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An hour ago the wind blew from west to east. but now it is blowing ______.A.constantlyB.co

An hour ago the wind blew from west to east. but now it is blowing ______.





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更多“An hour ago the wind blew from…”相关的问题
What was the weather like half an hour ago?[A]It was raining. [B]It was wet. [C]It was

What was the weather like half an hour ago?

[A]It was raining.

[B]It was wet.

[C]It was cloudy.

听力原文:M: What about going for a bike-fide? It stopped raining half an hour ago. W: But

听力原文:M: What about going for a bike-fide? It stopped raining half an hour ago.

W: But the road might still be wet.

What was the weather like half all hour ago?

A.It was raining.

B.It was wet.

C.It was cloudy.

The show should have started an hour ago; I don’t know what could have caused the ( )
The show should have started an hour ago; I don’t know what could have caused the ()

The show should have started an hour ago; I don’t know what could have caused the ().





Clock A was correct at midnight, but lost exactly 1 minute an hour from then on. It stoppe
d 1 hour ago (B) , having run for less than 12 hours. What is the time now?

Clock A was correct at midnight, but lost exactly

The professor mentions an experiment done five to ten years ago on the wind speed necessar
y to move rocks. What opinion does the professor express about the experiment?

A.The researchers reached the correct conclusion despite some miscalculations.

B.The researchers should have chosen a different location for their experiment.

C.The experiment should have been conducted on wetter ground.

D.The experiment was not continued long enough to achieve clear results.

听力原文:W: What's the matter? I've mid you to arrive at 6:30, but now it's seven. Why don
't you answer my phone?

M: I'm sorry. I left my mobile phone in the office, so I cannot inform. you of my late arrival. Actually, I started one hour ago, but the traffic jam delayed me for 35 minutes.

Q: When did the man start to meet the woman?






听力原文:W: What a memory I have! I did write down the number on a sheet of paper when I a
nswered the phone this morning. But now the paper has disappeared without any trace.

M: Don't worry. I'll be seeing Mr. Brown in an hour.

What do we learn from this conversation?

A.It was probably Mr. Brown's phone number that the woman wrote down.

B.It was just an hour ago that the man met Mr. Brown.

C.The woman forgot to write down the phone number.

D.The woman needed a sheet of paper to put down the number.

听力原文: Now the British news. A storm which had badly affected several parts of Britain
during the weekend is believed to have killed at least 8 people. Many thousands pounds of damage were also caused. In places the wind reached speed of 115 miles an hour and coastal areas in Southwest England and Wales were particularly hard hit. Six of those killed were a party of Scottish fishermen, whose boat sank in the first of collision. After an intensive search, police divers discovered the wreck of' this fish boat, the "Destiny" in 100 feet of water, only a quarter of mile from the port. But the attempt to find the missing crew have to be called off because of further gales and heavy swell.

The boat "Destiny" is about

A.100 feet away from the port.

B.a quarter of kilometers away from the port.

C.100 feet deep in the water and a quarter of mile away from the port.

D.a quarter of mile deep in the water and too feet away from the port.

听力原文:Brighton is a popular seaside town on the south coast of England. Not long ago so

听力原文: Brighton is a popular seaside town on the south coast of England. Not long ago some policemen at Brighton were very puzzled. There had been several serious accidents caused by motorists driving too fast. The police started to set up a speed trap. They measured a distance of 88 yards on a straight road and watched to see how long it took a car to travel that far. They knew that if a car took less than six seconds, it was traveling faster than the speed limit of 30 miles an hour.

When the policemen were ready, they hid behind a hedge and started to time passing vehicles. During their first half an hour, they caught five drivers. The policemen wrote down the number of each car and the name and address of the driver. But for the next half an hour the policemen did not see anybody driving too fast. They thought that this was very strange. One of them drove a quarter of a mile along the road and saw two students sitting on the grass. They were homing up a sheet of cardboard so that motorists could see it. On the notice one of the students had written: "Danger. Speed Trap."

The policemen took the notice away and wrote down the names of the students. Later on they were each fined £5 for trying to stop the policemen from catching motorists who were breaking the law.


A.It would be normal if the car took just four seconds.

B.It would be normal if the car took six seconds.

C.It would be normal if the car took less than three seconds.

D.It would be normal if the car took less than six minutes.

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