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听力原文:W: Jason worked as a secretary for three years. Then he became a newspaperman. Af

ter that he started writing novels.

M: I know. And he has been doing nothing else ever since.

What is the man's occupation now?

A.He's a secretary.

B.He's a novelist.

C.He's a newspaperman.

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更多“听力原文:W: Jason worked as a secr…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Are you going to attend the lecture this evening?M: Well. I wonder if Jason ca

听力原文:W: Are you going to attend the lecture this evening?

M: Well. I wonder if Jason can make it. He hasn't finished his maths paper.

W: I think he will have finished it by six.

M: Sounds like there is no problem.

Jason is most likely to

A.go on writing his paper.

B.attend the lecture.

C.miss the lecture.

D.try to solve the problem.

听力原文:M: I saw Jason yesterday.He invited us to dinner tonight.W: That's so nice.But I

听力原文:M: I saw Jason yesterday.He invited us to dinner tonight.

W: That's so nice.But I really don't know him and besides,I have so much work to do.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She doesn't like Jason.

B.She would prefer not to go.

C.Jason is always a nice man.

D.She would like to go.

听力原文:W: When is Jason coming?M: Well, he said he'd be here at seventhirty, but if you

听力原文:W: When is Jason coming?

M: Well, he said he'd be here at seventhirty, but if you know him, it will be at least eight o'clock.

Q: What do we know about Jason?


A.Jason will arrive at 7:30.

B.Jason should have arrived at 8:00

C.Jason is usually punctual.

D.Jason is not very punctual.

听力原文:M: Excuse me, Mrs. Zhang. How long have you worked in this company?W: I began to

听力原文:M: Excuse me, Mrs. Zhang. How long have you worked in this company?

W: I began to work here at the age of twenty-two. And I'm thirty-six years old now.

Q: How long has Mrs. Zhang worked in the company?


A.Twenty-two years.

B.Thirty-six years.

C.Fourteen years.

听力原文:M: That's Jason's new car! He finally got that Italian sports car he had been dre
aming about.

W: He sure did. When you see it, you'll get so excited you can hardly wait to go for a ride in it.

Q: What are they talking about?


A.Jason's new Italian sports car.

B.Going for a ride in a new car.

C.A famous new car in Italy.

D.A person winning a sports car.

听力原文:W: Do you know? Tom failed to win that speech contest.M : Did he? I thought for s

听力原文:W: Do you know? Tom failed to win that speech contest.

M : Did he? I thought for sure he would. He worked so hard on it.

W: Perhaps that's why he lost. They thought he was simply reciting.

How does the man feel about the result?

A.He thinks it is unbelievable.

B.He thinks it was too hard for Tom.

C.He thinks Tom worked too hard.

D.He thinks Tom was not given a chance.

听力原文:M: Jane, did you receive the e-mail from the vendor regarding the new order? I as
ked them to send the list of new products a couple of days ago.

W: Not yet, Tim. I have already e-mailed to Jason about it three times today.

M: You had better give him a phone call and talk to him directly. Maybe he couldn' t check the e-mails for some reason. If he is not in, you will always be able to talk to Sarah, his assistant, about it.

W: That was exactly what I was just thinking. Do you have their number?

When did the man request the list?


B.Two days ago

C.Two weeks ago


听力原文:M: Did you finish typing that report?W: Yes, I did, but I worked late.M: But it m

听力原文:M: Did you finish typing that report?

W: Yes, I did, but I worked late.

M: But it must be a long report, I guess.

W: Exactly. Twenty pages. I spent three hours on it.

M: By the way, what time did you go home?

W: I left the office at nine o'clock. I got home at ten.

M: What did you have for dinner?

W: I sent out for a sandwich and ate at my desk.

What was the woman doing before she went home?

A.Typing a report.

B.Rewriting a report.

C.Reviewing a report.

听力原文:W: Do you know? Tom failed to win that speech contest. M: Did he? I thought for s

听力原文:W: Do you know? Tom failed to win that speech contest.

M: Did he? I thought for sure he would. He worked so hard on it.

W: Perhaps that's why he lost. They thought he was simply reciting.

How does the man feel about the result?

A.He thinks it is unbelievable.

B.He thinks it was too hard for Tom.

C.He thinks Tom worked too hard.

D.He thinks Tom was not given a chance.

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