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“A fish is swimming in the pond” is transformed into “There is a fish swimming in the

pond”. Which of the following transformational rules is used? ______.





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更多““A fish is swimming in the pon…”相关的问题
According to the woman, what was the hotel like?A.It was very modern.B.It had no swimming

According to the woman, what was the hotel like?

A.It was very modern.

B.It had no swimming pool.

C.It took two minutes to get to the beach.

D.The restaurant there served fish every night.

听力原文:Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burnt down or a bridge was des

听力原文: Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burnt down or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship sank into the ocean? ff so, you may have wondered how these things could happen without harming the people in the film. The man who knows the answer is the special effects man. He has one of the most important jobs in the film industry. He may be ordered to create a flood, or to make a battlefield explode. But he may also be asked to create a special effect. It is much more exciting. Once a film director wanted some fish that were swimming in a big glass bowl to stop swimming suddenly while they were seen to stare at an actor. Then the director wanted, the fish to stop staring and swim away. But fish can't be ordered to do anything. It was quite a problem. The special effects man thought about this for a long time. The result was an ides for controlling the fish with the harmless use of electricity. First he applied electricity to the fish howl causing the fish to be absolutely still. Then he rapidly reduced the amount of electricity allowing the fish to swim away. Thus he got the humorous effect that the director wanted.


A.Historical development of filmmaking.

B.Making a special film about fishing.

C.Special man in film industry.

D.Special effects in filmmaking.

The Globe Theatre Visiting the theatre in London 400 years ago was very different from vis

The Globe Theatre

Visiting the theatre in London 400 years ago was very different from visiting a modern theatre.

The building was round, 【C1】______ was no roof, and people got cold and wet 【C2】______ the weather was bad. The queen loved 【C3】______ to the Globe Theatre, by the River Thames to see the plays of William Shakespeare. All the actors at that time 【C4】______ men. The visitors ate, talked to 【C5】______ friends, walked about during the show, and 【C6】______ people even threw things at the actors!

Today, it is still possible to visit the Globe Theatre. A new theatre stands in the same place 【C7】______ the river. You can enjoy a Shakespeare play there or just learn 【C8】______ life in the seventeenth century.

Dear Jeff,

I'm having a good holiday in Australia. When we arrived two weeks 【B1】______ the weather was bad and 【B2】______ was cold. Now the weather is better and we go to the beach 【B3】______ day.

This week we 【B4】______ staying in Sydney but 【B5】______ week we went to the Great Barrier Reef. Because 【B6】______ water was so warm, I loved swimming there. The fish were all different 【B7】______ : red, yellow, purple! Australia 【B8】______ very beautiful. We don't want 【B9】______ come home!

See you at the end 【B10】______ September.






Since there is such an abundance of food in the sea, it is understandable that some of the
efficient, highly adaptable, warm-blooded mammals that【C1】______on land should have returned to the sea. Those that【C2】______have flourished. Within about 50 million years--【C3】______time at all, geologically speaking--one of the four kinds of mammals that has【C4】______to a marine environment has developed into the largest of all animal【C5】______, the whale. A second kind, the seal, has produced what is probably the greatest population of large carnivorous mammals on Earth.

This suggests that these "top dogs" of the ocean are【C6】______and multiplying.【C7】______, such has not been the case, at ieast not for the last 150 years. Trouble has closed in【C8】______these mammals in the form. of equally warm-blooded and even more【C9】______adaptable predators, humans. At sea,【C10】______on land, humans have now【C11】______themselves on the top of the whole great pyramid of life, and【C12】______have caused serious problems for the mammals of the sea, There is a simple【C13】______for this.

【C14】______mammals have the misfortune to be swimming aggregates of【C15】______that humans want: fur, oil and meat. Even so, they might not be so【C16】______to human depredation if they did not, like humans,【C17】______so slowly.

Every year humans【C18】______more than 50 million tons of fish from the oceans without critically depleting the population of any【C19】______. But the slowbreeding mammals of the sea have been all but wiped out by humans【C20】______satisfy their wants and whims.






阅读以下文章,选择最佳答案填空。In the depths of my memory, many things I did with My fat


In the depths of my memory, many things I did with My father still live. These things come to represent, in fact, what I call 1_________ and love.

I don't remember my father ever getting into a swimming tool. But he did love the water Any kind of 2_________ _________ ride seemed to give him pleasure, And he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along.

But! never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being 3 _________ the water, moving through it, having it all around me. I was not a strong 4 _________ or one who learned to swim early, for I had fears. But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father's office and 5 _________ those summer days with my father, who would come by on a break. I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand there in his suit, the 6 _________ person not in swimsuit.

After swimming, I would go inside his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me 7_________ anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk while he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn't be playing with his 8 _________ But my father always showed up and said easily, "Oh , no , it's 9_________ "Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get myself an ice cream.

A poet once said, "We look at life once, in childhood; the rest is 10 _________ "And! think it is not only what we "look at once, in childhood" that determines our memories, but who, in that childhood look at us.

1.A、desire B、anger C、joy D、worry

2.A、boat B、bus C、train D、bike

3.A、on B、off C、by D、in

4.A、runner B、rider C、walker D、swimmer

5.A、spending B、saving C、wasting D、running

6.A、next B、only C、other D、last

7.A、put up B、break down C、play with D、work out

8.A、fishing net B、office things C、wooden chair D、lab equipment

9.A、fine B、strange C、terrible D、funny

10.A、experience B、wealth C、memory D、practice

An Unusual Experience at Sea It was early one morning in February 1972 when Mayoral and hi

An Unusual Experience at Sea

It was early one morning in February 1972 when Mayoral and his partner Santos Luis Perez set out to fish in Laguna San Ignacio. Hundreds of gray whales were swimming in the three-mile-long, one-mile-wide inlet. This was usual between December and April, for the whales breed in the protected inlets of Baja, the final destination of their annual 6,000-mile migration from the Arctic. Mayoral and Perez stayed as for as possible from the spouting (喷涌) creatures, because the whales were said to smash boats with their powerful flukes (鲸尾的叶). Mayoral, who had 16 years' experience at sea, knew no one who had been close to a healthy gray whale and lived.

As Mayoral rowed to catch the outgoing (退出去的) tide, he saw, straight ahead, a whale approaching. Heart pounding, the 31-year-old turned the little wooden boat and pulled hard for shore. Try as he might, however, he could not row over the huge beast. In moments, it overtook them. Expecting the worst, the fishermen dropped to their knees and made the sign of the cross. The whale raised its nine-foot head out of the water and looked at them. Then, remarkably, it began to rub gently against the boat.

Sinking and resurfacing (重新露出水面) on opposite sides of the boat, the whale continued its gentle rubbing for almost an hour. At first the men prayed, frozen in fear. But gradually Mayoral's terror gave way to curiosity. He was tempted to reach out and touch this oddly unthreatening monster, but a lifetime of caution kept him still.

At last, having finished with whatever its purpose had been, the whale disappeared below the surface. Some time passed before either man spoke. Then they headed home. To his wife, Mayoral said only, "No fish today."

But word spread through the cluster of small wooden houses near the salt-water lake. A strange thing had happened: one of the whales had tried to touch the men, and the men had returned unharmed. Why?

In nights to come, by faint kerosene lamps, Mayoral and Perez told the story. They and other fishermen struggled to understand. What did the whale want?

We know from the passage that the whales traveled 6,000 miles from the Arctic to the inlets of Baja ______.

A.just to have a change in environment

B.to give birth to baby whales in winter

C.to escape from the cold water for a while

D.to find a warm place to settle down

An Unusual Experience at SeaIt was early one morning in February 1972 when Mayoral and his

An Unusual Experience at Sea

It was early one morning in February 1972 when Mayoral and his partner Santos Luis Perez set out to fish in Laguna San lgnacio. Hundreds of gray whales were swimming in the three-mile-long, one-mile-wide inlet. This was usual between December and April, for the whales breed in the protected inlets of Baja, the final destination of their annual 6,000-mile migration from the Arctic. Mayoral and Perez stayed as for as possible from the spouting (喷涌) creatures, because the whales were said to smash boats with their powerful flukes (鲸尾的叶). Mayoral, who had 16 years' experience at sea, knew no one who had been close to a healthy gray whale and lived.

As Mayoral rowed to catch the outgoing (退出去的) tide, he saw, straight ahead, a whale approaching. Heart pounding, the 31-year-old turned the little wooden boat and pulled hard for shore. Try as he might, however, he could not row over the huge beast. In moments, it overtook them. Expecting the worst, the fishermen dropped to their knees and made the sign of the cross. The whale raised its nine-foot head out of the water and looked at them. Then, remarkably, it began to rub gently against the boat.

Sinking and resurfacing(重新露出水面) on opposite sides of the boat, the whale continued its gentle rubbing for almost an hour. At first the men prayed, frozen in fear. But gradually Mayoral 's terror gave way to curiosity. He was tempted to reach out and touch this oddly unthreatening monster, but a lifetime of caution kept him still.

At last, having finished with whatever its purpose had been, the whale disappeared below the surface. Some time passed before either man spoke. Then they headed home. To his wife, Mayoral said only, "No fish today."

But word spread through the cluster of small wooden houses near the salt-water lake. A strange thing had happened: one of the whales had tried to touch the men, and the men had returned unharmed. Why?

In nights to come, by faint kerosene lamps, Mayoral and Perez told the story. They and other fishermen struggled to understand. What did the whale want?

We know from the passage that the whales traveled 6,000 miles from the Arctic to the inlets of Baja ______.

A.just to have a change in environment

B.to give birth to baby whales in winter

C.to escape from the cold water for a while

D.to find a warm place to settle down

Animals on the MoveIt looked like a scene from “Jaws” but without the dramatic mus

Animals on the Move

It looked like a scene from “Jaws” but without the dramatic music. A huge shark was lowly swimming through the water, its tail swinging back and forth like the pendulum of a clock.

Suddenly sensitive nerve ending in the sharks skin picked up vibrations of a struggling fish. The shark was immediately transformed into a deadly, efficient machine of death. With muscles taut, the shark knifed through the water at a rapid speed. In a flash the shark caught its victim, a large fish, in its powerful jaws. Then, jerking its head back and forth, the shark tore huge chunks of flesh from its victim and swallowed them. Soon the action was over.

Moving to Survive

In pursuing its prey, the shark demonstrated in a dramatic way the important role of movement, or locomotion, in animals.

Like the shark, most animals use movement to find food. They also use locomotion to escape enemies, find a mate, and explore new territories. The methods of locomotion include crawling, hopping, slithering, flying, swimming, or walking.

Humans have the added advantage of using their various inventions to move about in just about any kind of environment. Automobiles, rockets, and submarines transport humans from deep oceans to as far away as the moon. However, for other animals movement came about naturally through millions of years of evolution. One of the most successful examples of animal locomotion is that of the shark. Its ability to quickly zero in on its prey has always impressed scientists. But it took a detailed study by Duke University marine biologists S. A. Wainwright, F. Vosburgh, and J. H. Hebrank to find out how the sharks did it. In their study the scientists observed sharks swimming in a tank at Marine land in Saint Augustine, Fla. Movies were taken of the sharks’ movements and analyzed. Studies were also made of shark skin and muscle.

Skin Is the Key

The biologists discovered that the skin of the shark is the key to the animal’s high efficiency in swimming through the water. The skin contains many fibers that crisscross like the inside of a belted radial tire. The fibers are called collagen fibers. These fibers can either store or release large amounts of energy depending on whether the fibers are relaxed or taut. When the fibers are stretched, energy is stored in them the way energy is stored in the string of a bow when pulled tight. When the energy is released, the fibers become relaxed.

The Duke University biologists have found that the greatest stretching occurs where the shark bends its body while swimming. During the body’s back and forth motion, fibers along the outside part of the bending body stretch greatly. Much potential energy is stored in the fibers. This energy is released when the shark’s body snaps back the other way.

As energy is alternately stored and released on both sides of the animal’s body, the tail whips strongly back and forth. This whip-like action propels the animal through the water like a living bullet.

Source of Energy

What causes the fibers to store so much energy? In finding the answer the Duke University scientists learned that the sharks similarity to a belted radial tire doesnt stop with the skin. Just as a radial tire is inflated by pressure, so, too, is the area just under the sharks collagen “radials”. Instead of air pressure, however, the pressure in the shark may be due to the force of the blood pressing on the collagen fibers.

When the shark swims slowly, the pressure on the fibers is relatively low. The fibers are more relaxed, and the shark is able to bend its body at sharp angles. The animal swims this way when looking around for food or just swimming. However, when the shark detects an important food source, some fantastic involuntary changes take place.

The pressure inside the animal may increase by 10 times. This pressure change greatly stretches the fib

A.to find food

B.to avoid being chased by its enemies

C.to find a new place to live

D.to show its braveness

Radar (雷达) 1. Children enjoy shouting at a high wall and hearing the sound come back to

Radar (雷达)

1. Children enjoy shouting at a high wall and hearing the sound come back to them. These sounds are called echoes (回声). Echoes have given us a number of 'valuable tools.

2. Echo sounding devices were early used in making maps of the ocean floor. Sounds or Ultrasonic (超声的) sounds make good tools for determining how deep the water is under ships. Sometimes echoes from ultrasonic distance finding devices were prevented from working by fish swimming past or by the presence of large objects. So ultrasonic devices have been replaced by other tools.

3. Radar is now a familiar tool. Like many others it was ah unexpected discovery. It was first observed by two researchers, who were studying sound communication. They were sending signals from a station on one side of a river in Washington, D .C. to a vehicle across the river. They discovered that their signals were stopped by passing ships. They recognized the importance of this discovery at once.

4. All this was of course just a start, from which our present radar has developed. The word "radar," in fact, gets its name from the term "radio detection (检测) and ranging." "Ranging" is the term for detection of the distance between an object and the radar set. Today, in our scientific age, it would be difficult to manage without radar.

5. One of the many uses of radar is as a speed control device on highways. When a person in an automobile is driving faster than the speed limit, radar will show this clearly and the traffic police can take measures to stop him.

6. A pilot cannot fly a plane by sight alone. Many conditions such as flying at night and landing in dense fog require the pilot to use radar. Human eyes are not very good at determining speeds of approaching objects, but radar can show the pi lot how fast nearby planes are moving.

A Study of Sound

B Highway Police

C Working Principles

D Early Use of "Radar"

E Useful Tools

F Discovery by Chance

Paragraph 2 ______

—Do you like swimming?—Yes, very much, there's nothing ______ swimming in summer.A.likeB.t

—Do you like swimming? —Yes, very much, there's nothing ______ swimming in summer.


B.to like



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