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After an intense hour of class, I must say I really can't think of any questions.

I have to go home and think over what I've learned.If I find I have questions, I first try to answer them myself, and if that doesn't work, then I approach the teacher at the next class.I would feel very childish and ridiculous troubling the teacher with questions I could answer for myself with a little thought and by using a dictionary.

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更多“After an intense hour of class…”相关的问题
After the intense examination, we become quite _________ now.A.lazyB.freeC.slackD.sleepy

After the intense examination, we become quite _________ now.





听力原文:Coffee is part of an international industry Research shows that as many as one-th

听力原文: Coffee is part of an international industry Research shows that as many as one-third of the people in the world drink coffee. But not everyone may know the story of coffee and how it is produced. One popular story about the discovery of coffee long ago is about Kaldi, (29)a keeper of goats. Kaldi was taking care of his goats in the highlands of Ethiopia where coffee trees had grown for centuries. (29)He noticed that his goats became very excited and active after eating small fruits from a tree. Kaldi reported this discovery to a group of religious workers. When they made a drink out of the fruit, the religious workers realized they could stay awake for long hours of prayer. Coffee trees can grow up to nine meters high, but they are cut short for production. The plant produces a fruit that is called a coffee cherry. When the coffee cherries are ripe and ready to be, picked, they are bright, red and firm. (30)Inside the fruits are the green coffee beans. After these beans are roasted at high temperatures they are ready to be made into a drink.There may only be two main kinds of coffee plants. (31) But geography and climate differences have a big effect on the many different ways coffee can taste. For example, coffee grown in Ethiopia is known for its lively, sharp taste and its flowery smell. Coffee from the island of Sumatra has a full body with an earthy and intense taste.


A.A hunter.

B.An old woman.

C.A religious worker.

D.A keeper of goats.

The best place to stay for thrifty travelers is______.A.dirty but cheap hostelsB.cheap hou

The best place to stay for thrifty travelers is______.

A.dirty but cheap hostels

B.cheap houses of students

C.clean and safe hostels

D.hotels with room service

Every summer, Jean Piaget retreats to his cabin in the Alps, where he spends most of his d
ays analyzing the mass of research data generated over the past year at his Center for Genetic Epistemology. During long walks along the mountain trails, he mulls over the latest experimental results, and in the cool mountain evenings, he formulates his conclusions. With the approach of fall, he will descend from the mountain, manuscript. for a book and several journal articles in hand. This time-honored procedure of careful observation followed by seclusion for thought and synthesis, has enabled him to become the most prolific, if not the most famous psychologist of the century.

Piaget has only been widely known in this country since the 1960s, when his works were translated from their original French. But he has been recognized as an expert in the field of cognitive development in Europe since the 1930s. In fact, Piaget's publishing career can be traced to the year 1906, when as a child of ten, he published his careful notes on the habits of an albino sparrow he observed near his home in Switzerland. After his precocious debut as an ornithologist, he took an after school job at the local natural history museum, soon becoming an expert on mollusks. At the age of sixteen he was recommended for a curator's position at the natural history museum in Geneva, but declined in favor of continuing his education.

He studied natural science at the University of Neuchatel, obtaining his doctorate at the age of twenty-one. His readings in philosophy stimulated an intense interest in epistemology-the study of humans acquire knowledge. Convinced that cognitive development had a genetic basis. Piaget decided that the best way to approach epistemology would be through its behavioral and biological components. Psychology appeared to be the discipline that best incorporated this approach.

According to the passage, Piaget went to the mountains every summer to

A.collect data for his research.

B.avoid the city heat and enjoy the cool weather.

C.live in his cabin where he could analyze the data he collected there.

D.analyze his research data he had collected before.

What will the speakers do?A.Meet in the morningB.Have food deliveredC.Work for another hou

What will the speakers do?

A.Meet in the morning

B.Have food delivered

C.Work for another hour

D.Ask for a deadline extension

Who approved a bill to tighten border security and speed deportations?A.Congress.B.The Hou

Who approved a bill to tighten border security and speed deportations?


B.The House of Representatives.

C.The Senate.

D.President Obama.

How long did the power failure last?A.Nearly 12 hours.B.More than 12 hours.C.Nearly 24 hou

How long did the power failure last?

A.Nearly 12 hours.

B.More than 12 hours.

C.Nearly 24 hours.

D.More than 24 hours.

A.He'll have to work at the hotel during the school year.B.He'll have to work long hou

A.He'll have to work at the hotel during the school year.

B.He'll have to work long hours.

C.His rent will be expensive.

D.It doesn't pay very well.

The main function of the shell is ________. A.to strengthen the pilings of the hou

The main function of the shell is ________.

A.to strengthen the pilings of the house

B.to give the house a better appearance

C.to protect the wooden frame. of the house

D.to slow down the speed of the swelling water

What is the ongoing demonstration against?A.Bureaucracy.B.Public transportation.C.High hou

What is the ongoing demonstration against?


B.Public transportation.

C.High housing prices.


From the beginning, migration has been one of the most conspicuous features of human histo
ry. Humanity did not appear simultaneously all over the earth but, according to the current scientific consensus, first evolved in Africa, and from there spread far and wide. Even after mankind had populated most of the planet, migration continued to play a decisive role in history down the centuries, as people contended for territory and the resources that go with it. In many of historys biggest movements of people, the migrants were not volunteers. In the 17th and 18th centuries, 15 million people were taken as slaves from Africa and shipped to Brazil, the Caribbean and North America. In the 19th century, between 10 and 40 million indentured workers (契约工人,苦力) were sent in vast numbers around the world, mainly from China and India. The 20th centurys wars in Europe and Asia displaced millions more. But perhaps the most intense episode of migration-under-duress (强迫) in modern times occurred after the partition of India in 1947, when 7 million Muslims fled India for the new state of Pakistan and 7 million Hindus fled in the opposite direction. As individuals, not merely as members of races or religions in flight, people have always traveled in search of a better life. Between the middle of the 19th century and the start of the second world war, 60 million people left Europe and move overseas to the United States, Canada, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Much of this movement was guided by economic calculation. Most modern migration is of this kind, though nowadays the pull is high wages rather than cheap land. For the 19th century or so, the pattern of migration has shifted a good deal, with changes in government policy playing a key role. Until 1914 governments imposed almost no controls. This allowed the enormous 19th-century movement of migrants from Europe to North America. Between 1914 and 1945, partly reflecting security concerns, migration was curtailed. Many countries excluded immigrants. Americas Congress passed laws aiming to preserve the countrys racial and religious make-up. After 1945 came another great change. Many European countries faced labor shortages. Governments actively recruited immigrants for jobs in their expanding industries. Migration surged again, now not mainly from Europe to North America but from the developing countries to the rich ones. The next big change came in the 1970s. The rich countries were no longer growing quickly and struggling with labor shortages. Recession came to Europe and America, and immigration rules were tightened again. This more restrictive regime continues to apply.

In human history, people migrated because of all of the following EXCEPT______.

A.their fight for territory and resources

B.their religious beliefs

C.their races

D.their sexes

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