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When you make eye contact, it connects with the audience because:()A.When you make eye c

A.When you make eye contact, you make a friend

B.They become engaged

C.It shows you are real

D.They don't want you to stare at them

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更多“When you make eye contact, it …”相关的问题
听力原文:Many people have problems negotiating over money. When they negotiate with their
future boss, they often let fear tell them they're no good at these discussions and not worth the fee. In fact, you can't afford the luxury of a single negative thought. Stand up when making negotiating phone calls, it will make you feel more powerful. If you're face to face, make steady eye contact; keep your head up and your hands still. You'll be surprised at how much this affects the way that you come across in the negotiation.

What is the issue being discussed in the lesson?

A.Negotiating payment

B.Confronting the boss with unfair treatment

C.Asking for promotion

D.Interview skills

听力原文:MHello, I'm calling to check on a bike that I ordered last week.WSure, could you

听力原文:M Hello, I'm calling to check on a bike that I ordered last week.

W Sure, could you tell me your name or order number?

M My order number is 9372-928. It's for a Ranger 5000.

W Ah, it looks like the bike was shipped yesterday and should be in tomorrow or Friday. I'll be working for the rest of the week, so I'll keep an eye out for it and call you when it's in. Could you give me a number where I'll be able to reach you?

What is the purpose of the call?

A.To place an order

B.To make a complaint

C.To check on an item

D.To cancel a subscription

How to Make a Good ImpressionResearch shows that we start to make up our minds about peopl

How to Make a Good Impression

Research shows that we start to make up our minds about people within seven seconds of meeting them. Much of the communication is unspoken. Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes. At the same time, we cause in each other a chain of emotional reactions, ranging from comfort to fear.

Think about some of your most memorable meetings: an introduction to your future spouse, a job interview, or an en counter with a stranger. Focus on the first seven seconds. What did you feel and think? How did you "read" the other person, and how do you think he read you?

You are the message.

For 25 years I've worked with thousands of business and political leaders, show business personalities, and other men and women who want to be successful. I've helped them make persuasive presentations, answer unfriendly questions, communicate more effectively. The secret of that training has always been that you(the whole you) are the message.

If you use your good qualities, other people will want to be with you and cooperate with you. The personal qualities include: physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch, and tone of voice, gestures, expressiveness of eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of others. Another person will form. an impression about you based on all of these.

Now recall three times in your life when you know you made a good impression. What made you successful? I'm sure of this: you were committed to what you were talking about, and you were so absorbed in the moment that you lost all self consciousness.

Be yourself.

Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and show your personality to impress. They instruct you to greet others with "power handshakes". They tell you to fix your eyes on the other person. If you follow all this advice, you'll drive everyone crazy—including yourself.

The trick is to be consistently you, at your best. The most effective people never change character from one situation to another. They're the same whether they're having an intimate conversation, addressing their garden club or being inter viewed for a job. They communicate with their whole being. The tones of their voices and their gestures completely go with their words.

Public speakers, however, often send confusing signals to their audience. My favorite is the kind who say, "Ladies and gentlemen, I’m very happy to be here", while looking at their shoes. They don't look happy. They look angry, frightening or depressed.

The audience will always go with what they see over what they hear. They think, "He's telling me he's happy, but he's not. He's not being honest."

Use your eyes.

Whether you're talking to one person or one hundred, always remember to look at them. Some people start to say something while looking right at you, but, three words into the sentence, they break eye contact and look out the window.

As you enter a room, move your eyes comfortably, then look directly at those in the room and smile. This demonstrates that you are at ease. Some people think entering a room full of people is like going into a lion's cage. I disagree. If I did agree, however, I am sure I wouldn't look at my feet, and I wouldn't look at the ceiling. I'd keep my eye on the lion!

Smiling is important. The best type of smile and eye contact is gentle and comfortable, not forced.

Listen before you leap.

My father taught me the idea of "absorbing" other people before showing myself. He said, "Boy, you can't learn any thing when you’re talking." I before showing myself He said, "Boy, you can't lear anything when you're talking."

When you attend a meeting, a party or an interview, don't immediately start thr




Eye Movement and Several Faults in ReadingSuppose you do this experiment with a friend. Ge

Eye Movement and Several Faults in Reading

Suppose you do this experiment with a friend. Get hold of a book with a large page size and lines that run right across the page. Get your friend to hold the book up and to read it with the top of the book just below his eye level. This means that you can watch the movement of his eyes as he reads the page. If you do this, you will see that your friend's eyes do not make a continuous forward sweep. Instead, they progress by little "jumps" moving, then stopping, as they progress along the line. This kind of jumping movement is called a saccadic movement(跳跃).

There has to he this starting and stopping movement because the eye can see only when it is still motionless. Every time the eye pauses it sees a phrase or even a sentence then jumps to the next part of the line and so on.

There is another interesting fact about eye movement. If you record the eye movements of someone who is reading, you will notice that, from time to time, the reader goes back and looks again at something he has read before; in other words, he regresses(回视) an earlier part of the text, probably because he realizes he does not understand the passage properly. Then he comes back to where he left off and continues reading. At one time, it was though that regression was a fault, but it is in fact a very necessary activity in efficient reading.

There are several different kinds of faults in reading, which are usually more exaggerated with foreign language learners. The most common one is that most people read everything at the same slow speed, and do not seem to realize that they can read faster or slower as required. Other people say the words to themselves, or move their lips-these habits slow the reader down to something near speaking speed, which is of course much slower than reading speed. Another habit that can slow you down is following the line with your finger, or with a pen.

What phenomenon can you see in the experiment mentioned at the beginning of the passage?

A.People's eyes sweep forward continuously while reading.

B.People's eyes do not make a forward sweep while reading.

C.People's eyes do not "jump" forward while reading.

D.People's eyes move forward in a "jumping" way while reading.

If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting, then think again! A handsha

ke is not only a way of greeting; it can also show your personality. Since we all want to set a good first impression, it is important to know the right shaking hands manners.

Stand up and maintain eye contact while shaking hands. If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, stand up and shake his or her hand. It is impolite to be still seated. Keep right distance between the two of you; not too close, but enough distance to shake your hands well. Keeping eye contact makes the other person feel welcome and comfortable.

Keep a handshake brief and firm. You let go of each other's hand after 2-3 seconds. Make sure your handshake ends before your conversation does. One's handshake should show a feeling of strength and warmth. The hand should be firm and not lifeless like seaweed. Then, how firm should a handshake be? Just grasp the person's hand completely and do not press it too hard.

1.Which of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true?()

A.Handshakes are just a gesture of greeting

B.Handshakes are more than a way of greeting

C.Handshakes can show our personality

2.If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, you should().

A.stand up and shake his or her hand

B.keep seated and shake his or her hand

C.bow and say hello to him or her

3.Keeping eye contact while shaking hands makes, the other person feel ().




4.How long does a handshake usually last?()

A.As long as the conversation lasts

B.5 minutes

C.23 seconds

5.Which of the following words can best describe a proper handshake?()

A.brief and strong

B.brief and firm

C.brief and soft

回答下列各题 Different countries have different cultures.A same gesture may havedistinct m
eanings indifferent countries.For instance,in Africa,people knock at the table withtheir fingers to call waiters which is considered as impolite in China.In western countries.if you make a circlewith your thumb and the index finger(食指),and then raise the other three fingers.youare suggesting “OK”.The same gesture,however,means “money” in Japan while makesBrazilian people feel insulted(受侮辱的).With that in mind,you’d better learn abouttheir custom before travelling to foreign countries. Greeting is an important part ofcommunication between people.When greeting someone,Americans tend to holdout their hands and look directly into his/her eyes andthen smile.However.sometimessuch behavior. might bring nothing but misunderstanding in other countries.A handshake might not be accepted and looking others right in theeye Can have different meanings. Asian people regard physical contact asembarrassin9;therefore,they do not shake hands.They have their ownways of greeting people.For Japanese,a slight bow of the head is enough.In Korea,women do not shake hands or hug with people;whilemen might shake hands accompanied by nodding the head once.In western Asia,Muslims do not make bodycontacts with women yet hug is generally accepted among men.Same thing happens on eye contact.In manycountries,people avoid direct eye contact to showrespect.This can cause misunderstanding,too.In fact. students have been regarded as lacking respectfor their American teachers exactly because they failed to make eye contactswith their teachers. Though different cultures seem to havedifferent ways of greeting.smiling is taken as the universal gesture of friendliness.Smiling indicates happiness or agreement(同意)andit can also be used to mean “Excuse me ”or “Please”.Sowhen you are not sure what to do,just smile. When two Japanese men meet,they might greet each other by __________

A.shakingeach other

B.huggingeach other

C.kissingeach other on both cheeks

D.bowingtheir heads

If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting, then think again! A handshake is not only a way of greeting; it can also show your personality. Since we all want to set a good first

If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting, then think again! A handshake is not only a way of greeting; it can also show your personality. Since we all want to set a good first impression, it is important to know the right shaking hands manners.

Stand up and maintain eye contact while shaking hands. If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, stand up and shake his or her' hand. It is impolite to be still seated. Keep right distance between the two of you; not too close, but enough distance to shake your hands well. Keeping eye contact makes the other person feel welcome and comfortable.

Keep a handshake brief and firm. You let go of each other's hand after 2-3 seconds. Make sure your handshake ends before your conversation does. One's handshake should show a feeling of strength and warmth. The hand should be firm and not lifeless like seaweed. Then, how firm should a handshake be'? Just grasp the person's hand completely and do not press it too hard.

21. Which of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true?

A. Handshakes are just a gesture of greeting.

B. Handshakes are more than a way of greeting

C. Handshakes can show our personality.

22. If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, you should().

A. stand up and shake his or her hand

B. keep seated and shake his or her hand

C. bow and say hello to him or her

23. Keeping eye contact while shaking hands makes, the other person feel.

A. nervous

B. comfortable

C. afraid

24. How long does a handshake usually last?

A. As long as the conversation lasts.

B. 5 minutes.

C. 23 seconds.

25. Which of the following words can best describe a proper handshake?

A. brief and strong

B. brief and firm

C. brief and soft

Many American presidents in the 19th century were born in poor families. They spent their
childhood in little wooden rooms. They got little education. Washington and Lincoln, for example, never went to school and they taught themselves. Lincoln once did jobs of a worker, shopkeeper and postmaster in his early years.

A large number of American presidents had experiences in the army. The two best known were Ulysses Grant and Dwight Eisenhower. Grant was a general in the American Civil War and Eisenhower was a hero in the Second World War. It happened that they graduated from the same school— West Point Military Academy (西点军校). One may be surprised to learn that both of them did not do well in the school. Eisenhower, for example, was once fined because he broke the roles of the school.

The jobs of the US president are tiring. He must keep an eye on anything important which happens both at home and abroad. Every day, a lot of work waits for him to do and he has to make many important decisions. When Franklin Roosevelt was a child, he was once brought to visit President Taft. The old president said to him, "When you grow up you should not be the president. It's a tiring job."

According to the passage, who regarded the jobs of the US president as tiring ones?





Nonverbal Communication Like all animals, people communicate by their actions as well as b

Nonverbal Communication

Like all animals, people communicate by their actions as well as by the noises they make. Language is obviously essential for human beings, but it is not the whole story of human communication.

There are many different cultures in the world, and in each of them the children must learn a great many things that are expected of everyone who participates effectively in that culture. These things are taken for granted by everyone who shares the culture. When I say that they are taken for granted, I mean that nobody needs to describe them or write them down or try self-consciously to teach them to children. Indeed, the children begin to learn them before their linguistic skills are far enough developed to understand a verbal description of what they are learning. This kind of learning has sometimes been called "imitation," but that is much too simple an explanation for the complex processes that go on when a child learns what is normal and expected in his own community. Most of the norms (标准) are communicated to the child nonverbally, and he internalizes them as if no other possibilities existed. They are as much a part of him as his own body; he would no more question them than he would question the fact that he has two hands and two feet, but only one head.

What is an example of the sort of thing that children learn nonverbally? One of the simplest examples to observe and analyze and discuss is the way people use clothing and bodily ornamentation (装饰) to communicate. At any particular time in any particular culture there is an accepted and normal way to dress and to arrange one's hair and to paint the face and to wear one's jewelry. By adopting those conventions for dressing himself, a person communicates to the world that he wants to be treated according to the standards of the culture for which they are appropriate. When a black person in America rejects the normal American dress and puts on African clothing, he is communicating to the world that he wants to be treated as an Afro-American. On the surface, dressing up in unusual costumes would seem to be one of the more innocent forms of dissent that a person would express, but in fact it is deeply resented by many people who still feel bound by the traditional conventions of their culture and who become fearful or angry when those norms are violated. The nonverbal message that such a costume communicates is "I reject your culture and your values," and those who resent this message can be violent in their response.

Eye contact also has an important role in regulating conversational interactions. In America, a typical pattern is for the listener to signal that he is paying attention by looking at the talker's mouth or eyes. Since direct eye contact is often too intimate, the talker may let his eyes wonder elsewhere. As the moment arrives for the talker to become a listener, and for his partner to begin talking, there will often be a preliminary signal. The talker will often look toward the listener, and the listener will signal that he is ready to talk by glancing away.

Such eye signals will vary, of course, depending on what the people are talking about and what the personal relation is between them. But whatever the pattern of eye signals that two people are using, they use them unconsciously. If you try to become aware of your own eye movements while you are talking to someone, y6u will find it extremely frustrating. As soon as you try to think self-consciously about your own eye movements, you don't know where you should be looking. If you want to study how the eyes communicate, therefore, you should do it by observing other people, not yourself. But if you watch other people too intently, of course, you may disturb them or make them angry. So be careful!

Eye communication seems to be particularly important for Americans. It is part of the American culture that pe




You should look directly at the person you are speaking to and make eye () with them.
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