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听力原文:W: Hey Taxi! Ah great. Thanks for pulling over.M: Where to?W: Well, I'm going to

听力原文:W: Hey Taxi! Ah great. Thanks for pulling over.

M: Where to?

W: Well, I'm going to the National Museum of Art, and...

M: Sure. Hop in. No problem. Hang on!

W: Uh. Excuse me. How long does it take to get there?

M: Well, that all depends on the traffic ,but it shouldn't take more than twenty minutes for the average driver. And I'm not average. I have driving down to an art, so we should be able to cruise through traffic and get there in less than twelve minutes.

W: Oh, by the way, do you know what time the museum closes?

M: Well, I would guess around 6:00 o'clock.

W: Uh, do you have the time?

M: Yeah; It's half past four.

W: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?

M: Umm... Well, the Mexican restaurant, La Fajita, is fantastic. It's not as inexpensive as other places I know, but the decor is very authentic, and the portions are larger than most places I've been to.

W: Sounds great! How do I get there from the museum?

M: Well, you can catch the subway fight outside the museum. There are buses that run that way, but you would have to transfer a couple of times. And there are taxis too, but they don't run by the museum that often.

W: Okay. Thanks.


A.To a park.

B.To a movie theater.

C.To a musical.

D.To a museum.

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听力原文:W: Hey Taxi! Ah, great. Thanks for pulling over.M: Where to?W: Well, I'm going to

听力原文:W: Hey Taxi! Ah, great. Thanks for pulling over.

M: Where to?

W: Well, I'm going to the National Museum of Art, and

M: Sure. Hop in. No problem. Hang on!

W: Uh. Excuse me. How long does it take to get there?

M: Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn't take more than twenty minutes for the average driver. And I'm not average. I have been driving down to an art, so we should be able to cruise through traffic and get there in less than twelve minutes.

W: Okay. Uh, sorry for asking, but do you have any idea how much the fare will be?

M: Oh, it shouldn't be more than 18 dollars...not including a...uh-hum...a tip of course.

W: Oh, and by the way, do you know what time the museum closes?

M: Well, I would guess around 6:00 o'clock.

W: Uh, do you have the time?

M: Yeah. It's half past four. Uh, this is your first time to the city, right?

W: Yeah. How did you know?

M: Well, you can tell tourists from a mile away in this city bemuse they walk down the street looking straight up at the skyscrapers.

W: Was it that obvious?

M: Well...

W: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?

M: Well, the Mexican restaurant, La Fajita, is fantastic. It's not as expensive as other places I know, but the decoration is very authentic, and the portions are larger than most places I've been to.

W: Sounds great! How do I get there from the museum?

M: Well, you can catch the subway right outside the museum. There are buses that run that way, but you would have to transfer a couple of times. And there are taxis, too, but they don't run by the museum that often.

W: Okay. Thanks.


A.In less than five minutes.

B.In less than ten minus.

C.In less than fifteen minutes.

D.In less than twenty minutes.

听力原文:W: Hello. This is the 911 Emergency.M: Help. Help. Please help me !W: Yes sir. Pl

听力原文:W: Hello. This is the 911 Emergency.

M: Help. Help. Please help me !

W: Yes sir. Please calm down and explain exactly what is happening.

M: Calm down! My car is stalled on the freeway, I have a lady passenger, and she's going into labor.

W: Now relax sir. Explain exactly where you are.

M: I'm... I'm in the southbound lane of the Lincoln Expressway, about 15 miles from the Washington Tunnel, and this lady isn't going to wait.

W: Okay. What's your name sir and your passenger's?

M: It's... it's Bob, and I have no idea about the woman. She's in no condition to tell me.

W: Okay, now what's the nearest landmark to your location? Pay careful attention.

M: Umm, I see golden arches... McDonalds.

W: Okay, is there anyone else with you?

M: No, and I've tried to get someone else to help. [The sound of a bottle breaking.]

W: Hey, what was that?

M: Ah, someone threw a bottle at me. How soon can some- one get here?

W: I've just dispatched an ambulance to your location. They should be there any second.

M: Hey, is there anything I can do while we wait for the ambulance?

W: Yes, uh, keep her calm and warm.

M: Okay. Please hurry. Oh, they're too late. It's a boy!


A.A taxi driver.

B.A bus driver.

C.A truck driver.

D.An ambulance driver.

听力原文:W: Hello. This is the emergency 911 operator.M: Help. Help. Please help me !W: Ye

听力原文:W: Hello. This is the emergency 911 operator.

M: Help. Help. Please help me !

W: Yes sir. Please calm down and explain exactly what is happening.

M: Calm down! My car is stalled on the freeway, I have a lady passenger, and she's going into labor.

W: Now relax sir. Explain exactly where you are.

M: I'm... I'm in the southbound lane of the Lincoln Expressway, about 15 miles from the Washington Tunnel, and this lady isn't going to wait.

W: Okay. What's your name sir and your passenger's?

M: It's... it's Bob, and I have no idea about the woman. She's in no condition to tell me.

W: Okay, now what's the nearest landmark to your location7 Pay careful attention.

M: Umm, I see golden arches... McDonald's.

W: Okay, is there anyone else with you?

M: No, and I've tried to get someone else to stop. [ The sound of a bottle breaking. ]

W: Hey, what was that?

M: Ah, someone threw a bottle at me. How soon can someone get here?

W: I've just dispatched an ambulance .to your location. They should be there any second.

M: Hey, is there anything I can do while we wait for the ambulance7

W: Yes, uh, keep her calm and warm.

M: Okay. Please hurry. Oh, they're too late. It's a boy!


A.A taxi driver.

B.A bus driver.

C.A truck driver.

D.A passenger.

听力原文:W: Hey Mark, have you been able to sell your old piano yet?M: Ah, You were right,

听力原文:W: Hey Mark, have you been able to sell your old piano yet?

M: Ah, You were right, just posting notices on bulletin boards at a couple of supermarket wasn't enough. I think I'll have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He hasn't been able to find an inexpensive piano yet.

B.He's looking for a place to store the piano.

C.He decided not to sell the piano.

D.No one has bought the piano.

听力原文:Operator: Hello. This is the emergency 911 operator.Taxi Driver: Help. Help. Plea

听力原文:Operator: Hello. This is the emergency 911 operator.

Taxi Driver: Help. Help. Please help me!

Operator: Yes sir. Please calm down and explain exactly what is happening.

Taxi Driver: Calm down! My car is stalled on the freeway, I have a lady passenger, and she's going into labor.

Operator: Now relax, sir. Explain exactly where you are.

Taxi Driver: I'm...in the southbound lane of the Lincoln Expressway, about 15 miles from the Washington Tunnel, and this lady isn't going to wait.

Operator: Okay. What's you name, sir, and your passenger's?

Taxi Driver: It's...it's Bob, and I have no idea about the woman. She's in no condition to tell me.

Operator: Okay, now what's the nearest landmark to your location? Pay careful attention.

Taxi Driver: Umm, I see golden arches... McDonalds.

Operator: Okay, is there anyone else with you?

Taxi Driver: No, and I've tried to get someone else to stop. (The sound of a bottle breaking.)

Operator: Hey, what was that? (Ahhhh!)

Taxi Driver: Ah, someone threw a bottle at me. How soon can someone get here?

Operator: I've just dispatched an ambulance to your location. They should be there any second.

Taxi Driver: Hey, is there anything I can do while we are waiting for the ambulance?

Operator: Yes, uh, keep her calm and warm.

Taxi Driver: Okay. Please hurry. Oh, they're too late. It's a boy!

What is the man who is calling?


A.A taxi driver.

B.A bus driver.

C.A college student.

D.A dustman.

听力原文:W: Ron, what are you doing?M: Ah, nothing. I'm just looking up some information o

听力原文:W: Ron, what are you doing?

M: Ah, nothing. I'm just looking up some information on the Internet.

W: Like what? Let me see.

M: No, no, it's okay. I mean, you know.

W: Baldness? What are you looking that up for? Well, you know I , I mean, you're not that bad off.

M: Ah, there you go. Bringing it up again!

W: No. I mean it. You look great] Honestly, it's not that bad.

M: Hey, I get enough of it from friends, and the people at work, and now from you!

W: Well, maybe you could wear a wig? I think you'd look great.

M: Oh no. And have it slip off my head on to my date's dinner plate as I lean over to kiss her?

W: Well, have you ever thought about seeking medical advice? There are new advances in medicines that not only prevent hair loss, but help stimulate new growth.

M: Ah, I still don't give much confidence to medical treatment to prevent permanent hair loss.

W: Well, what about accepting the fact that you're just losing your hair?

M: I just can't give up hope. I know appearances shouldn't matter, but I don't know. I just feel that women just avoid me.

W: Come on. You can't be serious.

M: No, really. I've seen it many times. It just, I don't know.


A.He looks for some information far his hair loss.

B.He seeks some information for his company.

C.He relaxes himself by reading some news on the Net.

D.He emails some information about the treatment of hah' loss.

听力原文:W: How much does the taxi driver charge you?M: 15 yuan.Q: How much does the man p

听力原文:W: How much does the taxi driver charge you?

M: 15 yuan.

Q: How much does the man pay to the taxi driver?


A.5 yuan.

B.15 yuan.

C.50 yuan.

听力原文:M: The taxi is waiting downstairs. Let's hurry!W: Wait a minute.I'll take some fo

听力原文:M: The taxi is waiting downstairs. Let's hurry!

W: Wait a minute. I'll take some food with us. I don't like the meal served on the train.

What are the speakers going to do?

A.Wait for a taxi.

B.Buy some food.

C.Go on a trip.

D.Book train tickets.

听力原文:W: I'm afraid I'll go at once.M: Well, I will call a taxi for you.Q: What will th

听力原文:W: I'm afraid I'll go at once.

M: Well, I will call a taxi for you.

Q: What will the man do?


A.Make a call.

B.Call the police.

C.Stop a taxi.

听力原文:M: Hey, don't look so worried.W: (whispering)…don't know what to do with all thes

听力原文:M: Hey, don't look so worried.

W: (whispering)…don't know what to do with all these knives and forks and glasses. What do I do?

M: Ah, so that's the problem. Don't worry. It's easy. Use the cutlery from the outside to the inside. After each course the dirty dishes and cutlery will he taken away. The different glasses are for different kinds of drink. If you get stuck, just watch someone else.

W: OK, OK. I think I've got it. Could you explain some more about etiquette? I don't want to do something that looks really stupid!

M: Well, the most important thing is not to make noise when you eat. Parents always tell their children "don't talk with your mouth full" and "never chew with your mouth open".

W: OK, so that's a bit different. Sometimes it's polite in Asia to make noise. What else?

M: At a formal meal, in a place like this, you should always have your napkin on your lap and don't rest your arms on the table either. If you are at someone's house, it is always polite to compliment the cook. I guess that last part is the same everywhere in the world.

W: Well, although you guys didn't cook it, thanks for a great meal!

M: It's a good job I didn't cook it, I can burn water!

W: What do I do if I need to leave the table? Do I need to say where I'm going?

M: Don't go into too much detail. The safest option is to just say "please excuse me for a minute".

W: OK, well. In that case, please excuse me for a minute.


A.Eating all of the food.

B.Using the right knives, forks and glasses.

C.Going to the toilet.

D.Drinking too much wine.

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