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Some people hate everything that is modern. They cannot imagine how anyone can really like

modern music; they find it hard to accept the new fashions in clothing; they think that all modern painting is ugly; and they seldom have a good word for the new buildings that are being built everywhere in the world. Such people look for perfection in everything, and they take their standards of perfection from the past. They are usually impatient with anyone who is brave enough to experiment with new or to express himself or the age in materials original ways.

It is, of course, true that many artists do not succeed in their work and instead produce works that can only be considered as failures. If the work of art is a painting, the artist’s failure concerns himself alone, but if it is a building, his failure concerns others too, because it may damage the beauty of the whole place. This does sometimes happen, but it is completely untrue to say, as some people do, that modern architecture is nothing. We can’t judge every modern building by the standards of the ancient time, even though we admire the ancient buildings. Technologically, the modern buildings are more advanced. The modern architect knows he should learn from the ancient works, but with his greater resources of knowledge and materials, he will never be content to imitate the past. He is too proud to do that.

Technologically, the modern buildings are more advanced. The sentence means _____.

A.the ancient architects had no technology

B.the modern architects use more advanced technology

C.the modern buildings are advanced because they are completely different from the ancient buildings

D.the modern buildings are more beautiful

Some people hate everything that is modern because _______.A.they are aged

B.they find it hard to accept modern things

C.they take their standards of perfection from the Greek

D.they look at things by the standards of the past

The writer thinks the failure of a building _______.A.means nothing

B.concerns others

C.concerns only the artist

D.concerns all the people in the world

The writer of the passage thinks that ________.A.it is true to say artists fail in their work

B.it is untrue to say artists fail in their work

C.it is true to say some artists fail in their work

D.it is true to say only painters fail in their work

The writer thinks that _________.A.we can’t judge buildings by the ancient standards

B.we can’t judge all the buildings by the ancient standards

C.we can’t judge all the modern buildings by the ancient standards

D.we can’t judge modern buildings


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更多“Some people hate everything th…”相关的问题
Which of the following is TRUE?A.Anxiety is caused by some certain reason instead of multi

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Anxiety is caused by some certain reason instead of multiple reasons.

B.Anxiety makes you hate your job and unwilling to do your work.

C.The more long-lasting the anxiety is, the more symptoms people suffer from.

D.Many symptoms will come along with a single anxiety at one time.

Which statement is not true?A.The stories of Harry Potter are criticized in some other cit

Which statement is not true?

A.The stories of Harry Potter are criticized in some other cities in U.S except New Mexicon

B.Young people are fascinated with Harry Potter

C.Christian churches hate Harry Potter

D.Pastor Jack Brock planned to burn the Harry Potter books on Sunday

听力原文:While women make up half the 325 million people in the Middle East and North Afri
ca, and in some countries as many as 63 percent of university students, they comprise only 32 percent of the labor force, according to a World Bank report released on the eve of its annual meeting with the International Monetary Fund.

Out of the 325 million laborers in the Middle East and North Africa, 63 percent are women and 32 percent university students.



It is acceptable to some people that women fill in the position such as nurses, and clerks
and secretaries because______.

A.men hate to do these jobs

B.the ideology Prevents men from performing these tasks

C.women are not capable of doing jobs other than these.

D.these jobs are generally the extension of women's domestic tasks.

听力原文: Is it true that you will feel very excited and happy when you go to live in a ne
w country? And will your life in this new country always be wonderful and exciting? Some specialists say that it is not easy to adjust to life in a new culture.

They call the feelings which people experience when they come to a new environment "culture shock". Then, when the freshness wears off, they begin to hate the city, the country, the people, the apartment, and everything else in the new culture. In the final stage of culture shock, the newcomers begin to adjust to their surroundings and, as a result, enjoy their life more.

Who experiences culture shock? Everyone does in some form. or another. But culture shock comes as a surprise to most people. A lot of times, people with the worst culture shock are the people who never had any difficulties in their own countries. They were active and successful in their community. They had hobbies that they enjoyed. When they come to a new country, they do not have the same established positions or hobbies. They find themselves without a role, almost without an identity. They have to build a new self-image.


A.He feels funny.

B.He feels angry.

C.He feels excited.

D.He feels sad.

听力原文:(29)Is it true that you will feel very excited and happy when you go to live in a

听力原文: (29)Is it true that you will feel very excited and happy when you go to live in a new country? And will your life in this new country always be wonderful and exalting? Some specialists say that it is not easy to adjust to life in a new culture.

They call the feelings which people experience when they come to a new environment "culture shock". Then, when the freshness wears off, they begin to hate the city, the country, the people, the apartment, and everything else in the new culture. (30)In the final stage of culture shock, the newcomers begin to adjust to their surroundings and, as a result, enjoy their life more.

Who experiences culture shock? Everyone does in some form. or another. But culture shock comes as a surprise to most people. A tot of times, (31)people with the worst culture shock are the people who never had any difficulties in their own countries. They were active and successful in their community. They had hobbies that they enjoyed. When they come to a new country, they do not have the same established positions or hobbies. They find themselves without a role, almost without an identity. They have to build a new self-image.


A.He feels funny.

B.He feels angry.

C.He feels excited.

D.He feels sad.

Music is an important way of expressing people's feelings and emotions.The【C1】______, for

Music is an important way of expressing people's feelings and emotions. The【C1】______, for instance, from 1960 to 1969 will be【C2】______by many people as a period of social and political unrest in America.【C3】______this time, many people despaired【C4】______the music favored by the American teenagers.【C5】______, we must now admit that the music they loved was【C6】______a sign of the period and a【C7】______of the tensions and changes that were【C8】______American society. In the early sixties,【C9】______about social justice and equality were【C10】______by the song "Blowing in the Wind" which【C11】______the civil rights song "We Shall Overcome". The conflict concerning military【C12】______in Vietnam was sung about in 1965 in the【C13】______song "Eve of Destruction" and in the song "Ballad of the Green Beret". A few years【C14】______, a gradual shift in mood became【C15】______in one of the most popular songs which suggested calmer questions and possible answers even as some pop stars protested loudly【C16】______the draft. Finally, music as a【C17】______of the political and social process in America was highlighted at Woodstock, New York, where half of a million young people came【C18】______in 1969 to spend three days listening to songs that spanned the decade. This event was a symbol of the desire for【C19】______within a time of unrest. Woodstock was a【C20】______of hope in days of rage.






Part BDirections :Read the texts from a magazine article which describes the celebration,

Part B

Directions :

Read the texts from a magazine article which describes the celebration, of the New Year in, five

places. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each place (61 t0 65) to one of the statements(A toG)given, below. Mark your answers on ANSWERSHEET 1.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh is the home of Hogmanay , a grandly exciting four-day celebration that welcomes the New Year with fire, music, parades and then some more fire. The party starts on Dec.29 with a 15, OOO-strong song-filled candlelight procession and fire festival through Edinburgh and ends with the symbolic burning of a Viking ship. Days of parades, concerts, dog races and fireworks fol-low.

Reykjavik, Iceland

On New Year's Eve, Icelanders in Reykjavik gather around dozens of massive fires in the open to sing traditional folk songs accompanied, according to local legend by imaginary human-like creatures in folk tales. At midnight the city explodes in a massive fireworks display. The dancing and partying that follow last until the sun comes up, which in Iceland is at about lunchtime on Jan. 1.

Kahuitara Point, Chatham Islands

If you want to experience New Year with the early birds, the South Pole is the place to be. On any Jan. 1, the sun sits above the horizon the whole day across most of the South Pole. For a slight-ly more comfortable holiday vacation, head to the Chatham Islands. Kahuitara Point on Pitt Island in this Pacific Ocean chain is the first populated place on the planet to see the sun rise.

Bangkok, Thailand

In Thailand you have three chances to ring in the New Year. On Dec. 31, Western New Year's Eve is celebrated with parties, concerts and fireworks. A few weeks later, the country stages mas-

sive celebrations in honor of Chinese New Year. Finally, on April 13, Thailand celebrates the first

day of the traditional Thai calendar with Songkran, a three-day festival marked by parades, feasts

and water-throwing.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

New Year's Eve is one of Rio de Janeiro's most important holidays. Expensive beachfront cele-

brations unfold along Copacabana, attracting some 2 million participants. Liye music ranging from samba to rock explodes along 'the beach. New Year's Eve is also a day to honor the goddess of sea with conventional offerings packed in small wooden boats. Tradition holds that if the goddess is pleased with a boat's offering, she will carry the boat out to sea and give the bearer blessings. If not, it's a great party.

Now match the name of each place(61 to 65)to the appropriate statement.

Note : there are two extra statements.


[A] New Year's celebrations will go on four days on end

[B] People here are the first to greet the New Year's sun.

[C] Concerts are held on New Year's Eve for celebra-tion

[D] A midnight fireworks display is an important part of the celebration.

[E] People send New Year's greeting cards and gifts to each other.

[F] People spend New Year's Eve on the beach singing and dancing.

[G] New Year is celebrated three times according to different calendars.

61. Edinburgh, Scotland

Music is an important way of expressing people's feelings and emotions. The【C1】______, for
instance, from 1960 to 1969 will be【C2】______by many as a period of social and political un- rest in America.【C3】______this time, many people despaired【C4】______the music favored by the American teenagers.【C5】______,we must now admit that the music they loved was【C6】______a sign of the period and a【C7】______of the tensions and changes that were【C8】______American society. In the early sixties,【C9】______about social justice and equality were【C10】______by the song "Blowing in the Wind" which【C11】______the civil rights song "We Shall Overcome". The conflict concerning military【C12】______in Vietnam was sung about in 1965 in the【C13】______song "Eve of Destruction" and in the song "Ballad of the Green Beret". A few years【C14】______,a gradual shift in mood became【C15】______in one of the most popular songs which suggested calmer questions and possible answers even as some pop stars protested loudly【C16】______the draft. Finally, music as a【C17】______of the political and social process in America was highlighted at Wood-stock, New York, where half a million young people came【C18】______in 1969 to spend three days listening to songs that spanned the decade. This event was a symbol of the desire for【C19】______within a time of unrest. Woodstock was a【C20】______of hope in days of rage.






E-tiquette!Emails - do you love them or hate them? Whatever you feel, they are here to
E-tiquette!Emails - do you love them or hate them? Whatever you feel, they are here to


Emails - do you love them or hate them? Whatever you feel, they are here to stay.Here are some tips and ideas 1 improving your email writing.

First, starting with a greeting and ending with a closure may seem old-fashioned, but it avoids 2 people by appearing rude.It needn’t be Dear Sir or Madam, and Yours faithfully, but just say Hi or Hello or Dear (and a first name), then close 3 Regards (for more formal contacts) and Cheers or Bye for friends.In offices and with people you know well and email frequently, you can just begin 4 their first name.

Getting emails that are not directly relevant 5 you is very irritating.Having wide mailing group lists doesn’t necessarily keep people 6.It is estimated 7 40% of all emails are deleted immediately because they have an irrelevant or frivolous subject-line.Try to organise your mailing groups accurately and keep 8 your mailing lists regularly.If you don’t do this, your messages may not 9 to the people you want to send them to because they delete them automatically without reading them.If your contact 10 irrelevant emails from you, they may also delete any relevant ones automatically…






B.to upset
















B.to inform


D.to be informed





8.A.to update



D.to be updating

9.A.get by

B.get over

C.get through

D.get out

10.A.is used to deleting

B.used to deleting

C.get used to delete

D.used to delete

听力原文: For good or bad, computers are now part of our daily lives. With the price of a
small home computer now being lower, experts predict that before long all schools and businesses and most families in the rich parts of the world will own a computer of some kind. Among the general public, computers arouse strong feelings--people either love them or hate them.

The computer lovers talk about how useful computers can be in business, in education and in the home--apart from all the games, you can do your accounts on them, use them to control your central heating, and in some places even do your shopping with them. Computers, they say, will also bring some leisure, as more and more unpleasant jobs are taken over by computerized robots.

The haters, on the other hand, argue that computers bring not leisure but unemployment. They worry; too, that people who spend all their time talking to computers will forget how to talk to each other. And anyway, they ask, what's wrong with going shopping and learning languages in classroom with real teachers? But their biggest fear is that computers may eventually take over human beings altogether.


A.Computers have become part of our daily lives.

B.Computers have advantages as well as disadvantages.

C.People have different attitudes to computers.

D.More and more families will own computers.

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