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Many small towns have experienced new population growth from the cities. These newcomers t

o rural America bring "big city" demands that small towns cannot afford. The following cases describe some typical towns: Retired city people moving to Kimberling City often see wildlife close to their homes. Kelly and Bette Edgington, for example, see deer on their property. Also, they have identified more than one hundred kinds of birds around their comfortable home in the small, but fast-growing retirement town in the Ozark Mountains. Yet most of the retired people heading for beautiful rural places like this one enjoy being close to some of the convenience and activities of the cities. Kimberling has a small shopping center, a country club and a golf course. It is less than twenty miles from the School of the Ozarks, which has cultural events. Kimberling City had only about 600 people in 1970 but has nearly doubled since then. A local planning official estimates the towns population will reach 4 000 by the end of the 20th century. The newcomers are demanding more paved roads, says Mrs. Edgington, the $ 50-a-month mayor. A central sewer system is needed. These services require more money, but the town does not receive enough money from taxes. Even though industries could help provide taxes to pay for these services, the town is not seeking industries. Residents do not want industries and the traffic they bring. Most residents came to get away from the cities, and now they find the town has changed. "I came here to get away from Kansas City," says retired James Mitchell. "This was really rural when I came. Now its getting crowded. "

From the passage we know that residents living in the small town now______.

A.are satisfied with their present situation

B.regret their coming

C.are to leave

D.have complaints

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更多“Many small towns have experien…”相关的问题
听力原文: One important thing about art movements is that their popularity can be affec
ted by social conditions, which are themselves often affected by historical events. As an example, look at what happened in the United States early in the 20th century, around the time of the Great Depression, the art movement known as the Regionalism had begun in the United States even before the Depression occurred. But it really flourished in the 1930s, during the depression years. Why? Well, many artists who had been living in big cities were forced by the economic crisis to leave those big cities and move back to their small towns in rural America. Some of these artists came to truly embrace the life in small towns and to reject city life in so-called "sophisticated society". These artists or specifically certain painters really built the regional-ist movement. They created things in everyday life in small towns or farming areas. And their style. was not all neutral, really big glorified or romanticised country life, showing it stable, wholesome, and embodying important American traditions. And this style. became very popular, in part because of the economic conditions of the time. You see, the Depression had caused many Americans to begin to doubt their society. But regionalism artists painted scenes that glorified American values, scenes that many Americans could easily identify with. So the movement helped strengthen peoples faith in their country, faith that had weakened as the result of the depression. But in the 1940s, before and after the Second World War, American culture began to take on a much more international spirit, and Regionalism, with its focus on small town life, well, it lost a lot of popularity, as American society changed once again. Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard. 20. What is the lecture mainly about? 21. What kind of scene might be shown in a typical regionalist painting? 22. According to the speaker, what happened in the USA in the 1940s around the time of WWII that affected the popularity of the regionalist art?20.

A.People working in a large factory.

B.People walking on crowded city streets.

C.An everyday activity in a small town.

D.A well-known historical event.

听力原文: If you only need to travel a short distance, the quickest way to travel in most
cities is to walk. During working hours (between approximately 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday), the traffic is very heavy on most city streets, sometimes, coming to a complete stop in places. As a result, many people prefer to walk. You should therefore be aware of some of the traffic laws. It is against the law in many cities to cross the street at any place except at the comer. These rules may not be followed as closely in small towns because the traffic is usually not so heavy. However, the purpose of the law is to provide for the safety and protection of the people. Remember to look both ways for automobiles when you cross the street.

What's the best way to travel a short distance in most cities?

A.By car.

B.On foot.

C.By taxi.

完型填空What is museum? A museum is a good place to keep old and beautiful things. A m


What is museum? A museum is a good place to keep old and beautiful things. A museum may be a place to learn about science. A museum can be a place {for; on; about} art of Indians or animals. What is inside a museum? Some museums have old cars and airplanes. Many museums have pictures and statues (雕像). Others have rocks and old bones. One museum even has {the; a; an} coal mine inside! Many cities have museums. Some very small {towns; homes; countries} have museums, too. Indianapolis has a {child's; child; children's} museum. Children do not have to pay to get in. Children go to the museum often. They like to look at the dinosaur bones. They see a white bear ten feet tall. They go inside an old log cabin (小木屋). On Saturday, Indianapolis children can {listen; to hear; hear} talks about animals and trees. They see movies.

Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th

【C1】______in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a Main Street. Main Street was always in the heart of a town. This street was【C2】______on both sides with many【C3】______businesses. Here, shoppers walked into stores to look at all sorts of merchandise: clothing, furniture, hardware, groceries.【C4】______, some shops offered【C5】______. These shops included drugstores, restaurants, shoerepair stores, and barber or hairdressing shops.【C6】______in the 1950s, a change began to【C7】______. Too many automobiles had crowded into Main Street【C8】______too few parking places were【C9】______shoppers. Because the streets were crowded, merchants began to look with interest at the open spaces【C10】______the city limits. Open space is what their car driving customers needed. And open space is what they got 【C11】______the first shopping centre was built. Shopping centres, or rather malls,【C12】______as a collection of small new stores【C13】______ crowded city centres.【C14】______by hundreds of free parking space, customers were drawn away from【C15】______ areas to outlying malls. And the growing【C16】______of shopping centres led【C17】______to the building of bigger and better stocked stores.【C18】______the late 1970s, many shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves. In addition to providing the【C19】______of one stop shopping, malls were transformed into landscaped parks,【C20】______benches, fountains, and outdoor entertainment.


A.As early as


C.Early as


Passage Four:Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:Time was—and not so man
y years ago, either—when the average citizen to ok a pretty dim view of banks and banking. That this was so, it should be said, was to no small extent the fault of banks and bankers themselves. Banks used to be—and a few still are—forbidding (令人生畏的) structures. Behind the little barred windows were, more often than not, elderly gentlemen w hose expression of friendliness reflected the size of the customer’s account, and nothing less than a few hundred thousand in the bank could have inspired the suggestion of a smile.

And yet the average bank for many years was, to the average citizen, a fearful, if necessary, instrument for dealing with business—usually big business. But somewhere in the 1930’s banks started to grow human, even pleasant, and started to attract the little man. It is possible that this movement beg an in medium-sized towns, or in small towns where people know each other by their first names, and spread to big towns. At any rate, the results have be en remarkable.

The movement to “humanize” banks, of course, received a new push during the war, when more and more women were employed to do work previously performed by men. Also more and more “little” people found themselves in need of personal loans, as taxes became heavier and as the practice of installment (分期付款) buying broke down the previously long-held concept that there was something almost morally wrong about being in debt. All sorts of people began to discover that the intelligent use of credit (信贷) could be extremely helpful


第36题:The author believes that the unfriendly atmosphere in banks many years a go was chiefly due to ________.

A) the attitude of bankers

B) unfriendliness of customers toward banks

C) economic pressure of the time

D) the outer appearance of bank buildings

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。If you only need to travel a short distance, the quickest way


If you only need to travel a short distance, the quickest way to travel in most cities is to walk. During working hours (between approximately 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday), the traffic is very heavy on most city streets, sometimes, coming to a complete stop in places. As a result, many people prefer to walk. You should therefore be aware of some of the traffic laws. It is against the law in many cities to cross the street at any place except at the comer. These rules may not be followed as closely in small towns because the traffic is usually not so heavy. However, the purpose of the law is to provide for the safety and protection of the people. Remember to look both ways for automobiles when you cross the street.

What's the best way to travel a short distance in most cities?

[A] By car.

[B] On foot.

[C] By taxi.

Compared with those in small towns, people in large cities have ______.A.less serf-discipl

Compared with those in small towns, people in large cities have ______.

A.less serf-discipline

B.better sense of discipline

C.more mutual respect

D.less effective government

Shopping habits in the United States have changed in the last quarter of the 20th centur
y. Early in the 1900s, most American towns and cities had a Main Street, which was always in the heart of the town. This street was lined both sides with many varied 【M1】______ businesses where shoppers can find all sorts of merchandises: 【M2】______ clothing, furniture, hardware, groceries. In addition, some shops offer services like drugstores, restaurants, shoes-repair stores, barber or 【M3】______ hairdressing shops. But in 1950s, a change began to take place. Too many 【M4】______ automobile had crowded into Main Street. Too few parking places were available for shoppers. Because the streets were crowded, 【M5】______ merchants began to look with interest in the open spaces outside the 【M6】______ city limits. Open space is what their car-driven customers needed and 【M7】______ open space is what they got when the first shopping centers were built. Shopping centers started as to a collection of small new stores 【M8】______ built away from congested city centers. Attracted by hundreds of free parking spaces, customers were drawn away from downtown areas to the outlaying malls. And the growing popularity of shopping centers led to turn to the building of bigger and better-stocked stores. By the 【M9】______ late 1970s, shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves. In addition to provide the convenience of one-shop 【M10】______ shopping, malls were transformed into landscaped parks, with benches, fountains, and outdoor entertainment.


How to Pick a Career in BusinessPicking the right career in business is a matter of matchi

How to Pick a Career in Business

Picking the right career in business is a matter of matching what you want to do with the kind of life you want to lead Figuring (31) how to strike this balance generally requires prioritizing the following issues: industry, location, and working conditions. First and foremost, ask yourself what industry interests you (32) ? Many websites on the Internet can be (33) great use. For example, Vault. com provides a thorough list of industries that can give you the information necessary for (34) this decision. It is also important to investigate what kind of business careers in your target industry (35) growing and hiring. Location involves many factors. Where would you like to live? Do you prefer big cities or small towns? How far and by what (36) are you willing to commute? Do you want to be close to your family and friends (37) do you want to strike out into new territory? Many people also (38) into account the cost of living in different areas of the country or world. Then (39) the question: what kind of working environment best suits your working style? Some people need to feel rooted to a workspace (40) they are surrounded by coworkers, while others hope to see new faces every day. When choosing your career in business, try to consider which way—or in which combination—you are most comfortable and productive.


Compared with those small towns, people in large cities haveA.less self-discipline.B.bette

Compared with those small towns, people in large cities have

A.less self-discipline.

B.better sense of discipline.

C.more mutual respect.

D.less effective government.

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