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听力原文:M: Could we have the bill, please?F: Of course. Here you are.M: Thanks. ...(Gulp)

听力原文:M: Could we have the bill, please?

F: Of course. Here you are.

M: Thanks. ... (Gulp) Oh, well, money is no object when it comes to birthdays!

F: I agree-birthdays should be special.

M: I'm glad you said that. Have I mentioned that it's my birthday next week?

Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.At a birthday party.

C.At home.

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更多“听力原文:M: Could we have the bill…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: How is Helen's experiment coming along?M: I'm not sure. Why don't we go to hav

听力原文:W: How is Helen's experiment coming along?

M: I'm not sure. Why don't we go to have a look?

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He doesn't expect to meet her at the seashore.

B.He wants to know when she's coming.

C.He wants to see how her experiment is progressing.

D.He isn't interested in watching her.

听力原文:M: What shall we do tonight?W: How about the cinema?M: That’s a good idea. We hav

听力原文:M: What shall we do tonight?

W: How about the cinema?

M: That’s a good idea. We haven' t been there for ages.

W: What would you like to see?

M: Oh, I don't know. Spy Story?

W: Spy Story? That terrible, old film?

M: But it's got the prize in 1988.

W: But I've seen it before.

M: Well, we can first go to the cinema and then see what film we enjoy.

W: OK.

What are they talking about?

A.About the plan for tonight.

B.About a terrible old film.

C.About whether they will go to the cinema.

听力原文:M: What shall we do tonight?W: How about the cinema?M: That's a good idea. We hav

听力原文:M: What shall we do tonight?

W: How about the cinema?

M: That's a good idea. We haven't been there for ages.

W: What would you like to see?

M: Oh, I don't know. Spy Story?

W: Spy Story? That terrible, old film?

M: But it got the prize in 1988.

W: But I've seen it before.

M: WeI1, we can first go to the cinema and then see what film we can enjoy.

W: OK.

What are they talking about?

A.About the plan for tonight.

B.About a terrible old film.

C.About whether they will go to the cinema.

听力原文:M: The violin sounds awful.W: I know. I wish we could get a refund. This performa

听力原文:M: The violin sounds awful.

W: I know. I wish we could get a refund. This performance is the worst I've ever been to.

Q: Where are these people talking?


A.They are at a violin shop.

B.They are at a circus.

C.They are at a concert.

D.They are inside a movie theatre.

听力原文:M: Hello, I wonder if we could change the time for volleyball to Sunday?W: Is tha

听力原文:M: Hello, I wonder if we could change the time for volleyball to Sunday?

W: Is that the only time you can make it?

Q: What can be inferred about the woman?


A.She can only make it on Sunday;

B.She doesn't like volleyball.

C.She can't make it on Sunday.

D.She will try to make it on Sunday.

听力原文:M: Have you a table near the window? We'll come at six.W: Certainly, sir. Could y

听力原文:M: Have you a table near the window? We'll come at six.

W: Certainly, sir. Could you tell me how many people will be here?

Q: What is the man doing?


A.Looking for a timetable.

B.Buying some furniture.

C.Reserving a table.

D.Window shopping.

听力原文:M: Have you a table near the window? We' ll come at six.W: Certainly, sir.Could y

听力原文:M: Have you a table near the window? We' ll come at six.

W: Certainly, sir. Could you tell me how many people will be here?

Q: What is the man doing?


A.Looking for a timetable.

B.Buying some furniture.

C.Reserving a table.

D.Window shopping.

听力原文:M: Miss, could you bring me a glass of beer anti a cake, please?W: Certainly, but

听力原文:M: Miss, could you bring me a glass of beer anti a cake, please?

W: Certainly, but we have to wait until the captain has turned off the fasten-seatbelt sign.

Q: Where does the conversation most likely take place?


A.In a restaurant.

B.In a bar.

C.On a jet.

D.On an oceanliner.

听力原文:W: Didn't you like the trip to Paris?M: Oh, sure. R was fun. But we could do some

听力原文:W: Didn't you like the trip to Paris?

M: Oh, sure. R was fun. But we could do something different next year.

Q: What will the man do next year?


A.Go to Paris again.

B.Live in Paris.

C.Go somewhere else.

D.Difficult to say.

听力原文:W: I was hoping that we could see Jerry here today.M: He was planning to come, bu

听力原文:W: I was hoping that we could see Jerry here today.

M: He was planning to come, but then his wife's father fell down some stairs and they had to take him to a doctor.

Who was injured?

A.Jerry's wife.

B.Jerry's father-in-law.

C.Jerry's father.

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