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The initial impact of computers was in the area of entertainment. If you walked by a video

arcade in the early 1980s, you could not have failed to notice that the use of video games was growing at what some considered an alarming rate. In 1981 the movie industry grossed$3 billion, video games took in an estimated $6 billion. That gives you some idea of just how big the computer industry had become. Video games employ the same technology as personal computers, and indeed many who bought personal computers did so primarily for playing games at home, thus saving their quarters. Though video games are not as popular as they were a few years ago, they did provide consumer with their first real reason to buy PCs.

A more recent computer innovation, desktop publishing, supplies one good reason for those who write for a living to buy a PC. Desktop publishing is a deceptively simple description for an extremely complex group of hardware and software tools. You can now write text, edit text, draw illustrations, incorporate photographs, design page layouts, and print a finished document with a relatively inexpensive computer and laser printer. Although the new technology offers new freedom, there is a price to be paid for this freedom. With total control comes total responsibility. In fact, the issue of social responsibility in our new computer age has long been a topic of debate among computer, enthusiasts. Some people are concerned with the long-term social effects of the so-called computer revolution. Ironically, many PC pioneers who built and marketed the first machines were 60s-style. advocates of social change. They claim that while personal computer technology has the potential to make society more equal, it's having the opposite effect since upper-middle-class people can afford them and lower-class people cannot.

In addition, the ways that computers are used to monitor the activities of their users have evoked anxiety about the machine. Over 7 million Americans now have their work paced, controlled, and monitored by computers. A computer is more restrictive and powerful in the way it controls people than the old-fashioned assembly line. This can lead to what some have called "tech-stress". Irritated eyes, back problems, and other physical symptoms have also been associated with the extensive use of computers. Although the personal computer may not have had the impact some predicted a decade age, the combination of computer technology with satellites and cable does promise innovations in the mass media that would have seemed astonishing just a few short years ago.

The dramatic growth of the business dealing in video games is the result of ______.

A.the development of computer industry

B.the development of wireless technology

C.the decline in movie industry

D.the depression in the entertainment business

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更多“The initial impact of computer…”相关的问题

A.初始访问(Initial Access)

B.权限提升(Privilege Escalation)

C.横向转移(Lateral movement)


In the 1950's, accumulating scientific evidence【C1】______cigarette smoking and lung cancer
made a【C2】______impact【C3】______the smoking public. During this period many health agencies declared smoking to be a【C4】______hazard. US Surgeon GeneralLeroy E. Burney said in 1957, "The weight of the evidence is increasingly pointing to one direction: that【C5】______smoking is one of the causative factors in lung cancer." The initial reports had the heaviest impact, so【C6】______total cigarette production【C7】______in 1953 and again in 1954.【C8】______reports appeared to have less【C9】______on smoking habits, and by 1957 cigarette production had【C10】______above the 1952 level.

【C11】______four voluntary health organizations【C12】______president John F. Kennedy to【C13】______a commission to study the widespread implications of the tobacco problem, the Surgeon General' s Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health was【C14】______in 1962 to review and evaluate all【C15】______scientific data. When its report, Smoking and Health, was released in early 1964, cigarette【C16】______again declined【C17】______. Pipe and cigar smoking increased. More than 350 000 copies of the report were【C18】______and sold.【C19】______abstracts and pamphlets were prepared by the Public Health Service and other organizations【C20】______a massive educational campaign on the hazards of cigarette smoking.






A.Cats can change their position while falling.B.The force of impact with the ground o

A.Cats can change their position while falling.

B.The force of impact with the ground over four legs is spread.

C.Cats can land on their feet after falling.

D.Their muscles can absorb more of the force of impact.

In the 1950's accumulating scientific evidence linking cigarette smoking and lung cancer m
ade a (51) impact (52) the smoking public. During this period many health agencies declared smoking to be a (53) Hazard. US Surgeon General Leroy E. Brunei said in 1957: "The weigh of the evidence is increasingly pointing to one direction: that (54) smoking is one of the causative factors in lung cancer." The initial reports had the heaviest impact, so (55) total cigarette production dropped in 1953 and again in 1954. (56) reports appeared to have less (57) on smoking habits, and by 1957 cigarette production had (58) above the 1952 level.

(59) four voluntary health organizations urgued president John F. Kennedy to (60) a commission to study the widespread implications of the tobacco problem, the Surgeon General's Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health was (61) in 1962 to review and evaluate all (62) scientific data. When its report, Smoking and Health, was released in early 1964, cigarette consumption again declined (63) . Pipe and cigar smoking increased. More than 350, 000 copies of the report were contributed and sold. (64) abstracts and pamphlets were prepared by the Public Health Service and other organizations (65) a massive educational campaign on the hazards of cigarette smoking.

51. A. co-ordinate

B. distinct

C. miraculous

D. principal

Computers The initial impact of computers was in the area of entertainment. If you walked


The initial impact of computers was in the area of entertainment. If you walked by a video arcade in the early 1980s, you could not have failed to notice that the use of video games was growing at what some considered an alarming rate. In 1981 the movie industry grossed $ 3 billion, video games took in an estimated $ 6 billion. That gives you some idea of just how big the computer industry had become. Video games employ the same technology as personal computers, and indeed many who bought personal computers did so primarily for playing games at home, thus saving their quarters. Though video games are not as popular as they were a few years ago, they did provide consumer with their first real reason to buy PCs.

A more recent computer innovation, desktop publishing, supplies one good reason for those who write for a living to buy a PC. Desktop publishing is a deceptively simple description for an extremely complex group of hardware and software tools. You can now write text, edit text, draw illustrations, incorporate photographs, design page layouts, and print a finished document with a relatively inexpensive computer and laser printer. Although the new technology offers new freedom, there is a price to be paid for this freedom. With total control comes total responsibility. In fact, the issue of social responsibility in our new computer age has long been a topic of debate among computer enthusiasts. Some people are concerned with the long-term social effects of the so-called computer revolution. Ironically, many PC pioneers who built and marketed the first machines were 60s-style. advocates of social change. They claim that while personal computer technology has the potential to make society more equal, it's having the opposite effect since upper-middle-class people can afford them and lower-class people cannot.

In addition, the ways that computers are used to monitor the activities of their users have evoked anxiety about the machine. Over 7 million Americans now have their work paced, controlled, and monitored by computers. A computer is more restrictive and powerful in the way it controls people than the old-fashioned assembly line. This can lead to what some have called "tech-stress". Irritated eyes, back problems, and other physical symptoms have also been associated with the extensive use of computers. Although the personal computer may not have had the impact some predicted a decade age, the combination of computer technology with satellites and cable does promise innovations in the mass media that would have seemed astonishing just a few short years ago.

The dramatic growth of the business dealing in video games is the result of______

A.the development of computer industry

B.the development of wireless technology

C.the decline in movie industry

D.the depression in the entertainment business

The situation of the Muslims in Europe is what the following state except ______.A.Their o

The situation of the Muslims in Europe is what the following state except ______.

A.Their own religion is looked down upon.

B.They are satisfied with the economic success.

C.They are alienated in culture, history and religion.

D.The independence of women has an impact on the future of their family.

There is no link, whatsoever, between the producers and users of manpower with the resul
t that institutions of learning, essentially at the secondary, technical, and high levels, are not【M1】______ exactly aware of the end result and use of its manpower output.【M2】______ There has to be a complete synchronization and rapport between the two sets: the producers and the users, happens in most of the【M3】______ countries, including the developing ones. There is no focus on the quality of education in terms of the depth and dimensions of teaching and in terms of syllabi, but technical education does have【M4】______ some quality control. There are rarely any revisions and up gradation of courses either in the light of the changes occurring in the given discipline, nor in terms of the country s manpower【M5】______ requirements. Higher education is basically financed by the Government and that too without any reference to quality and output. It lacks of【M6】______ philanthropic support either from the Non Government Organizations or from the corporate world. In this era of reforms, the time is not far when higher education, funding entirely by the【M7】______ Government, will be tossed into suddenly free and competitive market with sharply increased government funding. It will then be【M8】______ termed as Indias higher education open market, the initial impact on which will be largely negative. It is anticipated that many【M9】______ institutions at that time will get disintegrated, strangled by the loss of resources, ovenvhelming demand for resources that they would【M10】______ fail to provide, and the receivables they would not be able to recover.


听力原文:A: This is the Pan-American Club. May I help you?B: Yes, I believe you have a lun

听力原文:A: This is the Pan-American Club. May I help you?

B: Yes, I believe you have a luncheon meeting this coming Wednesday. Could you give me some more information about that?

A: Yes, of course. The guest speaker is Professor Miguel Lopez of Guadalajara University, and he'll be lecturing about "The impact of the Oil Crisis on Latin America."

B: Mmm, that sounds very interesting. And when does the meeting begin?

A: Lunch will be served at 12:00, and Professor Lopez will speak at 12:45.

B: is there an admission fee?

A: Yes. The lunch and lecture are $7.50 per person.

B: And do you have any idea when it will end?

A: Oh, I think about two o'clock at the latest.

B: Very well. Thank you very much.

A: You're quite welcome

—Look at the note below.

—You will hear a notice about a luncheon meeting.

1. The Pan-American will have a luncheon meeting this coming 【5】______ , professor Miguel Lopez will make a speech at 【6】______.

2. The admission fee is $【7】______ per person, and the speech will probably end at 【8】______o'clock

Furlion Co manufactures heavy agricultural equipment and machinery which can be used in di
fficult farming conditions. Furlion Co’s chief executive has been investigating a significant opportunity in the country of Naswa, where Furlion Co has not previously sold any products. The government of Naswa has been undertaking a major land reclamation programme and Furlion Co’s equipment is particularly suitable for use on the reclaimed land. Because of the costs and other problems involved in transporting its products, Furlion Co’s chief executive proposes that Furlion Co should establish a plant for manufacturing machinery in Naswa. He knows that the Naswan government is keen to encourage the development of sustainable businesses within the country.

Initial calculations suggest that the proposed investment in Naswa would have a negative net present value of $1·01 million. However, Furlion Co’s chief executive believes that there may be opportunities for greater cash flows in future if the Naswan government expands its land reclamation programme. The government at present is struggling to fund expansion of the programme out of its own resources and is looking for other funding. If the Naswan government obtains this funding, the chief executive has forecast that the increased demand for Furlion Co’s products would justify $15 million additional expenditure at the site of the factory in three years’ time. The expected net present value for this expansion is currently estimated to be $0.

It can be assumed that all costs and revenues include inflation. The relevant cost of capital is 12% and the risk free rate is 4%. The chief executive has estimated the likely volatility of cash flows at a standard deviation of 30%.

One of Furlion Co’s non-executive directors has read about possible changes in interest rates and wonders how these might affect the investment appraisal.


(a) Assess, showing all relevant calculations, whether Furlion Co should proceed with the significant opportunity. Discuss the assumptions made and other factors which will affect the decision of whether to establish a plant in Naswa. The Black Scholes pricing model may be used, where appropriate. (16 marks)

(b) Explain what is meant by an option’s rho and discuss the impact of changes in interest rates on the appraisal of the investment. (5 marks)

(c) Discuss the possibility of the Naswan government obtaining funding for further land reclamation from the World Bank, referring specifically to the International Development Association. (4 marks)

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