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Guest: Oh, I hadn't realized how late it was. I'm afraid I'll have to be going.Host: Oh, n

ot yet. I'm just going to make some coffee.Guest: ______ , though I'd really love to stay. I've got to be up by six tomorrow morning, unfortunately. Thank you for a wonderful party.A.I'm sorry, but I mustB.Excuse me, but I have to goC.Pardon me, but I should goD.It's a pity, but no way out


A[注释] 主人诚心挽留,客人坚持要走。由于不能接受主人的好意,客人应表示歉意,故而选择A. I'm sorry,but I must比较合理。其他选项使用场合不当。

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更多“Guest: Oh, I hadn't realized h…”相关的问题
—Oh, it's you ! I _________you. —I've just had my hair cut, and I'm wearing new glasse

—Oh, it's you ! I _________you.

—I've just had my hair cut, and I'm wearing new glasses.

[A] didn't recognize

[B]hadn't recognized

[C] haven't recognized

[D]don't recognize

听力原文:M: Oh, I'm too sleepy to study.W: Well. Bob, if you hadn't watched that late movi

听力原文:M: Oh, I'm too sleepy to study.

W: Well. Bob, if you hadn't watched that late movie last night, you wouldn't have been so sleepy.

Q: What did Bob do last night?


A.He stayed up late watching a film.

B.He went to bed very early.

C.He went to a party.

D.He stayed up late studying.

听力原文:M: I kept looking for Mary at the seminar but never did see her. I can't imagine
she forgot about it. She'd been talking about it for weeks.

W: Oh she didn't. It's just that she caught a really bad cold a couple of days ago.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?


A.Mary forgot about the seminar.

B.Mary has been ill for several weeks.

C.Mary wasn't able to attend the seminar.

D.Mary hadn't planned to attend the seminar.

听力原文:Interviewer:My guest today is Douglas Turner, who recently spent a weekend climbi

听力原文:Interviewer: My guest today is Douglas Turner, who recently spent a weekend climbing a mountain in Africa. Douglas, how did this come about?

Douglas: Well, I suppose it started with seeing adverts for activity holidays in the national press week after week; it somehow got into my subconscious. Then there was one which said, 'Are you ready for the greatest physical challenge of your life? 5,000 metres. One weekend', and somewhat against my better judgement, I found myself picking up the phone straight away. You see, I simply hadn't trained for it, the nearest I'd got was a bit of hill-walking five years ago.

Interviewer: What did you think you would get out of the weekend?

Douglas: Generally when I go to things I enjoy meeting people, but in this case I was afraid the rest of the group would be a bunch of healthy types, and I wouldn't have much in common with them. And as for the physical effort of climbing the mountain, I thought I'd be lucky if I survived the weekend at all! It was more a kind of wanting to see what I was mentally capable of doing, would I get cold feet and not go at all, or go, but give up halfway up, that sort of thing.

Interviewer: But you made it to the top.

Douglas: Yes, I did. Much to my surprise, I can tell you.

Interviewer: And were you right about the other people?

Douglas: No, actually. There were a few serious walkers and climbers, but most of the participants were professional people who wanted to do something ,quite different once in a while, more or less like me, in fact. So not intimidating after all. Though I have to admit that nearly all of them were fleer than me. Actually I hadn't realised so many people did this sort of thing. It was funny, when I told a friend that I was going, she said, 'Oh, not another one. Everyone I know's going climbing this year. There's a big thing about pushing yourself to your limit at the moment, isn't there? You're welcome to it,' she said. 'You won't catch me up there.'

Interviewer: How did you all get on together?

Douglas: I suppose we were a bit suspicious of each other at first, but that soon went, and we somehow developed a really close group feeling, and nobody complained about having to wait for the slow ones, which usually included me. Or at least, if they did complain, they did it out of earshot. In fact, on the flight home we were busy exchanging cards and decided to book another weekend trip as a party-- but without a mountain in sight this time.

Interviewer: Se how did the weekend compare with your expectations?

Douglas: It was much better than I'd expected. It made me change, in subtle ways. As I'd hoped, I gained in self-knowledge, and I learnt to get on with people I couldn't escape from, but I also became much more observant, of the tiny little wild flowers, for instance, and that was quite a bonus.

Interviewer: I suppose you're going to be a regular mountain climber now.

Douglas: The pair of boots I wore, I'm keeping with the mud still on them, on my desk at work. They're a kind of trophy, to prove to myself that rve done it. But I somehow don't think I'll be using them again. I'm going to have to put them somewhere less visible, though, because it's sometimes a bit embarrassing when other people are impressed.

Interviewer: Douglas Turner, thank you very much.

Douglas: Thank you.

How did Douglas feel when he booked the weekend?

A.sure that he would enjoy training for it

B.uncertain if it was a good idea for him

C.surprised that such activities were organised

Sussex police ordered to search for a six-foot, dark-haired youth of about 20 who failed t
o mug (抢劫) a five-foot, 74-year-old grandmother. The youth rushed at Mrs West and tried to take her things and money when she was walking out of a church. The result should have been an expected conclusion. Surprisedly, however, when Mrs West grasped the mugger's wrist (手腕), he cried, "Oh, God! Oh, no! Stop!" Encouraged by these pleas (哀求), she put him in arm lock at which the mugger cried, "Oh, no! Oh! God!" and ran away. "If I hadn't been carrying my shopping I would really have put him on his back." said Mrs West who had practised judo (柔道) when younger. "When my husband was living. I used to pracise throwing him at Christmas," she explained.

Why did the youth cry when grasped by the old lady? Because he______.

A.was sorry for his failure

B.couldn't bear the pain and had to ask for mercy

C.felt angry with the old lady

D.became so excited that he couldn't help doing so

听力原文:Man: I need twelve dozen ballpoint pens. Woman: Do you want any specific color? M

听力原文:Man: I need twelve dozen ballpoint pens.

Woman: Do you want any specific color?

Man: Oh, I hadn't thought about that. Well, all right, I'll take six dozen red pens, four dozen black, and two dozen purple.

Woman: I'll have to check for the purple Hmmm, according to our inventory list we have some in the back. I'll have someone bring them out. Your total for 12 dozen pens comes to seventy-five dollars exactly, including tax.

Man: Let me see what I have in my wallet. Oh, yes, here's a one-hundred dollar bill.

How many dozen pens is the man ordering?





听力原文:M: Why don't you pay us a visit about nine tonight?W: What's the occasion?M: It's

听力原文:M: Why don't you pay us a visit about nine tonight?

W: What's the occasion?

M: It's my wife Gloria's birthday and we're having new friends over.

W: Should I bring a gift?

M: Oh, no. It's a simple get-together.

Why did the man invite the woman to his home?

A.There was a get-together.

B.It was his birthday.

C.They hadn't seen each other for long.

D.It was his wife's birthday.

A Sussex police ordered to search for a six-foot, dark-haired youth of about 20 who failed


Sussex police ordered to search for a six-foot, dark-haired youth of about 20 who failed to mug (抢劫) a five-foot, 74-year-old grandmother. The youth rushed at Mrs West and tried to take her things and money when she was walking out of a church. The result should have been an expected conclusion. Surprisedly, however, when Mrs West grasped the mugger's wrist (手腕), he cried, "Oh, God! Oh, no! Stop!" Encouraged by these pleas (哀求), she put him in arm lock at which the mugger cried, "Oh, no! Oh! God!" and ran away. "If I hadn't been carrying my shopping I would really have put him on his back." said Mrs West who had practised judo (柔道) when younger. "When my husband was living. I used to pracise throwing him at Christmas," she explained.

Why did the youth cry when grasped by the old lady? Because he______.

A. was sorry for his failure

B. couldn't bear the pain and had to ask for mercy

C. felt angry with the old lady

D. became so excited that he couldn't help doing so

听力原文:M: Conference guests are requested to confirm their hotel reservation at least 24
hours in advance to facilitate the registration process.

W: That's a relief. Please check our reservation for the 7th and 8th under the name of our director, Mr. Miller.

M: Did you say Mr. Miller? I'm sorry, but I can't seem to find a reservation under the name of Miller anywhere.

W: Oh, no! I guess my secretary must have forgotten to make reservations once again.

What is the purpose of the talk?

A.A guest list.

B.Flight reservation.

C.Business trip.

D.Confirmation tips.

听力原文:M: Hi, Phyllis. It's great to see you! Where should I put my coat?W: Welcome, Joe

听力原文:M: Hi, Phyllis. It's great to see you! Where should I put my coat?

W: Welcome, Joel. You can just throw it on the bed in the guest bedroom with all the rest. What's in the bag?

M: Oh, I brought some blocks and puzzles for the kids. They were my son's favorites when he was little.

W: You didn't have to do that. But I'm sure that they'll love them. They're always so bored when I have co-workers over. Thank you.

Where most likely are the speakers?

A.At a school.

B.At a banquet.

C.At a business meeting.

D.At a party.

听力原文:M: Hi, Christie, I brought you some tea.W: Thanks, Mark. Too bad it's not apple t

听力原文:M: Hi, Christie, I brought you some tea.

W: Thanks, Mark. Too bad it's not apple tea, like in Turkey.

M: You really liked living in Turkey, didn't you?

W: Yeah, it was great.

M: How do you like the food in Turkey, Christie?

W: Oh, the food was fantastic! But people always expected me to eat too much, and I gained a lot of weight there!

M: Yes, it's so polite to be generous. We think people aren't polite if they don't offer a lot of food.

W: I know. I also learnt that it's not polite for the guest to accept the offer of food at first.

M: Yes, that's definitely true! If you're the guest, you must refuse the first two offers of food.

W: The first time I had dinner at a Turkish home, I felt rude to refuse. So I ate all the food the host offered me.

M: Do you know how to stop the host from offering you food? You must leave some food on your plate. Then the host knows that you're full.

W: Oh, is that the trick? In the United States, we usually eat everything. You don't want the host to think that you don't like the food.

M: That is the difference.

W: Americans think it's not polite to insist. We don't want to force you to eat more if you don't want more.

Where are these two speakers from respectively?

A.The man is from the US and the woman is from Turkey.

B.The man is from Turkey and the woman is from the US.

C.Both are from the US.

D.Both are from Turkey.

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