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—Hi, Wang Xin,nice to meet you!—Hi, Liu Hui,()

A.nice to meet you too.

B.how do you do?

C.I'm fine, thank you.

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更多“—Hi, Wang Xin,nice to meet you…”相关的问题
听力原文:A: Hi,Xiao Wang, and welcome back. How is the West Coast?B: Terrific. I had a won

听力原文:A: Hi,Xiao Wang, and welcome back. How is the West Coast?

B: Terrific. I had a wonderful time. It was really nice to get away from the city for a while.

A: What did you think of Los Angeles?

B: It was all fight. I liked it better than I thought I would. It's very clean and spacious, and it's got lots of trees. The problem is transportation. The bus service is terrible, and, of course, they don't have a subway, so it's little difficult to get around. We had to rent a ear.

A: And what did you see?

B: Oh, the usual thing. We took a drive around Hollywood and looked at the stars' home, and then we went to Universal Studios and Disneyland.

A: How did you like Disneyland?

B: It was great. We really enjoyed it. We took all the rides, some of them twice, and had lots of fun. I felt just like a kid again.

A: Was the weather good?

B: Oh, great. It was nice and warm in Los Angeles and cool but comfortable in San Francisco?

A: Cool in San Francisco? That's surprising.

B: Yeah, it surprised us a bit, too. We didn't take any sweaters or anything. But they say it's always like that in August. Anyway, I just loved it. It's probably the most beautiful town in the U. S. —all those hills, and the bay, and those charming old Victorian houses.

A: So, you liked it better than Los Angeles?

B: Oh, yes. There's much more to see and do. And because it's smaller than Los Angeles, it's a lot easier to get around. There are lots of buses and streetcars, and of course, the cable ears.

A: What did you like best?

B: Oh, I don't know. It's hard to say. I liked Golden Gate Park and Fishermen's Wharf. But I guess, most of all, I liked the cable car ride--that was the most fun.

Where did Xiao Wang come back?

A.Los Angeles.

B.San Francisco.

C.Universal Studios and Disneyland.

D.Both A and B.

Mark: Hi, Steven.Steven: Hi, Mark. The party is really nice, isn’t it?Mark: (). Lots of

A. It is real

B. It is certain

C. It sure is

D. It must be

Roger: Hi, Frank.Frank: Hi, Roger. The party is really nice, isn't it?Roger: ______. Lots
of food and drinks !

A.It is real

B.It sure is

C.It is certain

D.It must be

Roger: Hi, Frank.Frank: Hi, Roger. The party is really nice, isn't it? Roger: ______. Lots
of food and drinks!

A.It is real

B.It sure is

C.It is certain

D.It must be

A: Hi! Aren't we in the same English class? B: ______. A: Nice to meet you, Sue. I'm Georg

A.How are you doing.

B.Yes, we are. My name's Sue Deer.

C.Thank you very much.

D.It's so wonderful to meet you.

听力原文:W: Hi! Mark.Nice to see you again. How is everything?M: Great! I didn't expect to

听力原文:W: Hi! Mark. Nice to see you again. How is everything?

M: Great! I didn't expect to see you again. What a small world!

Q: What do we know about the speakers?


A.They are talking about the world.

B.They met some time ago.

C.They are discussing how small the world is.

D.They don't want to meet again.

听力原文:M: Hi, Nice to see you again !W: Hi! I haven't seen you for quite a long time. Wh

听力原文:M: Hi, Nice to see you again !

W: Hi! I haven't seen you for quite a long time. What are you doing these days?

M: I'm taking a country music course.

W: Oh, really? How interesting! What are you learning from the course?

M: A lot of things, you know, such as the history of country music, singing, and how to play a guitar.

W: That's great. Well, talking about country music reminds me of a famous singer, John Denver. Have you ever heard of him?

M: Sure. His song "Country reads take me home" is popular both in the USA and in China.

W: Yes, that's true. Did you hear the had news about him?

M: what was it?

W: He had an accident while flying his plane alone, and he was killed.

M: That's a big loss for country music.

Which of the following is not mentioned?

A.The teacher.

B.A pop star.

C.Playing the guitar.

听力原文:M: Hi, honey. Do you need any help with your luggage?W: No, thanks, dad. I just b

听力原文:M: Hi, honey. Do you need any help with your luggage?

W: No, thanks, dad. I just brought one carry-on in my backpack.

M: Great. I wish your mother would take some packing lessons from you. OK, let's go home.

W: Hm...It's cold here.

M: Yes, the weatherman says that it might snow tonight. What temperature was it when you took off from California this morning?

W: Sixty degrees and sunny.

M: Don't you people miss the seasons?

W: Not really. It's nice to go outside everyday. And always have nice sun- ny weather.

Where are the speakers?

A.At the airport.

B.At home.

C.In school.

听力原文:W: Hi,...Pete?M: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Morton.W: It's nice to meet you, too. So,

听力原文:W: Hi,...Pete?

M: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Morton.

W: It's nice to meet you, too. So, are you enjoying the party?

M: Yeah, it's great. This might be the last time I see some of these people for a long time so I've been pretty busy. I haven't had much time to sample the food.

W: I know what you mean. I can't believe that all you kids are finally graduating. Donna has grown up so fast! Do you have any plans after graduation?

M: Well, I've applied for a teaching job overseas. I guess I'll probably find out if I get the job or not next week.

W: You're more adventurous than Donna. She's going to take a job right here in town, at least for the summer. After that, who knows?

M: Well, you might be seeing me around here for a while longer, too. Oh,...wait a minute. I'm sorry. I think Dan is leaving the party. Excuse me, Mrs. Morton, I've got to talk to him before he goes.

W: Certainly. It was nice meeting you, Pete.

M: Same here.

W: Oh; and good luck with your job search.

M: Thanks. Thanks a lot.


A.In the office.

B.In the market place.

C.At a bus terminal.

D.At a graduation party.

听力原文:M Hi, Dean. I saw fire trucks outside your house this morning. You didn't have a
fire, did you?

M Yes, unfortunately I did. My lamp blew a fuse and it started a fire in the living room. The fire burned up my nice new curtains. I'm going to have to replace them.

M Oh, that's too bad. Was there any other damage?

M No, just the curtains. The sofa and television set in the living room weren't near the fire and my computer is in another room so it wasn't damaged. Things definitely could have been worse.

Who most likely are the speakers?



C.Business partners

D.Fire fighters

听力原文:Students sitting the National College Entrance Exam are likely to see cell phone

听力原文: Students sitting the National College Entrance Exam are likely to see cell phone signals blocked inside exam sites this year to prevent cheating.

While education authorities said they would use modern technology to tighten management of exam sites, the new regulation didn't bother the majority of local exam takers. The new regulation, which was issued by the Ministry of Education, suggested cities—especially those with a track record of cheating scandals—quip exam sites with cell phone signal shielding facilities. It means handsets won't work even if students have their phones on during the exam.

"The city will follow the Ministry of Education's instruction," said Wang Xin, a publicity official with the Shanghai Education Commission. "But exam site management details have yet to be worked out. Previously, students were only asked to switch off cell phones. However, people could switch their phones to vibration mode."

In June, 18 students in Guizhou Province were disqualified from the exam after they attempted to Seek help from teachers by sending exam questions via short message. A popular measure that exam organizers take is to install a microelectronic wave detector. An alarm sounds if a cell phone is found working in the classroom. Officials said it is impractical to simply ban handsets from exam rooms as students can hide them in many places or use other devices.


A.To increase the number of exam supervisors.

B.To ban handsets from exam rooms.

C.To equip exam sites with cell phone signal shielding facilities.

D.To impose severe punishment on cheating students.

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