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The famous Old Faithful is located inA.the Grand Canyon.B.the Great Basin.C.the Great Cent

The famous Old Faithful is located in

A.the Grand Canyon.

B.the Great Basin.

C.the Great Central Plain.

D.the Yellowstone National Park.

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更多“The famous Old Faithful is loc…”相关的问题
Confidence is the personal possession of no one; the person who has it learns it and goes
on learning. The most gifted individual on earth has to construct confidence in his gifts from the basis of faith and experience, like anybody else. The tools will differ from one person to the next, but the essential task is the same. Confidence and pose are available to us all according to our abilities and needs—not somebody elses—provided we utilize our gifts and expand them. One of the most rewarding aspects of confidence is that it sits gracefully on every age and level of life on children, men, women, the famous, the obscure, rich, poor, artist, executive, teenagers, the very old. And you can take it with you into old age. There is nothing more inspiring than an old person who maintains his good will, humor, and faith in himself, in others, in the future. Conversely, the root cause of old peoples despair is a feeling of not being wanted, of nothing to contribute, no more to conquer and become.

What's the natural rate of unemployment according to the Old Economy article of faith?A.Le

What's the natural rate of unemployment according to the Old Economy article of faith?

A.Less than 3.9%.

B.More than 7.5%.

C.More than 9.7%.

D.Less than 6.0%.

Oil and Islam continue to define Saudi Arabia's room for maneuver. With global demand unli
kely to wane in the foreseeable future and reserves elsewhere diminishing, oil will continue to keep the kingdom rich for decades to come. At the same time, the Saudis' attachment to their faith is not diminishing; it may even be growing stronger. But the faith itself is changing in subtle ways.

Having gone through waves of progress and retrenchment during its 73 years as a unified kingdom, Saudi Arabia is now well into another period of rapid change. This time, however, the well-oiled complacency of the previous big boom, in the 1970s, is largely gone. Four years ago, a survey in this newspaper argued that it might require internal shocks to jolt the Saudis into taking reform. seriously. Those shocks have now arrived.

Since May 2003, when suicide bombers attacked a housing compound in Riyadh, terrorist violence has touched every corner of the kingdom, claiming some 200 lives. Saudi nationals, the most famous being Osama bin Laden, continue to be implicated in terrorist attacks abroad, most notably in Iraq. Yet far from rallying Saudis, terrorism has made them identify more closely with the state. More importantly, the violence has brought intense introspection and debate.

Long accustomed to blaming outside influences for all ills, Saudis now accept that the fixing needs to start at home. Aside from extremism, the problems of unemployment, poverty and the abuse of human rights have moved to the top of the national agenda. Even the most absolute of previous taboos, political reform, is being widely debated. In dozens of interviews with Saudis of all stripes, one phrase kept coming up: the question is no longer whether to reform/restructure/change, but how fast to do it.

The government's answer, to date, has been slow, and not very sure. But this survey will argue that far from being a dinosaur nation, lumbering to extinction, Saudi Arabia is capable of rapid evolution. On some important issues, such as the rules governing business, it is already far down the right track. On others, such as the ways it educates its youth and excludes women, the kingdom is only just beginning to shift course.

Most Saudis reckon it is premature to speak of democracy in their country; but there are myriad ways to emancipate citizens, from upholding the rule of law to making budgets more transparent and loosening the grip of security agencies over universities and the press. Instead of their old tactics of prevarication, slow consensus-building and co-optation, the A1Sauds should try a new one: putting trust in their people.

What can we learn about Saudi Arabia from Paragraph 1 ?

A.Saudi Arabia will be as rich as before and their people will believe in their faith firmly.

B.Saudi Arabian will not believe in their faith as firmly as before.

C.The oil produced in Saudi Arabia will diminish.

D.Saudi Arabia will no longer be a kingdom, and their people pursue democracy.

A.An old Chinese painter in the Qing Dynasty.B.A modern Chinese painter.C.A famous Chin

A.An old Chinese painter in the Qing Dynasty.

B.A modern Chinese painter.

C.A famous Chinese painter in the Qing Dynasty.

D.Not mentioned in the dialogue.

Ernest Hemingway was most famous for ______.A.The Sea and the Old ManB.The Old Man and the

Ernest Hemingway was most famous for ______.

A.The Sea and the Old Man

B.The Old Man and the Sea

C.A Farewell to Weapons

D.A Goodbye to Arms

How old was she when she became famous?A.She was twenty.B.She was thirteen.C.She was fifte

How old was she when she became famous?

A.She was twenty.

B.She was thirteen.

C.She was fifteen.

How old was she when she became famous?A. She was twenty. B. She was thirteen. C. She was

How old was she when she became famous?

A. She was twenty.

B. She was thirteen.

C. She was fifteen.

How old was she when she became famous?A.20.B.13.C.15.

How old was she when she became famous?




The conductor told the old man that he didn't need to buy another ticket because ______.A.

The conductor told the old man that he didn't need to buy another ticket because ______.

A.the old man was a famous person

B.he thought the old man had no money with him

C.he believed the old man

听力原文:Cheques have largely replaced money as a means of exchange, for they are widely a

听力原文: Cheques have largely replaced money as a means of exchange, for they are widely accepted everywhere. Though this is very convenient for both the buyer and seller, it should not be forgotten that cheques are not real money: They are quite valueless in themselves. A shopkeeper always runs a certain risk when he accepts a cheque and he is quite within his rights if, on occasion, he refuses to do so.

People do not always know this and are shocked if their good faith is called into question. An old and very wealthy friend of mine told me he had had an extremely unpleasant experience. He went to a famous jewellery shop which kept a large stock of precious stones and asked to be shown some pearl necklaces. After examining several trays, he decided to buy a particularly fine string of pearls and asked ifhe could pay by cheque. The assistant said that this was quite in order, but the moment my friend signed his name, he was invited into the manager's office.

The manager was very polite, but he explained that someone with exactly the same name had presented them with a worthless cheque not long ago. My friend got very angry when he heard this and said he would buy a necklace somewhere else. When he got up to go, the manager told him that the police would arrive at any moment and he had better stay unless he wanted to get into serious trouble. Sure enough, the police arrived soon afterwards. They apologized to my friend for the inconvenience, but explained that a person who had used the same name as his was responsible for a number of recent robberies. Then the police asked my friend to copy out a note which had been used by the thief in a number of shops. The note read: "I have a gun in my pocket. Ask no questions and give me all the money in the safe." Fortunately, my friend's handwriting was quite unlike the thief's. He was not only allowed to go without further delay, but to take the string of pearls with him.


A.Only sellers.

B.Only shopkeepers.

C.Only buyers.

D.Both buyers and sellers.

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