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听力原文:W: We all have drawers full of snapshots but what are they? A piece of history, a

record of happy memories or a testament to the fact that the camera can indeed lie? Gerald is one of the editors of a book called The History of Domestic Photography. Gerald, as an art form, photography is really only just over a century old. How has it developed in domestic use?

M: Well, It's developed by being all of those things that you mentioned really. People are looking for pictures that will record their families and their homes and so the photographic technology has got closer and closer to the home—more and more informal. So if you look at the early pictures in people's albums—those taken when grandmother was a girl—in everybody's albums you'll find these very stiff, posed portraits, some of them studio portraits, and then you look at contemporary pictures today, you know, you find the family at play, you find snapshots which show children laughing, you find the holiday pictures, so it's changed over the years, become more relaxed, less of an ordeal.

W: Gerald, is there a conflict, as there is in other artistic areas, between the low art of the domestic photographer and the high art of the professional?

M: No, there's no conflict. I, as a professional photographer, don't take any family snaps because my children would never pose for me as a photographer at all. And if it hadn't been for my wife with her instamatic camera taking pictures, I wouldn't have any record at all of their younger years. I detect a sort of use now more by women using very easy-to-use, throw-away cameras almost, and certainly in my family it seems to be the women who are taking the pictures rather than the men.

W: As you say, all the photographic companies, all the Kodak ads are directed at women. You know the kind of thing, even a woman can do this very simple photography. Taking pictures couldn't be easier these days. What about these ones then that you've got here? You've actually brought pictures that your wife has taken.

M: Yes, these are not great photographs, but they are very important memories for me and they will be for my children—though they won't thank my wife for taking some of these poses. But it's interesting what you can do. The page here is a series of little cut-outs that my wife took. There are maybe twenty pictures here and they haven't all got great backgrounds. I mean, you were asking the difference between amateur and professional photography. Professional photography will have good backgrounds. Ruth would just go round and take pictures because they were good little fun moments and what she's done is cut out the best bits of it. She's got rid of, you know, the annoying chair in the background or whatever and just made one picture out of twenty bits of picture.

W: But they're all lovely, smiling, oh, not that you haven't got lovely, smiling children, but does the camera in a way tell us lies about ourselves?

M: You're right. People do play up to the camera and this is the greatest problem. Among this lot here, there aren't any pictures of children looking bad tempered. We do react to the camera. As soon as the camera comes out you sort of go into a pose, if you like. Probably that's their weakness really as family snaps.

W: Or is it weakness? Isn't that just what they are? I mean...

M: There's something missing. There's something missing from the family album. That is, anger, bad temper, you know the foul days, the sulks.

W: Thank you very much.


11.According to the interview, what is the big difference between pictures of old days and contemporary pictures?

12.What is the subject Gerald never photographs?

13.According to the interview, what do photographic companies want people to think about taking photos?

14.According to the interview, which of the following statements is NOT true about pictures taken by amateur photographers?

15.What does the interviewee mean by sug

A.Contemporary pictures focus more on domestic issues.

B.These days, having one's photograph taken is more informal.

C.In the old days, people only took pictures of their grandmothers.

D.The photographic technology is more advanced nowadays.

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W: Chocolate ice cream, please. And don't forget my coffee.

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A.Ice cream and chocolate cake.

B.Chocolate cake.

C.Chocolate ice cream.

D.Coffee and chocolate ice cream.

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M: It's all the same to me.

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A.The man won't have the meeting.

B.The man will go to the meeting whether the time is changed or not.

C.The man will go for a meeting any day.

D.Any meeting is the same to the man.

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听力原文:W: Tom! Isn't it beautiful here?

M: We've been looking all summer for a place just like this.

Which of the following statement is right?

A.This place is not beautiful.

B.They are very satisfied with this place.

C.They have not found a beautiful place all summer.

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听力原文:W:Have you decided when you ale going to get engaged?

M:I wish it could be in May.But it's all up to April to decide.I guess we have to wait until she graduates in July.

Q:When will the man be engaged?


A.In April.

B.In May.

C.In July.

D.Not decided yet.

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听力原文:W: Do you have a seat for the concert tomorrow?

M: No seat at all, but we sell standing-room tickets two hours before the performance.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.It is too late for the man to go to the concert.

B.The man must wait for two hours to buy a ticket.

C.People have already been standing in line for two hours.

D.The man can buy a standing-room ticket tomorrow.

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W: It is bad. But the highway will reopen tomorrow then we won't have all those cars passing by any more.

What does the woman imply?

A.She thinks the man should drive to town.

B.She likes to 'pass cars.

C.The man should mind his own business.

D.The traffic won't be detoured after tomorrow.

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听力原文:W: Why don't you go to bed, Jimmy?. You look fired.

M: I have to finish this assignment fast. It's giving me a hard time.

Q: What do we learn about the man?


A.He is tired of doing homework.

B.He finds it hard to fall asleep,

C.He is used to staying up all night.

D.He has to finish his homework first.

听力原文:M:Have you got all ready for the party?W:Yeah, all the menus got prepared. Oh, my

听力原文:M:Have you got all ready for the party?

W:Yeah, all the menus got prepared. Oh, my Gosh! But one thing slipped my mind. Linda is not in the invitation list.

Q:What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The woman forgot to invite Linda.

B.The woman has made a perfect preparation.

C.Linda may help her in preparing the menu.

D.The woman has invited many friends.

听力原文:W:Have you decided when you axe going to get engaged?M:I wish it could be in May.

听力原文:W:Have you decided when you axe going to get engaged?

M:I wish it could be in May.But it's all up to April to decide.I guess we have to wait until she graduates in July.

Q:When will the man be engaged?


A.In April.

B.In May.

C.In July.

D.Not decided yet.

听力原文:W: How are we going to get home? It's so late the buses and subways have all stop
ped running.

M: It looks as though we have no choice but to call a cab.

Q: How will the couple get home?


A.By subway.

B.By taxi.

C.By bus.

听力原文:M: We'd better hurry. I think that's our flight.W: Have I got time to get a newsp

听力原文:M: We'd better hurry. I think that's our flight.

W: Have I got time to get a newspaper?

M: Well, I don't think we have time. Look …

W: All right, well, you take that bag, and I'll take this one.

Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.At an airport.

B.At a railway station.

C.At a department store.

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