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听力原文:W: Almost five million people are married each year in the United States. About o

ne in every eight of these weddings takes place in June, the traditional month for weddings.

Getting married can be as simple as a five-minute ceremony performed by a judge in a law office. Or it can be a traditional religious ceremony at home, or in a church.

The average age of an American woman being married for the first time is about twenty-four years. The average age for a man is twenty-five. Most young men and women get engaged about a year before the wedding.

In the Nineteen-Sixties and Seventies, many young Americans decided not to have traditional, formal weddings. Many brides and grooms wrote their own wedding ceremonies. These often included poetry and personal statements about their goals in marriage. Some grooms wore old blue jeans to their weddings. More than a few brides were married in their bare feet. It was not unusual to be married on a sandy beach or on a mountainside.

In the last ten years, however, big formal weddings have become popular again. Experts say the average size of formal weddings now is two-hundred guests. Most formal wedding patties are held at hotels or high-priced eating places. There are fresh flowers and paid photographers. Musicians play for dancing, and hired servants present the wedding dinner.

A big wedding takes months to plan, and it can cost thousands of dollars.

How many people get married in June each year in the United States?

A.About five million.

B.About two and a half million.

C.About one point eight million.

D.About six hundred and twenty-five thousand.

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更多“听力原文:W: Almost five million pe…”相关的问题
听力原文:W:I'm afraid it will take at least three weeks to finish all the am4gnments. But
it's almost the end of the semester.

M: Fortunately, the final test will be held in five weeks.

Q:What do they say about the test?


A.It will take at least three, week, to finish the test.

B.The test will be more difficult than they expect.

C.They still have time to prepare for it.

D.The test will be more difficult than they expect.

听力原文:W: I'm afraid it will take at least three weeks to finish all the assignments. Bu
t it's almost the end of the semester.

M: Fortunately, the final test will be held in five weeks.

Q: What do the speakers say about the test?


A.They still have time to prepare for it.

B.They will be fortunate enough to pass it.

C.It will be more difficult than they expect.

D.It will take at least three weeks to finish it.

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Can you do me a favor?W: What' s your problem?M: I just can not fin

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Can you do me a favor?

W: What' s your problem?

M: I just can not find the right place here. I' ye never been here before.

W: You must be a freshman. What do you want anyway?

M: I want to find a book that I need for my term paper, but I cannot find it anywhere.

W: The library has five reading rooms. You may try the General Reading Room. You can find almost all the books there. But you can not take the book out of the reading room.

M: It doesn' t matter. I just want to refer to it for some figures. Where is it?

F: Go out of this building, cross the sports field, and you will see a white house. The General Reading Room is in side it.

M: No wonder ! It' s not here !

Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a library.

B.In a bookstore.

C.On a sports field.

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Can you do me a favor?W: What's your problem?M: I just can not find

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Can you do me a favor?

W: What's your problem?

M: I just can not find the right place here. I've never been here before.

W: You must be a freshman. What do you want anyway?

M: I want to find a book that I need for my term paper, but I cannot find it anywhere.

W: The library has five reading rooms. You may try the General Reading Room. You can find almost all the books there. But you can not take the book out of the reading room.

M: It doesn't matter. I just want to refer to it for some figures. Where is it?

F: Go out of this building, cross the sports field, and you will see a white house. The General Reading Room is inside it.

M. No wonder ! It's not here !

Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a library.

B.In a bookstore.

C.On a sports field.

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Can you do me a favor?W. What's your problem?M: I just can not find

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Can you do me a favor?

W. What's your problem?

M: I just can not find the right place here. I've never been here before.

W: You must be a freshman. What do you want anyway?

M: I want to find a book that I need for my term paper, but I cannot find it anywhere.

W: The library has five reading rooms. You may try the General Reading Room. You can find almost all the books there. But you can not take the book out of the reading room.

M: It doesn't matter. I just want to refer to it for some figures. Where is it?

W. Go out of this building, cross the sports field, and you will see a white house. The General Reading Room is inside it.

M: No wonder! It's not here! Thank you very much.

W: My pleasure !

Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a library.

B.In a bookstore.

C.On a sports field.

听力原文:W: It's almost vacation time. Have you found a summer job yet?M: I suppose I can

听力原文:W: It's almost vacation time. Have you found a summer job yet?

M: I suppose I can work at the boy's camp where I worked last summer. But camp jobs don't pay much.

W: I think I can get a job at the Edgewater Hotel. A friend of mine was a waiter there last sum mer. The pay wasn't good, but he got lots of tips.

M: My sister worked there last summer, making beds and cleaning bathrooms. She didn't like it, but she earned quite a lot of money.

W: A friend of my sister's did that one summer.

M: What I want is a job outside. After sitting in college classes all winter, I'd like a job in the open air.

W: The high school kids earn a lot of money every summer cutting grass. My brother is only

fourteen, but he gets five dollars every time he cuts somebody' s grass, and it only takes him an hour. He just rides around on the machine that he bought, and the machine does all the work.

M: That's pretty good. I used to cut grass when I was in high school. But now I thought I might work for a road-building company, or something like that.

W. It would be good experience. You could earn a lot, too.

When did the conversation take place?

A.Before summer vacation,

B.During summer vacation.

C.After summer vacation.

D.In class.

听力原文:W: What's ten plus five? Who knows? Hands up.M: It's fifteen. What's the possible

听力原文:W: What's ten plus five? Who knows? Hands up.

M: It's fifteen.

What's the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Mother and child.

听力原文:W: What's the time now?M: It's ten o'clock by my watch. But it's five minutes fas

听力原文:W: What's the time now?

M: It's ten o'clock by my watch. But it's five minutes fast.

Q: What time is it now?





听力原文:Chuck Feeney, a millionaire who has given almost his entire fortune over to a cha
ritable trust, wears a five dollar watch, flies economy, maintains a very modest lifestyle.

What of the following statements is NOT true about Chuck Feeney?

A.He is mean toward other people.

B.He lives a very economical life.

C.He is charitable.

D.He is rich.

听力原文:W: The movie starts in five minutes and there's bound to be a long line.M: Why do

听力原文:W: The movie starts in five minutes and there's bound to be a long line.

M: Why don't we come back for the next show7 I'm sure it would be less crowded.

What is the man suggesting?

A.Coming back for a later show.

B.Waiting in a queue.

C.Coming back in five minutes.

D.Not going to the movie today.

听力原文:M:Shall I drive you them?W:No way. Last time you almost gave me a heart attack.Q:

听力原文:M:Shall I drive you them?

W:No way. Last time you almost gave me a heart attack.

Q:What does the woman imply?


A.She would rather drive herself.

B.The man drives crazily.

C.The man almost had an accident.

D.She feels comfortable when he drives.

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