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Global Food“Mum, can we go to McDonald’s, please?”Some people might ask, “Where would

we be today if we did not have fast food?” and “Where would parents take their children out to eat?’It has been reported that approximately 30% of meals consumed by families in the USA are eaten at one of the big chains like Burger King and Taco Bell, though probably none is more famous than McDonald’s. The distinctive “golden arch” can now be seen in most major cities in the worl

D. In 2002, McDonalds had approximately 25,000 restaurants in over 120 countries and served 29 million people a day.Apparently, the secret of their success is a marketing strategy of “think global, act local”. McDonald’s learnt that if they adapted their “Mac” meals to different cultures, it was more successful than having a standardized set of products that taste the same everywhere. So now, around 80% of McDonald’s restaurants are franchised to local people who serve food with a “local” flavor. For example, in Hong Kong, food called “Shake Shake Fries” and “Red Bean Sunday” can be found on the menu, while in Switzerland, “Vegi Macs” are serve

D.However, fast food is not popular with everyone. It is often called “junk” food because it is said to be unhealthy and full of fat. Furthermore, many people claim that fast food chains produce enormous amounts of waste, while millions of people in developing countries go hungry. At the same time, more and more people no longer cook fresh food at home. “Convenience” food is just too convenient! It is so easy for people with busy working lives to call into their local branch of Marks and Spencer, or some other supermarket chain, to buy ready-made meals on their way home from work. It is even easier to buy a “take-away” from a local restaurant or pick up the phone and order a pizza to be delivered to your home.

1.The secret of fast food chains’ success is () .

A.franchising to local people

B.having a standardized set of products

C.the marketing strategy of “think global, act local”

D.having a lot of restaurants covering many countries

2.We can learn from the passage that () .

A.around one-third of American families eat at one of the big chains

B.there were about 25,000 McDonald’s Restaurants in the USA in 2002

C.in 2002, McDonald’s served 29 million people a day in Europe

D.the percentage of families eating at McDonald’s is higher in the UK than in the USA

3.All the following are correct except that () .

A.most children like going to McDonald’s

B.most countries have different kinds of McDonald’s meals

C.about 20% of McDonald’s restaurants are not franchised

D.the “Shake Shake Fries” can be found both in Hong Kong and in Switzerland

4.Which of the following is not the reason for more and more people preferring fast food to cooking at home? () .

A.Because they are more convenient

B.It’s easy for people to buy a “take-away” on their way home

C.People can pick up a phone and order what they want to be delivered to their home

D.It is cheaper to buy fast food than to cook at home

5.People call fast food “junk food” because () .

A.they are too convenient

B.they are said to be unhealthy and full of fat

C.they are popular among children

D.they produce much waste


1:C;   2:A;   3:D;   4:D;   5:B

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更多“Global Food“Mum, can we go to …”相关的问题
Eating better and more adventurously is becoming an obsession, especially among people wit
h money to spend. Healthier eating — and not-so-healthy eating — as well as the number and variety of food choices and venues continue to increase at an ever-quickening pace.

Globalization is the master trend that will drive the world of food in the years ahead. Consumers traveling the globe, both virtually and in reality, will be able to sweep up ingredients, packaged foods, recipes, and cooking techniques from every corner of the earth at an ever-intensifying and accelerating pace. Formerly remote ingredients and cooking styles are creating a whole new culinary mosaic as they are transplanted and reinterpreted all over the world.

Many factors are behind this, but none more so than the influence of the great international hotel chains. Virtually every chef who has worked for Hilton, Weston, Peninsula, or any other major chain gathers global experience in locales as diverse as Singapore, New Orleans, Toronto, and Dubai. At each stop, they carry away cooking ideas and techniques they can and do use elsewhere.

This trend will gain even greater momentum as ambitious young adults stake their own futures on internationalization, treating broader food savvy as an important aspect of their own advancement. Young people will need knowledge of food and ingredients from different continents and cultures as one aspect of socialization, enculturation, cultural exchange, and success. In country after country, there seems little doubt that global cuisine will make its biggest inroads among the younger set. Many in the generations now coming of age will treat world-ranging food knowledge and experience as key elements in furthering their personal plans, business acumen, and individual growth.

The Internet has made global contacts a matter of routine. Computer networking wilt permit chefs and others in the food industry, including consumers, to link directly with the best available authorities in faraway nations, supplementing or bypassing second-hand sources of information altogether.

Time, with all its implications, will also be a factor in emerging world food trends. More and more of us are destined to operate on global time — that is, at full tilt 24 hours a day. This will become the norm for companies with resources scattered all over the planet. Beyond the 24-hour supermarkets many of us already take for granted, there will also be three-shift shopping centers open at any hour. Restaurants in the great business capitals intent on cultivating an international clientele will serve midnight breakfasts or break-of- dawn dinners (with the appropriate wines) without raising a single eyebrow.

From the first two paragraphs we can learn that the trend of food obsession is ______.


B.more and more popular in the world

C.a global phenomenon

D.sweeping up every corner of the earth

回答{TSE}题: How Technology Pushes Down Price 1 Prices have fallen in the food business be
cause of advancesin food production and distribution technology. Consumers have benefitedgreatly from those advances. People who predicted that the world would run outof food were wrong. We are producing more and more food with less and lesscapital. Food is therefore more plentiful and cheaper than it has ever been.Spending on food compared with other goods has fallen for many years, and continuesto drop. 2 Supermarkets have helped push down prices mainly because oftheir scale. Like any big business, they can invest in IT systems that makethem efficient. And their size allows them to buy in bulk. As supermarkets getbigger, the prices get lower. 3 Huge retail companies such as WaI-Mart have tremendous powerand they can put pressure on producersto cut their margins. As a result, some producers have had to make cuts. Inrecent years,Unilever has cut its workforce by 33, 000 to 245, 000 and droppedlots of its minor brands as part of its "path to growth" strategy.Cadbury has shut nearly 20 percent of its 133 factories and cut 10 percent ofits 55, 000 global workforce. These cuts help keep costs down, and the price offood stays low. 4 Does cheap food make people unhealthy? Cheap food mayencourage people to eat more. Food companies certainly think that giving peoplemore food for their money makes them buy more. Giving people bigger portions isan easy way of making them feel they have got a better deal. That is whyportions have got larger and larger. In America, soft drinks came in 8oz (225g)cans in the past, then 12oz (350g), and now come in 20oz (550g) cans. If acompany can sell you an 8oz portion for $ 7, they can sell you a 12oz portionfor $ 8. The only extra cost to the company is the food, which probably costs25 cents. 5 Now companies are under pressure to stop selling biggerportions for less money. But it is hard to change the trend. {TS}Paragraph 1__________

Researchers analysed the diet of 16, 000 people in 52 countries and identified three globa
l eating patterns. The typical Western diet, high in fat, salt and meat, accounted for about 30% of heart attack risk in any population. A "prudent" diet high in fruit and vegetables lowered heart risk by a third. An Oriental diet, high in torn, soy and other sauces, made no difference to heart attack risk. People who ate a Western diet had a 35% greater risk of having a heart attack than those who ate little or no fried. The typical Western diet has been widely linked to heart disease. High salt in the diet can raise blood pressure and the wrong type of fat can clog(阻塞)blood vessels. Ellen Mason, a cardiac nurse for the British Heart Foundation, said: "This study shows that it doesnt matter whether you live in Bolton or Bombay, or whether you like to eat British, African Caribbean or Asian foods. The vital thing is to reduce your intake of salty, fried, fatty food to a minimum but increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat. "

Which of the following was NOT one of the three global eating patterns?

A.A Western diet.

B.A "prudent" diet.

C.An Oriental diet.

D.A popular diet.

回答{TSE}题: How Technology Pushes Down Price 1 Prices have fallen in the foodbusiness hee
ause of advances in food production and distribution technology.Consumershave benefited greatly from those advances.People who predicted that the wold would run out of food were wron9.We are producing more and more food with less and less capital.Foodis therefore more plentiful and cheaper than it has ever been.Spending on food compared with other goods has fallen for many years,and continues to drop. 2 Supermarkets have helped pushdown prices mainly because of their scale.Like any big business’they can invest in IT systems that make themefficient.And their size allows them to buv in bulk.As supermarkets get bigger,the prices getlower. 3 Huge retail companies such asWal-Mart have tremendous power and they can put pressure on producers to cuttheir margins.As a result,some producers have had to make cuts.Inrecent years. Unilever has cut its workforce by33,000 to 245,000 anddropped lots of its minor brands as Dart of its“path to growth”strategy.Cadbury has shut nearly 20 percent of its 133 factories and cut 10Dercent of its 55,000 global workforce.These cuts help keep costs down,and theprice of food stays low. 4 Does cheap food make people unhealthy? Cheap food may encotlrage people toeat more.Good companies certainly think that givingpeople more food for their money makes them buy more.Givingpeople bigger portmns IS an easy way of making them feel they have got a betterdeal.That is why Dortions have got larger and larger.In America,soft drinks came in 80z(225g)cansin the past,then 120z(350g),andnow come in 200z(550g)calls.If a company can sell youan 80z portion for$7,they can sell you a 120z portionfor$8.The only extra cost to the company is the food,which Drobably costs 25 cents. 5 Now companies are under pressureto stop selling bigger portions for less money.But it is hard to change the trend. {TS}Paragraph 1__________

More Rural Research is Needed1.Agricultural research funding is vital if the world is to f

More Rural Research is Needed

1.Agricultural research funding is vital if the world is to feed itself better than it does now.Dr.Tony Fischer, crop scientist, said demand was growing at 2.5% per year, but with modern technologies and the development of new ones, the world should be able to stay ahead.

2."The global decline in investment in international agricultural research must be reversed if significant.progress is to be made towards reducing malnutrition(营养不良)and poverty," he said.

3.Research is needed to solve food production, land degradation(贫瘠化)and environmental problem.Secure local food supplies led to economic growth which, in turn, slowed population growth.Dr.Fischer painted a picture of the world's ability to feed itself in the first 25 years of the new century, when the world's population is expected to rise from 5.8 to 8 billion.He said that things will probably hold or improve but there'll still be a lot of hungry people.The biggest concentration of poor and hungry people would be :in subSaharan Africa and southern Asia in 2020, similar to the current pattern.If there is any change, a slight improvement will be seen in southern Asia, but not in subSaharan Africa.The major improvement will be in East Asia, South America and Southeastern Asia.

4.The developing world was investing about 0.5%, or $8 billion a year, of its agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) on research, and the developed world was spending 2.5 % of its GDP.Dr.Fisher said more was needed from all countries.

5.He said crop research could produce technologies, that spread across many countries, such as wheat, production research having spin-offs for Mexico, China or India.

6."Technologies still need to be refined for the local conditions but a lot of the strategic research can have global application, so that money can be used very efficiently," Dr.Fischer said.

7.Yields of rice, wheat and maize(玉米)have grown impressively in the past 30 years,especially in developing .countries.For example, maize production rose from 2 to 8 tonnes per hectare(公顷)between 1950 and 1995.But technologies driving this growth, such as high-yield varieties, fertilizers and irrigation, were becoming exhausted."If you want to save the land for non-agricultural activities, for forests and wildlife, you're going to have to increase yield," Dr.Fischer said.

A.The Same or Improved Food Supply Situation in 2020

B.Research Focus on Increased Yield

C More Research Funding Needed

D.Local Situations Analyzed

E.Increase in Investment on Agricultural Research

F.Sustained Development of Modern Technologies

第 23 题 Paragraph 1____.

Food Safety and Foodborne Illness Food safety is an increasingly important public health i

Food Safety and Foodborne Illness

Food safety is an increasingly important public health issue. Governments all over the world are intensifying their efforts to _(5l)food safety. These efforts are in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and (52)consumer concerns.

Foodborne illnesses are defined as diseases, usually either infectious or toxic(有毒的) in nature, caused by agents that _(53) the body through the ingestion(摄取) of food. Every person is _(54) risk of foodborne illnesses.

Foodborne diseases are a widespread and growing public health _ _(55) , both in developed and developing countries. The global incidence of foodborne diseases is difficult to _ (56) , but it has been reported that in 2005 alone 8.million people died from diarrhoeal(腹泻)diseases. A great pro-portion of these _(57) can be attributed to contamination(污染)of food and drinking water. Ad- ditionally, diarrhoea is a _(58)cause of malnutrition(营养不良)in infants and young children.

In industrialized countries, the percentage of the population suffering from foodborne diseases each year has been _(59) to be io% up t0 30%. In the'United States of 'America, for example, around 76 million cases of foodborne diseases, resulting _ (60) 325, 000 hospitalizations and 1 5,000 deaths,are estimated to occur each year.

_(6l)less well documented, developing countries bear the brunt(首当其冲)of the problem due to the presence of a wide _ _(62)of foodborne diseases,including those caused by parasites (寄生虫). The high prevalence of diarrhoeal diseases in many developing countries suggests major _(63)food safety problems.

In partnership with other stakehojders, who is developing _ (64)that will further promote the safety of food. These policies _(65)the entire food chain from production to consumption and will make use of different types of expertise(专长).






A.A supporter of free global trade.B.A member of the Food Commission.C.A supporter of

A.A supporter of free global trade.

B.A member of the Food Commission.

C.A supporter of First World food markets.

D.A member of an energy development group.

听力原文:Mum, I'm hungry. Can I have some cakes? A.B.C.

听力原文:Mum, I'm hungry. Can I have some cakes?




It's better to persuade the wealthy young out of carbon-intensive food by _______.A.warnin

It's better to persuade the wealthy young out of carbon-intensive food by _______.

A.warning the global warming

B.advertising on newspapers

C.stressing the financial gain

D.emphasizing health benefits

听力原文:Forests are of great importance to our environment because they can absorb carbon

听力原文: Forests are of great importance to our environment because they can absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. They may also provide shelter and food for many different types of plants and animals. Trees are cut down for many reasons but the main reasons are to make space to build new houses and to clear land to grow grass for cows and sheep to eat, to produce dairy foods. The trees being cut down are sold and are made into paper and furniture.

Cutting down trees may have serious effects to the environment. (33)If animals' homes, which are built in and around the trees, are destroyed, many species in the world will become extinct. For example, many different types of animals in South America had disappeared before scientists could learn about them. Cutting down trees also affects the climate. When rain falls on a forest, new clouds will be created. If huge areas of trees are cut down, clouds can not form, rain does not fall and the land becomes drier and drier and finally becomes deserts. (34)And what's more, the carbon dioxide builds up and adds to the global warming which is making the earth become hotter and hotter.

(35)In recent years, to protect the forests, many European countries are planting trees faster than they are cutting them down. Many trees were planted a few years ago to replace woodland and to create forests in areas where there wasn't much wood. We can also help to save forests by reusing and recycling paper.


A.The loss of natural habitat for many species.

B.Less space for building new homes.

C.Less carbon dioxide and oxygen.

D.Reduced supply of paper and wood.

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