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I think she’s French. I’m not sure,_____________.





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听力原文:Elizabeth doesn't like French food, does she?(A) I think she's from Romania.(B) S

听力原文:Elizabeth doesn't like French food, does she?

(A) I think she's from Romania.

(B) She's never been to France before.

(C) Yes, she does. We ate at Pierre's last week.





根据短文的内容回答,下列题目 A Unique Educational CenterIt may look like just another pla


A Unique Educational Center

It may look like just another playgroup, but a unique educational center in Manhattan is really giving babies something to talk about. "It&39;s a school to teach languages to babies and young children with games, songs--some of the classes also have arts and crafts," said Francois Thibaut,the founder of the Langrage Workshop for Children, a place where babies become bilingual.

Children as young as few months are exposed to French and Spanish before many of them can even speak English. Educators use special songs and visual (视觉的) aids to ensure that when a child is ready to talk, the languages will not be so foreign. "Children have a unique capacity to learn many languages at the same time," said Thibaut. "Already at nine months, a child can tell the differences between the sounds he or she has heard since birth and the sounds he or she has never heard yet." Thibaut says the best time to expose children to language is from birth to 3 years old.

For the last 30 years, the school has been using what it calls the Thibaut Technique, a system that combines language lessons with child&39;s play.

"I always wanted to learn Spanish, but by the time I got to high school it was too late to pick it up and speak fluently," said Marc Lazare, who enrolled his son at the school. "I figured at this age,two, it&39;s a perfect time for him to learn."

Aside from learning a language, the kids also gain a tremendous sense of confidence. One young student boasted that aside from French, she can speak five languages (though that included "monkey" and "lion"). The school gives children the tools to communicate, and sometimes that gives them an advantage over their parents. "I think they sometimes speak French when they think I won&39;t understand them," said parent Foster Gibbons.

Depending on the age group, classes run from 45 minutes up to 2 hours. Even when students are not in class, the program is designed to make sure the learning continues at home. Tapes and books are included so kids can practice on their own.

The word "bilingual" in the first paragraph probably means__________. 查看材料

A.capable of using two languages

B.both clever and confident

C.aware of their own limitations and strengths

D.independent of their parents

听力原文:Man: Come in, Sarah.Woman: Thanks.Man: Right. We need to discuss some of the issu

听力原文:Man: Come in, Sarah.

Woman: Thanks.

Man: Right. We need to discuss some of the issues raised at the last meeting with your department.

Woman: Yes, there were a lot of questions about computer systems and flexible working hours.

Man: We'll talk about computer systems in a minute, but I think we can leave flexible working hours for the time being. What I'm really very concerned about at the moment, though, is how some staff are working. I'm not at all happy with how long it's taking for some reports on visits to come in. Peter Jones, for instance, hasn't produced a single report on time. The last, on his visit to Berlin was two weeks late. It's not as though they're long reports - they should only take a short time to write.

Woman: I'll certainly warn Peter about getting reports in more quickly but it really comes down to a question of staff training. I think we need to do some workshops on time management.

Man: I agree, but getting consultants in to do the training costs money. It'd be cheaper to use one of our own staff. Have we got anyone who could do it?

Woman: Laura Williams has some management training experience.

Man: She's away on a team building course at the moment, though, isn't she?

Woman: Only 'till next week. I'll speak to her when she gets back. I'm sure she'll be interested.

Man: Now, I'd like to move on to computer systems. As you know, we're going to upgrade our software. The plan was to install it in January but that's proved difficult so it's going in during February because we certainly want it to be ready and running for March.

Woman: Good. I'm worried about the computer skills of some of the staff, though. A few could do with some extra training.

Man: I'm sure you're right. Could we organise that on the premises, do you think?

Woman: Possibly, but it'd be expensive. I know the business college in Park Street has a really good computer section. I've compared their prices with those of the computer training centre at Blackstone and the college prices are far more reasonable.

Man: Let's go for that, then. Will you see to it?

Woman: Certainly. Now, I think this would be a good time to make some office changes before the new software comes in. The Accounts team need a bigger office. At the moment, we've only got five people using the Marketing office on the second floor, so Accounts could take over that office if we moved Marketing to the first floor.

Man: And Human Resources up to the third floor? Yes, that sounds a good idea.

Woman: Great. It'll mean moving a lot of equipment. Accounts keep complaining about some of their equipment. It'd be nice if we could replace it.

Man: We certainly can't replace all of it. What's causing most problems?

Woman: Well, we've had to call technical support in at least once every week for the past two months to deal with the fax machine. The printers were causing trouble but they're working well enough now and everyone complains that the photocopier is slow but it's alright, really.

Man: Right, I'll see what we can do. Now, I have to go in a minute. What do we need to discuss when we meet next week?

Woman: There's the Health and Safety report.

Man: Oh, John Wilkins has already done that.

Woman: Good. What about the programme for the French clients? They're coming at the beginning of next month.

Man: Time is getting short. We'd better deal with that.

Woman: And then what about getting a new PA to replace Louise?

Man: Oh, we can leave that, I think. She isn't going till the end of April now.

Woman: That's good. I thought she was leaving sooner.

•You will hear a discussion between James, the General Manager, and Sarah, the Office Manager, of a company.

•For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

•After you have listened once, replay the recording.

What is James most interested in discussing?

A.computer systems

B.staff performance

C.flexible working hours

听力原文:W: St. Louis College. This is Roger speaking, can I help you?M: Good morning, I'd

听力原文:W: St. Louis College. This is Roger speaking, can I help you?

M: Good morning, I'd like some information about the college. My name is Michael Vaughn. I have a friend in Italy who's interested in applying for a place at one of the colleges. There are one or two questions she'd like me to ask you.

W: Go ahead.

M: Thanks. The first one is. What language is uses for normal lessons?

W: The main language of instruction in all the colleges is English. But some subjects are taught in French and some in Italian.

M: Right. Her next question is about fees, Is it expensive to go to one of the colleges?

W: Students' parents do not have to be rich, if that is what you mean. There are scholarships for all colleges, but we do ask parents to help by paying what they can afford.

M: Good, she' 11 be glad to hear that. Now she wants to know something about getting into a college. Does she have to get high marks in her exams?

W: Oh, yes, well, she will have to do well, but academic ability is not the only thing that's important. We also look at personal qualities.

M: What sort of things do you mean?

W: Maturity, the ability to get on well with people from different countries, that sort of thing.

M: Of course. I understand what you mean Her last question is about her other interests. Can she do painting and modern dancing, for example?

W: Yes, probably. It depends on the staff at the college she enters. Each college has its own special activities, such as theatre studies or environmental work, in which students can take part.

M: Good. I think that's all. Thank you very much for your help.

W: You're welcome. I hope your friend sends in an application.

M: I'm sure she will. Thanks again, goodbye.

W: Goodbye.

Q. 27. Where did the conversation most probably take place?

Q. 28.What does the man want to know?

Q. 29.What's the main language used for normal lessons?

Q. 30.What does "personal qualities" refer to?


A.In a school

B.On the phone.

C.At an education fair.

D.In a street.

听力原文:Is Sabrina on vacation?(A) Yes, she had to work all day.(B) Yes, i think she's in

听力原文:Is Sabrina on vacation?

(A) Yes, she had to work all day.

(B) Yes, i think she's in Thailand.

(C) They recommended a different airline.





听力原文:W: Hey, Bob, guess what? I’m going to visit Quebec next summer. I'm invited to go
to a friend's wedding(19) , but while I'm there, I'd also like to do some sightseeing.

M: That's nice, Sherry. But do you mean the province of Quebec or Quebec City?

W: I mean the province. My friend's wedding is in Montreal (19) , so I'm going there first. VII stay for 5 days. Is Montreal the capital city of the province?

M: Well, many people think so because it's the biggest city, but it's not the capital. Quebec City is, but Montreal is great. The St. Lawrence River runs right through the middle of the city. It's beautiful in summer.

W: Wow, and do you think I can get by in English? My French is OK, but not that good. I know most people there speak French, but can I also use English?

M: Well, people speak both French and English there, but you'll hear French most of the time and all the street signs are in French. In fact, Montreal is the third largest French-speaking city in the world. So you' d better practice your French before you go (20) .

W: Good advice, what about Quebec City? I'll visit a friend from college who lives there now. What's it like?

M: It's a beautiful city, very old. Many old buildings have been nicely restored. Some of them were built in the 17th and 18th centuries (21) . You'll love it there.

W: Fantastic, I can't wait to go.


A.To go boating on the St. Lawrence River.

B.To go sightseeing in Quebec Province.

C.To call on a friend in Quebec City.

D.To attend a wedding in Montreal.

听力原文:M Do you know someone named Ellen Fisher? Works in Procurement, I think?W No, she

听力原文:M Do you know someone named Ellen Fisher? Works in Procurement, I think?

W No, she's in Human Resources. Yes, I know her, we work together quite often. Why?

M I've been put on a project team that she's leading. I just wanted to know what she's like.

W Very businesslike. She's nice, don't get me wrong. But when it's time to work, she doesn't waste time. She's a great project manager; I think you'll enjoy working with her.

Where does Ellen Fisher work?


B.Human Resources

C.Business Support

D.Facility Services

听力原文:(Man)Do you think Ms. Dumont will receive an award this year? (Woman) (A) She sen

听力原文:(Man)Do you think Ms. Dumont will receive an award this year?

(Woman) (A) She sent the invitation to Ms. Dumont.

(B) I don't think I recognize him.

(C) Yes, she's been working so hard.





听力原文:M: Where is Tao Jian?W: I don't know. I think she is at home.Q: Who's at home?(19

听力原文:M: Where is Tao Jian?

W: I don't know. I think she is at home.

Q: Who's at home?


A.I am.

B.We don't know.

C.Tao Jian.

听力原文:W: Hi, Jeremy. I heard you will be transferred overseas. What do you think about

M: Yes, the company is sending me to Paris. I will be responsible for the international marketing department. It's a big stepup, so I'm anxious.

W: Good for you. Don't worry. You' II do a good job. I think I' m not going anywhere for two to three more years.

M: You never know. Let your supervisor know what you want, at least. Good luck.

What are the speakers talking about?

A.Jeremy's promotion

B.Jeremy' s interest in French culture

C.Jeremy' s marketing strategy

D.Jeremy' s vacation

I don ' t think Jill would be a good teacher. She ' s got ________patience with childr





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