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The generation of Americans being talked about refers to those people ______.A.who are the

The generation of Americans being talked about refers to those people ______.

A.who are the first of this century to mature

B.who could meet the stiffest of challenges

C.who have matured in peace and prosperity

D.who remember the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr

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更多“The generation of Americans be…”相关的问题
My father's reaction to the bank building at 43rd Street and Fifth Avenue in New York City
was immediate and definite. “You won't catch me putting my money in there!” he declared, “Not in that glass box!”

Of course, my father is a gentleman of the old school, a member of the generation to whom a good deal of modern architecture is upsetting, but I am convinced that his negative response was not so much to the architecture as to a violation of his concept of the nature of money.

In his generation money was thought of as a real commodity (实物) that could be carried, or stolen. Consequently, to attract the custom of a sensible man, a bank had to have heavy walls, barred windows, and bronze doors, to affirm the fact, however untrue, that money would be safe inside. If a building's design made it appear impenetrable, the institution was necessarily reliable, and the meaning of the heavy wall as an architecture symbol dwelt in the prevailing attitude toward money.

But the attitude toward money has, of course, changed. Excepting pocket money, cash of any kind is now rarely used; money as a tangible commodity has largely been replaced by credit. A deficit (赤字) economy, accompanied by huge expansion, has led us to think of money as product of the creative imagination. The banker no longer offers us the safety: he offers us a service in which the most valuable element is the creativity for the invention of large numbers. It is in no way surprising, in view of this change in attitude, that we are witnessing the disappearance of the heavy-walled bank.

Just as the older bank emphasized its strength, this bank by its architecture boasts of imaginative powers. From this point of view, it is hard to say where architecture ends and human assertion (说法) begins.

The main idea of this passage is that______.

A.money is not as valuable as it was in the past

B.changes have taken place in both the appearance and the concept of banks

C.the architectural style. of the older bank is superior to that of the modern bank

D.prejudice makes the older generation think that the modern bank is unreliable

听力原文:My father was a very soft-spoken man, however, he had some very definite ideas ab

听力原文: My father was a very soft-spoken man, however, he had some very definite ideas about money and work. He believed that work was good for the soul and, besides, money could come in very handy. Papa also felt that the best way to get a job was to already have one.

As a teenager, I remember my father being delighted when my brother landed a job working for a major hamburger chain. My brother wasn't very happy about the job but desperately wanted the money necessary to buy his own ear. Although the position was as unglamorous as they come, my father felt that it was a good beginning. He believed that if you had a job, it would show other employers that you are worth hiring.

Even to this day, I never resign a position until I am offered another one. Papa's wise counsel has helped me to be gainfully employed ever since I graduated from college. Although papa died a few years ago,' his wisdom will be passed on to generation upon generation.


A.He was indifferent to his job.

B.He was happy about his job.

C.He was unhappy about his job.

D.He was satisfied with his job.

Rise of an "Iraq Generation" in EuropeWhile the media publicize photographs of prisoner ab

Rise of an "Iraq Generation" in Europe

While the media publicize photographs of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib (阿布格莱布监狱) as evidence of US iniquity, her friends are expressing disbelief and disappointment. They are also wondering how far the images may loosen Washington's grip on its claim to global moral leadership.

In the short term, European public disgust at the pictures probably rules out any chance that America's NATO allies will offer military help securing the transition to Iraqi rule in Baghdad. In the long run, some observers worry, the photographs could perpetuate a graver transatlantic rift.

"They might help create an 'Iraq Generation' in Europe like the 'Vietnam Generation'", suggests Bernhard May, an expert on European relations with the US at the influential German Foreign Policy Society in Berlin. "If a whole generation comes to think of America in terms of the Iraq war, then we are in trouble for years to come."

The best way for the US to salvage the situation, European analysts tend to agree, is to hand over as much responsibility for Iraq as possible to the United Nations, so as to give international legitimacy to the authorities there. "We need to move to bring the UN center stage much more urgently, and make sure that the Security Council has true political authority over events in Iraq," argues Paul Wilkinson, professor of International Relations at St. Andrews University in Scotland.

The prison photographs have so inflamed Iraqi and Arab opinion, however, that the UN's task of anointing a transitional Iraqi government is now even more complicated. "A solution has to be found [to the problems in Iraq] but it has been made immeasurably more difficult by the revelations about prisoner mistreatment," says Lord Carrington, a former British foreign secretary.

The damage in Europe, however, is to America's reputation and leadership, particularly galling to supporters of the war such as French author Pascal Bruckner, who bucked the French intellectual trend a year ago. "America… is squandering a moral credit that was already eroded," Mr. Bruekner stated recently. "Whatever she does she has lost the image battle, and her current leaders will have achieved the exploit of making America hateful to the whole world, including her own friends, allies, and neighbors. “

What the Polls Say

Not that the current US administration was very popular in the first place among European citizens, resentful of what they see as Washington's arrogance in world affairs. A poll published in June by the Pew Foundation found that President Bush's approval ratings were 39 percent in Britain (the highest of the seven countries surveyed) , 15 percent in France, and 14 percent in Germany.

The Abu Ghraib photographs emerged following several difficult weeks for the US-led occupation forces in Iraq, when a lot seemed to be going wrong for them, including a Shiite uprising and sustained resistance in Fallujah (费卢杰,地名) . Those events appeared to comfort most Europeans in their conviction that the war was wrong in the first place. "Acting on a false pretext--the famous weapons of mass destruction--without United Nations' support… [the Americans] owed it to themselves to be irreproachable in their handling of the war and its aftermath," Bruckner argued.

By falling short of that standard, the US authorities may have triggered repercussions that will be felt for many years, some analysts fear. "The photographs show how far we have to go in winning the battle of ideas as part of the fight against terrorism," says Professor Wilkinson. "1 am worried about the low priority given to human rights and the rule of law in the strategy against A1 Qaeda. If we don't win the hearts and minds of young Muslims we are creating a production line of new suicide bombers."

In Europe, meanwhile, the pictures




世代 generation

A.A:Young Generation

B.B:Middle Generation

C.C:Old Generation

D.D:Permanent Generation

According to the passage, the teens in Village Green can be called______.A.depressed gener

According to the passage, the teens in Village Green can be called______.

A.depressed generation

B.cool generation

C.attractive generation

D.prosperous generation

Ice cream making secrets are passed down from generation to generation these days.A.YB.NC.

Ice cream making secrets are passed down from generation to generation these days.




•Read the following article about a successful British businessman and the questions
on the opposite page.

•For each question 15-20, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose.

Every year British universities turn out 15,000 graduates in business studies. Many dream that they will one day be running a major business, wielding power and influencing markets. But only a very few will climb to the top and realise their fantasies. For the rest, compromise, disappointment, mediocrity and an alternative career away from the mainstream action will be their lot. Peter Blackburn is chairman and chief executive of Nestle UK, which employs more than 12,000 people and has a turnover of £1.8 billion. His advice to those who wish to move ahead of the pack is as straightforward as the man. "Take all your qualifications seriously. Although many top executives do not have first-class honours and it is often a disadvantage to be an intellectual, qualifications are increasingly important, as is the quest for improvement."

"I do feel that an international dimension helps every career. It says something about the person and if they have worked in another language, it gives a manager the important dimension of realising that each market is part of something bigger. Also it is always important in any career to keep your options open as events can take an unexpected turn. When they did for me, I acted accordingly. I still have to pinch myself to remind myself what I am doing. Even 10 years ago I didn't think this is what I would end up having achieved." "In the end, those that get right to the top retain their 'people touch', which can be very difficult as one gets swept up on the fast track of corporate life. But those who never forget where they have come from and keep their feet on the ground have a real advantage. The important thing is that you should never ask someone else to do something you couldn't do yourself. I am always looking for those who have the determination, the steel to see through our corporate objectives. I also want managers who can be role models for the next generation, people who will be an inspiration."

Blackburn started out working for a small confectionery company and was responsible for clearing up a major financial scandal when it was taken over by a larger company, Rowntrees. This was a project which marked him out and gave him visibility in Rowntrees. While many successful careers can easily be seen as an almost predictable procession, there are always one or two moments when success in a project promotes the executive, bringing star quality and something of an aura. However, if at the decisive moment a mistake is made, then the executive, instead of moving sharply forward, disappears into the pack and others are given their chance.

When Rowntrees was later taken over by Nestle, Peter Blackburn went on television and argued against the takeover. When the dust settled, the winners rewarded their spirited adversary. "l have always believed in doing the best that I can in any situation. Sometimes you have to make difficult decisions and then it's important to meet them square on. I have been fortunate in that the evolving company that I am now involved with has always believed in strong social values and has behaved as humanely as possible when it has been forced to close or to sell one of its businesses."

Peter Blackburn's career has been marked by two company takeovers. Many successful takeovers have been characterised by the new owners looking at the second layers of management and giving them a free rein. Mr Blackburn has. benefited from this process twice and says: "In both the takeovers I have been involved with, success has been achieved because the new owners have not gone in for ,wholesale clearouts. They have realised that it is the existing people who understand

A.be realistic about their abilities.

B.make sure they choose the right post.

C.improve their relations with other executives.

D.have a good educational background.

From generation to generation genes ______ .A.change location in the chromosomeB.change or

From generation to generation genes ______ .

A.change location in the chromosome

B.change order but not position in the chromosome

C.are constantly changing their chemical makeup

D.remain virtually unchanged






These jewels have been ______ from generation to generation in our family for hundreds of

A.passed by

B.passed down

C.passed over

D.passed for

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