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When you are invited into a Japanese family, bring a small present, if you are coming stra

ight from your country, it is preferable(更好的,更合意的)to bring some local specialties from your home town/region.

Some shops, cafes or department stores provide plastic covers for umbrellas. Make sure not to enter with a dripping wet umbrella without one.

Refrain (节制,避免,制止) from blowing your nose in front of other people. Japanese only use paper tissue for this. Like in other Asian countries, it is considered rude to blow you nose in a handkerchief and stuff it in your pocket afterward. Japanese are usually aware of this Western practice, although that might make them feel uncomfortable.

You should not eat while standing or walking in the street. Even inside a house, you should sit down to eat. The only exceptions are for eating at a counter or for eating an ice-cream in the street. This custom is tine of the most difficult to adapt to for many non-Japanese, as it doesn't seem to make much sense.

Do not point your finger, feet or chopsticks at people. If you have to indicate an object or direction to someone, Wave your fingers with the palm(手掌) downwards.

Avoid interrupting people when they are speaking or thinking about an answer. Japanese do not mind short periods of silence in the middle of a discussion.

Do not use your mobile phone in trains unless it is clearly allowed to do so. Using emails or SMS is fine though.

Money should be given in an envelope, but only about half the Japanese really take the trouble. Most men do not seem to care, except for formal situations. Never forget this rule for weddings. In addition, the number of banknotes given to the married couple should be a odd number, as superstitious(迷信的) people believe that the couple might separate if the number can be divided in two.

If you are a Frenchman and you are going to visit a Japanese family what does the writer strongly suggest you to bring with you?

A.Some small presents.

B.Some specialties of your family.

C.Only a small gift.

D.Some specialties from France.

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更多“When you are invited into a Ja…”相关的问题
听力原文:We went fishing yesterday and got a lot. When Bob put forward this plan, we would
have invited you if it hadn't been so cold.


A.Bob had a bad cold when planning to go fishing.

B.Because it was too cold, we didn't get many fish.

C.We went fishing yesterday without you owing to Bob.

D.It was so cold that we didn't ask you to go fishing.

听力原文:Sue:What do you mean, Mary, when you say, 'I never invite friends round to my hou

听力原文:Sue: What do you mean, Mary, when you say, 'I never invite friends round to my house?' No, sorry, I can't accept that. I invited everybody round here for a party on my last birthday, remember? I was going to cook something special for you all and then Henry and Mark insisted on taking us out to that new Japanese restaurant in town. It's true that I accepted their offer, but I thought it would be very rude to refuse.

You hear a woman talking to a friend on the phone. What is she doing?

A.Refusing an invitation.

B.Denying an accusation.

C.A pologising for a mistake.

听力原文:M: Have you seen Ted Green's new ear?W: No. When did you see it?M: He gave me a r

听力原文:M: Have you seen Ted Green's new ear?

W: No. When did you see it?

M: He gave me a ride to the store yesterday. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Ted and Grace have invited us to their house next Sunday. They took a lot of movies on their trip to China and they want to show them to us.

W: That will be fun. Let's take the children, too.

M: No. I have already asked them. They want to stay home and see their favorite actor on TV. They like him a lot.

Who has seen the new car?

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.Ted Green.

Faith; How many people do you think will show up for dinner?Louis; Only two of people we i

Faith; How many people do you think will show up for dinner?

Louis; Only two of people we invited can't come, so there should be six people.

Faith; ______I cleaned out the store when I bought the food for tonight.

A.We can make do with paper towels.

B.These steaks look great but expensive.

C.I have to stay up late cleaning up.

D.We' re going to have a lot of extra food.

听力原文:M: (23) Joy, I need your advice. My Chinese friend has invited me to his home for

听力原文:M: (23) Joy, I need your advice. My Chinese friend has invited me to his home for dinner tonight.

W: Oh, how nice! That's for the Mid-autumn Festival, isn't it?

M: Yes, he said all his family and relatives would get together and enjoy a big dinner.

W: And mooncakes, too. That's what the Mid-autumn Festival is all about.

M: So in China the Mid-autumn Festival is the occasion for families to get together and have fun.

W: Exactly.

M: What do you do when you're invited to someone's house here?

W: Well, it's always good to bring a small gift although it's not absolutely necessary.

M: What do people usually bring?

W: For a festival you can bring something like wine or tea. It's also common to bring fruits when visiting a family.

M: Really? (25) We only bring fruits when we visit people in hospital.

23. What are the two speakers talking about?

24.What may the man do when going to his Chinese friend's house?

25.When do people usually bring fruits in the man's country?


A.They are discussing the Mid-autumn Festival.

B.They are discussing the big dinner.

C.The man is asking for some advice on going to a friend's home.

D.The man is asking if he can bring fruits.

Australians are very direct people and usually【C1】______what they say. When they issue an
invitation to somebody they【C2】______polite and if that person accepts the invitation, he is expected to【C3】______. In some cultures it is not polite to say no. This is not the case in Australia.【C4】______if a person is invited to do something and is unable to do it, a "no" answer【C5】______be given; otherwise the person who has issued the invitation will be greatly【C6】______

Punctuality is also【C7】______when an invitation is accepted. If a person is invited【C8】______at a particular place at a specified time,【C9】______if there is a meal【C10】______, that person is expected to arrive on time. One of the【C11】______for this is that western type Australian food, such as a roast dinner, must be【C12】______and eaten as soon as it is cooked, and if a person arrives late the food will be【C13】______

Australians【C14】______issue informal invitations. They will give a person their name, address and telephone number and【C15】______, "why don' t you come and see me【C16】______when you are free?" This is not just a polite gesture, it is a【C17】______invitation and the Australian who has issued the invitation will be disappointed and even offended if that person does not【C18】______them. However, because Australians live in a【C19】______society, they are not always at home and it is always best to telephone them to make sure they will be at home【C20】______making a visit.






Write a memo in traditional format according to the following situation.Jane Simmons, P

Write a memo in traditional format according to the following situation.

Jane Simmons, Personnel Manager of Alpha Electronics, 80--90 Zeus Street, Manchester 0073 6LP, says to you, "Will you write a for me to Simon Clark, my deputy, please?

When he returns from holiday next Monday I shall be starting a three-day conference at Harogate. Ask him to interview the low candidates for the clerical vacancy in the Mailing Section on Monday, starting at 2:30 p. m. lie should make an appointment if there is a suitable candidate. The candidates have been invited for interview and their application forms and references are in the middle drawer of my desk. I’ll leave my desk keys with you. On Tuesday at loam. Gerry Rhodes, the Union Rep, has an appointment to see me. If Simon I can deal with whatever he wants, I shall be grateful. If not, I'll make another appointment to see Gerry when I'm back on Tuesday."

听力原文:A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to give a lecture at a univers

听力原文: A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to give a lecture at a university to a large group of students. As most of them could not understand spoken English, he had to have an interpreter.

During his lecture he told an amusing story which went on for rather a long time. At last he stopped to allow the interpreter to translate it into Japanese, and was very surprised when the man did this in a few seconds, after which all the students laughed loudly.

After the lecture, the writer thanked the interpreter for his good work and then said to him, "Now please tell me how you translated that long story of mine into such a short Japanese one."

"I didn't tell the story at all," the interpreter answered with a smile. "I just said, 'The honorable lecturer has just told a funny story. You will all laugh, please. '"


A.To tell a story to a group of students.

B.To translate some books.

C.To act as an interpreter.

D.To give a lecture at a university.

听力原文:M:Hey, Alice, my friends(19)just invited me to go to "ka la okay" with them. Woul

听力原文:M:Hey, Alice, my friends(19)just invited me to go to "ka la okay" with them. Would you like to come along?

W:Where are you going? California? Do you mean karaoke? We pronounce it "carry oh key" in English, with the emphasis on the "oh".

M:Oh, I see. Do you want to go to karaoke with us? It'll be fun!

W:(20)I feel nervous when someone hands me a microphone. I freeze. I know I'm not a very good singer.

M:That's strange! I thought Americans were very outgoing.

W:Not me! I'm very shy, especially in front of a group of strangers.

M:Hey, my friends aren't strange!

W:Sure, they are not strange. They are normal. "Strangers" just means "people I don't know". It doesn't mean they are strange! Was it easy for you to sing the first time you went to karaoke?

M:For me it was very easy, I love to sing! But now that you mention it, some of my friends were very shy the first time they went, (21)One of my friends says he has to have some beer before he can sing in front of people. Maybe you should have one or two drinks before singing.

W:Really? One or two beers might help? Well, I may need a dozen of beer.

M:Don't be shy. Just join us. (22)You may first make a song list and practice singing at home before hand.

M:It sounds good. But when will you go?

W:On Friday evening. So you'll come, Ok? W:Okay, I'll give it a try.


A.He will go to California for a travel.

B.He will invite his friend for a dinner.

C.He will go to a party.

D.He will sing songs with friends for fun.

听力原文:Two businessmen were invited to dinner at the home of a college professor. One of

听力原文: Two businessmen were invited to dinner at the home of a college professor. One of the men did not have much education and was worried that he might make a fool of himself, but his friend said, "Don't worry. Just do what I do, and don't talk about anything that you don't really understand."

The first man managed to get through the dinner successfully, but by the end of the evening he had had a lot to drink, and began to get careless.

A guest asked him whether he liked Shakespeare, and he answered confidently, "It's very pleasant, but I prefer scotch. "There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, and soon people began to leave.

When the two friends were out of the house, the second man said to his friend, "You certainly made a fool of yourself making that silly remark about scotch."

"What do you mean?" asked the other man. "What was wrong With it?'

"Everybody knows that Shakespeare isn't a drink,' his friend replied "It's a kind of cheese."


A.They were not rich enough.

B.They had no suitable clothes.

C.They didn't know the professor.

D.They were not weU-educated.

听力原文:M: What was Professor Calhourn saying about the lecture series on alternative for
ms of energy when I walked in late? I had trouble with my car again.

W: The first lecture's tonight. All second and third year students are invited to buffet dinner tonight be fore it starts. Then at 6:30, the speaker will begin her talk on solar energy.

M: Can nonengineering students attend all four weeks of the series?

W: No, they can only go to this week's lecture. During the next three weeks, the admission will be restricted to engineering students.

M: Oh, then I'm going to try to make it tonight. Can I give you a ride over there?

W: No, but thanks anyway. Wait a minute, didn't you say that you are having car trouble lately? Let me give you a ride.


A.Admission forms.

B.Solar energy.

C.Auto maintenance.

D.Course requirements for engineers.

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