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"How far is it to the next village?" the American asks a man sitting by the side of the ro

ad. In some countries, because the man realizes that the traveler is tired and eager to get to his destination (目的地) ,he will politely say "Just down the road." He thinks this is more encouraging, gentler, and therefore the wanted answer. So the American drives through the night, getting more and more angry, feeling" tricked". He thinks the man purposely cheated him, for obviously he must have known the distance quite well.

Had conditions been turned over, the American would have felt he was "cheating" the driver if he had said the next town was dose when he knew it was really 15 miles further on. Though, he, too, would be sympathetic(同情的)to the weary driver, he would say "You have a good way to go yet; it is at least 15 miles. "The driver might be disappointed, but he would know what to expect.

Whether to be correct or polite leads to many misunderstandings between people of different cultures. If you are aware of the situation in advance, it is sometimes easier to recognize the problem.

The man at the roadside tells the American it is close to the next village because

A.he is playing a trick on him

B.the American expects the answer

C.he doesn't know the exact distance at ail

D.he wants to encourage him to go further

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更多“"How far is it to the next vil…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Do you go to work on foot every day?M: Well, it's too far to walk. But when th

听力原文:W: Do you go to work on foot every day?

M: Well, it's too far to walk. But when the bus is crowded, I wish someone could give me a ride.

Q: How does the man usually go to work?


A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By car.

D.By bike.

B " How far is it to the next village?" the American asks a man sitting by the side of th


" How far is it to the next village?" the American asks a man sitting by the side of the road. In some countries, because the man realizes that the traveler is tired and eager to get to his destination (目的地) , he will politely say " Just down the road. " He thinks this is more encouraging , gentler, and therefore the wanted answer. So the American drives through the night, getting more and more angry, feeling " tricked". He thinks the man purposely cheated him, for obviously he must have known the distance quite well.

Had conditions been turned over, the American would have felt he was "cheating" the driver if he had said the next town was close when he knew it was really 15 miles further on. Though, he, too, would be sympathetic(同情的)to the weary driver, he would say "You have a good way to go

yet; it is at least 15 miles. "The driver might be disappointed, but he would know what to expect.

Whether to be correct or polite leads to many misunderstandings between people of different

cul-tures. If you are aware of the situation in advance, it is sometimes easier to recognize the problem.

61. The man at the roadside tells the American it is close to the next village because

[ A] he is playing a trick on him

[ B ] the American expects the answer

[ C] he doesn ' t know the exact distance at all

[D]he wants to encourage him to go further

A.Something has to do with genes.B.Sleeping far less that they need.C.Drinking more th

A.Something has to do with genes.

B.Sleeping far less that they need.

C.Drinking more than they have intended.

D.An inability to regulate behavior. and control impulses.

A.Because it's too far away from America.B.Because it's really cold there.C.Because th

A.Because it's too far away from America.

B.Because it's really cold there.

C.Because they haven't realized the beauty of Finland.

D.Because they don't like to travel abroad.

Is ABC Company far away?A.Yes, you must take a bus to get there.B.No, you can just walk th

Is ABC Company far away?

A.Yes, you must take a bus to get there.

B.No, you can just walk there.

C.No, but you'd better not walk.

The writer thinks that this area will be explored______.A.in the far distant futureB.at th

The writer thinks that this area will be explored______.

A.in the far distant future

B.at the end of this century

C.in the beginning of the next century

D.at the end of the next century

A.It's far from where she lives.B.She doesn't know a lot about it.C.Her family went th

A.It's far from where she lives.

B.She doesn't know a lot about it.

C.Her family went there without her.

D.She's excited about going there.

回答题。 The Roots and Effects of Our FearThere are increasingly fraught relationships th


The Roots and Effects of Our Fear

There are increasingly fraught relationships that adults are having with children--in all walks of life, from the police to politicians, within the public sector and within communities themselves. The fear of young people has changed the way society is policed, how pupils are treated in schools and how insecure adults relate to children on their estates. Rather than children and young people becoming more violent and anti-social, it is adults who have changed, having fewer relationships with young people and becoming less confident in their dealings with them.

We must explore the role that crime and safety initiatives have on the outlook of the public. The attempt by government, council departments, the police and many others to reduce the fear within communities by developing safety initiatives is having the opposite effect, resulting in the institutionalization of this fear. Curfews have increased adults&39; fear of young people and reduced the amount of time young children are allowed out to play. They have raised the level of insecurity amongst parents about the safety of their children and ultimately reduced the contact between generations within this community. It is not far from the truth to say that "youth" no longer exists--if by youth we mean the freedom loving rebelliousness. The outcome of this process is breeding a generation of young people who are if anything more fragile and fearful than their grandparents.

Finally, as well as exploring the fear of young people, we must look at the insecurity that parents have for their children. There has been a reduction in play, and specifically in "free play" , and the effect of this more regulated environment on children&39;s lives is yet to be determined and not something we can continually ignore in our rush to protect society from children.

The author is mainly directing his message towards__________ 查看材料

A.adults in general

B.the younger generation

C.law enforcement authorities


The umbrella was used only by royal people or those in high office______.A.in Europe in th

The umbrella was used only by royal people or those in high office______.

A.in Europe in the eighteenth century

B.in ancient Egypt and Babylon

C.in the Far East in ancient times

D.during the Middle Ages

What reason does the man give for not visiting his parents?A.He lives too far away from th

What reason does the man give for not visiting his parents?

A.He lives too far away from them.

B.He doesn't get along with them.

C.He has been too busy with work.

D.He doesn't have a car to drive there.

听力原文:M: It's good to see you back. How was your trip to Arizona? Did you see the Great

W: Yes, it was fantastic. Now I know why it is listed together with the Nile river as one of the great natural wonders of the world. Here, want to see the picture I took?

M: Oh what a view! It is even bigger than I had imagined. I remember reading about the Great Canyon and I think it said that it was formed suddenly when the earth crust split open during an earthquake.

W: Well, not that quickly. Look, here is the picture of th Colorado river. See way down at the bottom of the canyon, that river and its tributaries have been wearing the canyon floor away for ten million years.

M: Then the canyon is the result of soil erosion. I'll bet geologists have made some interesting discoveries there.

W: Not only the geologists, archaeologists have also found the bones of extinct animals in caves in the canyon walls. In a cave one hundred and forty feet above the river, they found drift wood that dated back as far as thirty-seven thousand years.

M: That means the river must have been a hundred and forty feet higher up when it carried the drift wood into the cave.

W: It's very possible, but of course who knows. The Great Canyon is full of mysteries. Wouldn't you like to go to Arizona some day?

M: You bet I would.

Where has the woman been?

A.To Colonado.

B.To Anzona.

C.To the Nile River.

D.To the Museum of Natural History.

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