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听力原文:I just wanted to say well done for getting that contract. You did a great job and

听力原文: I just wanted to say well done for getting that contract. You did a great job and we know it wasn't easy. What would you say to a celebratory meal? I know a very good restaurant near here. I'm sure we could get a table for lunch if you're free.

—You will hear five recordings.

—For each recording, decide what the main reason is for the phone call.

—Write one letter (A—H) next to the number of the recording.

—Do not use any letter more than once.

—After you have listened once, replay each recording.

A booking a table

B cancelling a meeting

C placing an order

D selling something

E offering a lift

F congratulating someone

G checking an address

H making an appointment

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更多“听力原文:I just wanted to say well…”相关的问题
听力原文:Could you have a look at this blueprint when you' re done with that?(A)Marianne w

听力原文:Could you have a look at this blueprint when you' re done with that?

(A) Marianne wanted to see you.

(B) No, I didn' t have time for that.

(C) Sure, just leave it on my desk.





听力原文:W: Why are you just standing outside instead of going in?M: I have tried all my k

听力原文:W: Why are you just standing outside instead of going in?

M: I have tried all my keys in the lock, but it won't open.

Q: Why didn't the man go in?


A.The door needs repairing.

B.He had lost all his keys.

C.He couldn't open the door.

D.He wanted the woman to help him.

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Where are you going?W: Oh, hi, Bob. I'm on my way to the library. M:

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Where are you going?

W: Oh, hi, Bob. I'm on my way to the library.

M: I just wondered if you wanted to go to a concert with me.

W: I'd love to, but I can't. I can't relieve all the work I have today.

Where is the woman going?

A.To the cafeteria.

B.To the movie theater.

C.To her dorm room.

D.To the library.

听力原文:Well, to answer your question, I knew I wanted to be an actor since I was just a

听力原文: Well, to answer your question, I knew I wanted to be an actor since I was just a little boy. I started performing in plays when I was just 6 years old. I did a few productions at my local theater and later moved onto commercials. Doing the shows was really fun, but going to auditions was terrible. I always felt really bad when I didn't get picked, and I didn't like the rejection, but that's just part of what comes with being an actor. It's all worth it when you get a part that's really satisfying, like when I got a part in my first Broadway musical when I was 16. Up until now I have been in 13 films, 4 musicals, and at least 30 plays. My favorite will always be the stage, but I enjoy other things as well. I really just enjoy all areas of entertainment.

What is the speaker's occupation?

A.A singer

B.An actor

C.A producer

D.An announcer

听力原文:Man: I just wanted to say well done for getting the contract. You did a great job
and we know it wasn't easy. What would you say to a celebratory meal? I know a very good restaurant not far from the subway station. I'll see to it that we get a table for lunch if you're free.


听力原文:W: Hi, you look a little lost. Do you need some help?M: No, thanks. I'm just rest

听力原文:W: Hi, you look a little lost. Do you need some help?

M: No, thanks. I'm just resting, waiting for my family to conic back. They are sightseeing over there.

W: Oh, are you here on vacation? Why don't you go with them?

M: This kind of thing interests my wife and kids, but it's not really to my taste. In fact, I didn't even want to come to this country.

W: Oh, did you have to come on business?

M: No. We are on vacation. I wanted to go to Europe, but the kids wanted to come here. So we had a family meeting and put it to a vote, and I was outvoted 3 to 1. So here we are!

W: But you are their father! Shouldn't they listen to what you want to do?

M: Well, it's just good common sense that everybody should have a say when an important decision that affects all of us is to be made, such as taking a trip. I was really hoping to go to Europe, but the kids get more out of a trip if they are interested in what they are seeing. We believe there is no sense making kids do anything they don't want to do, so in our family we vote on a lot of things. Oh, here they come.


A.He was waiting for his business partner.

B.He was lost.

C.He was resting.

D.He was looking for his family.

听力原文:M: I need a letter faxed to Mr. Smith and I need it as soon as possible.W: I'm ha

听力原文:M: I need a letter faxed to Mr. Smith and I need it as soon as possible.

W: I'm happy to write the letter. But I'm still working on the report that you wanted me to finish today and it looks like I'll have to work overtime just to get it done.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.She is angry with the man.

B.She can accept the man's request though she is busy.

C.She doesn't want to write the letter for the man.

D.It's very difficult for her to write the letter today.

听力原文:M Do you know someone named Ellen Fisher? Works in Procurement, I think?W No, she

听力原文:M Do you know someone named Ellen Fisher? Works in Procurement, I think?

W No, she's in Human Resources. Yes, I know her, we work together quite often. Why?

M I've been put on a project team that she's leading. I just wanted to know what she's like.

W Very businesslike. She's nice, don't get me wrong. But when it's time to work, she doesn't waste time. She's a great project manager; I think you'll enjoy working with her.

Where does Ellen Fisher work?


B.Human Resources

C.Business Support

D.Facility Services

听力原文:W: Good afternoon.Mr.Burke. Did you have a good lunch?M: Yes,thank you,Miss Ventn

听力原文:W: Good afternoon.Mr.Burke. Did you have a good lunch?

M: Yes,thank you,Miss Ventner.It was very good.Did anyone phone while I was out?

W: No, nobody phoned,but...er...Mr.Cooper came.

M: What?But he's the man I told you about!

W: Yes,I know,He came in for something urgent.He said he wanted to see you right away,but...

M: Well,then,why didn't you phone me?We all know that Mr.Cooper has some very important information.I wanted to talk to him as soon as possible.I told you all that before I left.Didn't you understand me?

W: Yes,of course,I understood you,Mr.Burke,but...

M: I even gave you a card with the name and phone number of restaurant!I put it on your desk.

W: But that's just it!You didn't give me the card.You didn't put it on my desk!

M: What do you mean?Of course I did.I took the card out of my wallet just before I went to lunch! Look!It isn't in my wallet now I! OH!

W: Mr.Burke,what's that card on the floor?It fell out of your wallet a second ago.

M: That card?It's...er...it's the card I thought I gave you.

W: You see!You forgot to give me the card!That's why I didn't phone.I didn't know where you were having your lunch.

M: No,of course you didn't.I'm very sorry,Miss Ventner.It wasn't your fault.I apologize.

W: That's all right.Please forget it.

What happened when the man was out?

A.Someone phoned.

B.Someone came.

C.The woman went out.

D.The woman phoned the man.

听力原文:F Amanda Sharpe,M Oh hi, Mandy. I just wanted to ask how the training day went. I

听力原文:F Amanda Sharpe,

M Oh hi, Mandy. I just wanted to ask how the training day went. I'm sorry I couldn't be there.

F Hi, Jim. Yes, we missed you. Well, it was good overall. There was a rather familiar presentation of theory, and then some very informative' case studies to discuss. We also spent time reviewing important staffing issues, and there were some tips given on teamwork that we can definitely put into practice.

M Sounds excellent.

F Yes, although the afternoon session seemed to go on and on. I found it hard to concentrate, but when I looked at the handout afterwards for the main points, it was very brief, and didn't say much. Anyway, there's another one next month. I've suggested the training manager consults with the HR supervisor in setting it up, to make sure it's all relevant. I hope you'll be able to make it.

M Yes, I'll be free for that one.

&8226;Look at the notes below.

&8226;You will hear a man telephoning to ask about a recent training session.


Outcomes of training session

looking at (5) .......................... was useful

advice on (6) .......................... was valuable

the (7) .......................... was too short

next time: involve (8) .......................... in planning

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