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听力原文:During World War II, Great Britain and the United States tried to deal with the p

听力原文: During World War II, Great Britain and the United States tried to deal with the problem of an international agreement on money. The two countries tried to set up a formal system which everyone would use to exchange money between countries. The system they set up is usually called the Bretton Woods System. The system got this name from the town in New Hampshire in the United States where the international agreement was signed. The Bretton Woods agreement was signed in 1944. When it was signed, it seemed to be a good system.

The Bretton Woods agreement had two main parts. The first part concerned exchange rates. All of the countries that signed the agreement promised to regulate their exchange rates. The countries promised not to change their exchange rates too often. This was a very important part of the agreement. It helped to stabilize the international finance system. The second part of the Bretton Woods agreement concerned a currency fund. The fund was supposed to help countries that needed currency. All the countries contributed some of their currency to the fund. They could borrow the necessary currency from the fund. This helped all of the member countries to do business with each other. This second part of the agreement was called the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


A.From the place where the agreement was signed.

B.From the people who signed the agreement.

C.From the significance it tried to find in the international finance sys tem.

D.None of the above.

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更多“听力原文:During World War II, Grea…”相关的问题
听力原文:Some dry regions of the world may go on for years without getting a raindrop. But
when the rain does come, it usually comes in torrential downpours.


A.Some people prefer to live in dry places, as they dislike wet climate.

B.Water is in short supply in some regions, so people there rely a lot on rains.

C.It is not surprising to see torrential rains in some areas during dry seasons.

D.In some dry areas, it seldom rains, but when it rains, it pours.

听力原文:Twice a year, all the clocks in the United States are changed by one hour. In the

听力原文: Twice a year, all the clocks in the United States are changed by one hour. In the spring, clocks are moved ahead an hour. This is called daylight savings time. In the fall, clocks are set back an hour to standard time. People remember how to change their clocks by remembering this saying: Spring forward, fall back. It seems Benjamin Franklin was the first person to propose the idea of daylight savings time back in the 1790s. At the time, people thought he was joking. They couldn't believe he was serious. Many years later, during World War I, people realized what an innovative idea he'd had. In the spring and summer, the sun rises earlier. By moving the clock ahead, people can take advantage of the extra daylight and save energy. Energy is an important resource, of course, especially during wartime. The United States operated on daylight savings time during World War I and again during World War II. After that some parts of the country observed daylight savings time and some didn't. Beginning and ending dates varied from place to place. This confusion ended in 1966, when the Congress passed the Uniform. Time Act, standardizing the process and making daylight savings time a federal law. Since then, some lawmakers have proposed that the United States go to year-round daylight savings time.


A.The Uniform. Time Act.

B.The role of daylight savings time in wartime.

C.Ways to save energy.

D.The history of daylight savings time.

听力原文:Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War II, never surrendered. For twe

听力原文: Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War II, never surrendered. For twenty-seven years, he hid deep in the jungles of Guam, a Pacific island battle site during the war. Shoichi stayed there, away from friends and foes alike, because he felt "shame and dishonor" after the war.

Shoichi knew that Japan had lost the war, but the humiliation of defeat kept him from surrendering. So he stayed in the jungle, living on what he could search out. He ate mostly insects, snails, flogs and rats.

In 1972, U.S. authorities finally convinced Shoichi to "surrender". He was sent back to his homeland. Shoichi's returning home attracted a lot of attention. When a department store in Tokyo exhibited his jungle clothes and tools, more than 350,000 curious people came to view them. After spending some time back in civilization, Shoichi met a forty-five years old widow. The old soldier and the widow fell in love and married. After their wedding, the couple took a honeymoon trip to the island of Guam.


A.The island of Guam.

B.Yokoi Shoichi's marriage.

C.The battles on Guam during World War lt.

D.A Japanese soldier who hid on Guam.

听力原文:England became a stronghold of the Protestant version of Christianity during the

听力原文: England became a stronghold of the Protestant version of Christianity during the 16th Century. In thel7th century, the British people developed a system of government by parliament which was later copied in many other countries. During the18th Century, the great revolutions in farming and industry that later took place worldwide, began in Britain. Steam power, steam trains, coal mines and water power began to transform. the means of transport and production. The world's, first industrial cities grew in the Midlands. Then, in thel9th Century, the development of a massive British Empire brought power and wealth to the nation. By the time Queen Victoria took the throne in 1837, Britain had be come the world's greatest power.

Later on, in the 20th century, Britain played a vital part in saving Europe from the threat of Fascism during World War Two.

In1966, England won the Football World Cup and became World Champion. This is some thing many British people are very proud of.

Britain joined the European Community in 1973, but was still separated from mainland Europe. Finally, in 1994 the Channel Tunnel was opened, which links Britain back to the European continent.

The first men and women came to Britain over two and a half million years ago. They were hunters and gatherers of food who used simple stone tools and weapons.

Britain used to be joined to, the European land mass. It became an island separate from the rest of Europe about 8,500 years ago, when melting ice formed the English Channel.

Britain has been invaded by people from Italy, Germany, Scandinavia and France, each bringing with them their own languages and customs.


A.England won the World Cup.

B.Britain joined the European community.

C.The Channel Tunnel was opened.

D.Britain was invaded by the Romans.

听力原文:Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War Ⅱ, never surrendered, For twen

听力原文: Yokoi Shoichi, a Japanese soldier during World War Ⅱ, never surrendered, For twenty-seven years, he hid deep in the jungles of Guam, a Pacific island battle site during the war. Shoichi stayed there, away from friends and foes alike, because he felt " shame and dishonor" after the war.

Shoichi knew that Japan had lost the war, but the humiliation of defeat kept him from surrendering. So he stayed in the jungle, living on what he could search out. He ate mostly insects, snails, frogs and rats.

In 1972, U.S. authorities finally convinced Shoichi to "surrender". He was sent back to his homeland. Shoichi's returning home attracted a lot of attention. When a department store in Tokyo exhibited his jungle clothes and tools, more than 350 000 curious people came to view them. After spending some time back in civilization, Shoiehi met a forty-five years old widow. The old soldier and the widow fell in love and married. After their wedding, the couple took a honeymoon trip to the island of Guam.


A.The island of Guam:

B.Yokoi Shoichi's marriage.

C.The battles on Guam during World War Ⅱ

D.A Japanese soldier who hid on Guam.

听力原文:China was on Friday officially awarded its 31st World Heritage Site, the Historic
Center of Macao, during the 29th session of the World Heritage Committee, being held in Durban, South Africa.

Macao's bid under the name of Historic Center of Macao has been designated as China's only nomination this year to apply for the inscription on the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Macao preserves China's largest clump of urban historical properties, as it had nearly five centuries of uninterrupted contact between East and West, after the Portuguese navigators settled in Macao in the mid- 16th century.

The Historic Center of Macau embraces 12 priceless cultural heritage sites, including China's oldest church, Christian cemetery, lighthouse and western theater.

During what session of the World Heritage Committee was China awarded its 31st World Heritage Site, the Historic Center of Macao?





听力原文: For thousands of years man has been busy making tools and machines to make his w
ork easier. Automation is the latest stage in the process of replacing man power with machine. Automation is as up-to-date as space flight, yet some of the ideas behind it are nearly 200 years old. The steam engine invented in 1784 is one of the first examples of the automatic control of machinery. A big step toward automation was taken when the first electronic computer was devised by American scientists during World War Ⅱ.


What is the passage mainly about?A.Churchill's contribution to his country during World Wa

What is the passage mainly about?

A.Churchill's contribution to his country during World War 1I.

B.Churchill as the greatest statesman in the history of Britain.

C.Churchill as a person of many talents.

D.Churchill's early years in the family and at school.

听力原文:Cambridge must be one of the best-known towns in the world, and can be found on m

听力原文: Cambridge must be one of the best-known towns in the world, and can be found on most tourists' lists of places to visit. The main reason for its fame is its universities which started during the 13th century and grew steadily. Until today there are more than twenty colleges.

The oldest college is Peterhouse, which was founded in 1284, and the most recent is Robinson College, which was opened in 1977. The most famous is probably King's College, because of its magnificent church.

The university was exclusively for men until 1871 when the first women's college was opened. Another was opened two years later and a third in 1954. In the 1960s, most colleges opened their doors to both men and women. Almost all the colleges are now mixed, but it will be many years before there are equal numbers of both sexes.

What is the main reason why Cambridge is one of the best-known towns in the world?

A.Because it is a favorite place for tourists.

B.Because it has a famous university.

C.Because the town was started in the 13th century.

D.Because the university has twenty well-known colleges.

听力原文:Christmas is the time when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jes

听力原文: Christmas is the time when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus. Every year in December we celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.. That is why we call this time 'Christmas' -- we celebrate the 'Mass', or church service, for Christ.

Christmas is a truly magical season, bringing families and friends together to share the much loved customs and traditions which have been around for centuries. Most people are on holiday in England and stay at home with their family on Christmas day. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December in England, with a Christmas dinner for the whole family. During the weeks before Christmas Day, we send cards, watch nativity plays and go to carol services. We also decorate our homes and churches with green leaves, Christmas trees, paper decorations and colourful electric lights.

Christmas Customs and traditions in England, are gradually being lost. Christmas has also become commercialised and the old meaning of Christmas is too often forgotten.

Nowadays, Christmas is celebrated all over the world in many countries, including China, where it is becoming more and more popular.


A.31st December.

B.25th December.

C.1st January.

D.25th November.

听力原文:Mass media is the term used to denote, as a class, that section of the media spec

听力原文: Mass media is the term used to denote, as a class, that section of the media specifically conceived and designed to reach a very large audience. It emerged in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks and of mass-circulation newspapers and magazines.

Media is a contraction of the term media of communication, referring to those organized means of dissemination of fact, opinion, and entertainment such as newspapers, magazines, cinema films, radio, television, and the World Wide Web.

During the 20th century, the advent of mass media was driven by technology that allowed the massive duplication of material at a low cost. Physical duplication technologies such as printing, record pressing and film duplication allowed the duplication of books, newspapers and movies at low prices to huge audiences. Television and radio allowed the electronic duplication of content for the first time.

In a democratic society, an independent media serves to educate the public about issues regarding government and corporate entities.

During the last decade of the 20th century, the advent of the World Wide Web marked the first era in which any individual could have a means of exposure on the scale of mass media.


A.Influence of mass media on our lives.

B.Profitability of mass media.

C.Mass media and its short history.

D.Mass media and politics.

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