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In India you will be advised against using the left hand for passing food at table because


A.it is considered dirty

B.it symbolizes something unlucky

C.it is supposed to be used for shaking hands with a friend

D.it signifies disagreement

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更多“In India you will be advised a…”相关的问题
Which books most probably talk about peoples of the places you are going to visit?A.Lonely

Which books most probably talk about peoples of the places you are going to visit?

A.Lonely Planet: Healthy Travel: Asia & India & 1,000 Places to See Before You Die.

B.Lonely Planet: Healthy Travel: Asia & India & Spain.

C.Unforgettable Journeys to Take Before Yon Die & Lonely Planet: Healthy Tratvel: Asia & India.

D.Unforgettable Places to See Before You Die & 1,000 Places to See Before You Die.

听力原文:MB What a fantastic rug, Karen. Did you buy it while you were traveling in India
with your parents last year?

WA No, I made it myself.

MB You made it yourself? That's incredible! How did you find the time to do something like that?

WA Well, you know what they say—you make time for things you enjoy. I took a rug-making class a couple of years ago, but it wasn't until I was in India and went to a rug market that I decided to finally make my own. So you're partially right — India is connected to this rug, but I didn't buy it there—just the materials I needed to make it.

What did the man assume about the rug?

A.That it was new

B.That the woman bought it

C.That it was a gift from the woman's parents

D.That the woman had owned it for a long time

听力原文:Learning the language of a country isn't enough. If you want to find out about th

听力原文: Learning the language of a country isn't enough. If you want to find out about the manners of your foreign friends, you will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own.

A visitor to India must remember that it is not polite for people to use the left hand for passing food at table. The left hand is for washing yourself. Also in India, you might see a man obviously shaking his head at another to show that he is disagreeing. But in many parts of India a rotating movement of the head is to show agreement. In Bulgaria you shake your head to show "yes" and nod your head to show "no".

In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs while sitting and talking to someone, even at an important meeting. But doing this will cause anger in Thailand. Also touching the head of an elderly person in Thailand is very impolite.

Knowing about manners is useful when you are traveling, but you also need to know the language used to express the manners.


A.It is important to master a foreign language.

B.Crossing one's leg is impolite manner.

C.It is important to master the language of a country as well as the manners there.

D.Touching the head of an elderly person in Thailand is very polite.

Which of the following is NOT true?A.In Bulgaria you will never get what you want if you n

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.In Bulgaria you will never get what you want if you nod when offered something.

B.In India people deliver a positive signal by shaking the head.

C.In some Arab countries, to drain your cup immediately is a way to decline any more drink.

D.In some parts of the world using the left hand for passing food is banned.

听力原文:A: I'm going to India next month. Is there any advice you would like to give me o
n my first trip?

B: Well, see as much as you can, because this country has a very different culture from ours.

The man advised the woman to______.

A.find her way around.

B.enjoy herself thoroughly.

C.remember her culture.

D.see the differences.

听力原文:W: Dr. Eric, you were a political journalist in America and I was told that you'v
e chosen to live here, a mountain village like this in the Himalayan Community. Could you tell me why you came to India and settled down here?

M: Yes, certainly. I came to India a year ago to have a better understanding of the country. After I arrived, I had to find a place where I could live and write. After some months I settled down happily in this village because it is a little cooler.

W: Is the experience in this country so important to you that you came all the way from the United States?

M: Well, that's also the question that the villagers ask me. Why do I isolate myself from the outside world in this remote village, like a retired old man? I am no longer working as a political journalist because my ideas have changed. I've come to believe that what is happening in the Third World is more important than anything else. I want to understand how three quarters of the world's people live, and how their future might affect the rest of the world.

W: I must say I find your view on this issue very convincing. I'm sure when you go back to your own country you'll find your stay here very rewarding.

When did Dr. Eric arrive in India?

A.Several weeks ago.

B.Several months ago.

C.A year ago.

D.Two years ago.

听力原文:F: What are SCA's business plans in India?M: We are going to launch two categorie

听力原文:F: What are SCA's business plans in India?

M: We are going to launch two categories from the SCA company. We are launching Turk, our away-from-home' (AFH) tissues soon. The AFH market comprises hotels, restaurants, caterers, hospitals and commercial health care centres. Tens, our incontinence care (adult diapers) brand will be launched in the next quarter.

F: As far as tissues are concerned, the Indian market is still in the nascent stage, how do you see your business growing?

M: We see that the economy is growing very fast. That means that the tissue market in India will be upgraded, that will also upgrade the hygiene level. F: What is the per capita consumption of tissues in India and what is it in US and Europe?

M: The consumption per capita, in India, is a fraction of what you see in Europe or the States. In the US, total per capita annual tissue consumption is 27 kg per person. In Sweden, it is 22 kg per person. In Germany, it is 15 kg per person. But in India, it is only 1.5 kg per person. Even China has a per capita consumption of 2.5kg per person!

F: So how important is India in the company's scheme of business?

M: We strongly believe in this area and it is in this area where we can see the biggest scope at the moment for this kind of product. That is why we have started our brand shop here in Mumbai and also newly opened an office in Shanghai in China, to take care of the entire Asia-Pacific region.

F: Why the foray into India now: why not five years ago or two years ago?

M: We believe, after looking at a long third-party survey done during the last 10 years, that this would be the right time to come into India, owing to the fact that the economy here is moving very fast at the moment. Also, positively for the product categories which we are launching, it is right time as attitudes towards hygiene products are changing.

F: What is the size of the Indian tissue market in value and volume?

M: For the AFH market, in terms of value, it is$16,000,000 and the approx volume is 24,000 tonnes.

F: Who are your closest competitors?

M: In India too, as it is globally, our closest competitor is Kimberly Clark. Then, of course, there are quite a few local companies in India.

F: As we understand, SEA would be importing and marketing the products in India. From which locations will tissues be imported to India and how will the logistics work?

M: The tissues would be imported from various locations in Europe. The logistics are simple; it will be container loads from Europe direct to India.

F: What market share does SCA hope to capture in the first year and over a period of five years?

M: As much as possible. We believe that we should be able to grab a substantial part of the market, of course. We are the market leader in Europe and number three in the world. We will target the number one or two position in India as well, but not in the first year. It will be a long-term effort.

?You will hear part of an interview between the commercial director of a paper company called SCA and Shubha Madhukar, the interviewer.

?For each question 23—30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer.

?You will hear the recording twice.

What are the two categories the SCA company is going to launch?

A.Tork and our 'away-from-home' tissues.

B.Tork and Tens.

C.Tena and our incontinence care.

听力原文:W: Dr. Smith, you were a political journalist in America and I was told that you'
ve chosen to live there, a mountain village like this in the Himalayan Community. Could you please tell me why you came to India and set fled down here?

M: Yes, of course. I came to India a year ago to have a better understanding of the country. After I arrived, I had to find a place where I could live and write. Of course there were many places for me to choose. But after some months I settled down happily in this village because I like the countryside better and it is a little cooler than those in the plains.

W: Have you ever thought of a typical village as a better choice?

M: Yes, I have. Yet no such thing exists. In fact I wasted a lot of time looking for the typical village. Conditions vary too widely. But the villages I stayed in had much in common--poverty, dirt, and ignorance.

W: But in spite of all this, you still feel very happy. Is the experience in this country so important to you that you came all the way from the United States?

M: Well, that's also the question that the villages ask me. They think that I'm crazy to give up my comfortable life in the United States and isolate myself from the outside world in this remote village, like a retired old man. Why have I come? I've put aside my work as a political journalist because my ideas have changed. I've come to believe that what is happening in the Third World is more important than anything else. But to understand how throe-quarters of the world's people live, and how their future might affect the rest of the world, I feel that I first have to try and share their way of life.

W: I must say I find your view on this issue very convincing. I'm sure when you go back to your own country you'll find your stay here very rewarding.

When did Dr. Smith arrive in India?

A.Several weeks ago.

B.Several months ago.

C.a year ago.

D.Two year ago.

听力原文:M: How did you do on the exam?W: I passed, but I didn' t do too well. The essay q

听力原文:M: How did you do on the exam?

W: I passed, but I didn' t do too well. The essay question was the worst part for me. How about you?

M: I did all fight on everything except the essay question, too. I wasn't really prepared to write about the election system in India. We studied the political system of India for only a few days. I didn't think it would be on the test.

W: Me either. I thought for sure he would ask us something about the arts customs in India or maybe the festivals in India. I studied most of the areas on India and didn't spend much time on the political system. Do you know how much the exam counts towards our final grade?

M: I think it's 30 percent.

W: Thirty percent! Oh no, I'm in deep trouble this time! That means I'll have to get A's on everything else to get a decent grade.

M: That may not be too hard. We' ve already gone through most of the readings the class is supposed to cover. After next week it will just be review. But then there is the final paper, of course.

W: Yes. I was hoping to do well on this test so I could relax when writing my paper, but now it looks like I'll have to spend more time preparing to write that paper.

M: Well, I will too. Hey, I' m kind of hungry. I think I'll go get .some lunch. Do you feel like joining me?

W: I'd love to, but I have to go home and study. I'll call you later.

M: OK, see you later.


A.A assignment.

B.A grade.

C.A class.

D.An examination.

听力原文: R: Dr. Smith, you were a political journalist in America and I was told that you
’ve chosen to live here, a mountain village like this in the Himalayan Community. Could you please tell me why you came to India and settled down here?

S: Yes, of course. I came to India a year ago to have a better understanding of the country. After I arrived, I had to find a place where I could live and write. Of course there Were many places for me to choose. But after some months I settled down happily in this village because I like the countryside better and it is a little cooler than those in the plains.

R: Have you ever thought of a typical village as a better choice?

S: Yes, I have. Yet no such thing exists. In fact I wasted a lot of time looking for the typical village. Conditions vary too widely. But the villages I stayed in had much in common--poverty, dirt, and ignorance.

R: But in spite of all this, you still feel very happy. Is the experience in this country so important to you that you came all the way from the United States?

S: Well, that’s also the question that the villagers ask me. They think that I’m crazy to give up my comfortable life in the United States and isolate myself from the outside world in this remote village, like a retired old man. Why have I come? I've put aside my work as a political journalist because my ideas have changed. I've come to believe that what is happening in the Third World is more important than anything else. But to understand how three-quarters of the world's people live, and how their future might affect the rest of the world, I feel that I first have to try and share their way of life.

R: I must say I find your view on this issue very convincing. I'm sure when you go back to your own country you'll find you stay here very rewarding.

What’s Dr. Smith’s primary purpose of coming to India?

A.Want to have a trip after retirement.

B.To see an old friend.

C.India is cooler than the city he once lived in.

D.Want to have a better understanding of the country.

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