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听力原文:I know that many of you have trains to catch and in a couple of cases flights to

catch so I won't keep you very much longer. However, yon are aware that the sheet listing course dates, fees and other information which was sent out prior to this meeting was incomplete. I'm afraid not all the details had been confirmed by the time we went to press and there are a number of omissions. However, I'm now in s position to give you the rest of this information so you can add it to your copy. We've been fortunate in obtaining the same hotel as last year—that's the Station for the people on attachment so the residential periods will be spent at the Station Hotel in Brimston Square. The overall fee will now include laundry charges. I know that there were disagreements last year as it was felt that costs of personal laundry while away from home should not be borne by participants. However, you will still need funds to cover your daily travel costs from the hotel to the training centre and although the hotel will provide breakfast and evening meal you will need to meet both transport as I've just mentioned and, er, lunch each day out of your own pocket. You may remember, however, that subsidized lunches are available at the training centre so they won' t be too expensive.

For those of you travelling from abroad I should also point out that the Society is not in a position to help with any charges for excess baggage. The standard allowance as you know is twenty kilos and if you have bought books, gifts or whatever to take home with you, any additional costs are your responsibility.

You will be pleased to learn that the fees for the Industrial Relations course have stayed the same as last year-so that's. Unfortunately, though, the fees for the Management Today course have not yet been finalized; they will vary from last year but you might like to know that they will be approximately somewhere in the region of £500. I'm sure it won't have escaped your attention that we failed to print the length of each course. The Industrial Relations course is a twelve-week course as is Management Today-both three months as usual.

The two charges listed under the Training Officers' course apply to members of the Society and these who axe eligible for awards or scholarships. The lower figure applies to overseas applicants who would be anable to attend our courses without these grants as it's important that we continue to attract participants from abroad.

And finally, the Training Officers' course lasts only ten weeks this year as it has been reduced in response to last year's suggestions for a slightly shorter courser

Thank you, I do hope that...

?You will hear the chairperson of the Technological Society making an announcement at the end of a meeting.

?As you listen, fill in the information for question 1 - 12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

The Technological Society

International Department

Course dates, fees and other expenses

Location: 1______ Brimston Square

Fee includes: 2 ______

Extra costs: 3 ______

4 ______

Overseas participants many incur extra costs

For 5. ______

Industrial 6. ______course Management Today Course

Cost: 7. ______Cost: 8. ______

Length of courses: 9. ______

10. ______Officer's course

Cost: £1,160 for Society members

£ 860 for 11. ______

Length of course 12. ______

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更多“听力原文:I know that many of you h…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: I want to have a long rest during the weekend, but I don't know where to go.M:

听力原文:W: I want to have a long rest during the weekend, but I don't know where to go.

M: Have you thought of climbing the mountains?

What does the man mean by his response?

A.The woman should go to climb the mountain.

B.The woman should stay at home.

C.The weekend may not be long enough for climbing the mountains.

D.The man did not know where to go either.

听力原文:Do you know the man over there talking to Jim?(A) No, I didn't hear him.(B) I thi

听力原文:Do you know the man over there talking to Jim?

(A) No, I didn't hear him.

(B) I think she went to see him.

(C) Yes, that's Mark, the new employee.





听力原文:M: We'd better hurry or we'll be late.W: I know we are in a hurry, but the speed

听力原文:M: We'd better hurry or we'll be late.

W: I know we are in a hurry, but the speed limit on this freeway is 65 miles per hour.

What are the man and the woman doing?

A.Driving in a car.

B.Taking a taxi.

C.Packing their luggage.

D.Riding on a bus.

听力原文:M: Do you know where I can have my clothes cleaned?W: Why not wash them yourself?

听力原文:M: Do you know where I can have my clothes cleaned?

W: Why not wash them yourself? There's a laundry on Third Street.

What does the woman mean?

A.She can't understand why the man is thirsty.

B.The man ought not to go to the laundry.

C.The laundry is too far away.

听力原文:M: Do you know that the picture was painted by a farmer painter?W: Really? I thou

听力原文:M: Do you know that the picture was painted by a farmer painter?

W: Really? I thought it was painted by a professional.

Q: Who painted the picture?


A.A farmer painter.

B.The man's friend.

C.A professional painter.

D.The woman's professor.

听力原文:M: Janet, do you know anything about this author's latest best seller?W: Sum. I'v

听力原文:M: Janet, do you know anything about this author's latest best seller?

W: Sum. I've just read through it. I strongly recommend it.

What are the man and woman talking about?



C.A film.

D.A book.

听力原文:M: I need to arrange my trip to England and I don't know where to start.W: It wou

听力原文:M: I need to arrange my trip to England and I don't know where to start.

W: It would be better if you asked Thomas for advice. I've never been to England, but he has. He'll know more about it.

Q: What conclusion can you draw from the conversation?


A.The man doesn't know how to get to England.

B.The man will pay a visit to England in the near future.

C.The woman has been m England before.

D.Thomas is a British.

听力原文:M:Excuse me, do you know where I can park my car on the campus?W:I think it's pos

听力原文:M:Excuse me, do you know where I can park my car on the campus?

W:I think it's possible for post graduate students but not for your undergraduate students.

Q:What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The campus provides enough parking place.

B.The man doesn't have the parking permit on the campus.

C.The man will get fined for parking on the wrong place.

D.The woman is the teacher of the man.

听力原文:(Man) Who's working on revising the report? (Woman) (A) Not before the holidays f

听力原文:(Man) Who's working on revising the report?

(Woman) (A) Not before the holidays for sure.

(B) I don't know if it's been assigned.

(C) Yes, he's a good reporter.





听力原文:W: Excuse me, do you know where these pills or capsules are located?M: Yeah. I kn

听力原文:W: Excuse me, do you know where these pills or capsules are located?

M: Yeah. I know. But have you got a prescription?

What does the man do?

A.He is a doctor.

B.He is a waiter.

C.He is pharmacist.

D.He is a policeman.

听力原文:W: I have to think about your offer.I can't say "yes" or "no" at the moment.M: Yo

听力原文:W: I have to think about your offer. I can't say "yes" or "no" at the moment.

M: You can take your time. It will do if you let me know your decision in a day or two.

Which of the following is true?

A.The man thinks the woman is wasting her time.

B.The man thinks the woman should make full use of her time.

C.The man is eager to know the woman's answer.

D.The man can wait and there is no need for her to hurry.

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