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听力原文:The most common kind of consolidation today is the merger. A merger occurs when t

听力原文: The most common kind of consolidation today is the merger. A merger occurs when two or more companies get together to form. one company.

With the deregulation of natural gas, the nation's 20 interstate pipeline companies became fearful of cut-throat competition. Some felt that they could increase their efficiency and improve their market flexibility by merging. In 1985 Internorth of Omaha paid $2.3 billion for Houston Natural Gas Corporation, thereby gaining control of the world's longest pipeline. The system connected markets from coast to coast and raised sales to $10 billion.

On occasion, mergers have occurred between smaller companies in an industry dominated by a few giant firms. These smaller companies claim that they need to merge to become more efficient and effective. They maintain that such action increases competition instead of reducing it. The Antitrust Division of the Justice Department has not always agreed with them.

Four major waves of mergers have taken place in this country. The first started in 1887, just prior to the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act, and ended in 1904. It involved such giants as United States Steel and Standard Oil trying to create monopolies in their industries. From the end of World War I until the 1930s, large firms swallowed smaller firms to create oligopolies. The monopoly has no chance and the oligopoly little chance of succeeding today under present antitrust policy.

The third major merger movement began in the 1960s, reached a peak in 1969, and then gradually declined. Many of the acquisitions involved giant firms in one industry buying up large companies in totally unrelated industries. Such mergers are called conglomerate mergers. A classic example is Mobil Oil Corporation's purchase of the huge retail chain Montgomery Ward & Company.

Mergers in the last ten years were in the thousands. More important is the value of the transactions, which has risen sharply. The number of mergers and acquisitions apply only to those valued at $100 million or more. The petroleum industry had mergers and acquisitions valued at closed to $80 billion between 1981 and 1984. Other industries experiencing large takeovers were banking and finance, insurance, mining and mineral, and processed foods.

You will hear a talk presented by a reporter. This talk is about mergers.

You have to complete the sentences 23--30 by choosing the correct answer.

Mark one letter A, B or C.

The most common kind of consolidation today is ______.

A.the cooperation

B.the joint venture

C.the merger

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更多“听力原文:The most common kind of c…”相关的问题
听力原文:According to the passage,what is the most common way of traveling in China today?


A.By buses.

B.By private cars.

C.By rail.

D.By air.

听力原文:M: Mrs. Anderson, you must have gained a deep insight into the problems of marrie
d couples.

W: I think I have, yes.

M: What do you consider to be the most common problems?

Who's the man?

A.A judge.

B.An interviewer.

C.A lawyer.

D.A shop assistant.

听力原文:Computers are being widely used in medicine. The most common use is for keeping h

听力原文: Computers are being widely used in medicine. The most common use is for keeping hospital patient records. There may be access to these at several points—hospital patient rooms, offices, laboratories and even operating theatres. Computers are also used in the delicate task of looking after patients in the intensive care unit and in monitoring those undergoing surgery.

One of the latest developments is to use computers to assist diagnosis. A computer is programmed with information about a disease, using the accumulated knowledge of many specialists and textbooks. A doctor examining a patient may then be guided by the information given by the computer in what to look for and which questions to ask the patient. The information he gathers is fed into the computer. It may suggest further questions before finally providing a diagnosis.

This kind of procedure causes some people anxiety. They feel it increases the gap in the personal relationship between the doctor and patient. On the other hand, it makes widely available knowledge and skill which before belonged to only a small number of specialists, or which had to be found with difficulty in published material.





D.Electroscopes (doctor's instrument).

听力原文:Although people often use the phrase "the dictionary", there are many different k

听力原文: Although people often use the phrase "the dictionary", there are many different kinds of dictionaries, some general and some specialized. General dictionaries are all-purpose dictionaries that contain a broad range of words and common usage. The first general dictionary that you used was probably a school dictionary. These dictionaries contain relatively few words and emphasize common words that you are most likely to encounter in your school years.

Later, most people acquire a college dictionary. These dictionaries have more than 150, 000 entries with detailed definitions that are sufficient for most college students as well as general users. They also separately list abbreviations, biographical and geographical names, foreign words and phrases and tables of measures. The Random House Websters College Dictionary and the American Heritage Dictionary are well-known college dictionaries.

For scholars or researchers, un abridged dictionary provides as many as 500,000 entries that have detailed definitions and extensive word histories. You will find these dictionaries primarily in libraries and they often spend several volumes. Specialized dictionaries such as the drinking water dictionary or dictionary of legal terms are also very useful for scholars or researchers.


A.One that is unabridged with detailed definitions.

B.One that contains fewer words and emphasizes on special words.

C.One that contains a broad range of words in common usage.

D.One that spans several volumes and has extensive word histories.

听力原文:W: What is the most common means of transport for Chinese people nowadays?M: To m

听力原文:W: What is the most common means of transport for Chinese people nowadays?

M: To most Chinese people, the most common means of transport is the bus.

W: Does the railway have less of an influence now than previously on their lives?

M: Yes. Now people can travel by car, or by plane, not like before, when they had to depend on the railway.

W: As far as I know, many residents in big cities are very interested in purchasing personal cars. Have these cars increased or reduced the burden of city transport?

M: More and more cars have added to the burden of city transport, because they take up a lot of road space otherwise available to public transport.

W: Does the government encourage or curb the purchase of personal cars?

M: Now the government neither encourages nor curbs the purchase of personal cars, but I think there will be a policy in the future to curb the purchase. Have you traveled much in China, Linda?

W: No, not much, but I travel quite a lot in Shanghai every day.

M: Do you think Shanghai transport is efficient?

W: Yes, I do. I think the Shanghai Underground is marvelous. I always travel by tube because it's fast and comfortable.


A.The railway has less of an influence now than previously on people's lives.

B.Chinese people depend more on the railway than other means of transport.

C.People used to depend on the railway.

D.Many residents are very interested in purchasing personal cars.

听力原文:The tomato is the world's most popular fruit. And yes, botanically speaking it is

听力原文: The tomato is the world's most popular fruit. And yes, botanically speaking it is a fruit, not a vegetable. More than 60 million tons of tomatoes are produced per year, 16 million tons more than the second most popular fruit, the banana. Apples are the third most popular (36 million tons), then oranges (34 million tons) and watermelons (22 million tons).

Tomatoes were first cultivated in 700 AD by Aztecs and Incas. Explorers returning from Mexico introduced the tomato into Europe, where it was first mentioned in 1556. The French called it "the apple of love," the Germans "the apple of paradise." The scientific term for the common tomato is lycopersicon, which means "wolf peach." It is a cousin of the eggplant, red pepper, ground cherry, and potato, also known as the nightshade. There are more than 10,000 varieties of tomatoes.

Tomatoes are used in many food products, including, of course, tomato sauce (ketchup), pasta and pizza. According to a Steel Packing Council survey of 1997, 68% of chefs use canned tomatoes for convenience, quality and flavoring.


A.Mom than 16 million tons.

B.More than 22 million tons.

C.More than 34 million tons.

D.More than 60 million tons.

听力原文:Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons

听力原文: Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons with dyslexia use information in a different way. One of the world's greatest thinkers and scientists named Albert Einstein was dyslexic. Dr Einstein said that he never thought in words the way that most of us do. He said that he thought in pictures instead. Other famous people who suffered from dyslexia include Leonardo Da Vinci, a celebrated Roman artist, Thomas Edison, a well-Known American inventor and a former American Vice president, Nelson Rockfeller.

Dyslexia was first recognized in Europe and then in the United States over 80 years ago. Many years passed before doctors discovered that people with this disorder were not mentally slow or disabled. The doctors found that the brains of dyslexia persons are rather different. In brains of most people, the left side, the part that controls language, is larger than the fight side. In the people with dyslexia, the right side of the brain is much bigger. However, research has shown that dyslexia is more common in men than in women, and it is also found more often in people who are left-handed.


A.The left-handed women.

B.The left-handed men.

C.Excellent female scientists or artists.

D.Some celebrated female presidents.

听力原文:Parkinson's disease can cause a weird variety of different symptoms in different
people. The two most common are uncontrollable shaking on the one hand, or rigidity on the other. Balance problems are also frequent. The stranger symptoms can include difficulty going through doorways and deciding what to eat for dinner.

Which of the following statements is true of the Parkinson's disease?

A.Parkinson's always shows the same symptoms on different people,

B.People inflicted with Parkinson's often have a shaking hand or a stiff hand

C.The symptoms of Parkinson's vary among different patients.

D.Victims of Parkinson's find it difficult to recall what they have eaten for dinner.

听力原文:Most people think of astronomers as people who spend their time in cold observato

听力原文: Most people think of astronomers as people who spend their time in cold observatories peering through telescope every night. In fact, a typical, astronomer spends most of his or her time analyzing data and may only be at the telescope a few weeks of the year. Some astronomers work on purely theoretical problems and never use a telescope at all. You night not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a lightsensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then, the image cam he developed, enlarged and published so that many people can study it. Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way objects can be photographed that are a hundred times tm faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.


A.They devote a lot of time to theoretical problems.

B.They spend most of their time looking through telescopes.

C.They are constantly analyzing data.

D.They often live near observatories.

听力原文:W: Hi, Tom.M: Judy, I haven't seen you in weeks. Where have you been?W: In Florid

听力原文:W: Hi, Tom.

M: Judy, I haven't seen you in weeks. Where have you been?

W: In Florida.

M: What, vacationing while the rest of us have been studying on campus in the February cold.

W: Not exactly, I spent most of my time underwater.

M: I don't understand.

W: I was on a special field trip. I went with my marine biology class.

M: So you went diving. What were you looking for, sunken treasure?

W: You might say that. The sea is full of treasures, all kinds of strange fascinating organisms. Our class concentrated on studying plankton.

M: I thought plankton was too small to be seen.

W: That's a common misconception. The term Plankton covers a wide variety of freely floating plants and animals from microscopic one-celled organisms to large ones such as the common jellyfish.

M: Jellyfish may be large enough to be seen, but they are transparent, aren't they?

W: Yes, most plankton have transparent tissues as a protective cover-up. It makes them practically invisible to predators.

M: But not invisible to your biology class, I hype.

W: By concentrating, I was able to see the outlines of lots of different plankton, plants and animals. In fact, our professor even took photographs of small oceanic snails.

M: That sounds like an interesting trip. But I think if I'd been in Florida in February, I'd much rather spend my time just swimming and lying in the sun.

How did Judy spend most of her time in Florida?



B.Taking photographs.

C.Enjoying sunshine.


听力原文:To extinguish different kinds of fires, several types of fire extinguishers have

听力原文: To extinguish different kinds of fires, several types of fire extinguishers have been invented. They must be ready for immediate use when fire breaks out. Most portable kinds operate for less than a minute, so they are useful only on small fires. The law requires ships, trains, buses and planes to carry extinguishers.

Since fuel, oxygen and heat must be present in order for fire to exist, one or more of these things must be removed or reduced to extinguish a fire. If the heat is reduced by cooling the material below a certain temperature, the fire goes out. The cooling method is the most common way to put out a fire. Water is the best cooling material because it is low in cost and easy to get.

Another method of extinguishing fire is by cutting off the oxygen. This is usually done by covering the fire with sand, steam or some other things. A blanket may be used to cover a small fire.

A third method is called separation, which includes removing the fuel, or material easy to burn, from a fire, so that it can find no fuel.

The method that is used to put out a fire depends upon the type of fire. Fires have been grouped in three classes. Fires in wood, paper, cloth and the like are called Class A fires. These materials usually help keep the fire on. Such fires can be stopped most readily by cooling with water.


A.Separating the fire.

B.Reducing the heat.

C.Removing the fuel

D.Cutting off the oxygen.

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