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14 The farmers also want to use the water to irrigate the barren land.A emptyB hairlessC s

14 The farmers also want to use the water to irrigate the barren land.

A empty

B hairless

C smooth

D bare

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更多“14 The farmers also want to us…”相关的问题
The farmers also want to use the water to irrigate the (barren) land.A.emptyB.hairlessC.ba

The farmers also want to use the water to irrigate the (barren) land.





5:Farmers should not be blamed for the rise because______.A.they produce the vegetables an

5:Farmers should not be blamed for the rise because______.

A.they produce the vegetables and other things

B.they get only a small share in the profit

C.they work very hard

D.their cost of living has also risen

Farmers should not be blamed for the rise because______.A.they produce the vegetables and

Farmers should not be blamed for the rise because______.

A.they produce the vegetables and other things

B.they get only a small share in the profit

C.they work very hard

D.their cost of living has also risen

听力原文:Experts say some fanning activities are seriously damaging Earth's environment. B

听力原文: Experts say some fanning activities are seriously damaging Earth's environment. Bad farming methods can damage soil, forests and water supplies. They also have caused some plants and animals to disappear.

Two groups now say that bad farming methods are threatening the ability of farmers to produce enough food to feed the world population in the future.

The groups used satellite images, maps and modern equipment to study the effect of agriculture on the environment.

The study found that the destruction of soil is widespread, Important organic nutrients are being removed from farmland.

Agriculture uses 70 percent of the freshwater in the world each year. The study found that many farmers are wasting water supplies. In addition, chemicals designed to protect crops may pollute waterways.

The report also says as much as 30 percent of the world's forests have been cut down so the land could be used for agriculture. This has led to a severe loss of wildlife and their environments.



B.Human population.



听力原文:Not only farmers but also scientists have studied weather forecasting. People for

听力原文: Not only farmers but also scientists have studied weather forecasting. People for many centuries and in all countries have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecast. Sometimes distant objects such as hills and tall trees seem to be very clear and near. This is a sign of much water in the air, and therefore rain will probably come. When distant sounds, such as noise from a train, birds singing, people shouting, are very clearly heard, then wet and stormy weather is on the way. (30)Some birds, particularly swallows, fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly very near the ground if rainy weather or a storm is on the way. This is because probably the insects, which they are hunting, then fly low. (31)If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will clear up and become fine. Such rainbows always come in the evening. If the stars twinkle-clearly at night, then fair weather will continue. If a mist appears in the early morning, just about sunrise, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in color, then the following day will be fine. When big clouds disappear at sunset, then the weather will follow on the next day. (32)If a rainbow appears in the morning, then rainy weather will probably come. Most of the above sayings have been made up by people who have used their eyes and their brains to forecast the weather.


A.Because both farmers and scientists try to make weather forecast.

B.Because people in all countries make weather forecast.

C.Because it is easy to make weather forecast.

D.Because he wants to make it clear how important to make weather forecast.

回答题Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?When people argue about whether coffee is good for health


Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?

When people argue about whether coffee is good for health, they"re usually thinking of the health of the coffee drinker. Is it food for your heart? Does it increase blood pressure? Does it help you concentrate? However, coffee affects the health of the human population in other ways, too.Traditionally, coffee bushes were planted under the canopy(树冠)of taller indigenous(土生土长的)trees. However, more and more farmers in Latin America are deforesting the land to grow full-sun coffees. At first, this increases production because more coffee bushes can be planted if there aren"t any trees. With increased production come increased profits.

Unfortunately, deforesting for coffee production immediately decreases local wildlife habitat. Native birds nest and hide from predators(捕食者)in the tall trees and migrating birds rest there.

Furthermore, in the long term, the full-sun method also damages the ecosystem because more chemical fertilizers and pesticides are needed to grow the coffee. The fertilizers and pesticides kill insects that eat coffee plant, but then the birds eat the poisoned insects and also die. The chemicals kill or sicken other animals as well, and can even enter the water that people will eventually drink.

Fortunately, farmers in Central and South America are beginning to grow more coffee bushes in the shade. We can support these farmers by buying coffee with such labels as "shade grown" and "bird friendly." Sure, these varieties might cost a little more. But we"re paying for the health of the birds, the land, ourselves, and the planet. I think it"s worth it.

What is the main idea of this passage? 查看材料

A.Farmers are changing the way they grow coffee.

B.Coffee is becoming more expensive to produce.

C.Shade-grow coffee is more expensive than sun-grow coffee

D.People should buy shade-grown coffee.

听力原文:The British government says it will decide within two days if it will start an an

听力原文: The British government says it will decide within two days if it will start an animal treatment program to halt the spread of foot-and-mouth disease. Britain's National Farmers' Union has requested a quick decision. On Wednesday animal experts in the European Union gave Britain the choice to start a treatment program. 180,000 farm animals in the Cumbria and Devon areas would receive the treatment. Also in Moscow E. U. officials have protested Russia's ban on European meat imports. They say the 3-week ban is too strong because of measures the E. U. has now taken to control the disease.

Q: How long is the Russia's ban on European meat imports?


A.2 weeks.

B.4 weeks.

C.3 weeks.

根据下面短文内容,回答题。 Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?When people argue about whether cof


Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?

When people argue about whether coffee is good for health, they&39;re usually thinking of the health of the coffee drinker. Is it food for your heart? Does it increase blood pressure? Does it help you concentrate? However, coffee affects the health of the human population in other ways, too.

Traditionally, coffee bushes were planted under the canopy (树冠) of taller indigenous (土生土长的 ) trees. However, more and more farmers in Latin America are deforesting the land to grow full-sun coffees. At first, this increases production because more coffee bushes can be planted if there aren&39;t any trees. With increased production come increased profits.

Unfortunately, deforesting for coffee production immediately decreases local-wildlife habitat.Native birds nest and hide from predators (捕食者 ) in the tall trees and migrating birds rest there.

Furthermore, in the long term, the full-sun method also damages the ecosystem because more chemical fertilizers and pesticides are needed to grow the coffee. The fertilizers and pesticides kill insects that eat coffee plant, but then the birds eat the poisoned insects and also die. The chemicals kill or sicken other animals as well, and can even enter the water that people will eventually drink.

Fortunately, farmers in Central and South America are beginning to grow more coffee bushes in the shade. We can support these farmers by buying coffee with such labels as "shade grown" and"bird friendly."Sure, these varieties might cost a little more. But we&39;re paying for the health of the birds, the land, ourselves, and the planet. I think it&39;s worth it.

What is the main idea of this passage? 查看材料

A.Farmers are changing the way they grow coffee

B.Coffee is becoming more expensive to produce

C.Shade-grow coffee is more expensive than sun-grow coffee

D.People should buy shade-grown coffee

A year ago, this lush coastal field near Rome was filled with orderly rows of delicate dur
um wheat, used to make high quality Italian pasta. Today it overflows with rapeseed, a tall, gnarled weedlike plant bursting with coarse yellow flowers that has become a new manna for European farmers: rapeseed can be turned into biofuel.

Lured by generous new subsidies to develop alternative energy sources - and a measure of concern about the future of the planet - European farmers are plunging into growing crops that can be turned into fuels meant to produce fewer emissions than gas or oil when burned. They are chasing after their counterparts in the Americas who have been cropping for biofuel for more than five years.

"This is a much-needed boost to our economy, our farms," said Marcello Pini, a farmer, standing in front of the sea of waving yellow flowers he planted for the first time this year. "Of course we hope it helps the environment, too."

In March, the European Commission, disappointed by the slow growth of thebiofuels industry in Europe, approved a directive that included a "binding target" requiring member states to use 10 percent biofuel for transport by 2020 - the most ambitious and specific goal in the world.

Most EU states are currently far from achieving the target, and are introducing new incentives and subsidies to boost production.

As a result, bioenergy crops have now replaced food as the most profitable crop in a number European countries. In this part of Italy, for example, the government guarantees the purchase of biofuel crops at €22 per 100 kilograms, or $13.42 per 100 pounds - nearly twice the €11-to-€12 rate per 100 kilograms of wheat on the open market last year. Better still, European farmers are allowed to plant biofuel crops on "set-aside" fields, land that EU agriculture policy would otherwise require them to leave fallow to prevent an oversupply of food.

But an expert panel convened by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization this month pointed out that the biofuels boom produces both benefits as well as tradeoff and risks - including higher and wildly fluctuating global food prices. In some markets grain prices have nearly doubled because farmers are planting for biofuels,

"At a time when agricultural prices are low, in comes biofuel and improves the lot of farmers and injects life into rural areas," said Gustavo Best, an expert at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome. "But as the scale grows and the demand for biofuel crops seems to be infinite, we&39;re seeing some negative effects and we need to hold up a yellow light."

Josette Sheeran, the new head of the UN World Food program, which fed nearly 90 million people in 2006, said that biofuels created new dilemmas for her agency. "An increase in grain prices impacts us because we are a major procurer of grain for food. So biofuels are both a challenge and an opportunity." In Europe, the rapid conversion of fields that once grew wheat or barley to biofuel oils like rapeseed is already leading to shortages of ingredients for making pasta and brewing beer, suppliers say. That could translate into higher prices in supermarkets.

"New and increasing demand for bioenergy production has put high pressure on the whole world grain market," said Claudia Conti, a spokeswoman for Barilla, one of the largest Italian pasta makers. "Not only German beer producers, but Mexican tortilla makers have see the cost of their main raw material growing quickly to quickly to historical highs."

For some experts, more worrisome is the potential impact to low-income consumers from the displacement of food crops by bioenergy plantings. In the developing world, the shift from growing food to growing more lucrative biofuel crops destined for richer countries could create serious hunger and damage the environment in places where wild land is converted to biofuel cultivation, the FAO expert panel concluded.

But officials at the European Commission say they are pursuing a measured course that will prevent the worst price and supply problems that have plagued American markets.

"We see in the United States farmers going crazy growing corn for biofuels, but also producing shortages of food and feed," said Michael Mann, a commission spokesman. "So we see biofuel as a good opportunity - but it shouldn&39;t be the be-all and end-all for agriculture."

In a recent speech, Mariann Fischer Boel, the EU agriculture and rural development commissioner, said that the 10 percent EU target was "not a shot in the dark," but rather carefully chosen to encourage a level of biofuel industry growth that would not produce undue hardship for the Continent&39;s poor. Over the next 14 years, she calculated, it would push up would raw material prices for cereal by 3 percent to 6 percent by 2020, while prices for oilseed may rise between 5 percent and 18 percent. But food prices on the shelves would barely change, she said.

请根据短文内容,回答题。 Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?When people argue about whether coffee


Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?

When people argue about whether coffee is good for health, they&39;re usually thinking of the health of the coffee drinker. Is it good for your heart? Does it increase blood pressure? Does it help you concentrate? However, coffee affects the health of the human population in other ways, too.<br>

Traditionally, coffee bushes were planted under the canopy (树冠) of taller indigenous (土生土长的) trees. However, more and more farmers in Latin America are deforesting the land to grow full-sun coffees. At first, this increases production because more coffee bushes can be planted if there aren&39;t any trees. With increased production come increased profits.<br>

Unfortunately, deforesting for coffee production immediately decreases local wildlife habitat.<br>

Native birds nest and hide from predators (捕食者) in the tall trees and migrating birds rest there.<br>

Furthermore, in the long term, the full-sun method also damages the ecosystem because more chemical fertilizers and pesticides are needed to grow the coffee. The fertilizers and pesticides kill insects that eat coffee plant, but then the birds eat the poisoned insects and also die. The chemicals kill or sicken other animals as well, and can even enter the water that people will eventually drink.<br>

Fortunately, farmers in Central and South America are beginning to grow more coffee bushes in the shade. We can support these farmers by buying coffee with such labels as "shade grown" and "bird friendly". Sure, these varieties might cost a little more. But we&39;re paying for the health of the birds, the land, ourselves, and the planet. I think it&39;s worth it.

What is the main idea of this passage? 查看材料

A.Farmers are changing the way they grow coffee

B.Coffee is becoming more expensive to produce

C.Shade-grow coffee is more expensive than sun-grow coffee

D.People should buy shade-grown coffee

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