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When the rude young man reached his station, ______ .A.the other five passengers helped hi

When the rude young man reached his station, ______ .

A.the other five passengers helped him to get off the train

B.the other five passengers didn't help him with his two heavy bags

C.he forgot to get off the train

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更多“When the rude young man reache…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: How do you go to school every day?M: By hike.W: So you are lucky. You are not

听力原文:W: How do you go to school every day?

M: By hike.

W: So you are lucky. You are not bothered by rude people with their rough behavior.

M: I don't get it.

W: I come to school by bus and sometimes it turns out to be a terrible experience. I mean a bus ride. If the worst comes to the worst, you may ride yourself on an overcrowded bus with no order, and in a near riot. I'm not exaggerating.

M: I see what you mean. I'm sorry for you.

W: During the rush hour you have to fight your way in and fight your way out when you get off.

M: How terrible!

W: What's more terrible, you often find yourself among people with no manners. This morning I saw something you wouldn't believe unless you saw it with your own eyes.

M: Yes?

W: At the bus terminal there was a big crowd. Because the bus was a little late, the crowd grew bigger and bigger. When the bus finally arrived, the waiting crowd turned into a charging mob, rushing the door.

M: What craziness!

W: Then some young guys pushed hard and elbowed their way to the front. A woman carrying a baby lost her balance and fell down.

M: It's shocking to see young people behave so badly. This is one of the reasons I don't take buses as a rule.

W: There are other forms of rudeness that people exhibit in public places, such as spitting and littering.

M: I know. The problem is that they don't seem to care about the public code of conduct.

W: Young people have to be told that they should show respect for others before they are respected by others. I really think it's time we did something to do away with all rude manners.

M: I agree. I'm all for developing socialist ethics and the socialist moral standards ought to be passed down from generation to generation.


A.They have to rush on and off the bus.

B.They have to fight their way in and out.

C.They have to jump on and off the bus.

D.They have to push and press their way onto the bus and off the bus.

What do many foreigners think of American young people?A.Reticent and quiet.B.Brash, immod

What do many foreigners think of American young people?

A.Reticent and quiet.

B.Brash, immodest, rude and disrespectful.


D.Lacking in self-confidence.

He is a ______ young man and never says anything impolite or rude, so everybody likes him.





Be quiet! It's rude to ______ people when they are talking.A.stopB.introduceC.preventD.int

Be quiet! It's rude to ______ people when they are talking.





听力原文: Different cultures have considerably differing habits in the amount of expressiv
eness. This is rooted in the varying attitudes toward people of different ages, classes, and stations in life. In the family setting, for instance, most Americans encourage their children to enter freely into dinner table conversation and other family discussions and to participate early in decision making. By contrast, in Asia and elsewhere, children are taught to be silent in the presence of elders and, for instance, are usually separated from them when eating. The children certainly are never to disagree verbally with the parent, or with older brothers and sisters, for that matter. In parts of India, even an adult would not enter into the decision-making discussions if his aged parents were still in the family circle. It is not surprising, therefore, that many foreigners look upon American young people as brash, immodest, and rude, possessing no proper respect for parents or older siblings. On the other hand, Americans may look upon young people of other cultures as being too reticent, too quiet, too unresponsive, too lacking in self-confidence, which may be interpreted erroneously as inferiority.

In many countries a student would very seldom ask a question in class, for to do so would not only suggest that he is uninformed but that he is implying that the teacher has been unclear, which would be highly disrespectful. In America most teachers encourage the student to ask all kinds of questions. It is a mark of good teacher to draw out questions and a mark of a good student to ask numerous, meaningful questions. American teachers abroad thus have to realize the lack of questions or lack of recitation from their students does not mean that the teacher is being ineffective and the students are ignorant and lethargic, for they are merely being respectful.

Which continent where children are taught to be silent in front of elders is mentioned?


B.North American.


D.South American.

It wasn’t until recently, when we celebrated a family birthday with my parents at a fancy
restaurant, ______I found out that in some cultures it’s considered rude to lick your plate.





Which of the following can be inferred when the man says this?A.There are other students w

Which of the following can be inferred when the man says this?

A.There are other students waiting to put up their notices.

B.The woman is rude and does not want to obey the rules.

C.The man is annoyed by the woman's haughty tone.

D.The procedure of putting up a notice is rather complicated.

听力原文:Sue:What do you mean, Mary, when you say, 'I never invite friends round to my hou

听力原文:Sue: What do you mean, Mary, when you say, 'I never invite friends round to my house?' No, sorry, I can't accept that. I invited everybody round here for a party on my last birthday, remember? I was going to cook something special for you all and then Henry and Mark insisted on taking us out to that new Japanese restaurant in town. It's true that I accepted their offer, but I thought it would be very rude to refuse.

You hear a woman talking to a friend on the phone. What is she doing?

A.Refusing an invitation.

B.Denying an accusation.

C.A pologising for a mistake.

When the boy and the young woman met again years later

When the boy and the young woman met again years l

When he was young, Peter Schwartz was very interested in the movement of social change.A.Y

When he was young, Peter Schwartz was very interested in the movement of social change.




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