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Making yourself a good record If you are an American and you think you might need to bo

Making yourself a good record

If you are an American and you think you might need to borrow money someday,the best thing to do is start early.

That’s because just as many employers want to hire only people with experience,banks and other creditots are usually reluctant to lend to those_______(1)a proven track record of paying back._______ (2)time,the money they have borrowed.

But if you need experience just to get a start,how do you get that start in the first place?

With a little help from your parents usually,while you are still financially dependent_______ (3)them. It is easy to get a credit card or student loan when you are in college,because banks figure your parents will bail you out if you fail to pay.

So just as students take on internships to build up their resumes,one’s university time can be a good time to work on another important personal reeord:the credit_______ (4).

Crledit reports are a_______ (5)0f one’s personal credit history,gathered by a credit reporting agency,or CRA.

Banks and companies-_______ (6) hospitals,landlords and insurance eompanies—regularly report to the three main CRAs in the US_______ (7)how their customers are doing at paying back the money they_______ (8).

Anyone with a“legitimate business need”has the right to order individuals’reports from the CRAs.Potential creditots usually compile the information in the reports into a credit“score”,ranking the level of creditworthiness.Lack of experience in borrowing in_______ (9)to a bad record of doing so.can result in a low score.

Even if you are not considering taking out a loan for such a large purchase as a home or car,your credit report can be important to getting through life.Landlords often ask for the reports to judge_______(10)a person can be trusted to pay the rent.Credit checks are necessary for getting a credit card,even for purchasing a mobile phone calling plan.

People can obtain a copy of their own credit report,usually_______ (11)a cost of around us$8-9.Some consumer organizations recommend doing this once a year to allow one to catch any mistakes_______(12)have slipped into the records or,even worse,to find out whether any fraud has taken place.Though the system is controlled by laws_______ (13)to protect people’s privacy,it isn’t fool—proof:Sometime$people take out bad loads in others’names,_______ (14) their records. In a society addieted_______ (15)credit,that can be a disaster.

第 1 题





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更多“Making yourself a good record …”相关的问题
It is exciting to apply for a job that really appeals to you. In making your application,
there are a number of points for you to【C1】______.

In your letter of application, aim to say just enough to give a good【C2】______of yourself, without being【C3】______. If you are answering an advertisement, any information for【C4】______it asks must, of course, be given. This will usually【C5】______your scholastic record and【C6】______education, and training. You may also be asked to give the names of one or two persons to【C7】______references, for this purpose you should choose people who know you【C8】______enough to vouch(担保)for your character and ability; and in courtesy(礼貌), you should seek in【C9】______their permission to be named as referees.

It will depend on【C10】______how much you can usefully add about yourself. Your【C11】______is to bring to the【C12】______of the employer any good reason why you rather【C13】______any of the other applicants should be chosen for the job. If【C14】______you feel you have any special skill or aptitude for the works【C15】______, for example, any【C16】______interest in the line of business, let this be known.

Finally,【C17】______is your use of language. You cannot go【C18】______if you keep your sentences and paragraphs short, making sure the sense is clear and well expressed. Choose【C19】______words so long as they【C20】______your meaning.






听力原文:M: I have been studying too much and need a change. So I am just making plans to
go away during the January break.

W: Good idea. Where are you going?

M: I'm planning to visit China.

W: My sister and I had a vacation there last year and we had a great time.

M: Did you go to Beijing?

W: Sure. We climbed the Great Wall, traveled around the Imperial Palace and the Summer Palace.

M: Is it as mysterious as we've thought?

W: Not at all. It's just like any other international city: modem, busy and full of high buildings and large mansions.

M: Compared with Paris, which one is more beautiful?

W: Both are beautiful. Difficult to say. They belong to different styles. But I like Beijing more.

M: That's good. How about the weather them?

W: Well, when I got there, it was fall, cool and quite comfortable. But if you go now, it's winter. I'm afraid it will be a little cold them.

M: What should I do about that?

W: Oh, of course take more clothes and keep yourself warm. Just take it easy for a few days. When you are accustomed to the weather, you will feel much better.


A.To visit one of his friends.

B.To take a vacation.

C.To take a course.

D.To learn Chinese.

Would you call yourself a systematic or intuitive hiker? What are the decision making implications of these labels? What are the implications for choosing an employer?
Would you call yourself a systematic or intuitive hiker? What are the decision making implications of these labels? What are the implications for choosing an employer?

Li Ming, look at yourself, ______ you go to a wedding in such a suit?A.MustB.CanC.MayD.Nee

Li Ming, look at yourself, ______ you go to a wedding in such a suit?





Come in. Please().

A.have a sit

B.take a seat

C.go find yourself a seat

D.make yourselve comfortable

根据下列材料,请回答: Just because youre the boss, doesnt mean you are right every time. I
t doesnt mean you have ! he best ideas. Learn to back up your ideas or decisions with reason. Use 26 to explain things, not authority. By doing this your decisions might invite 27, but you will also get an opportunity to improve. My friends boss 28 by tying up with an event management company. The whole purpose of the tie-up was to promote his company but it failed miserably. Instead of 29 his idea and carrying on as if nothing happened, he 30 to the team for not including them in the decision-making. Its OK to admit you were wrong. You will gain the 31 of your team mates, and you will also gain trust. Remember the time when you worked really hard but 32. Not even a thank you. It hurts when your efforts are not 33. So every chance you get to praise someone, do it. A simple, "That was some great work, and keep it up," can go a long way in making the employee feel great and 34 about himself. A compliment (称赞) can have a positive impact on his life. When you need help, dont be arrogant (傲慢的)or shy and stop yourself, If youre lost on the road, it is fine to 35. Everyone needs a little help sometime. When you ask for help, you receive help. By doing so, youre letting people know youre no superhuman, youre willing to listen, and you also need support at times. 请回答(26)题__________.

When you go to a new country, you must ____ yourself to new manners and customs





If you want to enjoy yourself on Sunday mornings, you can go to ______.A.Landsdowne Park S

If you want to enjoy yourself on Sunday mornings, you can go to ______.

A.Landsdowne Park Shopping Centre

B.New York Museum

C.The Hangar Den

D.Coffee Shop

You can go out and enjoy yourself if you like, but I _____________(宁可呆在家里)and read.

You can go out and enjoy yourself if you like, but I _____________(宁可呆在家里)and read.

It is______of you to go into the dark room by yourself at midnight.A.efficientB.proudC.bol

It is______of you to go into the dark room by yourself at midnight.





It is ______of you to go into the dark room only by yourself at midnight.A.efficientB.prou

It is ______of you to go into the dark room only by yourself at midnight.





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