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听力原文:M: Don't you like the coat you just tried on?W: Well ,I like the color and fabric

听力原文:M: Don't you like the coat you just tried on?

W: Well ,I like the color and fabric.

M: And it is molly nice and reasonably priced.

W: Yes. I would have bought it right away if they had had it in my size.

What can be inferred about the woman?

A.She didn't buy the coat.

B.She bought the coat on sale.

C.She was glad that the coat fit her so well.

D.She thought the coat was too expensive,

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更多“听力原文:M: Don't you like the coa…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: What do you usually have for breakfast?M: I usually have some rice, fish and e

听力原文:W: What do you usually have for breakfast?

M: I usually have some rice, fish and eggs.

Q: What does Mr. Li usually have for supper?


A.We don't know.

B.Bread, eggs and milk.

C.Rice, fish and eggs.

听力原文:M: Hello, Li Hua. I hear you are going to the United States.W: Yes, I'm going wit

听力原文:M: Hello, Li Hua. I hear you are going to the United States.

W: Yes, I'm going with my grandma. We're going to see my parents in New Jersey.

M: When are you leaving, then? And how long will you be there?

W: This Friday evening. And I'll be there for six months.

M: Six months! Do go and see my grandparents in New York, please.

W: Of course, I will. How can I travel?

M: Most people travel by car. The roads are very good.

W: But I don't have a car and I can't drive. Can't I travel by train?

M: Yes, you can. The train is expensive in the States, but it's fast.

W: Then I can save some time. Thank you very much. Well, I must be off now, see you when I get back.

M: Good luck and have a good trip.

What is Li Hua going to the United States for?

A.To study in the collage.

B.To work in the United States.

C.To see her parents.

听力原文:Are you free for dinner this week?(A) I had steak and potatoes.(B) No, I don't li

听力原文:Are you free for dinner this week?

(A) I had steak and potatoes.

(B) No, I don't like that restaurant.

(C) Thursday would be great.





听力原文:M: I have decided to take six courses this semester.W: Don't count on a social li

听力原文:M: I have decided to take six courses this semester.

W: Don't count on a social life.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.The man shouldn't socialize.

B.The man will have too heavy a workload to have social life.

C.The man shouldn't neglect his social life.

D.The man doesn't want to have a social life.

听力原文:Are you sure he will arrive on time?(11)A.Sorry, I don't know.B.I'm not sure.C.Yo

听力原文:Are you sure he will arrive on time?


A.Sorry, I don't know.

B.I'm not sure.

C.You should ask him.

听力原文:Can you speak English?(12)A.Yes,I don't know.B.Yes,I can.C.Yes,I'm all Englishman

听力原文:Can you speak English?


A.Yes,I don't know.

B.Yes,I can.

C.Yes,I'm all Englishman.

听力原文:Why don't you join us for a walk after lunch?(A)Not in this rain.(B)No, I' m alle

听力原文:Why don't you join us for a walk after lunch?

(A) Not in this rain.

(B) No, I' m allergic to alcohol.

(C) Because she is such a good presenter.





听力原文:W: Hi, Li Hua. What are you doing this semester?M: Oh, I'm still learning English

听力原文:W: Hi, Li Hua. What are you doing this semester?

M: Oh, I'm still learning English. I have to do one more semester before I can start my real studies at the university.

W: You make it sound like prison. How are the classes?

M: They're all right, I guess. I don't know. It seems like they never tell us what we really need to know.

W: What do you mean?

M: Look, when I study mathematics, for instance, we start with definitions. Then we have problems and some equations and processes to learn. You go to class, you keep up, you do the homework, and you know it. You pass exams. But English class is quite different. First of all, they don't want to teach us all the rules. They tell us one rule. Fine. We use that rule, but soon it won't work. It's more complicated or there are a lot of exceptions or something. Sometimes I think the teachers don't know the rules either.

W: But you don't learn a language from the rules, anyway. You have to use it.

M: Yes. That's something else they tell us. But why can't we just go to class, study, and do our homework? That's what I know how to do.

W: Look at this way, can you learn to play soccer by sitting at home and reading about soccer?

M: No, of course not. Not if you want to play well.

W: But why not? You could understand the rules of strategy, the duties of each position, and all the special situations. You have to feel the ball, practice kicking it hundreds of times, practice running down the field, moving toward the goal, and centering the ball. No one can learn that by passively studying. Learning a language is more like learning to play soccer than learning mathematics. You have to ask a lot of questions and hear how the answers sound. You have to listen to how people indicate the important part of what they're saying. And then of course endless practice on all the details spelling, "s" endings, articles.., just like practice in simple dribbling and kicking.

M: But if it's a skill like soccer, not a science, why do they teach it in schools and universities, and give you diplomas and grades?

W: That's a good question. It is confusing, but languages are important and people do want to learn them. But the main thing is to practice the language a lot, just like soccer.

M: Maybe I'll join a soccer team and practice English and soccer at the same time. I can talk with people before and after the practice.

W: That's a good idea.


A.The rules in English language.

B.Learning English and mathematics.

C.The approach to learning English.

D.Playing Soccer needs a lot of exercise.

听力原文:M: Don't you think his talk was boring?W: No, not at all.Q: What does the woman t

听力原文:M: Don't you think his talk was boring?

W: No, not at all.

Q: What does the woman think of the talk?






听力原文:They don't altogether agree with you, do they?(A) Yes, they all gathered to see m

听力原文:They don't altogether agree with you, do they?

(A) Yes, they all gathered to see me.

(B) Yes, they don't.

(C) No, they don't agree with me completely.





听力原文:You have the day off tomorrow, don't you?(A) He already planned it.(B) Yes, I'm g

听力原文:You have the day off tomorrow, don't you?

(A) He already planned it.

(B) Yes, I'm going to see family.

(C) They're meeting during the day.





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