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From: Sonia Meyers (s.meyers@quickmail.com)To: Soo-jin Lee (soo2974@quickmail.com)Subject:

From: Sonia Meyers (s.meyers@quickmail.com)

To: Soo-jin Lee (soo2974@quickmail.com)

Subject: Your resume

Date: December 3,10:04 a.m.


I looked over your resume and made a few corrections. Overall, it's good; however, you should (141) a little more on your experience.

Since you're (142) to a specific job, I suggest that you send a cover letter with your resume. Although it is not always requested, it's good to write as a supplement to explain your personality and goals.

If you want some help, let me know. I'd be happy to help you write and edit it.

I should be home this weekend if you would like to come (143) . I can also loan you a book on how to write cover letters.

Good luck.








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更多“From: Sonia Meyers (s.meyers@q…”相关的问题
听力原文:My name is Daisy Meyers, and I'm calling to inquire about your cleaning services.
I own a four-bedroom house in Green Haven, and I'd like to have someone come and clean it twice a month. Could you please tell me how much that would cost? Also, what type of cleaning materials do you use? Are they environmentally friendly? Oh, one more thing. Do you charge extra for pets? I have a dog and two cats. And if you could please call me at 555-6996, I'd appreciate it. I'd like to get started next week. I hope to hear from you soon.

Who is the speaker?

A.Darcy McGuire

B.Doris Magnusson

C.Green Haven

D.Daisy Meyers

听力原文:Cheering crowds have greeted Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ as she appeared outside Windsor Ca

听力原文: Cheering crowds have greeted Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ as she appeared outside Windsor Castle in a pink suit and hat on her 80th birthday. And charismatic working grandmother shows no signs of slowing down and has genes on her side --her mother died at 101. Queen Elizabeth's husband, Prince Philip, followed close behind as she passed through the castle's King Henry VIII gate, Voice of America reports. A military band played and a 21-gun salute echoed nearby ahead of another 41-gun salute in London's Hyde Park later in the day Friday. Prince Charles is hosting a birthday dinner for the royal family at a palace in London's Kew Gardens. Queen Elizabeth has received 37,000 birthday cards and e-malls from around the world, according to Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ issued a statement saying she is very touched by the messages. In an ITV News survey, Elizabeth was rated the most popular royal. Bottom of the survey came Camilla Parker-Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall, who last year married the queen's eldest son, Charles, after a tortuous 35-year romance. In her 80s, Queen Elizabeth II remains perhaps the most style-conscious monarch. She is known for her penchant for brightly colored suits and hats. French designer Sonia Rykiel once criticized the Queen of England about the way she dresses. She called the Queen "the worst dressed person in the UK". "The Queen is one of the worst dresses people in the UK. She should stop wearing those bright suits and hats... "Sonia Rykiel said. UA woman in her position should start dressing in a more sober and serious manner." Frankly, we sold our Sonia Rykiel sweaters cardigans on eBay promptly after this interview. According to a senior royal aide, "The Queen proudly wears British designers. She wears practical and stylish clothing which is right for the kind of work she does." Her main leisure interests include horse racing, photography, and dogs, especially her Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ is Europe's longest-serving living monarch. And lest we forget, Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ is the Queen of Canada, too.

(36) have greeted Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ as she appeared outside (37) in a pink suit and hat on her 80th birthday. And (38) working grandmother shows no signs of slowing down and has genes on her side -- her mother died at 101. Queen Elizabeth's husband, Prince Philip, followed close behind as she (39) the castle's King Henry VIII gate, Voice of America reports. A military (40) played and a 21-gun salute (41) nearby ahead of another 41-gun salute in London' s Hyde Park later in the day Friday. Prince Charles is (42) a birthday dinner for the (43) at a palace in London's Kew Gardens. Queen Elizabeth has received 37,000 birthday cards and e-mails from around the world, according to (44) Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ issued a (45) saying she (46) by the messages. In an ITV News survey, Elizabeth was (47) the most popular royal. Bottom of the survey came Camilla Parker-Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall, who last year married the queen's eldest son, Charles, after a tortuous 35-year (48) . In her 80s, Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ remains perhaps the most (49) . She is known for her penchant for brightly colored suits and hats. French designer Sonia Rykiel once criticized the Queen of England about the way she dresses. She called the Queen "the worst dressed person in the UK". "The Queen is one of the worst dresses people in the UK. She should stop wearing those bright suits and hats ..." Sonia Rykiel said. "A woman in her position should start dressing in a more (50) and serious manner." Frankly, we sold our Sonia Rykiel sweaters cardigans on eBay (51) after this interview. According to a senior royal aide, "The Queen proudly wears British designers. She wears (52) and stylish clothing which is right for the kind of work she does." Her main (53) include (54) photography, and dogs, especially her Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Queen Elizabeth II is Europe's (55) living monarch. And lest we forget, Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ is the

Why do some new products succeed, bring millions of dollars to innovative companies, while
others fail, often with great losses7 The answer is not simple, and certainly we cannot say that "good" products succeed while "bad" products fail. Many products that function well and seem to meet consumer needs have fallen by the wayside. Sometimes, virtually identical products exist in the market at the same time with one emerging as profitable while the other fails. Mc. Neal Laboratories' Tylenol has become successful as an aspirin substitute, yet Bristol Meyers entered the test market at about the same time with Neotrend, also a substitute for aspirin which quickly failed.

The nature of the product is a factor in its success or failure, but the important point is that they should aim at meeting the customer's need, and the introductory promotion should seek to communicate that need satisfying quality and motivate the customer to try the product. Often, attitude change is involved, and, in the extreme, changes in life style. may be sought.

Here the company walks a tightrope. A new product is more likely to be successful if it represents a truly novel way of solving a customer problem, but this very newness, if carried too far, may ask the customer to learn new behavior. patterns. The customer will make the change if the perceived benefit is sufficient, but inertia is strong and consumers will often not go to the effort that is required. During the late sixties and early seventies Bristol Meyers met with new product failures that exemplify both of these problems. In 1967 and 1968 the company entered the market with a $ 5 million advertising campaign for fact toothpaste, and an $11 million campaign to promote resolve. Both products failed quickly, not be cause they didn't work or because there was no consumer need, but apparently because consumers just could see no reason to shift from an already satisfactory product to a different one that promised no new benefit.

The first sentence of the first paragraph is a question, to which the answer is______

A.that the good products succeed while the bad fail

B.that the "good" are not really good but the "bad" are actually bad

C.that new products will succeed if they function well and fail if they don't

D.not given in the paragraph

Bristol Meyers failed in promoting fact toothpaste and resolve because______.A.these produ

Bristol Meyers failed in promoting fact toothpaste and resolve because______.

A.these products were too expensive as compared with their direct competitors

B.both products failed to meet the customers' needs

C.the customers could see no sense of a radical change of their habits

D.the company forgot an English saying:" You cannot teach an old dog new tricks."

分别对下列情形中Albert Tang的地位予以建议: (a)Albert对他18岁的侄女Sonia许诺,如果她在2

分别对下列情形中Albert Tang的地位予以建议: (a)Albert对他18岁的侄女Sonia许诺,如果她在21岁前戒烟和戒酒,他将给她买辆Mercedes Benz车。Sonia已经21岁了,而且信守诺言,但Alert却拒绝给她买车。Sonia生气了,威胁说要起诉他。 (b)Albert终止了他对Robert违约的诉讼行为,因为Robert许诺付给他50000港元。然而,经他人提醒,Robert相信Albert无论如何不会胜诉。于是,他拒绝付钱给Albert。










Dear Sonia,

Question 1 分别对下列情形中Albert Tang的地位予以建议:(a)Albert对他18岁的侄女Sonia许诺,如果

Question 1

分别对下列情形中Albert Tang的地位予以建议:

(a)Albert对他18岁的侄女Sonia许诺,如果她在21岁前戒烟和戒酒,他将给她买辆Mercedes Benz车。Sonia已经21岁了,而且信守诺言,但Alert却拒绝给她买车。Sonia生气了,威胁说要起诉他。


There are places in the world where people are alleged (被认为) to live much longer and re

There are places in the world where people are alleged (被认为) to live much longer and remain more vigorous in old age than in most modern societies. I have visited the best known of these regions, all relatively remote and mountainous. A striking feature common to all three cultures is the high social status of the aged. Each of the very elderly persons I saw lived with family and close relatives—often an extensive household—and occupied a central and privileged position within this group. The sense of family continuity is strong. There is also a sense of usefulness. Even those well over 100 for the most part continue to perform. essential duties and contribute to the economy of the community. These duties included weeding in the fields, feeding the poultry (家禽), tending flocks, picking tea, washing the laundry, cleaning house, or caring for grandchildren, all on a regular daily basis. In addition, the aged are esteemed for the wisdom that is thought to derive from long experience, and their word in the family group is generally law. In none of the three communities is there any forced retirement age, and the elderly are not shelved, as occurs in most of our industrialized society. Khfaf Lasuria, the former tea picker, had retired only two years before I met her. When I asked Seliac Butba, age 121, if he was helping in the construction of a new house springing up next to his own, he responded, "Of course, they cant do without me. " Many of the centenarians emphasized the importance of being independent and free to do the things they enjoyed and wanted to do, and of maintaining a placid (平静的) state of mind free from worry or emotional strain. "Now everywhere people dont live so long because they dont live a free life," commented Sonia Kvedzenia of Atara, age 109. "They worry more and dont do what they want. " Gabriel Chapnian, 117, of Gulripshi expressed a similar thought when told that few Americans attain his age. His response: "Hmm...too literate. " Expectation of longevity may also be important. In America the traditional life-span is three score and ten years. But when we asked the young people of Abkhazia how long they expected to live, they generally said, "To a hundred". Dr Georgi Kaprashvili of Gulripshi confirmed that the public has the notion that the normal life-span of man is 100 years. For exaggeration, when proposing toasts, they say 300 years, but everyone expects to be 100.

What does the word "centenarian" (Line 1, Para. 6) mean in this passage?

A.Person who has 100 family members.

B.Person who is 100 or more years old.

C.Person who is the central figure.

D.Leader of a unit of 100 soldiers.

根据材料请回答 16~22 Will We Take Vacation in Spaces?When Mike Kelly first set out to

根据材料请回答 16~22

Will We Take Vacation in Spaces?

When Mike Kelly first set out to build his own private space-ferry service, he figured his bread-and-butter business would be lofting(发射) satellites into high--Earth orbit(轨道).Now he thinks he may have figured wrong."People were always asking me when they could go," says Kelly, who runs Kelly Space & Technology out of San Bernardino, California."I realized that real market is in space tourism."According to preliminary market surveys, there are 10,000 would-be-space-tourists willing to spend $1 million each to visit the final frontier.Space Adventure in Arlington, Virginia, has taken more than 130 deposits for a two-hour, $98,000 space tour tentatively (and some- what dubiously(可疑地) set to occur by 2005.Gene Meyers of the Space Island Group says: "Space is the next exotic(风光奇特的) vacation spot." This may all sound great, but there are a few hurdles(困难).Putting a simple satel- lite into orbit with no oxygen, life support or return trip necessary already costs an astro- nomical(天文数字的) $22,000/kg.And that doesn't t include the cost of insuring rich and possibly litigious passenger.John Pike of the Federation of American Scientists acerbically(尖刻地) suggests that the entire group of entrepreneurs trying to corner(垄断)the space-tourism market have between them "just enough money to blow up one rocket.” The U.S.space agency has plenty of money but zero interest in making space less expensive for the little guys.So the little guys are racing to do what the government has fainted to do: design a reusable launch system that is inexpensive, safe and reliable.Kelly Space's prototype looks like a plane that has sprouted rocket engines.Rotary Rocket in Redwood City, Cali- fornia, has a booster with rotors to make a helicopter-style. return to Earth; Kistler Aero- space in Kirkland, Washington, is piecing together its versions from old Soviet engines, shuttle-style. thermal protection tiles and an elaborate parachute system.The first passen-ger countdowns are still years away, but bureaucrats at the Federal Aviation Administra- tion in Washington are already informally discussing flight regulations.After all, you can't be too prepared for a trip to that galaxy far, far away.

For those who are intent on joining the 100-mile high club, Hilton, and, Budget are plotting to build space hotels.Before the Russian spaceship Mir came down, some people were talking about using it as a low-rent space hotel to reduce the cost.If a space hotel is finally built in space, and if you are thinking of staying in it, you may want to check the Michelin ratings before booking yourself a suite.

第 16 题 Mike Kelly planned to turn his business of making bread and butter into a busi-ness that is engaged in space tourism.



C.Not mentioned

根据材料,回答题。 Will We Take Vacation in Spaces?When Mike Kelly first set out to build h


Will We Take Vacation in Spaces?

When Mike Kelly first set out to build his own private space,ferry service, he figured his bread-and-butter business would be lofting Satellites into high-Earth orbit. Now he thinks he may have figured wrong. "People were always asking me when they could go," says Kelly, who runs Kelly Space Technology out of San Bernardino, California. "I realized that real market is in space tourism. "

According to preliminary market surveys, there are 10,000 would-be-space-tourists willing to s, pend $ 1 million each to visit the final frontier. Space Adventure in Arlington, Virginia, has taken more than 130 deposits for a two-hour, $ 98,000 space tour tentatively (and somewhat du biously) set to occur by 2005. Gene Meyers of the Space Island Group says: "Space is the next exotiC.vacation spot. "

This may all sound great, but there are a few hurdles. Putting a simple satellite into orbit with no oxygen, life support or return trip necessary already costs an astronomical $ 22,000/kg. And that doesn"t include the cost of .insuring rich and possibly litigious passenger. John Pike of the Federation of American Scientists acerbieally suggests that the entire group of entrepreneurs trying to corner the space tourism market have between them "just enough money to blow up one rock et. " The U.S. space agency has plenty of money but zero interest in making space less expensive for the little guys. So the little guys are racing to do what the government has failed to do: design a reusable launch system that"s inexpensive, safe and reliable. Kelly Spaee"s prototype looks like a plane that has sprouted rocket engines. Rotary Rocket in Redwood City, California, has a booster with rotors make a helicopter-style. return.to Earth; Kistler Aerospace in Kirkland, Wash ington, is piecing together its versions from old Soviet engines, shuttle-style. thermal protection tiles and an" elaborate parachute system. The first passenger countdowns are still years away, but bureaucrats at the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington are already informally discussing fligh.t regulations. After all, you can"t be too prepared for a trip to that galaxy far, far away.are plotting to build space hotels. Before the Russian space Mir came down, some people were talking about using it as a low-rent space hotel to reduce the cost. If a space hotel is finally built in space, and if you"re thinking of staying in it, you may want to check the Michelin ratings before booking your- self a suite.

Mike Kelly planned to turn his business of making bread and butter into a business that is engaged in space tourism. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

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