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听力原文:M I noticed there were a number of papers from Brazil in the latest issue of the

Journal for Consumer Research.

W Yes, Brazil has been doing a lot of really good consumer psychology research the last few years. It doesn't surprise me they're starting to appear in the top journals.

M I imagine many of these writers will be at the next consumer research conference, presenting their papers. W I'd imagine you're right. I think it's great. The international perspective really benefits our field.

What does the man comment on?

A.The quality of the writing

B.An accuracy of the research

C.A number of articles from Brazil

D.The influence of a particular university

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更多“听力原文:M I noticed there were a …”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Professor Hook was so strange today.M: I noticed that too. He was talking so q

听力原文:W: Professor Hook was so strange today.

M: I noticed that too. He was talking so quietly and then not giving us any homework at all. Can you believe that?

Q: What can be inferred about Professor Hook?


A.He usually talks quietly.

B.He usually assigns homework.

C.He didn't come to class today.

D.He came to class late today.

听力原文:M: Excuse me, but I don't think eating in the store is permitted.W: Oh?M: Yes. Th

听力原文:M: Excuse me, but I don't think eating in the store is permitted.

W: Oh?

M: Yes. There's a sign here that says so.

W: I guess I never noticed the sign. Thanks for telling me.

Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the street.

B.In a shop.

C.In a restaurant.

听力原文:W:Professor Hook was so strange today.M:I noticed that too。He was talking we quie

听力原文:W:Professor Hook was so strange today.

M:I noticed that too。He was talking we quietly and then not giving us any homework at all.Can you believe that?

Q:What can be inferred about Professor Hook?


A.He usually talks quietly.

B.He usually assigns homework.

C.He didn't come to class today.

D.He came to class late today.

听力原文:W:Professor Hook was so strange today.M:I noticed that, too. He was talking so qu

听力原文:W:Professor Hook was so strange today.

M:I noticed that, too. He was talking so quietly and then not giving us any homework at all. Can you believe that?

Q:What can be inferred about Professor Hook?


A.He usually talks quietly.

B.He usually assigns homework.

C.He didn't teach class today.

D.He noticed that the students didn't do their homework.

听力原文:W: Is family life in America very different from that in China, Zhang Hua?M: No,

听力原文:W: Is family life in America very different from that in China, Zhang Hua?

M: No, I don't think so. But I have noticed a few differences.

Q: What does the man think of family life in America?


A.It's different from that in China.

B.It's completely the same as that in China.

C.It's less interesting than that in China.

D.It's mom colorful than that in China.

听力原文:W: I’ve noticed that you got some letters from Canada. Would you mind saving the
stamps for me? My sister collects them.

M: I am sorry. My classmates have already asked for them.

Who has taken the stamps?

A.The woman.

B.The woman’s sister.

C.The man’s classmates.

D.The man himself.

听力原文:W: I bumped into Nick at the salon yesterday. He looked great, but I noticed that
he had a very strange kind of walk.

M: Last month he told me that his knees hurt. Last week he had the operation.

Q: What happened to Nick?


A.He failed to attend the salon the day before.

B.He fell down the steps when he walked.

C.He had an operation on his knees.

D.He knocked the woman down while walking.

听力原文:W: Did you notice that Mike cut off his beard over the summer?M: Notice? I didn't

听力原文:W: Did you notice that Mike cut off his beard over the summer?

M: Notice? I didn't even recognize him.

Q: What docs the man imply?


A.He hadn't noticed any change in Mike.

B.Mike looks different without a beard.

C.He thinks Mike looked better with the beard.

D.He hasn't seen Mike yet.

听力原文:W: I know it's a short notice, but do you think you could proofread this lab repo
rt for me tonight?

M: Talk about the last minute.

Q: What can be inferred about the man?


A.He hadn't noticed a lot of the woman's mistakes.

B.He's not qualified to proofread the woman's report.

C.He thinks the woman should have asked him earlier.

D.He'll be able to talk to the woman in a few minutes.

听力原文:M: Good morning, Mr. John's office.W: Good morning. May I speak to Mr. Johnson?M:

听力原文:M: Good morning, Mr. John's office.

W: Good morning. May I speak to Mr. Johnson?

M: Speaking. What can I do for you?

W: Well, I noticed your want ad in the paper yesterday.

M: You mean about my Mercedes?

W: That's right. I noticed it's a 89 and wondered about its condition.

M: Well, it's in great shape. I've been the only driver, and all maintenance has been done according to the dates specified in the service manual.

W: The ad said it has air conditioning, power brakes, power steering, automatic transmission and a convertible top.

M: That's right. I forget to add that the tires and battery are all new, too. It has comprehensive insurance, with coverage for another six months.

W: Do you mind my asking why you're selling the car?

M: Oh, my company is transferring me to France next month, I plan to buy a new one over there.

W: I see. But I noticed you didn't mention any price in the ad.

M: We can negotiate that if you'd like to come see it.

W: That sounds reasonable. I'd like to see the car first. Where do you live?

M: My home address is 235 the 8th Avenue. I'll be home all evening. Come any time alter 6:30.

W: All right. I'll be there around 7.

M: Fine. See you then.

W: Goodbye.

?Yon will hear Mr. Johnson talking about his car.

?For each question 23-30,mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

After the conversation, what does the woman still not know?

A.The man's address.

B.The price of the car.

C.The age of the car.

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