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Till Roenneberg’s research shows that human body clocks aren’t table to__________.

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听力原文:M: Hi, Sue. Where have you been?W: Oh. Hi, Dan. I was just at the library. I have

听力原文:M: Hi, Sue. Where have you been?

W: Oh. Hi, Dan. I was just at the library. I have to hand in my biology paper tomorrow.

M: Tomorrow? Oh, no. I thought it wasn't due till Monday.

W: Oh. Don't worry. It is due Monday. But I'm going away for the weekend and won't be back till Monday night.

M: Oh, where are you going?

W: California. We're having a family reunion. It's my grandmother's ninetieth birthday. So all the cousins and aunts and uncles are going. She planned the whole thing herself.

M: Wow. That's great. How many people will be there?

W: Around sixty. My family is big and spread out but we're pretty dose. So have you started working on your biology paper?

M: Yeah. I'm doing it on bees and how they're able to recognize whether another bee is related to them.

W: How can they tell?

M: They use their sense of smell. The honey bees guard their nests this way. If another bee approaches the nest, the guard determines if the new bee is familiar. If it is, it's allowed to enter.

W: Interesting. Can other insects do this? Well, the paper wasps can. Each wasp nest has a special combination of plant fibers and se the wasps that live there have a unique smell. Those two are the only kinds I've read about so far.

M: Well, you've still got time. It sounds like that the bees are picky about who comes to their family reunion.


A.They' re classmates.

B.They' re roommates.

C.They' re cousins.

D.They' re lab partners.

听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, going to the football game today?W: No. I'm planning to watch it on

听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, going to the football game today?

W: No. I'm planning to watch it on television.

M: Why is that? Don't you have enough money to last till the end of the month?

W: Money's not the problem, I find it easier to follow football on television than in the stadium. When I see the game in person, I feel as if I'm too far away from the action. And I always lose track of the ball.

M: I know just what you mean. Besides, on television the new cameras they use give you super views of all the plays. But there's always so much excitement. People are cheering and shouting when you're there in person. People are very enthusiastic, and I end up cheering along with everyone.

W: You're right there. But I'd like to know exactly what I'm screaming for. And if I can't even see who has the ball, I can't get very excited. So I really prefer watching it on television.

M: I see your point. Well, enjoy the game.

W: You, too.


A.Viewing football games.

B.Interview with football players.

C.Attendance at track meets.

D.Types of college cheers.

听力原文:M: I see you have still got all your suitcases with you. We must have the same pr

W: Let me guess. Your room's been given to someone else?

M: Yes.

W: I don't get it! They sent me my room number a long time ago.

M: Me, too. Well, at least there's room in another dorm, Bundy Hall.

W: That's where they're putting me, too. But you'll realize that unless you have a car, Bundy is at least a 25-minute walk from the center of campus. And don't count on taking the campus bus, it runs at really inconvenient times.

M: Great way to start your college career. But, I don't know, maybe there is a positive side to all of these. Since we'll be so far away from everything, we'll be forced to use our time wisely.

W: True. I've heard lots of first-year students get into trouble because they hang out every day in the student center till it closes.

M: Exactly! And not only that, we will get plenty of exercise from all that extra walking.

W: Yeah. And that's not exactly easy walking, either. Around here you just about need a pair of hiking boots, and to enjoy mountain climbing.

M: But at least there're great vistas from some of the buildings, not to mention the possibility of some serious sled riding when it snows.


A.It's small.

B.It's very hilly.

C.It has no bus service.

D.It's located outside of the town.

听力原文:M: Hello, Marry. What's up with you?W: Oh, Tom. It's my landlady again.M: You're

听力原文:M: Hello, Marry. What's up with you?

W: Oh, Tom. It's my landlady again.

M: You're always in trouble. What is it this time?

W: You see, she left a note for me. Just read it.

M: Well, did you leave the front door open?

W: I honestly don't remember. I got back late from a party. Anyway, what does it matter? It's all complaints in that house: first noise, then bathroom.

M: Well, in that case, why don't you look around for another place?

W: I've already started. I looked in the paper this morning, plenty of advertisements as usual, but must of the places are too far from school.

M: Look, why don't you come and share with us?

W: But surely there are four of you in the flat already, aren't there?

M: Yes, but, you know, Jane is leaving at the end of the month. She's got a job down south. There will be a spare room. It's rather small, but you can sleep there for the moment till you find a nice one.

W: That's a good idea. How many rooms do you have?

M: We have four bedrooms and a big living room.

W: What are the arrangements?

M: Oh, we share all expenses, of course, rent, light, and heating.

W: What about ford?

M: Oh, we each buy our own. It works out fine that way. And you can do any thing you like in your own room, but there is one thing...

W: what's that?

M: Don't leave the front door open. Strange people may wander in.

W: All right. I promise that won't happen again. By the way, when is Jane leaving?

M: Let me see... yes, this time next week.

W: Today is the 22nd, Tuesday, so she's leaving on the 29th. Well, I will move in one day after she leaves.

M: Yes, no problem. We will get ready by then.

W: Thanks a lot.

M: You're welcome.


A.Her difficulties at her house.

B.Finding a place to live.

C.The parties she went to.

D.Her friend's house.

听力原文:Man: Come in, Sarah.Woman: Thanks.Man: Right. We need to discuss some of the issu

听力原文:Man: Come in, Sarah.

Woman: Thanks.

Man: Right. We need to discuss some of the issues raised at the last meeting with your department.

Woman: Yes, there were a lot of questions about computer systems and flexible working hours.

Man: We'll talk about computer systems in a minute, but I think we can leave flexible working hours for the time being. What I'm really very concerned about at the moment, though, is how some staff are working. I'm not at all happy with how long it's taking for some reports on visits to come in. Peter Jones, for instance, hasn't produced a single report on time. The last, on his visit to Berlin was two weeks late. It's not as though they're long reports - they should only take a short time to write.

Woman: I'll certainly warn Peter about getting reports in more quickly but it really comes down to a question of staff training. I think we need to do some workshops on time management.

Man: I agree, but getting consultants in to do the training costs money. It'd be cheaper to use one of our own staff. Have we got anyone who could do it?

Woman: Laura Williams has some management training experience.

Man: She's away on a team building course at the moment, though, isn't she?

Woman: Only 'till next week. I'll speak to her when she gets back. I'm sure she'll be interested.

Man: Now, I'd like to move on to computer systems. As you know, we're going to upgrade our software. The plan was to install it in January but that's proved difficult so it's going in during February because we certainly want it to be ready and running for March.

Woman: Good. I'm worried about the computer skills of some of the staff, though. A few could do with some extra training.

Man: I'm sure you're right. Could we organise that on the premises, do you think?

Woman: Possibly, but it'd be expensive. I know the business college in Park Street has a really good computer section. I've compared their prices with those of the computer training centre at Blackstone and the college prices are far more reasonable.

Man: Let's go for that, then. Will you see to it?

Woman: Certainly. Now, I think this would be a good time to make some office changes before the new software comes in. The Accounts team need a bigger office. At the moment, we've only got five people using the Marketing office on the second floor, so Accounts could take over that office if we moved Marketing to the first floor.

Man: And Human Resources up to the third floor? Yes, that sounds a good idea.

Woman: Great. It'll mean moving a lot of equipment. Accounts keep complaining about some of their equipment. It'd be nice if we could replace it.

Man: We certainly can't replace all of it. What's causing most problems?

Woman: Well, we've had to call technical support in at least once every week for the past two months to deal with the fax machine. The printers were causing trouble but they're working well enough now and everyone complains that the photocopier is slow but it's alright, really.

Man: Right, I'll see what we can do. Now, I have to go in a minute. What do we need to discuss when we meet next week?

Woman: There's the Health and Safety report.

Man: Oh, John Wilkins has already done that.

Woman: Good. What about the programme for the French clients? They're coming at the beginning of next month.

Man: Time is getting short. We'd better deal with that.

Woman: And then what about getting a new PA to replace Louise?

Man: Oh, we can leave that, I think. She isn't going till the end of April now.

Woman: That's good. I thought she was leaving sooner.

•You will hear a discussion between James, the General Manager, and Sarah, the Office Manager, of a company.

•For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

•After you have listened once, replay the recording.

What is James most interested in discussing?

A.computer systems

B.staff performance

C.flexible working hours

听力原文:M: I came to talk to you about transferring my major out of the math department.W

听力原文:M: I came to talk to you about transferring my major out of the math department.

W: Let's see. You're a sophomore now, aren't you ? Why do you want to change majors?

M: On the final test in my calculus class I got a pretty poor score, I knew the material, but I made a small mistake early in the equation, so all the rest of the answers were wrong, too.

W: Didn't you discuss this with your instructor?

M: I didn't bother. We never got along too well. Besides, I really don't want to face this kind of pressure on every test till I graduate.

W: So what major do you want to change to?

M: I love psychology, but you need a Ph.D. to get any kind of a good job. So I thought sociology would be next best, and there is reasonable employment available for someone with a B.A.

W: Yes, that's true. And you could feasibly apply your math credits to a math minor.

M: So is it possible to change my major?

W: It seems reasonable to me, but you will need approval from the department head to get in.


A.Pass his math class.

B.Get a good job.

C.Get his degree.

D.Change his field of study.

听力原文:M: Hi! You're listening to Radio South West. The best in the South West for music
and up-to-minute news. Sue's here. Hello, Sue.

W: Hello, David.

M: And we've got the job spot for you today. How about you, Sue, what have you got7

W: Right, David. Well, the first one we've got is a cook. That's in a large, busy restaurant, so it's very useful to have experience in large-scale cooking. The age is around twenty-five or so and the pay is $2 an hour. So that's not bad, isn't it? The hours are good too. That's Monday to Friday, 3:00 till 6:30.

M: Great. Thanks,

W: Now, how do you fancy working in doors? We've got a shorthand typist job here, that's in an office. And this job might suit a woman with a school-age child, because the hours are only fifteen hours a week. The age is twenty to forty and the pay depends on that age. It's small, a friendly office, but there is experience. That's a nice shorthand typist's job in an office.

M: Great. Well, here's another job possibly for somebody who's a school-leaver. It requires no experience at all, but training will be given on the job. And the pay is $67 a week. What's the job? Well, it's a shop assistant in a busy supermarket. The big thing is, you don't need any experience. You get one day off during the week. OK? So that's a shop assistant. Well, if you fancy any of those jobs, give us a ring here on job spot at Radio South West. And now back to the music.


A.From Monday to Friday, 8:30—5:00.

B.From Monday to Friday, 3:00—6:30.

C.6 days a week.

D.15 hours a week.

The White HouseWe get up early this morning and【51】 a long walk after breakfast. We walked

The White House

We get up early this morning and【51】 a long walk after breakfast. We walked through the business section of the city. I told you yesterday that the city was larger【52】 I thought it would be.【53】 the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that's【54】 Washington is a special kind of city.【55】 the people in Washington work for the government. About 9:30 we went to the White House. It's【56】 to the public from 10 till 12, and there was a long line of people waiting to get in. We didn't have to wait very long, because the line moved【57】 quickly.

The White House is really white. It is painted every year. And it seems very white, because it's got beautiful lawns all around it,【58】 many trees and shrubs. The grounds【59】 about four square blocks. I mean, they're about two blocks long【60】 each side. The part【61】 the President lives and works is not open to the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went through five of the main rooms. One of them was the library, on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named【62】 the colors that are. used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room and the Green Room.

The walls are covered with silk【63】. There are【64】 old furniture, from the time【65】 the White House was first built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and other famous people from history.






听力原文:M: I see you still got all your suitcases with you too. We must have the same pro

W: Let me guess. Your room's been given to someone else?

M: Yes.

W: I don't get it! They sent me my room number a long time ago.

M: Me too. Well, at least there is room in another dorm, Bundy Hall.

W: That's where they're putting me too. But you'll realize that unless you have a car, Bundy is at least 25 minutes' walk from the center of campus. And don't count on taking the campus bus. It runs at really inconvenient times.

M: Great way to start your college career. But, I don't know, maybe there is a positive side of all this. Since we'll be so far away from everything, we'll be forced to use our time wisely.

W: True. I've heard lots of first year students get into trouble because they hang out every day in the student center till it closes.

M: Exactly! And not only that, we will get plenty of exercise from all that extra walking.

W: Yeah. And that is not exactly easy walking either. Around here you just need a pair of hiking boots, and to enjoy mountain climbing.


A.They've lost their suitcases.

B.Their dorm rooms have been given to other students.

C.They can't find their dormitory.

D.They've missed the bus to their dormitory.

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