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You can't judge a book by its cover.(英译中)

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听力原文:M: Susan's father doesn't look like a professor to me.W: You can't judge a book b

听力原文:M: Susan's father doesn't look like a professor to me.

W: You can't judge a book by its cover.

Q: What is the woman trying to tell the man?


A.That Susan's father is a judge.

B.That Susan doesn't look like her father.

C.That the man should pay attention to the cover of a book.

D.That the man shouldn't judge a person only by his appearance.

听力原文:M: Rose's new husband doesn't look like an artist to me.W: You can't judge a book

听力原文:M: Rose's new husband doesn't look like an artist to me.

W: You can't judge a book by its cover.

Q: What is the woman trying to tell the man?


A.Rose's new husband is a writer.

B.The man shouldn't believe everything he read.

C.Appearances are often deceiving.

D.She likes Rose's new husband's book.

It can be seen from the last two paragraphs that A.you can control your own bo

It can be seen from the last two paragraphs that

A.you can control your own body clock.

B.it is not difficult to adjust to a new time zone.

C.adjusting your watch can help you avoid jet lag.

D.there isn't much you can do to avoid jet lag.

Have you ever heard the old saying "Never judge a egg by its shell"? This is a good rule t
o follow when trying to judge the intelligence(智力) of others. Some people have minds that shine only in certain situations. A young man with an great gift in writing may be speechless before a pretty gift. When he speaks, he may not be able to find the right words. But you don't make the mistake of thinking him stupid. With a pen and paper, he can express him self better than anybody.

Other people may fool you into overestimating(过高估计) their intelligence by putting up a good front. A student who listens attentively(注意地) and takes notes in class is sure to make a good impression(印象) on his teachers. But when it comes to exams, he may score near the bottom of the class.

It all boils down to this—you can't judge someone by appearance. The only way to judge a person's intelligence is to know him. Then you can see his reaction(反应) to different situations. The more situations you see, the better your judgement is likely to be. So take your time. Don't judge the egg by its shell.

The passage suggests that ______.

A.a good writer is always a good speaker

B.a good writer may not be a good speaker

C.a good writer will find himself speechless

D.a speechless person always writes well

From the words of Andy Grove "There won? t be any internet companies [within a few years].
All companies will be internet companies, or they will be dead." in the last paragraph, we can know that_____.

A.it is a dilemma to judge the internet

B.within a few years there will no be new internet companies and all the existed companies will invest in internet

C.there will not be any internet companies at all because they will die out

D.if you want to set up a company the aim is internet company

听力原文:A man had to go to the court, and he asked his lawyer which judge he would have i

听力原文: A man had to go to the court, and he asked his lawyer which judge he would have in the case. His lawyer told him and asked, "Don't you know him?"

"I don't know him", said the man, "but I want to send him a bottle of wine."

The lawyer was terribly shocked. "You can't do that," he said," you would seriously break the law, and you would surely lose the case. "Some weeks later, the case was heard, and the man won. As he was leaving the court, he said to his lawyer, "My present to the judge was quite successful, wasn't it?"

The lawyer was even more shocked than before, and said, "What? Did you really scud the judge that wine after I told you?"

"Yes, .certainly. "The man answered. "But I put my opponent's name on the card which I sent with the wine."


A.He should not break the law.

B.He should send good wine to the judge.

C.He would be sure to lose the case if he didn't send good wine to the judge.

D.He would be sure to win the case.

听力原文:A man had to go to court, and he asked his lawyer which judge would be hearing hi

听力原文: A man had to go to court, and he asked his lawyer which judge would be hearing his case. His lawyer told him and then said "Do you know him?"

The man answered, "No, but I wanted to know his name so that I could send him a dozen bottles of good wine."

The lawyer was terribly shocked. "You can't do that. You would be breaking the law very seriously, and you would be sure to lose the case."

Some weeks later the case was heard, and the man won it. As he was leaving the court, he said to the lawyer, "My gift to the judge was quite successful, wasn't it?"

The lawyer was even more shocked than before, and said, "What? Did you really send him that wine after what I told you?"

"Yes, certainly," answered the man. "But I put my opponent's name on the card which I sent with the wine."


A.Because he wanted to buy some wine from the judge.

B.Because he wanted to win the case.

C.Because he wanted to send some flowers to the judge.

D.Because he wanted to lose the case.

听力原文: A man had to go to court, and he asked his lawyer which judge would be hearing h
is case. His lawyer told him and then said: "Do yen know him?"

The man answered. "No. but I wanted to know his name so that I could send him a dozen bottles of good wine."

The lawyer was terribly shocked "You can't do that." He said. "You would be breaking the law very seriously, and you would be sure to lose the case."

Some weeks later the case was heard, and the man won it. As he was leaving the court, he said to his lawyer, "My present to the judge was quite successful, wasn't it?"

The lawyer wan even more shocked than before, and said. "What? Did you really send him that wine after whet I told you?"

"Yes, certainly," answered the man. "But I put my opponent's name on the card which I sent with the wine."

What did the man ask his lawyer?


A.The name of the judge who would be responsible.

B.Whether he should send a card to the judge.

C.Whether he should send some wine to the judge,

D.Whether a dozen bottles of good wine would be enough.

听力原文:M: Hi, Sophie. I haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been up to since

W: Hi, Mark. I am just looking for a job. Luckily, I am going for an interview next week. Can you give me some suggestion about the interview?

M: Well, the interviewer may ask you to tell about your educational background and working experience. The interviewer wants to hear you say it in detail so they can judge if the position is fit for you. So you should tell them the information most relevant to this position, and make your answer simple and clear.

W: Thank you very much, Mark. I think your suggestion is really helpful.

What are they talking about?

A.Job hunting



D.Working experience

听力原文:W: It looks as if we are in for some cold weather again this winter.M: By the loo

听力原文:W: It looks as if we are in for some cold weather again this winter.

M: By the looks of things you can say that again.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He agrees with the woman about the weather.

B.He disagrees with the woman about the weather.

C.He didn't hear clearly what the woman said and had to judge by her looks.

D.He asked the woman to repeat.

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