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Most consumers found it impossible to ______ bottled water from tap water during the exper

imental taste tests.





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Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge (大杂烩) of environmental claim

Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge (大杂烩) of environmental claims made by household products, according to a "green labeling" study published by Consumers International Friday.

Among the report's more outrageous (令人无法容忍的) findings-a German fertilizer described itself as "earthworm friendly" a brand of flour said it was "non-polluting" and a British toilet paper claimed to be "environmentally friendlier" The study was written and researched by Britain's National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission.

"While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy," said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.

The 10-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain. Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.

The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent (洗涤剂) insect sprays and by some garden products. It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September,1999.

Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.

"Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing ," said report researcher Philip Page.

"Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list with 73 .The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading ." he said.

The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "non-polluting' cannot be verified. "what we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the IS0 ." said Page.

According to the passage, the NCC found it outrageous that ______.

A.all the products surveyed claim to meet ISO standards

B.the claims made by products are often unclear or deceiving

C.consumers would believe many of the manufactures' claim

D.few products actually prove to be environment friendly

听力原文:Consumers are being confused and misled by the huge amount of environmental claim

听力原文: Consumers are being confused and misled by the huge amount of environmental claims made by household products, according to a "green labeling" study published by Consumers International on Friday.

The study was written and researched by Britain's National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumers International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission.

"While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy," said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.

The 10-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.

The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergents, insect sprays and some garden products. It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September 1999.

The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "non-polluting" cannot be verified.


A.Consumers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy.

B.Consumers are being confused and misled by the huge amount of environmental claims of household products.

C.Consumers protest that many household products make false environmental claims.

D.Governments should take measures to test the environmental claims made by products.

Low-carbon Future:We Can Afford to Go GreenTackling climate change will cost consumers the

Low-carbon Future:We Can Afford to Go Green

Tackling climate change will cost consumers the earth.Those who campaign for a green revolution are out to destroy our western lifestyles.Such are the cries of opponents of emissions cuts,and their message has political impact:a number of surveys have found that the enthusiasm of voters for policies to reduce climate change falls off as the price tag increases.

However,a new modelling(模型化)exercise suggests that these fears are largely unfounded.It projects that radical cuts to the UK's emissions will cause barely noticeable increases in the price of food,drink and most other goods by 2050.Electricity and petrol costs will rise significantly,but with the right policies in place,say the modellers,this need not lead to big changes in our lifestyle.

"these results show that the global project to fight climate change is feasible,"says Alex Bowen,a climate policy expert at the London School of Economics."It's not such a big ask as people are making out."

Although it is impossible to precisely predict prices four decades from now.the exercise is one of the most detailed examinations yet of the impact of climate change policies on UK consumers.It provides a useful rough guide to our economic future.

Though its results speak directly to the UK consumer,previous research has come to similar conclusions for the US.In June,one study found that if the US were to cut emissions by 50 per cent by 2050,prices of most consumer goods would increase by less than 5 per cent.The findings are also consistent with analyses by the Pew Center on Global Climate Change in Washington DC."Even cutting emissions by 80 per cent over four decades has a very small effect on consumers in most areas,”says Manik Roy of the Pew Center."The challenge is now to convince consumers and policy-makers that this is the case."

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommends that wealthy nations cut their emissions to between 80 and 95 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050 in order to avoid the worst effects of climate change.The UK government aims to reduce its contribution by 80 per cent and leaders of the other G8 nations have discussed following suit.To meet this goal,industries will have to cut down fossil fuel consumption,and low-carbon power sources will have to massively expand. Companies will have to pay increasingly higher prices for the right to emit greenhouse gases.

How will this affect the average citizen's wallet? To measure the impact of the 80 per cent target on the UK population, New Scientist approached Cambridge Econometrics, a firm known for its modelling of the European economy. The firm used historic economic data to predict the impact of emissions reductions on prices in over 40 categories of goods and services. It compared the impact of the 80 per cent cut with a baseline situation in which the government takes no action other than the limited emissions restrictions already in place as a result of the Ky-oto protocol (京都议定书).

Most of the price increases are a consequence of rising energy costs, in part because coal and gas are re-placed by more expensive low-carbon sources. The price of electricity is projected to be 15 per cent higher in 2050 compared with the baseline. In today's prices, that would add around £5 onto typical monthly household electricity bills. It will also result in higher prices elsewhere, as every industrial sector uses electricity.

But electricity and other forms of energy make up only a small part of the price of most goods. Other factors-raw materials, labour and taxes-are far more important. The energy that goes into producing food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco, for example, makes up just 2 per cent of the consumer price. For motor vehicle purchases and hotel stays, the figure is 1 per cent. Only for energy-intensive industries does the

A.Economic recession is widely spread.

B.Western lifestyles are destroyed.

C.The cost of a green revolution rises.

D.The environment is improved.

Shopping has become a private affair. Obvious consumption does not look good during a depr
ession , which explains why so many of us are accepting e-commerce. Online shopping on these shores is projected to grow from sales of £ 8.9bn to around £ 21. 3bn by the end of 2,011.

Often people proclaim they've accepted e-commerce because it's "green". This is understandable. If many shopping bags in a depression looks bad, bricks and mortar retail — huge out-of-town shopping centres, retail shopping center that insist on leaving their doors open even in winter and grocery stores full of the most inefficient freezers — look terrible during an ecological emergency.

Should we buy the idea that e-commerce is any better? Several studies have tried to answer this with cold, hard data.

A 2,000 study on Webvan, a now disappearing US online grocer, concluded that a wider adoption of e-commerce would not give us environmental gains, while a 2,002 study of US book retailing found no greater energy savings selling online. But the study that all etailers are talking a-bout is a new one from Carnegie Mellon University, which has found that shopping online via Buy. corn's e-commerce model for electronic products uses 35 percent less energy consumption and CO2 emissions than a traditional bricks model.

This is largely because it avoids the usual retail distribution model and, of course, the impact of consumers driving to a store. And, from the shopper's perspective, online buying often allows you to avoid the desire for retail.

But both models are flawed, because online or on the high street, retailers are dependent on a hydrocarbon-fuelled delivery system. Trucks deliver 4. 8m tonnes of freight each day in the UK, which works out at about 80kg per person. To make matters worse, after a truck drops off the goods it often returns empty to the depot. A 2002 study of 20,000 transportation trips found that only 2.4% of return journey legs found suitable backloads. This journey represents a large part of the impact of what we buy.

Online shopping may prove marginally more green in terms of energy saving, but we shouldn't forget progressive retail. Places such as Ludlow in Shropshire, a fairtrade town based on ethical trading ideas, where the independent high street has been hard won. It brings consumers face to face with products with shortened supply chain and with values. This is a wiser and wider retail experience; anything else could leave you feeling short change.

The main idea of the first paragraph is

A.The economy remains depression.

B.More and more people like to choose online shopping.

C.Shopping center are growing.

D.Online shopping is cheaper than shopping center.

The issue of online privacy in the Internet age found new urgency following the Sept. 11 t
errorist attacks, sparking debate over striking the correct balance between protecting civil liberties and attempting to prevent another tragic terrorist act. While preventing terrorism certainly is of paramount importance, privacy rights should not be deemed irrelevant.

In response to the attacks, Congress quickly passed legislation that included provisions expanding rights of investigators to intercept wire, oral and electronic communications of alleged hackers and terrorists. Civil liberties groups expressed concerns over the provisions and urged caution in ensuring that efforts to protect our nation do not result in broad government authority to erode privacy rights of U. S. citizens. Nevertheless, causing further concern to civil liberties groups, the Department of Justice proposed exceptions to the attorney-client privilege. On Oct. 30, Attorney General John Ashcroft approved an interim agency rule that would permit federal prison authorities to monitor wire and electronic communications between lawyers and their clients in federal custody, including those who have been detained but not charged with any crime, whenever surveillance is deemed necessary to prevent violence or terrorism.

In light of this broadening effort to reach into communications that were previously believed to be "off-limits" , the issue of online privacy is now an even more pressing concern. Congress has taken some legislative steps toward ensuring online privacy, including the Children' s Online Privacy Protection Act, and provided privacy protections for certain sectors through legislation such as the Financial Services Modernization Act. The legislation passed to date does not, however, provide a statutory scheme for protecting general online consumer privacy. Lacking definitive federal law, some states passed their own measures. But much of this legislation is incomplete or not enforced. Moreover, it becomes unworkable when states create different privacy standards; the Internet does not know geographic boundaries, and companies and individuals cannot be expected to comply with differing, and at times conflicting, privacy rules.

An analysis earlier this year of 751 U. S. and international Web sites conducted by Consumers International found that most sites collect personal information but fail to tell consumers how that data will be used, how security is maintained and what rights consumers have over their own information.

At a minimum, Congress should pass legislation requiring Web sites to display privacy policies prominently, inform. consumers of the methods employed to collect client data, allow customers to opt out of such data collection, and provide customer access to their own data that has already been collected. Although various Internet privacy bills were introduced in the 107th Congress, the focus shifted to expanding government surveillance in the wake of the terrorist attacks. Plainly, government efforts to prevent terrorism are appropriate. Exactly how these exigent circumstances change the nature of the online privacy debate is still to be seen.

Concerning the protection of privacy and increased surveillance of communication, the author seems to insist on______.

A.the prioriy of the former action

B.the execution of the latter at the expense of the former

C.tightening both policies at the same time

D.a balance between the two actions

?Read the text below about opinions on local group business.?In most of the lines 34--45 t

?Read the text below about opinions on local group business.

?In most of the lines 34--45 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.

?If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

?If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

Shop-local Group Offers Economic Impact Figures

Can If consumers in Hillsborough County can limited their spending on one Saturday

Correct to independent, locally owned businesses instead of chain stores, more than

34 $17 million would even remain in the local economy instead of being shipped to

35 outside corporations as overnight deposits. So it say representatives of the

36 Tampa Independent Business Alliance, who base their calculation on studies that

37 made by the American Independent Business Alliance. The national study found

38 that since locally owned businesses began to use goods and services of other

39 businesses in the community, a consumer's spending circulates 3 up to 31/2

40 times longer locally than if it is spent on at a chain. On Saturday, the local group

41 will be working with the national organization and more than all 25 other

42 communities across the country to broadcast the benefits coming of the

43 shop-local movement. The educational event, "American Unchained", will be

44 promoted at independent businesses such as Inkwood Books in Tampa. "We

45 want people to think about where their dollars actually end up to, " said Carla

Jimenez, co-owner of Inkwood and president of Tampa Independent Business Alliance.


What are the shopping goods that are basically considered the same?A.Those that satisfy si

What are the shopping goods that are basically considered the same?

A.Those that satisfy similar needs of the consumer.

B.Those that consumers don't care where to buy.

C.Those that consumers spend much time looking for.

D.Those that can be found everywhere.

Text 4Shopping has become a private affair. Obvious consumption does not look good during

Text 4

Shopping has become a private affair. Obvious consumption does not look good during a depression, which explains why so many of us are accepting e-commerce. Online shopping on these shores is projected to grow from sales of£ 8.9bn to around£ 21. 3bn by the end of 2,011.

Often people proclaim they've accepted e-commerce because it's "green". This is understandable. If many shopping bags in a depression looks bad, bricks and mortar retail - huge out-of-town

shopping centres, retail shopping center that insist on leaving their doors open even in winter and grocery stores full of the most inefficient freezers - look terrible during an ecological emergency.

Should we buy the idea that e-commerce is any better? Several studies have tried to answer this

with cold, hard data.

A 2,000 study on Webvan , a now disappearing US online grocer, concluded that a wider a-

doption of e-commerce would not give us environmental gains, while a 2 ,002 study of US book retailing found no greater energy savings selling online. But the study that all e-tailers are talking about is a new one from Carnegie Mellon University, which has found that shopping online via Buy. com's e-commerce model for electronic products uses 35 percent less energy consumption and C02 emissions than a traditional bricks model.

This is largely because it avoids the usual retail distribution model and, of course, the impact of consumers driving to a store. And, from the shopper's perspective, online buying often allows you to avoid the desire for retail.

But both models are flawed, because online or on the high street, retailers are dependent on a hydrocarbon-fuelled delivery system. Trucks deliver 4. 8m tonnes of freight each day in the UK, which works out at about 80kg per person. To make matters worse, after a truck drops off the goods it often returns empty to the depot. A 2002 study of 20,000 transportation trips found that only 2.4% of return journey legs found suitable backloads. This journey represents a large part of the impact of what we buy.

Online shopping may prove marginally more green in terms of energy saving, but we shouldn't

forget progressive retail. Places such as Ludlow in Shropshire, a fairtrade town based on ethical

trading ideas, where the independent high street has been hard won. It brings consumers face to

face with products with shortened supply chain and with values. This is a wiser and wider retail ex- perience; anything else could leave you feeling short change.

56. The main idea of the first paragraph is________

[A] The economy remains depression.

[B] More and more people like to choose online shopping.

[ C] Shopping center are growing.

[D] Online shopping is cheaper than shopping center.

"The issue of online privacy in the Interact age found new urgency following the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks, sparking debate over striking the correct balance between protecting civil liberties and attempting to prevent another tragic terrorist act. While preventing terrorism certainly is of paramount importance, privacy rights should not be deemed irrelevant.

In response to the attacks, Congress quickly passed legislation that included provisions expanding fights of investigators to intercept wire, oral and electronic communications of alleged hackers and terrorists. Civil liberties groups expressed concerns over the provisions and urged caution in ensuring that efforts to protect our nation do not result in broad government authority to erode privacy rights of U. S. citizens. Nevertheless, causing further concern to civil liberties groups, the Department of Justice proposed exceptions to the attorney-client privilege. On Oct. 30, Attorney General John Ashcroft approved an interim agency rule that would permit federal prison authorities to monitor wire and electronic communications between lawyers and their clients in federal custody, including those who have been detained but not charged with any crime, whenever surveillance is deemed necessary to prevent violence or terrorism.

In light of this broadening effort to reach into communications that were previously believed to be "off-limits", the issue of online privacy is now an even more pressing concern. Congress has taken some legislative steps toward ensuring online privacy, including the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, and provided privacy protections for certain sectors through legislation such as the Financial Services Modernization Act. The legislation passed to date does not, however, provide a statutory scheme for protecting general online consumer privacy. Lacking definitive federal law, some states passed their own measures. But much of this legislation is incomplete or not enforced. Moreover, it becomes unworkable when states create different privacy standards; the Internet does not know geographic boundaries, and companies and individuals cannot be expected to comply with differing, and at times conflicting, privacy roles.

An analysis earlier this year of 751 U.S. and international Web sites conducted by Consumers International found that most sites collect personal information but fall to tell consumers how that data will be used, how security is maintained and what rights consumers have over their own information.

At a minimum, Congress should pass legislation requiring Web sites to display privacy policies prominently, inform. consumers of the methods employed to collect client data, allow customers to opt out of such data collection, and provide customer access to their own data that has already been collected. Although various Internet privacy bills were introduced in the 107th Congress, the focus shifted to expanding government surveillance in the wake of the terrorist attacks. Plainly, government efforts to prevent terrorism are appropriate. Exactly how these exigent circumstances change the nature of the online privacy debate is still to be seen.

Concerning the protection of privacy and increased surveillance of communication, the author seems to insist on ______.

A.the priority of the former action

B.the execution of the latter at the expense of the former

C.tightening both policies at the same time

D.a balance between the two actions

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