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Taking a cell, practically any cell, from your body, the theory goes, and through appropri

ate biological tinkering(摆弄) you can cause it to grow into a duplicate of yourself—identical from eyelashes to toenails. No need for procreational(生育的) sex any more;(51) this system, you can neatly reproduce yourself without a(52). Human cloning, it is called. Science fact or science fiction? What would happen if human cloning became a(53)? One favorite scenario is the(54)of a new(55)of Hitlers—or Einsteins. Scientists quickly disclaim the possibility. "It is more than genetic make-up that makes an individual." Says Markert of Yale University, "We are all products of a particular(56)era and of a special environment, with so many minute things(57)the way we develop each and every day, even in the womb, that a duplicate background--and therefore a duplicate(58)could never be created."

Already biologists studying the cell's(59)workings and the various methods of cloning have made discoveries that may ultimately lead to breakthroughs(60)the fight against cancer, control of the aging process, and the conquest of more than 100 presently incurable human genetic diseases. To(61)cloning-related research would mean closing the door(62)and important area of knowledge. To continue to probe the secrets of the cell, however, is perhaps to(63)the secret of human cloning. And, given the nature of man, if it can be done it will be done. What then is the(64)?

Says Congressman Rogers: "It is clear that human cloning is not yet possible. The day when it will be—if ever—is far(65). For now, at least, the benefits of cell-biology research outweigh the risks."





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更多“Taking a cell, practically any…”相关的问题
What is said about cell phone use in the mid一1 980s in paragraph 5? A. It had a life—taki

What is said about cell phone use in the mid一1 980s in paragraph 5?

A. It had a life—taking effect because there weren’t enough cell phones in use then.

B. The increased use of cell phones then caused a life—taking effect.

C. Traffic fatalities increased then because the number of eell phones in use decreased.

D. Traffic fatalities decreased then because the number of eell phones in use increased.

PPL scientists will try to solve their problem by[A] removing the sugar molecule on th

PPL scientists will try to solve their problem by

[A] removing the sugar molecule on the surface of pig cells.

[B] distinguishing human tissues form. those of pigs.

[C] using the sugar-free nucleus in cloning a pig.

[D] taking out the sugar genes from the cell of a pig.

A notably short man,he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.A pract

A notably short man,he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.

A practically

B considerably

C remarkably

D fairly

听力原文:M: How is school going, Barbara? Are you taking any new classes?W: I'm taking ano

听力原文:M: How is school going, Barbara? Are you taking any new classes?

W: I'm taking another really interesting course called Business and the Web. We are learning about e-commerce and how new technological developments will affect the way we buy, sell and market things in the future.

M: Wow, that sounds like something I should take.

W: I think it's one of the most useful courses I've had so far. Right now, we are studying wireless communications and how that's going to affect the development of the internet and eventually online business. We have had several lectures on the importance of cell phones and several new kinds of portable computers and other electronic devices which are based on related technologies.

M: What other kinds of topics will you be covering?

W: We are going to discuss high bandwidth Internet connections, like cable modems, which will allow us to exchange information more quickly. And from there, we will focus on how Internet, TV, radio and telephone technologies are all starting to come together.

M: I was just reading about that in the newspaper. But how does that relate to online business?

W: As these technologies converge in the near future, a new high-speed network will develop which will be perfect for the distribution of products and services online.



B.Wireless communications.

C.Business and the web.

D.New technology.

Human creativeness is boundless. With the advance of science and technology, a complete ne
w means of communication — Mobile Phone came to the world, which, being not fixed in one place like ordinary phones, greatly facilitates telephone communication. Although using mobile phone is convenient, it also has some negative factors. It tells us that we should pay more attention to the mobile phone etiquette. There is a research on American mobile phone etiquette.

People are using cell phones in a Manhattan subway. Most Americans believe that there are unspoken rules about using mobile phone etiquette, according to an online poll.

It's impolite to shout down their cell phones which may frighten other passengers. Checking emails, sending text messages and making telephone calls while in the company of other passengers are definite breeches of mobile phone manners. Texting during a date is also strictly forbidden.

But the majority of American people questioned in the online poll said that they would not be offended if they received an electronic "thank you" , instead of a written note and seventy-five percent had no objections to anyone using laptops, net books or cell phones in the bathroom. " Etiquette is first and foremost a question of awareness, " said the author and etiquette expert AnnaPost. But she described the results of the Harris Interactive poll commissioned by Intel as " pretty surprising statistics".

Sixty-two percent of the 2, 625 adults who took part in the survey agreed that cell phones, laptops, net books and other electronic devices are part of daily life. Fifty-five percent also thought that the demands of business mean people must stay connected, even if it involves taking a laptop on a holiday or answering a cell phone during a meal.

Despite the need to be constantly connected and the general acceptance of the technology, people were more sensitive about technology abuses during holiday and religious activities. Nearly ninety percent of Americans think that cell phone use is unacceptable during a religious service and thirty percent admitted they would be offended if they received an online gift wish. But more than half revealed that they intended to send an electronic greeting card, instead of a traditional one.

" These are issues about common sense, " said Dr Genevieve Bell, an ethnographer and director of Intel's User Experience Group, adding that the social rules of when and how it is appropriate to use the technology are still being formed.

Which of the following sentences is right according to the passage?

A.75 percent of people in the online poll had no objections to anyone using laptops, net books and cell phones in the bathroom.

B.Nearly all of Americans think cell phone use is impolite during religious activities.

C.90 percent of people in the online poll admitted they would be unhappy if they were given an online gift wish.

D.30 percent of people in the online poll believe that people should get in touch with each other frequently because of the demand of business.

Based on the article, we can draw a conclusion that______.A.international accounting pract

Based on the article, we can draw a conclusion that______.

A.international accounting practice need common standards

B.international companies all adopt the standards

C.there are more advantages of standardization than disadvantages

D.there were 41 international accounting standards in 1973

Some people may disagree with the author on his method because they thinkA.it is not pract

Some people may disagree with the author on his method because they think

A.it is not practical for adults.

B.it is already out of date.

C.it isn"t a primary method.

D.it fails to cultivate creativity.

听力原文:Hello, Nicole. This is William. Hope everything is going well in Port Chester. I'
m in Albany now. I'm calling for two reasons: first, to let you know that I'll be in Port Chester on the twenty-ninth. I'll be taking the train down from Albany. Which leads me to my second point: do you think you or someone could pick me up at the Croton train station? I just looked at the train schedules and I realized that to get to Port Chester from Albany, I would have to go down to Penn Station in Manhattan and then back up to Port Chester from Grand Central Station. It would be great if I could avoid that extra time and travel. If not, I'll manage, but please give me a call on my cell phone when you have a chance and we can figure it out. Thanks. Bye.

Why has William called Nicole?

A.To tell her about a meeting

B.To tell her his travel plans

C.To ask her when she will leave Albany

D.To ask when she will arrive in Port Chester

Text 2Human creativeness is boundless. With the advance of science and technology, a compl

Text 2

Human creativeness is boundless. With the advance of science and technology, a complete new means of communication - Mobile Phone came to the world, which, being not fixed in one place like ordinary phones, greatly facilitates telephone communication. Although using mobile phone is convenient, it also has some negative factors. It tells us that we should pay more attention to the mobile phone etiquette. There is a research on American mobile phone etiquette.

People are using cell phones in a Manhattan subway. Most Americans believe that there are unspoken rules about using mobile phone etiquette, according to an online poll.

It's impolite to shout down their cell phones which may frighten other passengers. Checking emails, sending text messages and making telephone calls while in the company of other passengers are definite breeches of mobile phone manners. Texting during a date is also strictly forbidden.

But the majority of American people questioned in the online poll said that they would not be offended if they received an electronic "thank you" , instead of a written note and seventy-five percent had no objections to anyone using laptops, net books or cell phones in the bathroom. "Etiquette is first and foremost a question of awareness," said the author and etiquette expert Anna

Post. But she described the results of the Harris Interactive poll commissioned by Intel as " pretty

surprising statistics" .

Sixty-two percent of the 2 ,625 adults who took part in the survey agreed that cell phones, lap-tops, net books and other electronic devices are part of daily life. Fifty-five percent also thought that the demands of business mean people must stay connected, even if it involves taking a laptop on a holiday or answering a cell phone during a meal.

Despite the need to be constantly connected and the general acceptance of the technology, people were more sensitive about technology abuses during holiday and religious activities. Nearly ninety percent of Americans think that cell phone use is unacceptable during a religious service and thirty percent admitted they would be offended if they received an online gift wish. But more than half revealed that they intended to send an electronic greeting card, instead of a traditional one.

"These are issues about common sense," said Dr Genevieve Bell, an ethnographer and director of Intel's User Experience Group, adding that the social rules of when and how it is appropriate to use the technology are still being formed.

46. Which of the following sentences is right according to the passage?

[ A] 75 percent of people in the online poll had no objections to anyone using laptops, net books and cell phones in the bathroom.

[B] Nearly all of Americans think cell phone use is impolite during religious activities.

[C] 90 percent of people in the online poll admitted they would be unhappy if they were given an online gift wish.

[D] 30 percent of people in the online poll believe that people should get in touch with each other frequently because of the demand of business.

从下面的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中______内的最确切的解答。 Network managers have long (1) pract


Network managers have long(1)practical voice-over-IP (VOIP) solutions. VOIP(2)ease network management and decreases costs by converging a company's telephony and data infrastructures into one network. And a VOIP solution implemented at a company's head-quarters with far-reaching branch offices can(3)tremendous amounts of(4)in long distance phone bills, provided that solution delivers POTS-Iike voice(5)over the Internet.

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