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下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇 31 Whic



下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇 31 Whic

下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇 31 Whic

下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇 31 Whic

31 Which statement is NOT true of Yamamoto Mika?

A She has never been to China

B She is a Japanese student

C She loves Chinese culture

D She wants you to understand her life

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下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇 31 In the f



下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇 31 In t

下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇 31 In t

31 In the first study, students who stay up late A had lower GPAs.

Ahad lower GPAs.

Bhad higher GPAs.

Cperformed equally well in their studies

Dhad little difficulty concentrating during the day

下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇 March Madne



March Madness

For the rest of the month, an epidemic (传染病) will sweep across the US. It will keep kids home from school. College students will ignore piles of homework. Employees will suddenly lose their abilities to concentrate.

The disease, known as "March Madness", refers to the yearly 65-team US men's college basketball tournament. It begins on March 15 and lasts through the beginning of April. Teams compete against each other in a single elimination tournament that eventually crowns a national champion.

Nearly 20 million Americans will find themselves prisoners of basketball festival madness.

The fun comes partly from guessing the winners for every game. Friends compete against friends, husbands against wives, and colleagues against bosses.

Big-name schools are usually favored to advance into the tournament. But each year there are dark horses from little-known universities.

This adds to the madness. Watching a team from a school with 3,000 students beat a team from a school with 30,000, for many Americans, is an exciting experience. Last year, the little-known George Mason University was one of the final four teams. Many people had never even heard of the university before the tournament.

College basketball players are not paid, so the game is more about making a name for their university and themselves. But that doesn't mean money isn't involved.

About $4 billion will be spent gambling on the event. According to Media Life

magazine, the event will draw over $500 million in advertising revenue this year, topping the post-season revenue, including that of the NBA (全国篮球协会).

31 What will happen in the remaining part of the month?

A Great excitement will spread across the US.

B Many Americans will be sent to madhouses.

C About 20 million Americans will be put in prison.

D A deadly epidemic will break out in the US.

第四部分:阅读理解(每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选

第四部分:阅读理解(每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项。请仔细阅读短文并根据短文回答其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。


Medical Journals

Medical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and other health professionals.

In the past,these journals were available only in print.With the development of electronic publishing,many medical journals now have Web sites on the Internet,and some journals publish only online.A few medical journals,like the Journal of the American Medical Association,are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine.Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine.

Medical journals publish many types of articles.Research articles report the results of research studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments.Review articles summarize and analyze the information available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.

Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors,combining results from different studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease.Case conferences and case reports may be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat at them.Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors,often regarding a research or review article published in the same issue.

Editorials provide perspective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic.Letters to the editor provide a way for readers of the medical journal to express comments,questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal.

第31题:The main readers of medical journals are

A)the general public.

B)healthprofessionals. ,

C)medical critics.

D)news reporters.

下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇 Calling for



Calling for Safe Celebrations

Last Fourth of July, Pete, a 14-year-old boy, was enjoying the lit-up skies and loud booms from the fireworks (烟花) being set off in his neighborhood. Suddenly, the evening took a terrible turn. A bottle rocket shot into his eye, immediately causing him terrible pain His family rushed him to the emergency room for treatment. As a result of the injury, Pete developed glaucoma (青光眼) and cataracts (白内障). Today, Pete has permanent vision loss in his injured eye because of his bottle rocket injury.

June is Fireworks Eye Safety Awareness Month, and through its EyeSmart

campaign the American Academy of Ophthalmology (眼科学) wants to remind consumers to leave fireworks to professionals (专业人员). "There is nothing worse than a Fourth of July celebration ruined by someone being hit in the eye with a bottle rocket," said Dr John C. Hagan, clinical correspondent for the Academy and an ophthalmologist at Discover Vision Centers in Kansas City. "A safe celebration means letting trained professionals handle fireworks while you enjoy the show." ~

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 9,000 fireworks-related injuries happen each year. Of these, nearly-half are head-related injuries, with nearly 30 percent of these injuries to the eye. One-fourth of fireworks eye injuries result in permanent vision loss or blindness. Children are the most common victims of firework abuse (伤害), with those fifteen years old or younger accounting for 50 percent of fireworks eye injuries in the United States. Dr Hagan estimates that his practice sees more than 30 injuries each year from fireworks.

Even fireworks that many people consider safe represent a threat to the eyes. For children under the age of five, apparently harmless sparklers (花炮) account for one-third of all fireworks injuries. Sparklers can burn at nearly 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (华氏).

31 What happened to Pete last Fourth of July?

A He was burned in a house fire.

B He was hurt in a fight.

C He was caught in a heavy rain.

D He was hit in the eye

下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇A Debate on t



A Debate on the English Language

A measure declaring English the national language is under intense debate in the United States.The US Senate passed two declarations last week.One calls English the nation's official language and the other says it is the "common and unifying(统一的)"tongue.But Americans found themselves divided on the issue.

Since people worldwide know that most Americans speak only English,many can't understand why the issue is so controversial(有争议的).

"The discussion is related to fears of immigration issues,"says Dick Tucker,a social scientist at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University."It's related to a worry about the changing demography(人口统计)of the US.It's a worry about who will continue to have political and economic influence."

In fact,the notion of protecting the language has been kicked around almost since the nation's founding.John Adams lobbied(游说)in 1780 for the creation of a national academy to correct and improve the English language.But his proposal died,since lawmakers saw it as a royalist(保皇主义者)attempt to define personal behavior.

Since then,the country hasn't had a national language,but the idea of recognizing the special status of English lived on.

The emotions surrounding language resurface(再次浮现)not because people feel comfortable with English.It is more about the discomfort many Americans feel with the new languages,says Walt Wolfram,a professor at North Carolina State University.

"Language is never about language,"he says.

According to the 2000 US Census Bureau report,of 209 million Americans over 18 years old,172 million speak only English at home.About 37 million speak languages other than English.Among them,6.5 million speak poor English and 3.1 million don't speak English at all.

31.What are the two declarations concerned with?

A.The status of the English language.

B.The protection of new languages.

C.The rights to speak one's mother tongue.

D.The improvement of the English language.

下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇The Hyper-X



The Hyper-X

The Hyper-X(超音速飞机)recently broke the record for air-breathing jet planes when it traveled at a Hypersonic speed(超音速)of seven times the speed of sound.That's about 5,000 miles per hour.At this speed,you'd get around the world-flying along the equator (赤道)-in less than 5 hours.

The Hyper-X is an unmanned,experimental aircraft just 12 feet long.It achieves hypersonic speed using a special sort of engine known as a scramjet(超音速冲压式喷气发动机).

For an engine to burn fuel and produce energy,it needs oxygen.A jet engine,like those on passenger airplanes,gets oxygen from the air.A rocket engine typically goes faster but has to carry its own supply of oxygen.A scramjet engine goes as fast as a rocket,but it doesn't have to carry its own oxygen supply.

A scramjet's special design allows it to obtain oxygen from the air that flows through the engine.And it does so without letting the fast-moving air put out the combustion(燃烧) flames.However,a scramjet engine works properly only at speeds greater than five times the speed of sound.

A booster rocket(助推火箭)carried the Hyper-X to an altitude of about l00,000 feet for its test flight.The aircraft's record-beating flight lasted just 11 seconds;That brief journey on March 27 makes a major milestone on the way to a new breed of very fast airplanes, says Werner J.A.Dahm of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.In the future,engineers Predict,airplanes equipped with scramjet engines could transport cargo quickly and cheaply to the brink(边缘)of space.Such hypersonic jets could carry passengers anywhere in the world in just a few hours.

Out of the three experimental Hyper.X aircrafts built for NASA, only one is now left.The agency has plans for another 11-second hypersonic flight, this time at 10 times the speed of sound.

31 The Hyper-X broke the record because

A it was the first air-breathing jet plane.

B it flew along the equator.

C it traveled at the speed of sound.

D it reached a speed of about 5, 000 miles per hour,

第4部分:阅读理解(第31—45题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后

第4部分:阅读理解(第31—45题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项。请根据文章的内容,从每题所给的4个选项中选择1个最佳答案,涂在答题卡相应的位置上。


What Is Death?

People in the past did not question the difference between life and death. They could see that a person died when his heart stopped beating. People have learned, however, that the body does not die immediately when the heart stops beating. They discovered that we remain alive as long as our brain remains active. Today the difference between life and death is not as easy to see as in the past. Modern medical devices can keep the heart beating and the lungs breathing long after the brain stops. But is this life?

This question has caused much debate among citizens in the United States. Many of them want a law that says a person is dead when the brain dies. A person should be considered dead when brain waves stop even if machines can keep the body alive. Such a law would permit doctors to speed removal(切除) of undiseased(没病的)organs for transplant(移植) operations.

The brain is made of thousands of millions of nerve cells. These cells send and receive millions of chemical and electrical messages every day. In this way the brain controls the other body activities. Nerve-cell experts say it usually is easy to tell when the brain has died. They put small electrodes(电极) on a person’s skull (头骨) to measure the electrical signals that pass in and out of the brain. These brain waves are recorded on a television screen or on paper. The waves move up and down every time the brain receives messages from the nerve cells. The brain is dead when the waves stop moving.

Although there are people who oppose the idea of a law on brain block for variouis reasons, the idea of brain wave activity as a test of death is slowly being accepted.

第31题:People in the past held that the difference between life and death

A.was easy to tell.

B.did not exist.

C.lay in the brain.

D.was open to debate.

下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇Trying to Fi


第一篇Trying to Find a Parther

One of the most striking findings of a recent poll in the UK is that of the people inbterviewed,one in two believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with.

Why are many finding it increasingly difficult to start and sustain intimate relationships?Does modern life really make it harder to fall in love?Or are we making it harder for ourselves?

It is certainly the case today that contemporary couples benefit in different ways from relationships.Women no longer rely upon partners for economic security or status.A man doesn’t expect his spouse to be in sole charge of running his household and raising his children.

But perhaps the knowledge that we can live perfectly well without a partnership means that it takes much more to persuade people to abandon their independence.

In theory,finding a partner should be much simpler these days.Only a few generations ago,your choice of soulmate (心上人) was constrained by geography,social convention and family tradition.Although it was never explicit,many marriages were essentially arranged.

Now those barriers have been broken down.You can approach a builder or a brain surgeon in any bar in any city on any given evening.When the world is your oyster (牡蛎),you surely have a better chance of finding a pearl.

But it seems that the old conventions have been replaced by an even tighter constraint:the tyranny of choice.

The expectations of partners are inflated to an unmanageable degree:good looks,impressive salary,kind to grandmother,and right socks.There is no room for error in the first impression.

We think that a relationship can be perfect.If it isn’t,it is disposable.We work to protect ourselves against future heartache and don’t put in the hard emotional labor needed to build a strong relationship.Of course,this is complicated by realities.The cost of housing and child-rearing creates pressure to have a stable income and career before a life partnership.

31.What does the recent poll show?

A.It is getting more difficult for a woman to find her husband.

B.It is getting increasingly difficult to start a familyl.

C.It is getting more difficult for a man to find his wife.

D.It is getting increasingly difficult to develop an intimate relationship with your spouse.

下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇U. S. Life



U. S. Life Expectancy Hite New High

Life expectancy rates in the United States are al an all—time high, with people born in

2005 projected to live for nearly 78 years, a new federal study finds.

The finding reflects a continuing trend of increasing life expectancy that began in l955, when the average American lived to be 69.6 years old. By l995, lire expectancy was 75.8 years and by 2006, it had risen to 77. 9 years, according to the report released Wednesday.

"This is good news," said report co-author Donna Hoyert, a health scientist at the national Center for Health Statistics. “It's even better news that it is a continuation of trends, so it is a long period of continuing improvement."

Despite the upward trend, the United States still has lower lire expectancy than some 40 other countries, according to the U. S. Census (人口普查) Bureau. The country with the longest lire expectancy is Andorra at 83.5 years, followed by Japan, Macau, San Marino and Singapore.

Much of the increase owes to declining death rates from the three leading causes of death in the country-heart disease, cancer and stroke.

In addition, in 2005, the U. S. death rate dropped to an all-time low of less than 800 deaths per l00, 000.

Dr. David Katz, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School Medicine. Said, "News that lire expectancy is increasing is, of course, good. But the evidence we have suggests that there is more chronic disease than ever in the U. S."

Adding years to life is a good thing, Katz said. "But adding vital life to years is at least equally important. If we care about living well, and not just longer, we still have our work cut out for us." he said.

31 Since l 955, lire expectancy rates in the U. S. have

A moved up and down. B been declining.

C remained steady. D been on the rise.

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