our seat near the stage.

M: Listen! We'll be lucky if we can find a place to stand at this concert!

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He can't find the tickets.

B.He doesn't want to sit close to the stage.

C.He would rather stand than sit down.

D.He expects the hall to be crowded.

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更多“听力原文:W: Let's try to find our …”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Let's try to find seats in the front.M : Listen, we'll be lucky to find a plac

听力原文:W: Let's try to find seats in the front.

M : Listen, we'll be lucky to find a place to stand at this concert.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He can't find the tickets.

B.He doesn't want to sit in the front.

C.He would rather stand than sit down.

D.He expects the hall to be crowded.

听力原文:M: Will I need to have this tooth pulled?W: I don't think so. Let's try filling i

听力原文:M: Will I need to have this tooth pulled?

W: I don't think so. Let's try filling it first.

Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a dentist's office.

B.At the employment office.

C.In a pharmacy.

D.In a coffee shop.

听力原文:W: I've just left my keys in my room. Now what should I do?M: I can't believe, yo

听力原文:W: I've just left my keys in my room. Now what should I do?

M: I can't believe, you are always so careless. Anyway, let's calm down and try to figure things out.

Q: What does the man suggest?


A.The woman will be more careful, next time.

B.They try to think of a solution.

C.The woman find a spare key.

D.They come downstairs.

听力原文:M: The subway is running behind schedule. and traffic is backed up for blocks. I
don't know if well make the 7:15 show

W: It's a beautiful night. Let's try to get there on foot. We may have dinner near the theatre.

Q: Where are they heading for?


A.The subway station.

B.The beautiful seeing sights.

C.The restaurant.

D.The theatre.

听力原文:W: The subway is running behind schedule and the traffic is heavy. I don't know i
f we'll make the 7:30 show.

M: It's a beautiful night. Let's try to get there on foot.

W: Are you kidding? If we go there on foot, we won't have time to have dinner.

M: Well, we can make do with sandwich.

What does the man suggest they do?

A.Take the subway.

B.See the show some other night.

C.Have dinner after the show.

D.Walk to the theater.

听力原文:W: Oh, God, I can't find my son anywhere. Help me, please. I've looked all over.
I don't know what to do. He should have been back an hour ago.

M: Don't worry. He's probably playing with a friend and forgot about the time. Let's try to call his friends.

Q: What do you know about the little boy?


A.He is missing.

B.He fell over.

C.He is playing with friends.

D.He's absent-minded.

听力原文:W: I’ve just lock my keys in my room. Now what should I do?M: I can’t believe it.

听力原文:W: I’ve just lock my keys in my room. Now what should I do?

M: I can’t believe it. You’re always careless. Anyhow, let’s calm down and try to figure things out.

Q: What did the man suggest?


A.The woman be more careful.

B.The woman find a spare key.

C.They come downstairs.

D.They try to think of a solution.

听力原文:W: Since Professor Williams is willing to give us a three-day extension to finish
the project, maybe he'll also give us a few more days for this assignment.

M: Betty, let's not push our luck! OK?

Q: What does the man mean?


A.They shouldn't make too many requests.

B.They should ask for further extension.

C.They should finish the project as scheduled.

D.They should not try their luck.

听力原文:M Hi, Sara. Is this desk available? I need to find some work space. W Let me thin

听力原文:M Hi, Sara. Is this desk available? I need to find some work space.

W Let me think. That's Terry's spot but I think he's working from home today.

M That's where Terry sits? Then I can't work there. I just saw him in the parking lot.

W Oh, that's right. Terry's working from home Monday and Wednesday this week—his schedule's always changing and I can never keep track of it. But why don't you try over where Gordon sits? There's an extra desk over there.

What is the man trying to do?

A.Format a document

B.Find a place to work

C.Get in touch with Terry

D.Change his work schedule

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