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When putting a call through, staff should alwaysA.ask for the caller's name.B.play the hol

When putting a call through, staff should always

A.ask for the caller's name.

B.play the hold music.

C.ask the caller to wait.

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更多“When putting a call through, s…”相关的问题
When putting a call through, staff should always ______ .A.ask for the caller's name.B.pla

When putting a call through, staff should always ______ .

A.ask for the caller's name.

B.play the hold music.

C.ask the caller to wait.

听力原文:Requesting someone's business card is a straightforward process. You need only sa

听力原文: Requesting someone's business card is a straightforward process. You need only say, "Do you have a business ca/d?" or" May I have you business card?" When you want to present your own card, you can say, "Here's my card. Please feel free to call me if you have any suggestions. "If you wish to offer your card to a long-time associate, you can say, "Did I ever give you my card?" or "I mean to give you my card. "It's not polite to directly refuse a request from someone for your business card. Instead, you can say, "Sorry, but I'm afraid I'm all out at the moment", or" I neglected to bring them with me". Giving someone your card, of course, does not obligate you to continue contact, nor does accepting someone else's card. When you do receive a card, say "Thank you. "and examine it briefly before putting it away. You can use a business card that you received to refresh your memory about someone's name and title before your next meeting. You can also record notes about the meeting on the back of the card, or place it in your card file.


A.Requesting one's business card directly.

B.Accepting one's card but not continuing contract with him.

C.Putting one's business card in the card file.

D.Refusing a request for your business card directly.

听力原文:So, if everyone is here, I'll make a start. Now as you might know, a few months a

听力原文: So, if everyone is here, I'll make a start. Now as you might know, a few months ago we asked some consultants to take a look at the way we answer the telephone across the group. They telephoned our offices and made enquiries as customers normally would. They recorded information such as how quickly the call was answered, how friendly people were and how efficiently they dealt with the enquiry.

So I'll begin with what they found out. Right, now first of all, they found out that on average we answer the phone after four rings, which isn't bad, but we can still improve on it. Secondly, friendliness. Now although some offices scored as high as 8 out of 10 for friendliness, the consultants only gave the company as a whole 6 out of 10. Once more. This wasn't as good as it should be. The consultants said that 7.5 is the minimum we should be aiming for throughout the group. And finally, efficiency. Now here, we did quite well. It deals with themselves or puts the caller through to the right person. However, there were one or two negative points which we still have to work on, such as always remembering to ask the caller's name before putting them through. So as you can see, we need to do a lot of work.

Going back to the first point, about the phone ringing four times, everyone will now be responsible for answering the phone after the third ring. This way there is no excuse for keeping a caller waiting. The point about friendliness, however, is the most important. People want to hear a cheerful voice when they call the company and feel good when they do business with, so we're going to choose some new hold music and the consultants have given us some good phrases to use on the phone. They're on the handout I gave you so, moving on to efficiency ...

•Listen to the manager talking to staff about the way they answer the telephone.

•For each question (23 -30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

•You will hear the recording twice.

The information was

A.recorded by the company.

B.given by the company's customers.

C.collected by a consultancy.

听力原文:So, if everyone is here, I'll make a start. Now, as you might know, a few months

听力原文: So, if everyone is here, I'll make a start. Now, as you might know, a few months ago we asked some consultants to take a look at the way we answer the telephone across the group. They telephoned our offices and made enquiries as customers normally would. They recorded information such as how quickly the call was answered, how friendly people were and how efficiently they dealt with the enquiry.

So, I'll begin with what they found out. Right now, first of all, they found out that on average we answer the phone after four rings, which isn't bad, but we can still improve on it. Secondly, friendliness. Now, although some offices scored as high as 8 out of 10 for friendliness, the consultants only gave the company as a whole 6 out of 10. Once more, this wasn't as good as it should be. The consultants said that 7.5 is the minimum we should be aiming for throughout the group. And finally, efficiency. Now here, we did quite well. It seems that the people who normally answer the phone can either deal with enquiries themselves or put the caller through to the right person. However, there were one or two negative points which we still have to work on, such as always remembering to ask the caller's name before putting them through. So, as you can see, we need to do a lot of work.

Going back to the first point, about the phone ringing four times, everyone will now be responsible for answering the phone after the third ring. This way there is no excuse for keeping a caller waiting. The point about friendliness, however, is the most important. People want to hear a cheerful voice when they call the company and feel good when they do business with us. So we're going to choose some new hold music and the consultants have given us some good phrases to use on the phone. They're on the handout I gave you at the beginning. Does everyone have copy? Right, good.

So, moving on to efficiency...

● You will hear a manager talking to staffs about the way they answer the telephone.

● For each questions 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

● After you have listened once, replay the recording.

The company is most worried about how ______ .

A.quickly staff answer the phone.

B.efficiently staff deal with enquiries.

C.friendly staff sound on the phone.

His father had to make______for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when





A man has to make ______ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old





What was Pepys doing when his wife told him about the fire?A.He was asleep.B.He was writin

What was Pepys doing when his wife told him about the fire?

A.He was asleep.

B.He was writing something.

C.He was putting things back.

D.He was looking out of the window.

How to Present Business CardsBusiness cards are less important in American culture than
How to Present Business Cards

Business cards are less important in American culture than they are in Asian culture. But knowing the right way to handle business cards is a useful skill wherever you are.

Requesting someone's business card is a straightforward(直截了当的、坦率的)process. You need only say: "Do you have a business card?" or "May I have your business card?"

When you want to present your own card, you can say, "Here's my card. Feel free to call me if you have any other questions." Or, you might say, "Please send the information to this address. I look forward to hearing from you soon."

It's not polite to directly refuse a request from someone for your business card. Instead, you can say, "Sorry, but I'm afraid I'm all out at the moment." or "l forgot to bring them with me."

When you do receive a card, say "Thank you" and examine it briefly before putting it away.

1.In America,().

A.one does not use business cards

B.one uses business cards everywhere

C.one uses business cards but not as often as one does in Asia

D.one uses business cards much more often than one does in Asia

2.If you know how to handle business cards, you will().

A.be absolutely successful

B.get help from others

C.make everybody happy

D.find the knowledge helpful

3.To politely refuse a request for business cards, you may say the following except().

A.Sorry, but I can't satisfy you

B.Sorry, but I'm afraid I’m all out at the moment

C.I forgot to bring them with me

D.Sorry, but I don't have a business card

4.From the passage we can infer that().

A.business cards are the key to success

B.business cards should be beautifully designed

C.you should always carry your business cards

D.handling business cards skillfully is important

5.The word “examine” (Line 1, Para. 5) is closest in meaning to().

A.search for


C.look at


He finds that students who were easy to teach, because they succeeded in putting what they
had been taught into practice, hesitate when confronted with the vast Untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls outside the scope of basic text books.

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