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What kind of idea does Paula promote on her website?A.There're many modern working ways no

What kind of idea does Paula promote on her website?

A.There're many modern working ways nowadays.

B.A modern working way has many benefits.

C.A modern life could make work harmonious.

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更多“What kind of idea does Paula p…”相关的问题
Write a note of about 50 - 60 words based on the following situation: The annual Chri
stmas party is going to be held at your school. Your friend Chris wants to give a performance on the party, but he has no idea about what kind of show to play. Thus, he asks for your help. Write him a note to give some suggestions. Do not sign your own name, using "Peter" instead. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.

听力原文:W: Hi, Tom. What are you reading?M: Oh, hi, Tanya. This is a newspaper, the Commu

听力原文:W: Hi, Tom. What are you reading?

M: Oh, hi, Tanya. This is a newspaper, the Community News. It carries only good news.

W: Oh, yeah. I think I've seen that.

M: Yeah, isn't it a great idea? I'm so fed up with all the bad news you read about all the time. It's about time someone offers some creative choice to the mainstream newspapers.

W: I don't know.., the problem with it is, if it's only good news, how do you know you're getting the whole story, and not just sugar-coated truth? It doesn't sound like objective journalism — that both sides of a story and all facts are being reported.

What kind of newspaper is the Community News?

A.It's a new newspaper.

B.It reports only bad news.

C.It reports only good news.

听力原文:W: So you really believe that clothes carry a kind of message for other people an
d that what we put on is in some way a reflection of what we feel?

M: Oh yes, very much so. People are beginning now to take seriously the idea of a kind of psychology of clothing, to believe that there is not just individual taste in our clothes but also a thinking behind what we wear, which is trying to express something we may not even be aware of ourselves.

W: But surely this has always been the case. We all dress up when we want to impress someone, such as for a job interview with a prospective employer.

M: True, but that's a conscious act. What I'm talking about is more of a subconscious thing. Take for example the student who is away from home: if he tends to wrap himself up more than the others, this is because he is probably feeling homesick. Simitarly, a general feeling of insecurity can sometimes take the form. of over-dressing in warmer clothes than are necessary.

W: Can you give any other examples of this kind?

M: Yes. I think people who are sociable and outgoing tend to prefer brighter or more dazzling colors -- yellows, bright reds, and so on. And aggressive clothes might indicate an aggressive personality or attitude to life.

W: Do you think the care -- or lack of it -- over the way we actually wear our clothes has anything to tell us?

M: Yes, indeed. The length, for example, of a man's trousers speaks volumes about his awareness of his own image. Or, if his trousers are hanging down, this probably means he's absorbed by other things.

W: Oh, very interesting. Tell me more about it.

M: OK ....


A.The colors of clothing.

B.The individual taste on clothing.

C.The idea of psychology of clothing.

D.The clothing fashion.

听力原文:W1: Jane, I am starved. What do you say we go out and get some lunch first and fi
nish working on this report after we come back?

W2: That sounds like an idea, Susan. I was starting to feel a bit hungry myself. Hey, let's go and try something different today. I'm getting kind of tired of having the same food day after day.

W1: All right, do you have anything special in mind, or do you want me to suggest something?

W2: Well, I was thinking that we could go to that Thai restaurant Sean was telling us about the other day. He said the food is really good and spicy. It's been a long time since I had anything spicy, and you know how much I like spicy food.

Where is the conversation taking place?

A.At a restaurant.

B.In an office.

C.At the company cafeteria.

D.At Sean's place.

听力原文: At no other time in recent history has it been easier or cheaper to start a n
ew kind of company. Possibly a very profitable company. Lets call these new companies LILOs, for "a little in, a lot out". These are Web-based businesses that cost almost nothing to get off the ground yet can turn into great moneymakers. How do you get started? All thats required is a great idea for a product that will fill a need in the 21st century. These days youd do best if your idea either makes people money or saves them money. And launching now will make your company stronger later — youll learn to survive on fumes until the economy improves. Thats what John Tayman is doing. Hes an author who lives in San Francisco and writes reviews for a business magazine. Tayman knew little about technology and even less about business. And yet he dreamed of a website that would summarise car reviews from other sources and rank every model of new car. Tayman said he intended to build the site on the side while continuing to write for a living. Hed work on his new company only at night and on weekends. Oh, yes, and he had only about $10,000. Tayman went to work with nothing more than his laptop. A hyper-organised fellow, he quickly discovered a bunch of free stuff online — instructional manuals and sites that walk you through the process from start to finish. Within months, Tayman had a virtual staff of 20 employees working for him in five different countries. MotorMouths.com went live in January. Tayman figures he has worked about 10 hours a week on it and hasnt spent a cent on marketing or advertising. Growth is modest but steady: nearly 10,000 people visit each week. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 23. What is the advantage of starting a business now? 24. What did Tayman have when he started his business? 25. What do we learn about Taymans website according to the passage?23.

A.A magazine, an idea and a laptop.

B.A friend, an idea and a good knowledge of Internet.

C.An idea, a little knowledge about Internet and $10,000.

D.Some knowledge about business, an idea and $10,000.

What kind of evidence supports the idea that language is culturally transmitted?

听力原文:W: Show me your licence please?M: What is the matter? Did I do something wrong?W:

听力原文:W: Show me your licence please?

M: What is the matter? Did I do something wrong?

W: You were speeding.

M: I was speeding?

W: You certainly were. Do you have any idea how fast you were going?

M: I'm not sure, but I was going about 35.

W: This street is in a 25-mile-per-hour speed zone, you know.

M: It is?

W: In this state, the speed limit in residential area is 25 unless otherwise posted. Besides, there are signs all along the streets.

M: I'm sorry. I guess I didn't notice. I was thinking about my mother. She is in hospital. I'm on my way there right now and I haven't planned to come this way.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, I was driving along Lincoln Street but the traffic there was really bad. There was some kind of construction going on. I turned on to a side street and ended up here. Give me a break. I'm nervous enough as it is.

W: Well, since you have to look after your mother. I'll give you a warning this time. But keep your eye on the speedometer from now on, whether you're on a street you are familiar with or not.


A.He drove too fast.

B.He didn't have a driving license.

C.He car he drove was stolen.

D.He drove in a residential area.

A variety of social problems are closely linked to poverty. It is well【C1】______that child
ren who grow up in poverty are more likely to .be【C2】______in illegal activity, have higher teenage pregnancy rates,【C3】______lower academic achievement, and suffer【C4】______a host of other social problems than those who do not grow up in poverty. The【C5】______of the poor population may also have important【C6】______for the overall competitiveness of the American economy, not only【C7】______it brings the added tax burden, but also because immigrants earning poverty level wages clearly do not have the kind of skills【C8】______to compete in an increasingly global marketplace.

In【C9】______to the impact on American society in【C10】______, looking at poverty among immigrants is also important because it is one way of【C11】______the consequences of current immigration policy. It also gives us a good idea of what immigrants【C12】______in the future are likely to do in the United States if immigration policy【C13】______unchanged. Very high poverty rates imply that a significant proportion of immigrants are unable to【C14】______in the modern American economy. This is【C15】______important because without a change in immigration policy, 10 million new immigrants will likely settle【C16】______in the country in just the next decade. Of course, the poverty rate for immigrant households does not tell us exactly【C17】______those admitted in the future will fare.【C18】______, looking at past immigrants is probably the best means we have of【C19】______how tomorrow's immigrants will do if the same selection criteria【C20】______to be used.






听力原文:F: Our guru on management is a 63 years old Hungarian immigrate who arrived in th
e U. S. in 1956 with neither a word of English, nor a dime in his pocket. Today he runs the company that makes the semiconductor chips that power 90% of the world's personal computers. He is Andrew Grove, chairman, CEO and cofounder of Intel, the San Jose based giant in semiconductor chip manufacturing. Obviously, Intel has managed change dramatically well. That's what Intel is about. Yet change really intimidates people and it's very frightening. What do you think people can do, managers, just regular folks, can do to alleviate some of the scariness of change?

M: I'm not sure you want to eliminate scariness. I really wonder if the tight-rope-walkers can do their job because they are not afraid of heights or whether they can do their jobs because they are afraid of heights and they've just learned how to do their task that much better because they know what it's like, or they have a pretty good idea what it's like to fall. I think fear is your "ally in here, because it is fear that gets you out of comfortable equilibrium, gets you to do difficult tasks". You know, managing in general is not an easy job, so I don't think I wanna eliminate fear. I don't eliminate fear of change, I don't wanna eliminate fear of what's wanna happen if you don't move. It's healthy, it's kind of like, you know, pain is healthy, physical pain, it warns your body that something is wrong and just extinguishing pain doesn't make the problem going away. It just makes your sense that there is a problem going away. So it makes it worse.

F: One of the biggest contributions that you've made down to making the public aware of what's inside a computer is the Intel Inside campaign, which is a very big marketing campaign designed to make the consumer, the end user, allow them to make their choice based on Intel being inside the box. When did you first think that this was important? There are obviously risks to this strategy, there are obviously rewards. How did you analyse the risk-reward in this?

M: Well, you know, it was kind of obvious in a way, if you listened to the language people used to describe their computer at the time—you're talking late 80s. Most of the time, people would refer to their computer by the number, the number of the microprocessor that they had in it. I'm gonna take my trusty old 386 and look it up, or do something on it. They didn't use the name of the manufacturer. They used the model number of the microprocessor, which actually is kind of right, because the fundamental characteristic of that computer is the microprocessor. That defines what software it's gonna run, it's gonna define how fast it runs it, and if it defines how fast it runs it, it defines what you can do with it. So the user experience, what the user can do and how well he can do it, more than anything else depends on the microprocessor, the chip. So we kind of sensed that we really had that identity but we didn't know exactly how to go about it. We wanted to market the product name, but the problem with the product name was we couldn't copyright it, I mean, couldn't trademark the numbers. We had a legal battle on it and we lost. So how do you tell our story, given that the microprocessor gives the characteristic of their computer to, not completely, but more than anything else, to the user. And we started merchandising Intel, the Computer Inside. Not on the devices but in our own commercials. And that kind of worked, we had good results, good focus group results, people understood, yeah, the Intel stuff is the computer

F: So how much now do you think of your success is marketing, and how much of it is technology?

M: Andrew Grove: You know, for a long time I've thought about this and had to answer the questions internally a lot. And the best I can say is describing Intel as a three legged stool, and the three legs are design, technology and manufacturing, and marketi




There are some very god things about open education.This way of teaching allows the st

udents to grow as people, and to develop their own interests in many subjects.Open education allows students to be responsible for their own education, as they are responsible for what they do in life.The open classroom may allow students to enjoy learning more.Some students will be happier in such a school.They will not have to worry about grades or rules.For students who worry about these things a lot, it is a good idea to be in an open classroom.

But many students will not do well in an open classroom.For some students, there are too few rules.These students will do little in school.They will not make good use of open education.For many students it is important to have some rules in the classroom.They worry about the rules even when there are no rules.Even a few rules will help this kind of student.The last point about open education is that some traditional teachers do not like it.Many teachers do not believe in open education.Teachers who want to have an open classroom may have many problems at their schools.

Since some of its good points and bad points have been explained, you may have your own opinion about open education.The writer thinks that open education is a good idea, but only in theory.In actual fact, it may not work very well in a real class or school.In some cases, students must be made to study some subjects.Many students are pleased to find subjects they have to study interesting.They would not study those subjects if they did not have to.

36.Open education allows the students to ().

A.achieve more in life

B.be ready for their own future

C.develop their own interests

D.learn subjects outside classroom

37.Open education may be a good idea for the students who ().

A.enjoy learning

B.worry about grades

C.believes open education is completely a good idea

D.are pleased to have rules

38.Some students will do little in an open classroom because ().

A.there are too few rules

B.they don’t like open education

C.they care much about their grades

D.open classroom is of little help to them

39.Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? ()

A.Traditional teachers like open education very much

B.Students do better in a traditional classroom

C.Students are not used to making so many choices in open education

D.Teachers may have problems in open classrooms

40.Which of the following best summarizes the passage?()

A.open education is a really complex idea

B.Teachers like traditional education

C.Students don’t have to worry about rules

D.Teachers’ feelings and attitudes are important to the students

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